path: root/grpc/src/compiler/swift_generator.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'grpc/src/compiler/swift_generator.cc')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grpc/src/compiler/swift_generator.cc b/grpc/src/compiler/swift_generator.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7997278b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/src/compiler/swift_generator.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * NOTE: The following implementation is a translation for the Swift-grpc
+ * generator since flatbuffers doesnt allow plugins for now. if an issue arises
+ * please open an issue in the flatbuffers repository. This file should always
+ * be maintained according to the Swift-grpc repository
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
+#include "src/compiler/schema_interface.h"
+#include "src/compiler/swift_generator.h"
+namespace grpc_swift_generator {
+grpc::string GenerateMessage(const grpc::string &name) {
+ return "Message<" + name + ">";
+// MARK: - Client
+grpc::string GenerateClientFuncName(const grpc_generator::Method *method) {
+ if (method->NoStreaming()) {
+ return "$GenAccess$ func $MethodName$(_ request: $Input$"
+ ", callOptions: CallOptions?$isNil$) -> UnaryCall<$Input$,$Output$>";
+ }
+ if (method->ClientStreaming()) {
+ return "$GenAccess$ func $MethodName$"
+ "(callOptions: CallOptions?$isNil$) -> "
+ "ClientStreamingCall<$Input$,$Output$>";
+ }
+ if (method->ServerStreaming()) {
+ return "$GenAccess$ func $MethodName$(_ request: $Input$"
+ ", callOptions: CallOptions?$isNil$, handler: @escaping ($Output$"
+ ") -> Void) -> ServerStreamingCall<$Input$, $Output$>";
+ }
+ return "$GenAccess$ func $MethodName$"
+ "(callOptions: CallOptions?$isNil$, handler: @escaping ($Output$"
+ ") -> Void) -> BidirectionalStreamingCall<$Input$, $Output$>";
+grpc::string GenerateClientFuncBody(const grpc_generator::Method *method) {
+ if (method->NoStreaming()) {
+ return "return self.makeUnaryCall(path: "
+ "\"/$PATH$$ServiceName$/$MethodName$\", request: request, "
+ "callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions)";
+ }
+ if (method->ClientStreaming()) {
+ return "return self.makeClientStreamingCall(path: "
+ "\"/$PATH$$ServiceName$/$MethodName$\", callOptions: callOptions ?? "
+ "self.defaultCallOptions)";
+ }
+ if (method->ServerStreaming()) {
+ return "return self.makeServerStreamingCall(path: "
+ "\"/$PATH$$ServiceName$/$MethodName$\", request: request, "
+ "callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions, handler: "
+ "handler)";
+ }
+ return "return self.makeBidirectionalStreamingCall(path: "
+ "\"/$PATH$$ServiceName$/$MethodName$\", callOptions: callOptions ?? "
+ "self.defaultCallOptions, handler: handler)";
+void GenerateClientProtocol(const grpc_generator::Service *service,
+ grpc_generator::Printer *printer,
+ std::map<grpc::string, grpc::string> *dictonary) {
+ auto vars = *dictonary;
+ printer->Print(vars, "$ACCESS$ protocol $ServiceName$Service {\n");
+ vars["GenAccess"] = "";
+ for (auto it = 0; it < service->method_count(); it++) {
+ auto method = service->method(it);
+ vars["Input"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_input_type_name());
+ vars["Output"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_output_type_name());
+ vars["MethodName"] = method->name();
+ vars["isNil"] = "";
+ printer->Print("\t");
+ auto func = GenerateClientFuncName(method.get());
+ printer->Print(vars, func.c_str());
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+void GenerateClientClass(const grpc_generator::Service *service,
+ grpc_generator::Printer *printer,
+ std::map<grpc::string, grpc::string> *dictonary) {
+ auto vars = *dictonary;
