path: root/source/dng_date_time.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/dng_date_time.h')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/source/dng_date_time.h b/source/dng_date_time.h
index 6f9f0ba..846c5c9 100644
--- a/source/dng_date_time.h
+++ b/source/dng_date_time.h
@@ -1,385 +1,385 @@
-// Copyright 2006-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
-// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
-/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_date_time.h#1 $ */
-/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
-/* $Change: 832332 $ */
-/* $Author: tknoll $ */
-/** \file
- * Functions and classes for working with dates and times in DNG files.
- */
-#ifndef __dng_date_time__
-#define __dng_date_time__
-#include "dng_classes.h"
-#include "dng_string.h"
-#include "dng_types.h"
-/// \brief Class for holding a date/time and converting to and from relevant
-/// date/time formats
-class dng_date_time
- {
- public:
- uint32 fYear;
- uint32 fMonth;
- uint32 fDay;
- uint32 fHour;
- uint32 fMinute;
- uint32 fSecond;
- public:
- /// Construct an invalid date/time
- dng_date_time ();
- /// Construct a date/time with specific values.
- /// \param year Year to use as actual integer value, such as 2006.
- /// \param month Month to use from 1 - 12, where 1 is January.
- /// \param day Day of month to use from 1 -31, where 1 is the first.
- /// \param hour Hour of day to use from 0 - 23, where 0 is midnight.
- /// \param minute Minute of hour to use from 0 - 59.
- /// \param second Second of minute to use from 0 - 59.
- dng_date_time (uint32 year,
- uint32 month,
- uint32 day,
- uint32 hour,
- uint32 minute,
- uint32 second);
- /// Predicate to determine if a date is valid.
- /// \retval true if all fields are within range.
- bool IsValid () const;
- /// Predicate to determine if a date is invalid.
- /// \retval true if any field is out of range.
- bool NotValid () const
- {
- return !IsValid ();
- }
- /// Equal operator.
- bool operator== (const dng_date_time &dt) const
- {
- return fYear == dt.fYear &&
- fMonth == dt.fMonth &&
- fDay == dt.fDay &&
- fHour == dt.fHour &&
- fMinute == dt.fMinute &&
- fSecond == dt.fSecond;
- }
- // Not-equal operator.
- bool operator!= (const dng_date_time &dt) const
- {
- return !(*this == dt);
- }
- /// Set date to an invalid value.
- void Clear ();
- /// Parse an EXIF format date string.
- /// \param s Input date string to parse.
- /// \retval true if date was parsed successfully and date is valid.
- bool Parse (const char *s);
- };
-/// \brief Class for holding a time zone.
-class dng_time_zone
- {
- private:
- enum
- {
- kMaxOffsetHours = 15,
- kMinOffsetHours = -kMaxOffsetHours,
- kMaxOffsetMinutes = kMaxOffsetHours * 60,
- kMinOffsetMinutes = kMinOffsetHours * 60,
- kInvalidOffset = kMinOffsetMinutes - 1
- };
- // Offset from GMT in minutes. Positive numbers are
- // ahead of GMT, negative number are behind GMT.
- int32 fOffsetMinutes;
- public:
- dng_time_zone ()
- : fOffsetMinutes (kInvalidOffset)
- {
- }
- void Clear ()
- {
- fOffsetMinutes = kInvalidOffset;
- }
- void SetOffsetHours (int32 offset)
- {
- fOffsetMinutes = (int32) ((int64) offset * 60);
- }
- void SetOffsetMinutes (int32 offset)
- {
- fOffsetMinutes = offset;
- }
- void SetOffsetSeconds (int32 offset)
- {
- fOffsetMinutes = (offset > 0) ? ((offset + 30) / 60)
- : ((offset - 30) / 60);
- }
- bool IsValid () const
- {
- return fOffsetMinutes >= kMinOffsetMinutes &&
- fOffsetMinutes <= kMaxOffsetMinutes;
- }
- bool NotValid () const
- {
- return !IsValid ();
- }
- int32 OffsetMinutes () const
- {
- return fOffsetMinutes;
- }
- bool IsExactHourOffset () const
- {
- return IsValid () && ((fOffsetMinutes % 60) == 0);
- }
- int32 ExactHourOffset () const
- {
- return fOffsetMinutes / 60;
- }
- dng_string Encode_ISO_8601 () const;
- };
-/// \brief Class for holding complete data/time/zone information.
