path: root/.github/workflows/release.yml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-01Update Dagger's GitHub Actions to move the remaining emulator test to run in ...Brad Corso
2023-11-29Update release script to include changes to `artifact-android-local-tests`.Brad Corso
2023-11-29Upgrade Dagger's dependencies of kotlin to `1.9.20` and ksp to `1.9.20-1.0.14`.Brad Corso
2023-11-03Fix FileNotFoundException in AGP 8.3Kuan-Ying Chou
2023-08-23UPDATE Bazel version to 6.3.2Brad Corso
2023-08-02Upgrade Kotlin, KSP, Bazel, and XProcessing jars.Brad Corso
2023-03-06Downgrade Maven to 3.8.7 to fix NPE on Github Actions.Brad Corso
2022-12-09Upgrade to Bazel 5.3.2.Eric Chang
2022-11-11Fix GitHub Actions deprecation warnings.Brad Corso
2022-07-18Updates to ViewModel support to use the new CreationExtras.Eric Chang
2022-07-11Update CI to build Dagger with java 11.Brad Corso
2022-02-04Move testing of the Hilt Gradle plugin into its own Github Actions job.Brad Corso
2021-12-01Refactor more steps into composite actions to share between workflows.Brad Corso
2021-11-30Refactor bazel-build and bazel-test into composite actions to share between w...Brad Corso
2021-11-24Fix issue with Dagger release workflow publishing tagged docs.Brad Corso
2021-11-19Add GitHub Actions workflow for pushing Dagger releases.Brad Corso