path: root/video_engine/
diff options
authorAndroid Chromium Automerger <chromium-automerger@android>2014-05-29 06:57:40 +0000
committerAndroid Chromium Automerger <chromium-automerger@android>2014-05-29 06:57:40 +0000
commitbf2bd58de66f8063ea4158d8f0fa4395f6b170a1 (patch)
treed2028e3cb7a099b511aabab3022004cd03989566 /video_engine/
parent52dfe97e8b722572766b284b5dc019f6c9b4e874 (diff)
parentff6b4a8eddca609ad2691b54f443b6f1e9342579 (diff)
Merge third_party/webrtc from at ff6b4a8eddca609ad2691b54f443b6f1e9342579
This commit was generated by Change-Id: I3dceea02410ec9709a6dc1ffab5962cba1821b63
Diffstat (limited to 'video_engine/')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/video_engine/ b/video_engine/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edaf13b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video_engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+// This file includes unit tests for ViECapturer.
+#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_capturer.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "webrtc/common.h"
+#include "webrtc/common_video/interface/native_handle.h"
+#include "webrtc/common_video/interface/texture_video_frame.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/utility/interface/mock/mock_process_thread.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_capture/include/mock/mock_video_capture.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/event_wrapper.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/ref_count.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_vector.h"
+#include "webrtc/video_engine/mock/mock_vie_frame_provider_base.h"
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::Invoke;
+using ::testing::NiceMock;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::WithArg;
+// If an output frame does not arrive in 500ms, the test will fail.
+#define FRAME_TIMEOUT_MS 500
+namespace webrtc {
+bool EqualFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1,
+ const I420VideoFrame& frame2);
+bool EqualTextureFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1,
+ const I420VideoFrame& frame2);
+bool EqualBufferFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1,
+ const I420VideoFrame& frame2);
+bool EqualFramesVector(const ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame>& frames1,
+ const ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame>& frames2);
+I420VideoFrame* CreateI420VideoFrame(uint8_t length);
+class FakeNativeHandle : public NativeHandle {
+ public:
+ FakeNativeHandle() {}
+ virtual ~FakeNativeHandle() {}
+ virtual void* GetHandle() { return NULL; }
+class ViECapturerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ ViECapturerTest()
+ : mock_capture_module_(new NiceMock<MockVideoCaptureModule>()),
+ mock_process_thread_(new NiceMock<MockProcessThread>),
+ mock_frame_callback_(new NiceMock<MockViEFrameCallback>),
+ data_callback_(NULL),
+ output_frame_event_(EventWrapper::Create()) {
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_capture_module_, RegisterCaptureDataCallback(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this, &ViECapturerTest::SetCaptureDataCallback));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_frame_callback_, DeliverFrame(_, _, _, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(
+ WithArg<1>(Invoke(this, &ViECapturerTest::AddOutputFrame)));
+ Config config;
+ vie_capturer_.reset(
+ ViECapturer::CreateViECapture(
+ 0, 0, config, mock_capture_module_.get(), *mock_process_thread_));
+ vie_capturer_->RegisterFrameCallback(0, mock_frame_callback_.get());
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ // ViECapturer accesses |mock_process_thread_| in destructor and should
+ // be deleted first.
+ vie_capturer_.reset();
+ }
+ void SetCaptureDataCallback(VideoCaptureDataCallback& data_callback) {
+ data_callback_ = &data_callback;
+ }
+ void AddInputFrame(I420VideoFrame* frame) {
+ data_callback_->OnIncomingCapturedFrame(0, *frame);
+ }
+ void AddOutputFrame(I420VideoFrame* frame) {
+ if (frame->native_handle() == NULL)
+ output_frame_ybuffers_.push_back(frame->buffer(kYPlane));
+ // Clone the frames because ViECapturer owns the frames.
+ output_frames_.push_back(frame->CloneFrame());
+ output_frame_event_->Set();
+ }
+ void WaitOutputFrame() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, output_frame_event_->Wait(FRAME_TIMEOUT_MS));
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<MockVideoCaptureModule> mock_capture_module_;
+ scoped_ptr<MockProcessThread> mock_process_thread_;
+ scoped_ptr<MockViEFrameCallback> mock_frame_callback_;
+ // Used to send input capture frames to ViECapturer.
+ VideoCaptureDataCallback* data_callback_;
+ scoped_ptr<ViECapturer> vie_capturer_;
+ // Input capture frames of ViECapturer.
+ ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame> input_frames_;
+ // Indicate an output frame has arrived.
+ scoped_ptr<EventWrapper> output_frame_event_;
+ // Output delivered frames of ViECaptuer.
+ ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame> output_frames_;
+ // The pointers of Y plane buffers of output frames. This is used to verify
+ // the frame are swapped and not copied.
+ std::vector<uint8_t*> output_frame_ybuffers_;
+TEST_F(ViECapturerTest, TestTextureFrames) {
+ const int kNumFrame = 3;
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < kNumFrame; ++i) {
+ webrtc::RefCountImpl<FakeNativeHandle>* handle =
+ new webrtc::RefCountImpl<FakeNativeHandle>();
+ input_frames_.push_back(new TextureVideoFrame(handle, i, i, i, i));
+ AddInputFrame(input_frames_[i]);
+ WaitOutputFrame();
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFramesVector(input_frames_, output_frames_));
+TEST_F(ViECapturerTest, TestI420Frames) {
+ const int kNumFrame = 4;
+ ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame> copied_input_frames;
+ std::vector<uint8_t*> ybuffer_pointers;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumFrame; ++i) {
+ input_frames_.push_back(CreateI420VideoFrame(static_cast<uint8_t>(i + 1)));
+ ybuffer_pointers.push_back(input_frames_[i]->buffer(kYPlane));
+ // Copy input frames because the buffer data will be swapped.