-class dng_date_time_info
- {
- private:
- // Is only the date valid and not the time?
- bool fDateOnly;
- // Date and time.
- dng_date_time fDateTime;
- // Subseconds string (stored in a separate tag in EXIF).
- dng_string fSubseconds;
- // Time zone, if known.
- dng_time_zone fTimeZone;
- public:
- dng_date_time_info ();
- bool IsValid () const;
- bool NotValid () const
- {
- return !IsValid ();
- }
- void Clear ()
- {
- *this = dng_date_time_info ();
- }
- const dng_date_time & DateTime () const
- {
- return fDateTime;
- }
- void SetDateTime (const dng_date_time &dt)
- {
- fDateOnly = false;
- fDateTime = dt;
- }
- const dng_string & Subseconds () const
- {
- return fSubseconds;
- }
- void SetSubseconds (const dng_string &s)
- {
- fSubseconds = s;
- }
- const dng_time_zone & TimeZone () const
- {
- return fTimeZone;
- }
- void SetZone (const dng_time_zone &zone)
- {
- fTimeZone = zone;
- }
- void Decode_ISO_8601 (const char *s);
- dng_string Encode_ISO_8601 () const;
- void Decode_IPTC_Date (const char *s);
- dng_string Encode_IPTC_Date () const;
- void Decode_IPTC_Time (const char *s);
- dng_string Encode_IPTC_Time () const;
- private:
- void SetDate (uint32 year,
- uint32 month,
- uint32 day);
- void SetTime (uint32 hour,
- uint32 minute,
- uint32 second);
- };
-/// Get the current date/time and timezone.
-/// \param info Receives current data/time/zone.
-void CurrentDateTimeAndZone (dng_date_time_info &info);
-/// Convert UNIX "seconds since Jan 1, 1970" time to a dng_date_time
-void DecodeUnixTime (uint32 unixTime, dng_date_time &dt);
-/// Return timezone of current location at a given date.
-/// \param dt Date at which to compute timezone difference. (For example, used
-/// to determine Daylight Savings, etc.)
-/// \retval Time zone for date/time dt.
-dng_time_zone LocalTimeZone (const dng_date_time &dt);
-/// Tag to encode date represenation format
-enum dng_date_time_format
- {
- dng_date_time_format_unknown = 0, /// Date format not known
- dng_date_time_format_exif = 1, /// EXIF date string
- dng_date_time_format_unix_little_endian = 2, /// 32-bit UNIX time as 4-byte little endian
- dng_date_time_format_unix_big_endian = 3 /// 32-bit UNIX time as 4-byte big endian
- };
-/// \brief Store file offset from which date was read.
-/// Used internally by Adobe to update date in original file.
-/// \warning Use at your own risk.
-class dng_date_time_storage_info
- {
- private:
- uint64 fOffset;
- dng_date_time_format fFormat;
- public:
- /// The default constructor initializes to an invalid state.
- dng_date_time_storage_info ();
- /// Construct with file offset and date format.
- dng_date_time_storage_info (uint64 offset,
- dng_date_time_format format);
- /// Predicate to determine if an offset is valid.
- /// \retval true if offset is valid.
- bool IsValid () const;
- // The accessors throw if the data is not valid.
- /// Getter for offset in file.
- /// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_unknown
- /// if offset is not valid.
- uint64 Offset () const;
- /// Get for format date was originally stored in file. Throws a
- /// dng_error_unknown exception if offset is invalid.
- /// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_unknown
- /// if offset is not valid.
- dng_date_time_format Format () const;
- };
-// Kludge: Global boolean to turn on fake time zones in XMP for old software.
-extern bool gDNGUseFakeTimeZonesInXMP;
+// Copyright 2006-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
+// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_date_time.h#1 $ */
+/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
+/* $Change: 832332 $ */
+/* $Author: tknoll $ */
+/** \file
+ * Functions and classes for working with dates and times in DNG files.
