path: root/source/dng_opcodes.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/dng_opcodes.cpp')
1 files changed, 554 insertions, 554 deletions
diff --git a/source/dng_opcodes.cpp b/source/dng_opcodes.cpp
index 7e756ff..0804959 100644
--- a/source/dng_opcodes.cpp
+++ b/source/dng_opcodes.cpp
@@ -1,554 +1,554 @@
-// Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
-// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
-/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_opcodes.cpp#1 $ */
-/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
-/* $Change: 832332 $ */
-/* $Author: tknoll $ */
-#include "dng_opcodes.h"
-#include "dng_bottlenecks.h"
-#include "dng_exceptions.h"
-#include "dng_filter_task.h"
-#include "dng_globals.h"
-#include "dng_host.h"
-#include "dng_image.h"
-#include "dng_negative.h"
-#include "dng_parse_utils.h"
-#include "dng_stream.h"
-#include "dng_tag_values.h"
-dng_opcode::dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
- uint32 minVersion,
- uint32 flags)
- : fOpcodeID (opcodeID)
- , fMinVersion (minVersion)
- , fFlags (flags)
- , fWasReadFromStream (false)
- , fStage (0)
- {
- }
-dng_opcode::dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
- dng_stream &stream,
- const char *name)
- : fOpcodeID (opcodeID)
- , fMinVersion (0)
- , fFlags (0)
- , fWasReadFromStream (true)
- , fStage (0)
- {
- fMinVersion = stream.Get_uint32 ();
- fFlags = stream.Get_uint32 ();
- #if qDNGValidate
- if (gVerbose)
- {
- printf ("\nOpcode: ");
- if (name)
- {
- printf ("%s", name);
- }
- else
- {
- printf ("Unknown (%u)", (unsigned) opcodeID);
- }
- printf (", minVersion = %u.%u.%u.%u",
- (unsigned) ((fMinVersion >> 24) & 0x0FF),
- (unsigned) ((fMinVersion >> 16) & 0x0FF),
- (unsigned) ((fMinVersion >> 8) & 0x0FF),
- (unsigned) ((fMinVersion ) & 0x0FF));
- printf (", flags = %u\n", (unsigned) fFlags);
- }
- #else
- (void) name;
- #endif
- }
-dng_opcode::~dng_opcode ()
- {
- }
-void dng_opcode::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
- {
- // No data by default
- stream.Put_uint32 (0);
- }
-bool dng_opcode::AboutToApply (dng_host &host,
- dng_negative &negative)
- {
- if (SkipIfPreview () && host.ForPreview ())
- {
- negative.SetIsPreview (true);
- }
- else if (MinVersion () > dngVersion_Current &&
- WasReadFromStream ())
- {
- if (!Optional ())
- {
- // Somebody screwed up computing the DNGBackwardVersion...
- ThrowBadFormat ();
- }
- }
- else if (!IsValidForNegative (negative))
- {
- ThrowBadFormat ();
- }
- else if (!IsNOP ())
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
-dng_opcode_Unknown::dng_opcode_Unknown (dng_host &host,
- uint32 opcodeID,
- dng_stream &stream)
- : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
- stream,
- , fData ()
- {
- uint32 size = stream.Get_uint32 ();
- if (size)
- {
- fData.Reset (host.Allocate (size));
- stream.Get (fData->Buffer (),
- fData->LogicalSize ());
- #if qDNGValidate
- if (gVerbose)
- {
- DumpHexAscii (fData->Buffer_uint8 (),
- fData->LogicalSize ());
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
-void dng_opcode_Unknown::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
- {
- if (fData.Get ())
- {
- stream.Put_uint32 (fData->LogicalSize ());
- stream.Put (fData->Buffer (),
- fData->LogicalSize ());
- }
- else
- {
- stream.Put_uint32 (0);
- }
- }
-void dng_opcode_Unknown::Apply (dng_host & /* host */,
- dng_negative & /* negative */,
- AutoPtr<dng_image> & /* image */)
- {
- // We should never need to apply an unknown opcode.
