path: root/video_engine/test
diff options
mode: <>2014-10-14 10:38:49 +0000 <>2014-10-14 10:38:49 +0000
commit6368255205b7849b9ead613754cb5c31c8b0294b (patch)
treed7953c2254e93c8f4dcff82e9a3e44cb4db27350 /video_engine/test
parent406719cfcb5d97456967af66add94ce9290c1988 (diff)
Add a packet loss full stack test to the new API.
Remove all full stack tests for the old API. BUG=3750 Review URL: git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
Diffstat (limited to 'video_engine/test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/video_engine/test/auto_test/automated/ b/video_engine/test/auto_test/automated/
index 66628e9e..16539594 100644
--- a/video_engine/test/auto_test/automated/
+++ b/video_engine/test/auto_test/automated/
@@ -115,105 +115,6 @@ class ViEVideoVerificationTest : public testing::Test {
-class ParameterizedFullStackTest : public ViEVideoVerificationTest,
- public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {
- public:
- static const int kNumFullStackInstances = 4;
- protected:
- struct TestParameters {
- NetworkParameters network;
- std::string file_name;
- int width;
- int height;
- int bitrate;
- double avg_psnr_threshold;
- double avg_ssim_threshold;
- ProtectionMethod protection_method;
- std::string test_label;
- };
- void SetUp() {
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumFullStackInstances; ++i) {
- parameter_table_[i].file_name = webrtc::test::ResourcePath("foreman_cif",
- "yuv");
- parameter_table_[i].width = 352;
- parameter_table_[i].height = 288;
- }
- int i = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].protection_method = kNack;
- // Uniform loss => Setting burst length to -1.
- parameter_table_[i].network.loss_model = kUniformLoss;
- parameter_table_[i].network.packet_loss_rate = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].network.burst_length = -1;
- parameter_table_[i].network.mean_one_way_delay = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].network.std_dev_one_way_delay = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].bitrate = 300;
- // TODO(holmer): Enable for Win and Mac when the file rendering has been
- // moved to a separate thread.
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 35;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.96;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.0;
- parameter_table_[i].test_label = "net_delay_0_0_plr_0";
- ++i;
- parameter_table_[i].protection_method = kNack;
- parameter_table_[i].network.loss_model = kUniformLoss;
- parameter_table_[i].network.packet_loss_rate = 5;
- parameter_table_[i].network.burst_length = -1;
- parameter_table_[i].network.mean_one_way_delay = 50;
- parameter_table_[i].network.std_dev_one_way_delay = 5;
- parameter_table_[i].bitrate = 300;
- // TODO(holmer): Enable for Win and Mac when the file rendering has been
- // moved to a separate thread.
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 35;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.96;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.0;
- parameter_table_[i].test_label = "net_delay_50_5_plr_5";
- ++i;
- parameter_table_[i].protection_method = kNack;
- parameter_table_[i].network.loss_model = kUniformLoss;
- parameter_table_[i].network.packet_loss_rate = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].network.burst_length = -1;
- parameter_table_[i].network.mean_one_way_delay = 100;
- parameter_table_[i].network.std_dev_one_way_delay = 10;
- parameter_table_[i].bitrate = 300;
- // TODO(holmer): Enable for Win and Mac when the file rendering has been
- // moved to a separate thread.
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 35;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.96;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.0;
- parameter_table_[i].test_label = "net_delay_100_10_plr_0";
- ++i;
- parameter_table_[i].protection_method = kNack;
- parameter_table_[i].network.loss_model = kGilbertElliotLoss;
- parameter_table_[i].network.packet_loss_rate = 5;
- parameter_table_[i].network.burst_length = 3;
- parameter_table_[i].network.mean_one_way_delay = 100;
- parameter_table_[i].network.std_dev_one_way_delay = 10;
- parameter_table_[i].bitrate = 300;
- // Thresholds disabled for now. This is being run mainly to get a graph.
- parameter_table_[i].avg_psnr_threshold = 0;
- parameter_table_[i].avg_ssim_threshold = 0.0;
- parameter_table_[i].test_label = "net_delay_100_10_plr_5_gilbert_elliot";
- ASSERT_EQ(kNumFullStackInstances - 1, i);
- }
- TestParameters parameter_table_[kNumFullStackInstances];
TEST_F(ViEVideoVerificationTest, RunsBaseStandardTestWithoutErrors) {
// I420 is lossless, so the I420 test should obviously get perfect results -
// the local preview and remote output files should be bit-exact. This test
@@ -251,99 +152,4 @@ TEST_F(ViEVideoVerificationTest, RunsBaseStandardTestWithoutErrors) {
kNumAttempts << " attempts.";
-// Runs a whole stack processing with tracking of which frames are dropped
-// in the encoder. Tests show that they start at the same frame, which is
-// the important thing when doing frame-to-frame comparison with PSNR/SSIM.