+ */
+#ifndef __dng_date_time__
+#define __dng_date_time__
+#include "dng_classes.h"
+#include "dng_string.h"
+#include "dng_types.h"
+/// \brief Class for holding a date/time and converting to and from relevant
+/// date/time formats
+class dng_date_time
+ {
+ public:
+ uint32 fYear;
+ uint32 fMonth;
+ uint32 fDay;
+ uint32 fHour;
+ uint32 fMinute;
+ uint32 fSecond;
+ public:
+ /// Construct an invalid date/time
+ dng_date_time ();
+ /// Construct a date/time with specific values.
+ /// \param year Year to use as actual integer value, such as 2006.
+ /// \param month Month to use from 1 - 12, where 1 is January.
+ /// \param day Day of month to use from 1 -31, where 1 is the first.
+ /// \param hour Hour of day to use from 0 - 23, where 0 is midnight.
+ /// \param minute Minute of hour to use from 0 - 59.
+ /// \param second Second of minute to use from 0 - 59.
+ dng_date_time (uint32 year,
+ uint32 month,
+ uint32 day,
+ uint32 hour,
+ uint32 minute,
+ uint32 second);
+ /// Predicate to determine if a date is valid.
+ /// \retval true if all fields are within range.
+ bool IsValid () const;
+ /// Predicate to determine if a date is invalid.
+ /// \retval true if any field is out of range.
+ bool NotValid () const
+ {
+ return !IsValid ();
+ }
+ /// Equal operator.
+ bool operator== (const dng_date_time &dt) const
+ {
+ return fYear == dt.fYear &&
+ fMonth == dt.fMonth &&
+ fDay == dt.fDay &&
+ fHour == dt.fHour &&
+ fMinute == dt.fMinute &&
+ fSecond == dt.fSecond;
+ }
+ // Not-equal operator.
+ bool operator!= (const dng_date_time &dt) const
+ {
+ return !(*this == dt);
+ }
+ /// Set date to an invalid value.
+ void Clear ();
+ /// Parse an EXIF format date string.
+ /// \param s Input date string to parse.
+ /// \retval true if date was parsed successfully and date is valid.
+ bool Parse (const char *s);
+ };
+/// \brief Class for holding a time zone.
+class dng_time_zone
+ {
+ private:
+ enum
+ {
+ kMaxOffsetHours = 15,
+ kMinOffsetHours = -kMaxOffsetHours,
+ kMaxOffsetMinutes = kMaxOffsetHours * 60,
+ kMinOffsetMinutes = kMinOffsetHours * 60,
+ kInvalidOffset = kMinOffsetMinutes - 1
+ };
+ // Offset from GMT in minutes. Positive numbers are
+ // ahead of GMT, negative number are behind GMT.
+ int32 fOffsetMinutes;
+ public:
+ dng_time_zone ()
+ : fOffsetMinutes (kInvalidOffset)
+ {
+ }
+ void Clear ()
+ {
+ fOffsetMinutes = kInvalidOffset;
+ }
+ void SetOffsetHours (int32 offset)
+ {
+ fOffsetMinutes = (int32) ((int64) offset * 60);
+ }
+ void SetOffsetMinutes (int32 offset)
+ {
+ fOffsetMinutes = offset;
+ }
+ void SetOffsetSeconds (int32 offset)
+ {
+ fOffsetMinutes = (offset > 0) ? ((offset + 30) / 60)
+ : ((offset - 30) / 60);
+ }
+ bool IsValid () const
+ {
+ return fOffsetMinutes >= kMinOffsetMinutes &&
+ fOffsetMinutes <= kMaxOffsetMinutes;
+ }
+ bool NotValid () const
+ {
+ return !IsValid ();
+ }
+ int32 OffsetMinutes () const
+ {
+ return fOffsetMinutes;
+ }
+ bool IsExactHourOffset () const
+ {
+ return IsValid () && ((fOffsetMinutes % 60) == 0);
+ }
+ int32 ExactHourOffset () const
+ {
+ return fOffsetMinutes / 60;
+ }
+ dng_string Encode_ISO_8601 () const;
+ };
+/// \brief Class for holding complete data/time/zone information.