- if (!Optional ())
- {
- ThrowBadFormat ();
- }
- }
-class dng_filter_opcode_task: public dng_filter_task
- {
- private:
- dng_filter_opcode &fOpcode;
- dng_negative &fNegative;
- public:
- dng_filter_opcode_task (dng_filter_opcode &opcode,
- dng_negative &negative,
- const dng_image &srcImage,
- dng_image &dstImage)
- : dng_filter_task (srcImage,
- dstImage)
- , fOpcode (opcode)
- , fNegative (negative)
- {
- fSrcPixelType = fOpcode.BufferPixelType (srcImage.PixelType ());
- fDstPixelType = fSrcPixelType;
- fSrcRepeat = opcode.SrcRepeat ();
- }
- virtual dng_rect SrcArea (const dng_rect &dstArea)
- {
- return fOpcode.SrcArea (dstArea,
- fDstImage.Bounds ());
- }
- virtual dng_point SrcTileSize (const dng_point &dstTileSize)
- {
- return fOpcode.SrcTileSize (dstTileSize,
- fDstImage.Bounds ());
- }
- virtual void ProcessArea (uint32 threadIndex,
- dng_pixel_buffer &srcBuffer,
- dng_pixel_buffer &dstBuffer)
- {
- fOpcode.ProcessArea (fNegative,
- threadIndex,
- srcBuffer,
- dstBuffer,
- dstBuffer.Area (),
- fDstImage.Bounds ());
- }
- virtual void Start (uint32 threadCount,
- const dng_point &tileSize,
- dng_memory_allocator *allocator,
- dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer)
- {
- dng_filter_task::Start (threadCount,
- tileSize,
- allocator,
- sniffer);
- fOpcode.Prepare (fNegative,
- threadCount,
- tileSize,
- fDstImage.Bounds (),
- fDstImage.Planes (),
- fDstPixelType,
- *allocator);
- }
- };
-dng_filter_opcode::dng_filter_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
- uint32 minVersion,
- uint32 flags)
- : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
- minVersion,
- flags)
- {
- }
-dng_filter_opcode::dng_filter_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
- dng_stream &stream,
- const char *name)
- : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
- stream,
- name)
- {
- }
-void dng_filter_opcode::Apply (dng_host &host,
- dng_negative &negative,
- AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)
- {
- dng_rect modifiedBounds = ModifiedBounds (image->Bounds ());
- if (modifiedBounds.NotEmpty ())
- {
- // Allocate destination image.
- AutoPtr<dng_image> dstImage;
- // If we are processing the entire image, allocate an
- // undefined image.
- if (modifiedBounds == image->Bounds ())
- {
- dstImage.Reset (host.Make_dng_image (image->Bounds (),
- image->Planes (),
- image->PixelType ()));
- }
- // Else start with a clone of the existing image.
- else
- {
- dstImage.Reset (image->Clone ());
- }
- // Filter the image.
- dng_filter_opcode_task task (*this,
- negative,
- *image,
- *dstImage);
- host.PerformAreaTask (task,
- modifiedBounds);
- // Return the new image.
- image.Reset (dstImage.Release ());
- }
- }
-class dng_inplace_opcode_task: public dng_area_task
- {
- private:
- dng_inplace_opcode &fOpcode;
- dng_negative &fNegative;
- dng_image &fImage;
- uint32 fPixelType;
- AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> fBuffer [kMaxMPThreads];
- public:
- dng_inplace_opcode_task (dng_inplace_opcode &opcode,
- dng_negative &negative,
- dng_image &image)
- : dng_area_task ()
- , fOpcode (opcode)
- , fNegative (negative)
- , fImage (image)
- , fPixelType (opcode.BufferPixelType (image.PixelType ()))
- {
- }
- virtual void Start (uint32 threadCount,
- const dng_point &tileSize,
- dng_memory_allocator *allocator,
- dng_abort_sniffer * /* sniffer */)
- {
- uint32 bufferSize = ComputeBufferSize(fPixelType, tileSize,
- fImage.Planes(), pad16Bytes);
- for (uint32 threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; threadIndex++)
- {
- fBuffer [threadIndex] . Reset (allocator->Allocate (bufferSize));
- }
- fOpcode.Prepare (fNegative,
- threadCount,
- tileSize,
- fImage.Bounds (),
- fImage.Planes (),
- fPixelType,
- *allocator);
- }
- virtual void Process (uint32 threadIndex,
- const dng_rect &tile,
- dng_abort_sniffer * /* sniffer */)
- {
- // Setup buffer.
