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+# Effcee
+[![Linux and OSX Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/google/effcee.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/google/effcee "Linux and OSX Build Status")
+Effcee is a C++ library for stateful pattern matching of strings,
+inspired by LLVM's [FileCheck][FileCheck] command.
+- Is a library, so it can be used for quickly running tests in your own process.
+- Is largely compatible with FileCheck, so tests and test-writing skills are
+ transferable.
+- Has few dependencies:
+ - The C++11 standard library, and
+ - [RE2][RE2] for regular expression matching.
+## Example
+The following is from [examples/main.cc](examples/main.cc):
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <sstream>
+ #include "effcee/effcee.h"
+ // Checks standard input against the list of checks provided as command line
+ // arguments.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // cat <<EOF >sample_data.txt
+ // Bees
+ // Make
+ // Delicious Honey
+ // EOF
+ // effcee-example <sample_data.txt "CHECK: Bees" "CHECK-NOT:Sting" "CHECK: Honey"
+ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ // Read the command arguments as a list of check rules.
+ std::ostringstream checks_stream;
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ checks_stream << argv[i] << "\n";
+ }
+ // Read stdin as the input to match.
+ std::stringstream input_stream;
+ std::cin >> input_stream.rdbuf();
+ // Attempt to match. The input and checks arguments can be provided as
+ // std::string or pointer to char.
+ auto result = effcee::Match(input_stream.str(), checks_stream.str(),
+ effcee::Options().SetChecksName("checks"));
+ // Successful match result converts to true.
+ if (result) {
+ std::cout << "The input matched your check list!" << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, you can get a status code and a detailed message.
+ switch (result.status()) {
+ case effcee::Result::Status::NoRules:
+ std::cout << "error: Expected check rules as command line arguments\n";
+ break;
+ case effcee::Result::Status::Fail:
+ std::cout << "The input failed to match your check rules:\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cout << result.message() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+For more examples, see the matching tests
+in [effcee/match_test.cc](effcee/match_test.cc).
+## Status
+Effcee is mature enough to be relied upon by
+[third party projects](#what-uses-effcee), but could be improved.
+What works:
+* Check strings can contain:
+ * fixed strings
+ * regular expressions
+ * variable definitions and uses
+* Setting a custom check prefix.
+* Accurate and helpful reporting of match failures.
+What is left to do:
+* Add an option to define shorthands for regular expressions.
+ * For example, you could express that if the string `%%` appears where a
+ regular expression is expected, then it expands to the regular expression
+ for a local identifier in LLVM assembly language, i.e.
+ `%[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*`.
+ This enables you to write precise tests with less fuss.
+* Better error reporting for failure to parse the checks list.
+* Write a check language reference and tutorial.
+What is left to do, but lower priority:
+* Match full lines.
+* Strict whitespace.
+* Implicit check-not.
+* Variable scoping.
+## Licensing and contributing
+Effcee is licensed under terms of the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE). If you
+are interested in contributing to this project, please see
+This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just
+code that happens to be owned by Google. That may change if Effcee gains
+contributions from others. See the [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md) file
+for more information. See also the [`AUTHORS`](AUTHORS) and
+## File organization
+- [`effcee`/](effcee) : library source code, and tests
+- `third_party/`: third party open source packages, downloaded
+ separately
+- [`examples/`](examples): example programs
+Effcee depends on the [RE2][RE2] regular expression library.
+Effcee tests depend on [Googletest][Googletest] and [Python][Python].
+In the following sections, `$SOURCE_DIR` is the directory containing the
+Effcee source code.
+## Getting and building Effcee
+1) Check out the source code:
+git clone https://github.com/google/effcee $SOURCE_DIR
+cd $SOURCE_DIR/third_party
+git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
+git clone https://github.com/google/re2.git
+Note: There are two other ways to manage third party sources:
+- If you are building Effcee as part of a larger CMake-based project,
+ add the RE2 and `googletest` projects before adding Effcee.
+- Otherwise, you can set CMake variables to point to third party sources
+ if they are located somewhere else. See the [Build options](#build-options) below.
+2) Ensure you have the requisite tools -- see the tools subsection below.