-TEST_P(ParameterizedFullStackTest, RunsFullStackWithoutErrors) {
- // Using CIF here since it's a more common resolution than QCIF, and higher
- // resolutions shouldn't be a problem for a test using VP8.
- input_file_ = parameter_table_[GetParam()].file_name;
- FrameDropDetector detector;
- local_file_renderer_ = new ViEToFileRenderer();
- remote_file_renderer_ = new FrameDropMonitoringRemoteFileRenderer(&detector);
- SetUpLocalFileRenderer(local_file_renderer_);
- SetUpRemoteFileRenderer(remote_file_renderer_);
- // Set a low bit rate so the encoder budget will be tight, causing it to drop
- // frames every now and then.
- const int kBitRateKbps = parameter_table_[GetParam()].bitrate;
- const NetworkParameters network = parameter_table_[GetParam()].network;
- int width = parameter_table_[GetParam()].width;
- int height = parameter_table_[GetParam()].height;
- ProtectionMethod protection_method =
- parameter_table_[GetParam()].protection_method;
- ViETest::Log("Bit rate : %5d kbps", kBitRateKbps);
- ViETest::Log("Packet loss : %5d %%", network.packet_loss_rate);
- ViETest::Log("Network delay: mean=%dms std dev=%d ms",
- network.mean_one_way_delay, network.std_dev_one_way_delay);
- tests_.TestFullStack(input_file_, width, height, kBitRateKbps,
- protection_method, network, local_file_renderer_,
- remote_file_renderer_, &detector);
- const std::string reference_file = local_file_renderer_->GetFullOutputPath();
- const std::string output_file = remote_file_renderer_->GetFullOutputPath();
- StopRenderers();
- detector.CalculateResults();
- detector.PrintReport(parameter_table_[GetParam()].test_label);
- if (detector.GetNumberOfFramesDroppedAt(FrameDropDetector::kRendered) >
- detector.GetNumberOfFramesDroppedAt(FrameDropDetector::kDecoded)) {
- detector.PrintDebugDump();
- }
- ASSERT_GE(detector.GetNumberOfFramesDroppedAt(FrameDropDetector::kRendered),
- detector.GetNumberOfFramesDroppedAt(FrameDropDetector::kDecoded))
- << "The number of dropped frames on the decode and render steps are not "
- "equal. This may be because we have a major problem in the buffers of "
- "the ViEToFileRenderer?";
- // We may have dropped frames during the processing, which means the output
- // file does not contain all the frames that are present in the input file.
- // To make the quality measurement correct, we must adjust the output file to
- // that by copying the last successful frame into the place where the dropped
- // frame would be, for all dropped frames.
- const int frame_length_in_bytes = 3 * width * height / 2;
- ViETest::Log("Frame length: %d bytes", frame_length_in_bytes);
- std::vector<Frame*> all_frames = detector.GetAllFrames();
- FixOutputFileForComparison(output_file, frame_length_in_bytes, all_frames);
- // Verify all sent frames are present in the output file.
- size_t output_file_size = webrtc::test::GetFileSize(output_file);
- EXPECT_EQ(all_frames.size(), output_file_size / frame_length_in_bytes)
- << "The output file size is incorrect. It should be equal to the number "
- "of frames multiplied by the frame size. This will likely affect "
- "PSNR/SSIM calculations in a bad way.";
- TearDownFileRenderers();
- // We are running on a lower bitrate here so we need to settle for somewhat
- // lower PSNR and SSIM values.
- double actual_psnr = 0;
- double actual_ssim = 0;
- CompareFiles(reference_file, output_file, &actual_psnr, &actual_ssim);
- const double kExpectedMinimumPSNR =
- parameter_table_[GetParam()].avg_psnr_threshold;
- const double kExpectedMinimumSSIM =
- parameter_table_[GetParam()].avg_ssim_threshold;
- EXPECT_GE(actual_psnr, kExpectedMinimumPSNR);
- EXPECT_GE(actual_ssim, kExpectedMinimumSSIM);
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed << actual_psnr;
- webrtc::test::PrintResult(
- "psnr", "", parameter_table_[GetParam()].test_label,
- ss.str(), "dB", false);
- ss.str("");
- ss << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed << actual_ssim;
- webrtc::test::PrintResult(
- "ssim", "", parameter_table_[GetParam()].test_label,
- ss.str(), "", false);
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FullStackTests, ParameterizedFullStackTest,
- ::testing::Range(0, ParameterizedFullStackTest::kNumFullStackInstances));
} // namespace