- dng_pixel_buffer buffer(tile, 0, fImage.Planes (), fPixelType,
- pcRowInterleavedAlign16,
- fBuffer [threadIndex]->Buffer ());
- // Get source pixels.
- fImage.Get (buffer);
- // Process area.
- fOpcode.ProcessArea (fNegative,
- threadIndex,
- buffer,
- tile,
- fImage.Bounds ());
- // Save result pixels.
- fImage.Put (buffer);
- }
- };
-dng_inplace_opcode::dng_inplace_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
- uint32 minVersion,
- uint32 flags)
- : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
- minVersion,
- flags)
- {
- }
-dng_inplace_opcode::dng_inplace_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
- dng_stream &stream,
- const char *name)
- : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
- stream,
- name)
- {
- }
-void dng_inplace_opcode::Apply (dng_host &host,
- dng_negative &negative,
- AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)
- {
- dng_rect modifiedBounds = ModifiedBounds (image->Bounds ());
- if (modifiedBounds.NotEmpty ())
- {
- dng_inplace_opcode_task task (*this,
- negative,
- *image);
- host.PerformAreaTask (task,
- modifiedBounds);
- }
- }
+// Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
+// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_opcodes.cpp#1 $ */
+/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
+/* $Change: 832332 $ */
+/* $Author: tknoll $ */
+#include "dng_opcodes.h"
+#include "dng_bottlenecks.h"
+#include "dng_exceptions.h"
+#include "dng_filter_task.h"
+#include "dng_globals.h"
+#include "dng_host.h"
+#include "dng_image.h"
+#include "dng_negative.h"
+#include "dng_parse_utils.h"
+#include "dng_stream.h"
+#include "dng_tag_values.h"
+dng_opcode::dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
+ uint32 minVersion,
+ uint32 flags)
+ : fOpcodeID (opcodeID)
+ , fMinVersion (minVersion)
+ , fFlags (flags)
+ , fWasReadFromStream (false)
+ , fStage (0)
+ {
+ }
+dng_opcode::dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
+ dng_stream &stream,
+ const char *name)
+ : fOpcodeID (opcodeID)
+ , fMinVersion (0)
+ , fFlags (0)
+ , fWasReadFromStream (true)
+ , fStage (0)
+ {
+ fMinVersion = stream.Get_uint32 ();
+ fFlags = stream.Get_uint32 ();
+ #if qDNGValidate
+ if (gVerbose)
+ {
+ printf ("\nOpcode: ");
+ if (name)
+ {
+ printf ("%s", name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Unknown (%u)", (unsigned) opcodeID);
+ }
+ printf (", minVersion = %u.%u.%u.%u",
+ (unsigned) ((fMinVersion >> 24) & 0x0FF),
+ (unsigned) ((fMinVersion >> 16) & 0x0FF),
+ (unsigned) ((fMinVersion >> 8) & 0x0FF),
+ (unsigned) ((fMinVersion ) & 0x0FF));
+ printf (", flags = %u\n", (unsigned) fFlags);
+ }
+ #else
+ (void) name;
+ #endif
+ }
+dng_opcode::~dng_opcode ()
+ {
+ }
+void dng_opcode::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
+ {
+ // No data by default
+ stream.Put_uint32 (0);
+ }
+bool dng_opcode::AboutToApply (dng_host &host,
+ dng_negative &negative)
+ {
+ if (SkipIfPreview () && host.ForPreview ())
+ {
+ negative.SetIsPreview (true);
+ }
+ else if (MinVersion () > dngVersion_Current &&
+ WasReadFromStream ())
+ {
+ if (!Optional ())
+ {
+ // Somebody screwed up computing the DNGBackwardVersion...
