path: root/effcee/cursor_test.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'effcee/cursor_test.cc')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/effcee/cursor_test.cc b/effcee/cursor_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea2016d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/effcee/cursor_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Effcee Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "cursor.h"
+namespace {
+using effcee::Cursor;
+using effcee::LineMessage;
+using effcee::StringPiece;
+using ::testing::Eq;
+using ::testing::HasSubstr;
+// text method
+// remaining and Advance methods
+TEST(Cursor, AdvanceReturnsTheCursorItself) {
+ Cursor c("foo");
+ EXPECT_THAT(&c.Advance(1), Eq(&c));
+TEST(Cursor, RemainingBeginsEqualToText) {
+ const char* original = "The Smiths";
+ Cursor c(original);
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original));
+TEST(Cursor, RemainingDiminishesByPreviousAdvanceCalls) {
+ const char* original = "The Smiths are a great 80s band";
+ Cursor c(original);
+ c.Advance(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq("Smiths are a great 80s band"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original + 4));
+ c.Advance(11);
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq("a great 80s band"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original + 15));
+ c.Advance(c.remaining().size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq(""));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original + 31));
+// Exhausted method
+TEST(Cursor, ExhaustedImmediatelyWhenStartingWithEmptyString) {
+ Cursor c("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(c.Exhausted());
+TEST(Cursor, ExhaustedWhenRemainingIsEmpty) {
+ Cursor c("boo");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(c.Exhausted());
+ c.Advance(2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(c.Exhausted());
+ c.Advance(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(c.Exhausted());
+// RestOfLine method
+TEST(Cursor, RestOfLineOnEmptyReturnsEmpty) {
+ const char* original = "";
+ Cursor c(original);
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.RestOfLine(), Eq(""));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.RestOfLine().begin(), Eq(original));
+TEST(Cursor, RestOfLineWithoutNewline) {
+ Cursor c("The end");
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.RestOfLine(), Eq("The end"));
+TEST(Cursor, RestOfLineGetsLineUpToAndIncludingNewline) {
+ Cursor c("The end\nOf an era");
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.RestOfLine(), Eq("The end\n"));
+TEST(Cursor, RestOfLineGetsOnlyFromRemainingText) {
+ Cursor c("The end\nOf an era");
+ c.Advance(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq("end\nOf an era"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.RestOfLine(), Eq("end\n"));
+// AdvanceLine and line_num methods
+TEST(Cursor, AdvanceLineReturnsTheCursorItself) {
+ Cursor c("foo\nbar");
+ EXPECT_THAT(&c.AdvanceLine(), Eq(&c));
+TEST(Cursor, AdvanceLineWalksThroughTextByLineAndCountsLines) {
+ const char* original = "The end\nOf an era\nIs here";
+ Cursor c(original);
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(1));
+ c.AdvanceLine();
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq("Of an era\nIs here"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original + 8));
+ c.AdvanceLine();
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq("Is here"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original + 18));
+ c.AdvanceLine();
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(4));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq(""));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining().begin(), Eq(original + 25));
+TEST(Cursor, AdvanceLineIsNoopAfterEndIsReached) {
+ Cursor c("One\nTwo");
+ c.AdvanceLine();
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq("Two"));
+ c.AdvanceLine();
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq(""));
+ c.AdvanceLine();
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.line_num(), Eq(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(c.remaining(), Eq(""));
+// LineMessage free function.
+TEST(LineMessage, SubtextIsFirst) {
+ StringPiece text("Foo\nBar");
+ StringPiece subtext(text.begin(), 3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(LineMessage(text, subtext, "loves quiche"),
+ Eq(":1:1: loves quiche\nFoo\n^\n"));
+TEST(LineMessage, SubtextDoesNotEndInNewline) {
+ StringPiece text("Foo\nBar");
+ StringPiece subtext(text.begin()+4, 3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(LineMessage(text, subtext, "loves quiche"),
+ Eq(":2:1: loves quiche\nBar\n^\n"));
+TEST(LineMessage, SubtextPartwayThroughItsLine) {
+ StringPiece text("Food Life\nBar");
+ StringPiece subtext(text.begin() + 5, 3); // "Lif"
+ EXPECT_THAT(LineMessage(text, subtext, "loves quiche"),
+ Eq(":1:6: loves quiche\nFood Life\n ^\n"));
+TEST(LineMessage, SubtextOnSubsequentLine) {
+ StringPiece text("Food Life\nBar Fight\n");
+ StringPiece subtext(text.begin() + 14, 5); // "Fight"
+ EXPECT_THAT(LineMessage(text, subtext, "loves quiche"),
+ Eq(":2:5: loves quiche\nBar Fight\n ^\n"));
+TEST(LineMessage, SubtextIsEmptyAndInMiddle) {
+ StringPiece text("Food");
+ StringPiece subtext(text.begin() + 2, 0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(LineMessage(text, subtext, "loves quiche"),
+ Eq(":1:3: loves quiche\nFood\n ^\n"));
+TEST(LineMessage, SubtextIsEmptyAndAtVeryEnd) {
+ StringPiece text("Food");
+ StringPiece subtext(text.begin() + 4, 0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(LineMessage(text, subtext, "loves quiche"),
+ Eq(":1:5: loves quiche\nFood\n ^\n"));
+} // namespace