path: root/DrmHwcTwo.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DrmHwcTwo.h')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DrmHwcTwo.h b/DrmHwcTwo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d489113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DrmHwcTwo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <hardware/hwcomposer2.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <map>
+#include "compositor/DrmDisplayCompositor.h"
+#include "compositor/Planner.h"
+#include "drm/DrmGenericImporter.h"
+#include "drm/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "drm/VSyncWorker.h"
+#include "drmhwcomposer.h"
+namespace android {
+class Backend;
+class DrmHwcTwo : public hwc2_device_t {
+ public:
+ static int HookDevOpen(const struct hw_module_t *module, const char *name,
+ struct hw_device_t **dev);
+ DrmHwcTwo();
+ HWC2::Error Init();
+ hwc2_callback_data_t hotplug_callback_data_ = NULL;
+ HWC2_PFN_HOTPLUG hotplug_callback_hook_ = NULL;
+ std::mutex hotplug_callback_lock;
+ void SetHotplugCallback(hwc2_callback_data_t data,
+ hwc2_function_pointer_t hook) {
+ const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(hotplug_callback_lock);
+ hotplug_callback_data_ = data;
+ hotplug_callback_hook_ = reinterpret_cast<HWC2_PFN_HOTPLUG>(hook);
+ }
+ class HwcLayer {
+ public:
+ HWC2::Composition sf_type() const {
+ return sf_type_;
+ }
+ HWC2::Composition validated_type() const {
+ return validated_type_;
+ }
+ void accept_type_change() {
+ sf_type_ = validated_type_;
+ }
+ void set_validated_type(HWC2::Composition type) {
+ validated_type_ = type;
+ }
+ bool type_changed() const {
+ return sf_type_ != validated_type_;
+ }
+ uint32_t z_order() const {
+ return z_order_;
+ }
+ buffer_handle_t buffer() {
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ void set_buffer(buffer_handle_t buffer) {
+ buffer_ = buffer;
+ }
+ int take_acquire_fence() {
+ return acquire_fence_.Release();
+ }
+ void set_acquire_fence(int acquire_fence) {
+ acquire_fence_.Set(dup(acquire_fence));
+ }
+ int release_fence() {
+ return release_fence_.get();
+ }
+ int take_release_fence() {
+ return release_fence_.Release();
+ }
+ void manage_release_fence() {
+ release_fence_.Set(release_fence_raw_);
+ release_fence_raw_ = -1;
+ }
+ OutputFd release_fence_output() {
+ return OutputFd(&release_fence_raw_);
+ }
+ hwc_rect_t display_frame() {
+ return display_frame_;
+ }
+ void PopulateDrmLayer(DrmHwcLayer *layer);
+ bool RequireScalingOrPhasing() {
+ float src_width = source_crop_.right - source_crop_.left;
+ float src_height = source_crop_.bottom - source_crop_.top;
+ float dest_width = display_frame_.right - display_frame_.left;
+ float dest_height = display_frame_.bottom - display_frame_.top;
+ bool scaling = src_width != dest_width || src_height != dest_height;
+ bool phasing = (source_crop_.left - floor(source_crop_.left) != 0) ||
+ (source_crop_.top - floor(source_crop_.top) != 0);
+ return scaling || phasing;
+ }
+ // Layer hooks