+3) Decide where to place the build output. In the following steps, we'll call it
+ `$BUILD_DIR`. Any new directory should work. We recommend building outside
+ the source tree, but it is also common to build in a (new) subdirectory of
+ `$SOURCE_DIR`, such as `$SOURCE_DIR/build`.
+4a) Build and test with Ninja on Linux or Windows:
+cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo} $SOURCE_DIR
+4b) Or build and test with MSVC on Windows:
+cmake $SOURCE_DIR
+cmake --build . --config {Release|Debug|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo}
+ctest -C {Release|Debug|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo}
+4c) Or build with MinGW on Linux for Windows:
+(Skip building threaded unit tests due to
+[Googletest bug 606](https://github.com/google/googletest/issues/606))
+cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo} $SOURCE_DIR \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$SOURCE_DIR/cmake/linux-mingw-toolchain.cmake \
+ -Dgtest_disable_pthreads=ON
+After a successful build, you should have a `libeffcee` library under
+the `$BUILD_DIR/effcee/` directory.
+The default behavior on MSVC is to link with the static CRT. If you would like
+to change this behavior `-DEFFCEE_ENABLE_SHARED_CRT` may be passed on the
+cmake configure line.
+### Tests
+By default, Effcee registers two tests with `ctest`:
+* `effcee-test`: All library tests, based on Googletest.
+* `effcee-example`: Executes the example executable with sample inputs.
+Running `ctest` without arguments will run the tests for Effcee as well as for
+You can disable Effcee's tests by using `-DEFFCEE_BUILD_TESTING=OFF` at
+configuration time:
+The RE2 tests run much longer, so if you're working on Effcee alone, we
+suggest limiting ctest to tests with prefix `effcee`:
+ ctest -R effcee
+Alternately, you can turn off RE2 tests entirely by using
+`-DRE2_BUILD_TESTING=OFF` at configuration time:
+cmake -GNinja -DRE2_BUILD_TESTING=OFF ...
+### Tools you'll need
+For building, testing, and profiling Effcee, the following tools should be
+installed regardless of your OS:
+- A compiler supporting C++11.
+- [CMake][CMake]: for generating compilation targets.
+- [Python][Python]: for a test script.
+On Linux, if cross compiling to Windows:
+- [MinGW][MinGW]: A GCC-based cross compiler targeting Windows
+ so that generated executables use the Microsoft C runtime libraries.
+On Windows, the following tools should be installed and available on your path:
+- Visual Studio 2015 or later. Previous versions of Visual Studio are not usable
+ with RE2 or Googletest.
+- Git - including the associated tools, Bash, `diff`.
+### Build options
+Third party source locations:
+- `EFFCEE_GOOGLETEST_DIR`: Location of `googletest` sources, if not under
+ `third_party`.
+- `EFFCEE_RE2_DIR`: Location of `re2` sources, if not under `third_party`.
+- `EFFCEE_THIRD_PARTY_ROOT_DIR`: Alternate location for `googletest` and
+ `re2` subdirectories. This is used if the sources are not located under
+ the `third_party` directory, and if the previous two variables are not set.
+Compilation options:
+- `DISABLE_RTTI`. Disable runtime type information. Default is enabled.
+- `DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS`. Disable exceptions. Default is enabled.
+Controlling samples and tests:
+- `EFFCEE_BUILD_SAMPLES`. Should Effcee examples be built? Defaults to `ON`.
+- `EFFCEE_BUILD_TESTING`. Should Effcee tests be built? Defaults to `ON`.
+- `RE2_BUILD_TESTING`. Should RE2 tests be built? Defaults to `ON`.
+## Bug tracking
+We track bugs using GitHub -- click on the "Issues" button on
+[the project's GitHub page](https://github.com/google/effcee).
+## What uses Effcee?
+- [Tests](https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/tree/master/tools/clang/test/CodeGenSPIRV)
+ for SPIR-V code generation in the [DXC][DXC] HLSL compiler.
+- Tests for [SPIRV-Tools][SPIRV-Tools]
+## References
+[CMake]: https://cmake.org/
+[DXC]: https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler
+[FileCheck]: http://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/FileCheck.html
+[Googletest]: https://github.com/google/googletest
+[MinGW]: http://www.mingw.org/
+[Python]: https://www.python.org/
+[RE2]: https://github.com/google/re2
+[SPIRV-Tools]: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools