AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-06Merge "drm_hwcomposer: make sure primary plane is allocated for squash" into ...oreo-mr1-devAdrian Salido
2017-10-02drm_hwcomposer: make sure primary plane is allocated for squashAdrian Salido
2017-09-21drm_hwcomposer: reorder source layers according to zorderAdrian Salido
2017-09-01drm_hwcomposer: enumerate additional formats for tegra downscale limitsAdrian Salido
2017-08-24drm_hwcomposer: skip layers with non-premult blendingAdrian Salido
2017-08-21DO NOT MERGE: revert HWC2 changesAdrian Salido
2017-07-20drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitation am: 19756b03f9Adrian Salido
2017-07-20drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitationoreo-dr1-devAdrian Salido
2017-07-20drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitationAdrian Salido
2017-07-19drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitation am: ee24aca7b8 am: c...Adrian Salido
2017-07-19drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitation am: ee24aca7b8 am: c...Adrian Salido
2017-07-19drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitation am: ee24aca7b8 am: c...Adrian Salido
2017-07-19drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitation am: ee24aca7b8Adrian Salido
2017-07-19drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitationandroid-o-iot-preview-5o-iot-preview-5Adrian Salido
2017-07-17drm_hwcomposer: add checks for tegra hardware limitationAdrian Salido
2017-05-19drm_hwcomposer: compile platform-specifc code as neededChia-I Wu
2017-05-18drm_hwcomposer: Add Marissa and remove Haixia am: d35880b46f am: 578059aa61 a...Sean Paul
2017-05-18drm_hwcomposer: Add Marissa and remove Haixia am: d35880b46f am: 578059aa61 a...Sean Paul
2017-05-18drm_hwcomposer: Add Marissa and remove Haixia am: d35880b46f am: 578059aa61Sean Paul
2017-05-18drm_hwcomposer: Add Marissa and remove Haixia am: d35880b46fSean Paul
2017-05-18drm_hwcomposer: Add Marissa and remove Haixiaandroid-o-preview-4android-o-preview-3Sean Paul
2017-05-18drm_hwcomposer: Add Marissa and remove HaixiaSean Paul
2017-05-04Merge "drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPosition" am:...Sean Paul
2017-05-04Merge "drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPosition" am:...Sean Paul
2017-05-04Merge "drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPosition" am:...Sean Paul
2017-05-04Merge "drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPosition" am:...Sean Paul
2017-05-04Merge "drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPosition"android-wear-o-preview-4android-wear-o-preview-3android-o-preview-2android-n-iot-preview-4n-iot-preview-4Sean Paul
2017-05-04Merge "drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPosition"Sean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: avoid potential race condition between worker init and exit a...Adrian Salido
2017-04-25resolve merge conflicts of 5903f9a to oc-dev-plus-aospSean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: avoid potential race condition between worker init and exit a...Adrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: avoid potential race condition between worker init and exit a...Adrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: avoid potential race condition between worker init and exit a...Adrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: avoid potential race condition between worker init and exitAdrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: avoid potential race condition between worker init and exitAdrian Salido
2017-04-25resolve merge conflicts of 5903f9a to oc-dev-plus-aospSean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: refactor Worker am: fa37f67815 am: e6ccbfd43eAdrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: refactor Worker am: fa37f67815Adrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: refactor WorkerAdrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: refactor WorkerAdrian Salido
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Add support for GetColorModes & SetCursorPositionKalyan Kondapally
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Partially implement HWC2 API am: ac8741504b am: 46a1916dbf am...Sean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Initial stub HWC2 am: ed2ec4b0b3 am: 30d6f3b938 am: 3b3944d17...Sean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Move eglCreateImageKHR into Importer am: 90f92d863c am: 83e80...Rob Clark
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Partially implement HWC2 API am: ac8741504b am: 46a1916dbf am...Sean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Initial stub HWC2 am: ed2ec4b0b3 am: 30d6f3b938 am: 3b3944d17cSean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Move eglCreateImageKHR into Importer am: 90f92d863c am: 83e80...Rob Clark
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Partially implement HWC2 API am: ac8741504b am: 46a1916dbfSean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Initial stub HWC2 am: ed2ec4b0b3 am: 30d6f3b938Sean Paul
2017-04-25drm_hwcomposer: Move eglCreateImageKHR into Importer am: 90f92d863c am: 83e80...Rob Clark