+ HWC2::Error SetCursorPosition(int32_t x, int32_t y);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerBlendMode(int32_t mode);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t acquire_fence);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerColor(hwc_color_t color);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerCompositionType(int32_t type);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerDataspace(int32_t dataspace);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerDisplayFrame(hwc_rect_t frame);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerPlaneAlpha(float alpha);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerSidebandStream(const native_handle_t *stream);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerSourceCrop(hwc_frect_t crop);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerSurfaceDamage(hwc_region_t damage);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerTransform(int32_t transform);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerVisibleRegion(hwc_region_t visible);
+ HWC2::Error SetLayerZOrder(uint32_t z);
+ private:
+ // sf_type_ stores the initial type given to us by surfaceflinger,
+ // validated_type_ stores the type after running ValidateDisplay
+ HWC2::Composition sf_type_ = HWC2::Composition::Invalid;
+ HWC2::Composition validated_type_ = HWC2::Composition::Invalid;
+ HWC2::BlendMode blending_ = HWC2::BlendMode::None;
+ buffer_handle_t buffer_ = NULL;
+ UniqueFd acquire_fence_;
+ int release_fence_raw_ = -1;
+ UniqueFd release_fence_;
+ hwc_rect_t display_frame_;
+ float alpha_ = 1.0f;
+ hwc_frect_t source_crop_;
+ int32_t cursor_x_;
+ int32_t cursor_y_;
+ hwc_color_t layer_color_;
+ HWC2::Transform transform_ = HWC2::Transform::None;
+ uint32_t z_order_ = 0;
+ android_dataspace_t dataspace_ = HAL_DATASPACE_UNKNOWN;
+ };
+ class HwcDisplay {
+ public:
+ HwcDisplay(ResourceManager *resource_manager, DrmDevice *drm,
+ std::shared_ptr<Importer> importer, hwc2_display_t handle,
+ HWC2::DisplayType type);
+ HwcDisplay(const HwcDisplay &) = delete;
+ HWC2::Error Init(std::vector<DrmPlane *> *planes);
+ void RegisterVsyncCallback(hwc2_callback_data_t data,
+ hwc2_function_pointer_t func);
+ void RegisterRefreshCallback(hwc2_callback_data_t data,
+ hwc2_function_pointer_t func);
+ HWC2::Error CreateComposition(bool test);
+ bool HardwareSupportsLayerType(HWC2::Composition comp_type);
+ uint32_t CalcPixOps(std::map<uint32_t, DrmHwcTwo::HwcLayer *> &z_map,
+ size_t first_z, size_t size);
+ void MarkValidated(std::map<uint32_t, DrmHwcTwo::HwcLayer *> &z_map,
+ size_t client_first_z, size_t client_size);
+ void ClearDisplay();
+ std::string Dump();
+ // HWC Hooks
+ HWC2::Error AcceptDisplayChanges();
+ HWC2::Error CreateLayer(hwc2_layer_t *layer);
+ HWC2::Error DestroyLayer(hwc2_layer_t layer);
+ HWC2::Error GetActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t *config);
+ HWC2::Error GetChangedCompositionTypes(uint32_t *num_elements,
+ hwc2_layer_t *layers,
+ int32_t *types);
+ HWC2::Error GetClientTargetSupport(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+ int32_t format, int32_t dataspace);
+ HWC2::Error GetColorModes(uint32_t *num_modes, int32_t *modes);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayAttribute(hwc2_config_t config, int32_t attribute,
+ int32_t *value);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayConfigs(uint32_t *num_configs,
+ hwc2_config_t *configs);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayName(uint32_t *size, char *name);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayRequests(int32_t *display_requests,
+ uint32_t *num_elements, hwc2_layer_t *layers,
+ int32_t *layer_requests);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayType(int32_t *type);
+ HWC2::Error GetRenderIntents(int32_t mode, uint32_t *outNumIntents,
+ int32_t *outIntents);
+ HWC2::Error SetColorModeWithIntent(int32_t mode, int32_t intent);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayIdentificationData(uint8_t *outPort,