+class dng_date_time_info
+ {
+ private:
+ // Is only the date valid and not the time?
+ bool fDateOnly;
+ // Date and time.
+ dng_date_time fDateTime;
+ // Subseconds string (stored in a separate tag in EXIF).
+ dng_string fSubseconds;
+ // Time zone, if known.
+ dng_time_zone fTimeZone;
+ public:
+ dng_date_time_info ();
+ bool IsValid () const;
+ bool NotValid () const
+ {
+ return !IsValid ();
+ }
+ void Clear ()
+ {
+ *this = dng_date_time_info ();
+ }
+ const dng_date_time & DateTime () const
+ {
+ return fDateTime;
+ }
+ void SetDateTime (const dng_date_time &dt)
+ {
+ fDateOnly = false;
+ fDateTime = dt;
+ }
+ const dng_string & Subseconds () const
+ {
+ return fSubseconds;
+ }
+ void SetSubseconds (const dng_string &s)
+ {
+ fSubseconds = s;
+ }
+ const dng_time_zone & TimeZone () const
+ {
+ return fTimeZone;
+ }
+ void SetZone (const dng_time_zone &zone)
+ {
+ fTimeZone = zone;
+ }
+ void Decode_ISO_8601 (const char *s);
+ dng_string Encode_ISO_8601 () const;
+ void Decode_IPTC_Date (const char *s);
+ dng_string Encode_IPTC_Date () const;
+ void Decode_IPTC_Time (const char *s);
+ dng_string Encode_IPTC_Time () const;
+ private:
+ void SetDate (uint32 year,
+ uint32 month,
+ uint32 day);
+ void SetTime (uint32 hour,
+ uint32 minute,
+ uint32 second);
+ };
+/// Get the current date/time and timezone.
+/// \param info Receives current data/time/zone.
+void CurrentDateTimeAndZone (dng_date_time_info &info);
+/// Convert UNIX "seconds since Jan 1, 1970" time to a dng_date_time
+void DecodeUnixTime (uint32 unixTime, dng_date_time &dt);
+/// Return timezone of current location at a given date.
+/// \param dt Date at which to compute timezone difference. (For example, used
+/// to determine Daylight Savings, etc.)
+/// \retval Time zone for date/time dt.
+dng_time_zone LocalTimeZone (const dng_date_time &dt);
+/// Tag to encode date represenation format
+enum dng_date_time_format
+ {
+ dng_date_time_format_unknown = 0, /// Date format not known
+ dng_date_time_format_exif = 1, /// EXIF date string
+ dng_date_time_format_unix_little_endian = 2, /// 32-bit UNIX time as 4-byte little endian
+ dng_date_time_format_unix_big_endian = 3 /// 32-bit UNIX time as 4-byte big endian
+ };
+/// \brief Store file offset from which date was read.
+/// Used internally by Adobe to update date in original file.
+/// \warning Use at your own risk.
+class dng_date_time_storage_info
+ {
+ private:
+ uint64 fOffset;
+ dng_date_time_format fFormat;
+ public:
+ /// The default constructor initializes to an invalid state.
+ dng_date_time_storage_info ();
+ /// Construct with file offset and date format.
+ dng_date_time_storage_info (uint64 offset,
+ dng_date_time_format format);
+ /// Predicate to determine if an offset is valid.
+ /// \retval true if offset is valid.
+ bool IsValid () const;
+ // The accessors throw if the data is not valid.
+ /// Getter for offset in file.
+ /// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_unknown
+ /// if offset is not valid.
+ uint64 Offset () const;
+ /// Get for format date was originally stored in file. Throws a
+ /// dng_error_unknown exception if offset is invalid.
+ /// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_unknown
+ /// if offset is not valid.
+ dng_date_time_format Format () const;
+ };
+// Kludge: Global boolean to turn on fake time zones in XMP for old software.
+extern bool gDNGUseFakeTimeZonesInXMP;