AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
3 daysAdd unit tests for KDoc links to Java (#3584)upstream-masterVadim Mishenev
3 daysPrepare for the next development iterationIgnatBeresnev
3 daysBuild script tweaks (#3485)Matthew Haughton
3 days[K1] Handle exception for recursive type aliases (#3582)Vadim Mishenev
3 daysFix broken links in documentation (#3570)Nikolai Pachkov
3 daysDo not require signing artifacts when publishing locally (#3561)Ignat Beresnev
3 daysRemove a publishing-related config-cache disabler (#3577)Ignat Beresnev
6 daysAdd a test project for UI screenshot tests (#3509)Ignat Beresnev
6 daysAllow publishing to a pre-defined staging repository (#3562)Ignat Beresnev
6 daysBump Kotlin versions to 2.0.0-RC1 (#3516)Ignat Beresnev
9 daysCompare DokkaSourceSetImpl by DokkaSourceSetID only (#3568)Oleg Yukhnevich
12 daysAccessibility: add outline when section-tab is focused (#3416)Matas
12 daysAccessibility: Wrap links and code blocks (#3415)Matas
12 daysAdd tests for members implemented by delegation (#3566)Vadim Mishenev
12 days[K2] Fix the test `kotlin_Enum should not have obvious members via external d...Vadim Mishenev
13 days[K2] Fix DRI for override symbols (#3560)Vadim Mishenev
13 daysAdd more unit tests for KDoc links (#3563)Vadim Mishenev
13 daysUpdate GitHub workflows to use latest versions of actions (#3557)Oleg Yukhnevich
13 days[K2] fix DRI.callable.name of constructor to be just class name in nested cla...Oleg Yukhnevich
2024-04-09Remove `<a href="TODO">` in enum constant summary (#3548)Mattias Buelens
2024-04-09Update Gradle to 8.7 (#3556)Oleg Yukhnevich
2024-04-08Do not run integration tests on `check` (#3517)Ignat Beresnev
2024-04-05[K2] Run unit tests against the latest Analysis API (#3552)Vadim Mishenev
2024-04-03Enable Configuration Cache for Dokka Build (#3549)Adam
2024-04-02[K2] Do not inherit nested and inner classes (#3397)Vadim Mishenev
2024-03-28Update Analysis API to 2.0.20-dev-7 (#3487)Vadim Mishenev
2024-03-28Fix overflow of long underscore separated names in HTML (#3240)Selina Lin
2024-03-27update developer docs build config (#3493)Adam
2024-03-27KT-64377 Maven dev publish (#3433)Adam
2024-03-22Update test-k2 convention to use test suites (#3524)Adam
2024-03-21Add extension rendering tests (#3497)Paul
2024-03-21Fix broken links, typos, and sample code (#3532)Ying Li
2024-03-21[K1] Fix KDoc and Javadoc links to a package (#3490)Vadim Mishenev
2024-03-19Introduce API to rewrite samples (#3482)Vadim Mishenev
2024-03-18set jvmToolchain 11 for build-settings-logic (#3530)Adam
2024-03-18Improve Build Caching of Maven plugin tasks (#3531)Adam
2024-03-14Fix checking for annotations when rendering constructor keyword (#3523)Oleg Yukhnevich
2024-03-12consistently apply Gradle Build Cache config in all includedBuild projects (#...Adam
2024-03-12remove usages of Project during task-execution (#3527)Adam
2024-03-12Bump Gradle Enterprise plugin version (#3526)Adam
2024-03-06Add Develocity badge (#3519)Jérôme Prinet
2024-03-05Update kotlinlang docs version to 1.9.20 (#3512)Ignat Beresnev
2024-03-04Update Kotlin/Dokka version references to 1.9.20 (#3510)Ignat Beresnev
2024-02-29apply foojay-resolver plugin for build-logic (#3507)Andrey Tyrin
2024-02-26[K2] Fix nullable parameters in DRI and Javadoc links (#3501)Vadim Mishenev
2024-02-26[K2] Add a check that source roots do not intersect (#3465)Vadim Mishenev
2024-02-26[K2] Fix missing `actual` keyword for constructors (#3500)Vadim Mishenev
2024-02-26[K2] Fix `@constructor` documentation for primary constructors (#3499)Vadim Mishenev
2024-02-23replace the deprecated `project.buildDir` with `project.layout.buildDirectory...Adam
2024-02-14Refactor Integration Test project setup steps (#3492)Adam