+ ThrowBadFormat ();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsValidForNegative (negative))
+ {
+ ThrowBadFormat ();
+ }
+ else if (!IsNOP ())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+dng_opcode_Unknown::dng_opcode_Unknown (dng_host &host,
+ uint32 opcodeID,
+ dng_stream &stream)
+ : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
+ stream,
+ , fData ()
+ {
+ uint32 size = stream.Get_uint32 ();
+ if (size)
+ {
+ fData.Reset (host.Allocate (size));
+ stream.Get (fData->Buffer (),
+ fData->LogicalSize ());
+ #if qDNGValidate
+ if (gVerbose)
+ {
+ DumpHexAscii (fData->Buffer_uint8 (),
+ fData->LogicalSize ());
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+void dng_opcode_Unknown::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
+ {
+ if (fData.Get ())
+ {
+ stream.Put_uint32 (fData->LogicalSize ());
+ stream.Put (fData->Buffer (),
+ fData->LogicalSize ());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream.Put_uint32 (0);
+ }
+ }
+void dng_opcode_Unknown::Apply (dng_host & /* host */,
+ dng_negative & /* negative */,
+ AutoPtr<dng_image> & /* image */)
+ {
+ // We should never need to apply an unknown opcode.
+ if (!Optional ())
+ {
+ ThrowBadFormat ();
+ }
+ }
+class dng_filter_opcode_task: public dng_filter_task
+ {
+ private:
+ dng_filter_opcode &fOpcode;
+ dng_negative &fNegative;
+ public:
+ dng_filter_opcode_task (dng_filter_opcode &opcode,
+ dng_negative &negative,
+ const dng_image &srcImage,
+ dng_image &dstImage)
+ : dng_filter_task (srcImage,
+ dstImage)
+ , fOpcode (opcode)
+ , fNegative (negative)
+ {
+ fSrcPixelType = fOpcode.BufferPixelType (srcImage.PixelType ());
+ fDstPixelType = fSrcPixelType;
+ fSrcRepeat = opcode.SrcRepeat ();
+ }
+ virtual dng_rect SrcArea (const dng_rect &dstArea)
+ {
+ return fOpcode.SrcArea (dstArea,
+ fDstImage.Bounds ());
+ }
+ virtual dng_point SrcTileSize (const dng_point &dstTileSize)
+ {
+ return fOpcode.SrcTileSize (dstTileSize,
+ fDstImage.Bounds ());
+ }
+ virtual void ProcessArea (uint32 threadIndex,
+ dng_pixel_buffer &srcBuffer,
+ dng_pixel_buffer &dstBuffer)
+ {
+ fOpcode.ProcessArea (fNegative,
+ threadIndex,
+ srcBuffer,
+ dstBuffer,
+ dstBuffer.Area (),
+ fDstImage.Bounds ());
+ }
+ virtual void Start (uint32 threadCount,
+ const dng_point &tileSize,
+ dng_memory_allocator *allocator,
+ dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer)
+ {
+ dng_filter_task::Start (threadCount,
+ tileSize,
+ allocator,
+ sniffer);
+ fOpcode.Prepare (fNegative,
+ threadCount,
+ tileSize,
+ fDstImage.Bounds (),
+ fDstImage.Planes (),
+ fDstPixelType,
+ *allocator);
+ }
+ };
+dng_filter_opcode::dng_filter_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
+ uint32 minVersion,
+ uint32 flags)
+ : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
+ minVersion,
+ flags)
+ {
+ }
+dng_filter_opcode::dng_filter_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
+ dng_stream &stream,
+ const char *name)
+ : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
+ stream,
+ name)
+ {
+ }
+void dng_filter_opcode::Apply (dng_host &host,
+ dng_negative &negative,
+ AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)
+ {
+ dng_rect modifiedBounds = ModifiedBounds (image->Bounds ());
+ if (modifiedBounds.NotEmpty ())
+ {
+ // Allocate destination image.