+ copied_input_frames.push_back(input_frames_[i]->CloneFrame());
+ AddInputFrame(input_frames_[i]);
+ WaitOutputFrame();
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFramesVector(copied_input_frames, output_frames_));
+ // Make sure the buffer is swapped and not copied.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumFrame; ++i)
+ EXPECT_EQ(ybuffer_pointers[i], output_frame_ybuffers_[i]);
+ // The pipeline should be filled with frames with allocated buffers. Check
+ // the last input frame has the same allocated size after swapping.
+ EXPECT_EQ(input_frames_.back()->allocated_size(kYPlane),
+ copied_input_frames.back()->allocated_size(kYPlane));
+TEST_F(ViECapturerTest, TestI420FrameAfterTextureFrame) {
+ webrtc::RefCountImpl<FakeNativeHandle>* handle =
+ new webrtc::RefCountImpl<FakeNativeHandle>();
+ input_frames_.push_back(new TextureVideoFrame(handle, 1, 1, 1, 1));
+ AddInputFrame(input_frames_[0]);
+ WaitOutputFrame();
+ input_frames_.push_back(CreateI420VideoFrame(1));
+ scoped_ptr<I420VideoFrame> copied_input_frame(input_frames_[1]->CloneFrame());
+ AddInputFrame(copied_input_frame.get());
+ WaitOutputFrame();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFramesVector(input_frames_, output_frames_));
+TEST_F(ViECapturerTest, TestTextureFrameAfterI420Frame) {
+ input_frames_.push_back(CreateI420VideoFrame(1));
+ scoped_ptr<I420VideoFrame> copied_input_frame(input_frames_[0]->CloneFrame());
+ AddInputFrame(copied_input_frame.get());
+ WaitOutputFrame();
+ webrtc::RefCountImpl<FakeNativeHandle>* handle =
+ new webrtc::RefCountImpl<FakeNativeHandle>();
+ input_frames_.push_back(new TextureVideoFrame(handle, 1, 1, 1, 1));
+ AddInputFrame(input_frames_[1]);
+ WaitOutputFrame();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFramesVector(input_frames_, output_frames_));
+bool EqualFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1,
+ const I420VideoFrame& frame2) {
+ if (frame1.native_handle() != NULL || frame2.native_handle() != NULL)
+ return EqualTextureFrames(frame1, frame2);
+ return EqualBufferFrames(frame1, frame2);
+bool EqualTextureFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1,
+ const I420VideoFrame& frame2) {
+ return ((frame1.native_handle() == frame2.native_handle()) &&
+ (frame1.width() == frame2.width()) &&
+ (frame1.height() == frame2.height()) &&
+ (frame1.timestamp() == frame2.timestamp()) &&
+ (frame1.render_time_ms() == frame2.render_time_ms()));
+bool EqualBufferFrames(const I420VideoFrame& frame1,
+ const I420VideoFrame& frame2) {
+ return ((frame1.width() == frame2.width()) &&
+ (frame1.height() == frame2.height()) &&
+ (frame1.stride(kYPlane) == frame2.stride(kYPlane)) &&
+ (frame1.stride(kUPlane) == frame2.stride(kUPlane)) &&
+ (frame1.stride(kVPlane) == frame2.stride(kVPlane)) &&
+ (frame1.timestamp() == frame2.timestamp()) &&
+ (frame1.ntp_time_ms() == frame2.ntp_time_ms()) &&
+ (frame1.render_time_ms() == frame2.render_time_ms()) &&
+ (frame1.allocated_size(kYPlane) == frame2.allocated_size(kYPlane)) &&
+ (frame1.allocated_size(kUPlane) == frame2.allocated_size(kUPlane)) &&
+ (frame1.allocated_size(kVPlane) == frame2.allocated_size(kVPlane)) &&
+ (memcmp(frame1.buffer(kYPlane), frame2.buffer(kYPlane),
+ frame1.allocated_size(kYPlane)) == 0) &&
+ (memcmp(frame1.buffer(kUPlane), frame2.buffer(kUPlane),
+ frame1.allocated_size(kUPlane)) == 0) &&
+ (memcmp(frame1.buffer(kVPlane), frame2.buffer(kVPlane),
+ frame1.allocated_size(kVPlane)) == 0));
+bool EqualFramesVector(const ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame>& frames1,
+ const ScopedVector<I420VideoFrame>& frames2) {
+ if (frames1.size() != frames2.size())
+ return false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < frames1.size(); ++i) {
+ if (!EqualFrames(*frames1[i], *frames2[i]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+I420VideoFrame* CreateI420VideoFrame(uint8_t data) {
+ I420VideoFrame* frame = new I420VideoFrame();
+ const int width = 36;
+ const int height = 24;
+ const int kSizeY = width * height * 2;
+ const int kSizeUV = width * height;
+ uint8_t buffer[kSizeY];
+ memset(buffer, data, kSizeY);
+ frame->CreateFrame(
+ kSizeY, buffer, kSizeUV, buffer, kSizeUV, buffer, width, height, width,
+ width / 2, width / 2);
+ frame->set_timestamp(data);
+ frame->set_ntp_time_ms(data);
+ frame->set_render_time_ms(data);
+ return frame;
+} // namespace webrtc