+ uint32_t *outDataSize,
+ uint8_t *outData);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayCapabilities(uint32_t *outNumCapabilities,
+ uint32_t *outCapabilities);
+ HWC2::Error GetDisplayBrightnessSupport(bool *supported);
+ HWC2::Error SetDisplayBrightness(float);
+ HWC2::Error GetDozeSupport(int32_t *support);
+ HWC2::Error GetHdrCapabilities(uint32_t *num_types, int32_t *types,
+ float *max_luminance,
+ float *max_average_luminance,
+ float *min_luminance);
+ HWC2::Error GetReleaseFences(uint32_t *num_elements, hwc2_layer_t *layers,
+ int32_t *fences);
+ HWC2::Error PresentDisplay(int32_t *present_fence);
+ HWC2::Error SetActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t config);
+ HWC2::Error ChosePreferredConfig();
+ HWC2::Error SetClientTarget(buffer_handle_t target, int32_t acquire_fence,
+ int32_t dataspace, hwc_region_t damage);
+ HWC2::Error SetColorMode(int32_t mode);
+ HWC2::Error SetColorTransform(const float *matrix, int32_t hint);
+ HWC2::Error SetOutputBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t release_fence);
+ HWC2::Error SetPowerMode(int32_t mode);
+ HWC2::Error SetVsyncEnabled(int32_t enabled);
+ HWC2::Error ValidateDisplay(uint32_t *num_types, uint32_t *num_requests);
+ HwcLayer *get_layer(hwc2_layer_t layer) {
+ auto it = layers_.find(layer);
+ if (it == layers_.end())
+ return nullptr;
+ return &it->second;
+ }
+ /* Statistics */
+ struct Stats {
+ Stats minus(Stats b) {
+ return {total_frames_ - b.total_frames_,
+ total_pixops_ - b.total_pixops_,
+ gpu_pixops_ - b.gpu_pixops_,
+ failed_kms_validate_ - b.failed_kms_validate_,
+ failed_kms_present_ - b.failed_kms_present_,
+ frames_flattened_ - b.frames_flattened_};
+ }
+ uint32_t total_frames_ = 0;
+ uint64_t total_pixops_ = 0;
+ uint64_t gpu_pixops_ = 0;
+ uint32_t failed_kms_validate_ = 0;
+ uint32_t failed_kms_present_ = 0;
+ uint32_t frames_flattened_ = 0;
+ };
+ const Backend *backend() const {
+ return backend_.get();
+ }
+ void set_backend(std::unique_ptr<Backend> backend) {
+ backend_ = std::move(backend);
+ }
+ const std::vector<DrmPlane *> &primary_planes() const {
+ return primary_planes_;
+ }
+ const std::vector<DrmPlane *> &overlay_planes() const {
+ return overlay_planes_;
+ }
+ std::map<hwc2_layer_t, HwcLayer> &layers() {
+ return layers_;
+ }
+ const DrmDisplayCompositor &compositor() const {
+ return compositor_;
+ }
+ const DrmDevice *drm() const {
+ return drm_;
+ }
+ const DrmConnector *connector() const {
+ return connector_;
+ }
+ const std::shared_ptr<Importer> &importer() const {
+ return importer_;
+ }
+ ResourceManager *resource_manager() const {
+ return resource_manager_;
+ }
+ android_color_transform_t &color_transform_hint() {
+ return color_transform_hint_;
+ }
+ Stats &total_stats() {
+ return total_stats_;
+ }
+ private:
+ void AddFenceToPresentFence(int fd);
+ constexpr static size_t MATRIX_SIZE = 16;
+ ResourceManager *resource_manager_;
+ DrmDevice *drm_;
+ DrmDisplayCompositor compositor_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Importer> importer_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Planner> planner_;
+ std::vector<DrmPlane *> primary_planes_;
+ std::vector<DrmPlane *> overlay_planes_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Backend> backend_;
+ VSyncWorker vsync_worker_;
+ DrmConnector *connector_ = NULL;
+ DrmCrtc *crtc_ = NULL;
+ hwc2_display_t handle_;
+ HWC2::DisplayType type_;
+ uint32_t layer_idx_ = 0;