+ AutoPtr<dng_image> dstImage;
+ // If we are processing the entire image, allocate an
+ // undefined image.
+ if (modifiedBounds == image->Bounds ())
+ {
+ dstImage.Reset (host.Make_dng_image (image->Bounds (),
+ image->Planes (),
+ image->PixelType ()));
+ }
+ // Else start with a clone of the existing image.
+ else
+ {
+ dstImage.Reset (image->Clone ());
+ }
+ // Filter the image.
+ dng_filter_opcode_task task (*this,
+ negative,
+ *image,
+ *dstImage);
+ host.PerformAreaTask (task,
+ modifiedBounds);
+ // Return the new image.
+ image.Reset (dstImage.Release ());
+ }
+ }
+class dng_inplace_opcode_task: public dng_area_task
+ {
+ private:
+ dng_inplace_opcode &fOpcode;
+ dng_negative &fNegative;
+ dng_image &fImage;
+ uint32 fPixelType;
+ AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> fBuffer [kMaxMPThreads];
+ public:
+ dng_inplace_opcode_task (dng_inplace_opcode &opcode,
+ dng_negative &negative,
+ dng_image &image)
+ : dng_area_task ()
+ , fOpcode (opcode)
+ , fNegative (negative)
+ , fImage (image)
+ , fPixelType (opcode.BufferPixelType (image.PixelType ()))
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void Start (uint32 threadCount,
+ const dng_point &tileSize,
+ dng_memory_allocator *allocator,
+ dng_abort_sniffer * /* sniffer */)
+ {
+ uint32 bufferSize = ComputeBufferSize(fPixelType, tileSize,
+ fImage.Planes(), pad16Bytes);
+ for (uint32 threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; threadIndex++)
+ {
+ fBuffer [threadIndex] . Reset (allocator->Allocate (bufferSize));
+ }
+ fOpcode.Prepare (fNegative,
+ threadCount,
+ tileSize,
+ fImage.Bounds (),
+ fImage.Planes (),
+ fPixelType,
+ *allocator);
+ }
+ virtual void Process (uint32 threadIndex,
+ const dng_rect &tile,
+ dng_abort_sniffer * /* sniffer */)
+ {
+ // Setup buffer.
+ dng_pixel_buffer buffer(tile, 0, fImage.Planes (), fPixelType,
+ pcRowInterleavedAlign16,
+ fBuffer [threadIndex]->Buffer ());
+ // Get source pixels.
+ fImage.Get (buffer);
+ // Process area.
+ fOpcode.ProcessArea (fNegative,
+ threadIndex,
+ buffer,
+ tile,
+ fImage.Bounds ());
+ // Save result pixels.
+ fImage.Put (buffer);
+ }
+ };
+dng_inplace_opcode::dng_inplace_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
+ uint32 minVersion,
+ uint32 flags)
+ : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
+ minVersion,
+ flags)
+ {
+ }
+dng_inplace_opcode::dng_inplace_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
+ dng_stream &stream,
+ const char *name)
+ : dng_opcode (opcodeID,
+ stream,
+ name)
+ {
+ }
+void dng_inplace_opcode::Apply (dng_host &host,
+ dng_negative &negative,
+ AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)
+ {
+ dng_rect modifiedBounds = ModifiedBounds (image->Bounds ());
+ if (modifiedBounds.NotEmpty ())
+ {
+ dng_inplace_opcode_task task (*this,
+ negative,
+ *image);
+ host.PerformAreaTask (task,
+ modifiedBounds);
+ }
+ }