path: root/modules/arch/x86/tests/genopcode.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/arch/x86/tests/genopcode.asm')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/arch/x86/tests/genopcode.asm b/modules/arch/x86/tests/genopcode.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..357c010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/arch/x86/tests/genopcode.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+[bits 16]
+mov al, 0
+mov byte al, 0
+mov al, byte 0
+mov byte al, byte 0
+;mov al, word 0
+mov byte [0], 0
+mov [0], word 0
+mov dword [0], dword 0
+;mov [0], 0
+mov eax, 0
+mov dword eax, 0
+mov eax, dword 0
+;mov eax, word 0
+mov dword eax, dword 0
+mov bx, 1h
+mov cr0, eax
+mov cr2, ebx
+mov cr4, edx
+mov ecx, cr4
+mov dr3, edx
+mov eax, dr7
+mov [0], al
+mov [0], bl
+mov [1], al
+mov [1], bl
+mov ecx, edx
+movsx ax, [ecx]
+;movzx eax, [edx]
+movzx ebx, word [eax]
+movzx ecx, byte [ebx]
+fnstenv [es:ecx+5]
+push cs
+push word cs
+push dword cs ; NASM unsupported
+push ds
+push es
+push fs
+push gs
+pop ds
+pop es
+pop fs
+pop gs
+xchg al, bl
+xchg al, [0]
+xchg [0], al
+xchg ax, bx
+xchg cx, ax
+xchg [0], ax
+xchg [0], cx
+xchg cx, [0]
+xchg eax, edx
+xchg ebx, eax
+xchg ecx, ebx
+xchg [0], ecx
+xchg eax, [0]
+in al, 55
+in ax, 99
+in eax, 100
+in al, dx
+in ax, dx
+in eax, dx
+out 55, al
+out 66, ax
+out 77, eax
+out dx, al
+out dx, ax
+out dx, eax
+lea bx, [5]
+lea ebx, [32]
+lds si, [0]
+lds ax, [1]
+;lds ax, dword [1]
+les di, [5]
+lds eax, [7]
+les ebx, [9]
+lss esp, [11]
+lfs ecx, [13]
+lgs edx, [15]
+;; TODO: add arith stuff
+imul eax, 4
+aad 5
+aam 10
+shl al, 5
+shl bl, 1
+shl cl, cl
+shr ax, 5
+shr bx, 1
+shr cx, cl
+shld ax, bx, 5
+shrd cx, dx, cl
+shld ecx, edx, 10
+shld eax, ebx, cl
+retn 8
+retf 16
+enter 10, 12
+setc al
+setc [0]
+;; TODO: add bit manip
+int 10
+;; TODO: add bound
+;; TODO: add protection control
+fld dword [0]
+fld qword [4]
+fld tword [16]
+fld st2
+fstp dword [0]
+fstp st4
+fild word [0]
+fild dword [4]
+fild qword [8]
+fbld [100]
+fbld tword [10]
+fst dword [1]
+fst qword [8]
+fst st1
+fxch st1
+fxch st0, st2
+fxch st2, st0
+fcom dword [0]
+fcom qword [8]
+fcom st1
+fcom st0, st0
+fucom st7
+fucomp st0, st5
+fadd dword [10]
+fadd qword [5]
+fadd st0
+fadd st0, st5
+fadd to st7
+fadd st6, st0
+faddp ;NASM unsupported
+faddp st2
+faddp st5, st0
+fiadd word [10]
+fisub dword [4]
+fldcw [0]
+fnstcw [4]
+fstcw word [4]
+fnstsw [8]
+fnstsw ax
+fstsw word [0]
+fstsw ax
+ffree st1
+ffreep st0 ;NASM unsupported
+jc short label
+jc label
+jz label
+jz near label
+loop label
+jcxz label
+jecxz label
+call label
+call [label]
+call dword [label]
+;jmp label
+jmp short label
+jmp near label
+jmp far [label]
+jmp far dword [label]
+call far word [label]
+loop short label
+jcxz short label
+jecxz short label
+[bits 16]
+push si
+push esi
+[bits 32]
+push esi