+ std::map<hwc2_layer_t, HwcLayer> layers_;
+ HwcLayer client_layer_;
+ UniqueFd present_fence_;
+ int32_t color_mode_;
+ std::array<float, MATRIX_SIZE> color_transform_matrix_;
+ android_color_transform_t color_transform_hint_;
+ uint32_t frame_no_ = 0;
+ Stats total_stats_;
+ Stats prev_stats_;
+ std::string DumpDelta(DrmHwcTwo::HwcDisplay::Stats delta);
+ };
+ class DrmHotplugHandler : public DrmEventHandler {
+ public:
+ DrmHotplugHandler(DrmHwcTwo *hwc2, DrmDevice *drm)
+ : hwc2_(hwc2), drm_(drm) {
+ }
+ void HandleEvent(uint64_t timestamp_us);
+ private:
+ DrmHwcTwo *hwc2_;
+ DrmDevice *drm_;
+ };
+ private:
+ static DrmHwcTwo *toDrmHwcTwo(hwc2_device_t *dev) {
+ return static_cast<DrmHwcTwo *>(dev);
+ }
+ template <typename PFN, typename T>
+ static hwc2_function_pointer_t ToHook(T function) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<PFN, T>::value, "Incompatible fn pointer");
+ return reinterpret_cast<hwc2_function_pointer_t>(function);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename HookType, HookType func, typename... Args>
+ static T DeviceHook(hwc2_device_t *dev, Args... args) {
+ DrmHwcTwo *hwc = toDrmHwcTwo(dev);
+ return static_cast<T>(((*hwc).*func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ static HwcDisplay *GetDisplay(DrmHwcTwo *hwc, hwc2_display_t display_handle) {
+ auto it = hwc->displays_.find(display_handle);
+ if (it == hwc->displays_.end())
+ return nullptr;
+ return &it->second;
+ }
+ template <typename HookType, HookType func, typename... Args>
+ static int32_t DisplayHook(hwc2_device_t *dev, hwc2_display_t display_handle,
+ Args... args) {
+ HwcDisplay *display = GetDisplay(toDrmHwcTwo(dev), display_handle);
+ if (!display)
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(HWC2::Error::BadDisplay);
+ return static_cast<int32_t>((display->*func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ template <typename HookType, HookType func, typename... Args>
+ static int32_t LayerHook(hwc2_device_t *dev, hwc2_display_t display_handle,
+ hwc2_layer_t layer_handle, Args... args) {
+ HwcDisplay *display = GetDisplay(toDrmHwcTwo(dev), display_handle);
+ if (!display)
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(HWC2::Error::BadDisplay);
+ HwcLayer *layer = display->get_layer(layer_handle);
+ if (!layer)
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(HWC2::Error::BadLayer);
+ return static_cast<int32_t>((layer->*func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ // hwc2_device_t hooks
+ static int HookDevClose(hw_device_t *dev);
+ static void HookDevGetCapabilities(hwc2_device_t *dev, uint32_t *out_count,
+ int32_t *out_capabilities);
+ static hwc2_function_pointer_t HookDevGetFunction(struct hwc2_device *device,
+ int32_t descriptor);
+ // Device functions
+ HWC2::Error CreateVirtualDisplay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+ int32_t *format, hwc2_display_t *display);
+ HWC2::Error DestroyVirtualDisplay(hwc2_display_t display);
+ void Dump(uint32_t *outSize, char *outBuffer);
+ uint32_t GetMaxVirtualDisplayCount();
+ HWC2::Error RegisterCallback(int32_t descriptor, hwc2_callback_data_t data,
+ hwc2_function_pointer_t function);
+ HWC2::Error CreateDisplay(hwc2_display_t displ, HWC2::DisplayType type);
+ void HandleDisplayHotplug(hwc2_display_t displayid, int state);
+ void HandleInitialHotplugState(DrmDevice *drmDevice);
+ ResourceManager resource_manager_;
+ std::map<hwc2_display_t, HwcDisplay> displays_;
+ std::string mDumpString;
+} // namespace android