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "$ACCESS$ final class $ServiceName$ServiceClient: GRPCClient, "
+ "$ServiceName$Service {\n");
+ printer->Print(vars, "\t$ACCESS$ let connection: ClientConnection\n");
+ printer->Print(vars, "\t$ACCESS$ var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions\n");
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "\t$ACCESS$ init(connection: ClientConnection, "
+ "defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions()) {\n");
+ printer->Print("\t\tself.connection = connection\n");
+ printer->Print("\t\tself.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions\n");
+ printer->Print("\t}");
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ vars["GenAccess"] = "public";
+ for (auto it = 0; it < service->method_count(); it++) {
+ auto method = service->method(it);
+ vars["Input"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_input_type_name());
+ vars["Output"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_output_type_name());
+ vars["MethodName"] = method->name();
+ vars["isNil"] = " = nil";
+ printer->Print("\n\t");
+ auto func = GenerateClientFuncName(method.get());
+ printer->Print(vars, func.c_str());
+ printer->Print(" {\n");
+ auto body = GenerateClientFuncBody(method.get());
+ printer->Print("\t\t");
+ printer->Print(vars, body.c_str());
+ printer->Print("\n\t}\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+// MARK: - Server
+grpc::string GenerateServerFuncName(const grpc_generator::Method *method) {
+ if (method->NoStreaming()) {
+ return "func $MethodName$(_ request: $Input$"
+ ", context: StatusOnlyCallContext) -> EventLoopFuture<$Output$>";
+ }
+ if (method->ClientStreaming()) {
+ return "func $MethodName$(context: UnaryResponseCallContext<$Output$>) -> "
+ "EventLoopFuture<(StreamEvent<$Input$"
+ ">) -> Void>";
+ }
+ if (method->ServerStreaming()) {
+ return "func $MethodName$(request: $Input$"
+ ", context: StreamingResponseCallContext<$Output$>) -> "
+ "EventLoopFuture<GRPCStatus>";
+ }
+ return "func $MethodName$(context: StreamingResponseCallContext<$Output$>) "
+ "-> EventLoopFuture<(StreamEvent<$Input$>) -> Void>";
+grpc::string GenerateServerExtensionBody(const grpc_generator::Method *method) {
+ grpc::string start = "\t\tcase \"$MethodName$\":\n\t\t";
+ if (method->NoStreaming()) {
+ return start +
+ "return UnaryCallHandler(callHandlerContext: callHandlerContext) { "
+ "context in"
+ "\n\t\t\t"
+ "return { request in"
+ "\n\t\t\t\t"
+ "self.$MethodName$(request, context: context)"
+ "\n\t\t\t}"
+ "\n\t\t}";
+ }
+ if (method->ClientStreaming()) {
+ return start +
+ "return ClientStreamingCallHandler(callHandlerContext: "
+ "callHandlerContext) { context in"
+ "\n\t\t\t"
+ "return { request in"
+ "\n\t\t\t\t"
+ "self.$MethodName$(request: request, context: context)"
+ "\n\t\t\t}"
+ "\n\t\t}";
+ }
+ if (method->ServerStreaming()) {
+ return start +
+ "return ServerStreamingCallHandler(callHandlerContext: "
+ "callHandlerContext) { context in"
+ "\n\t\t\t"
+ "return { request in"
+ "\n\t\t\t\t"
+ "self.$MethodName$(request: request, context: context)"
+ "\n\t\t\t}"
+ "\n\t\t}";
+ }
+ if (method->BidiStreaming()) {
+ return start +
+ "return BidirectionalStreamingCallHandler(callHandlerContext: "
+ "callHandlerContext) { context in"
+ "\n\t\t\t"
+ "return { request in"
+ "\n\t\t\t\t"
+ "self.$MethodName$(request: request, context: context)"
+ "\n\t\t\t}"
+ "\n\t\t}";
+ }
+ return "";
+void GenerateServerProtocol(const grpc_generator::Service *service,
+ grpc_generator::Printer *printer,
+ std::map<grpc::string, grpc::string> *dictonary) {
+ auto vars = *dictonary;
+ printer->Print(
+ vars, "$ACCESS$ protocol $ServiceName$Provider: CallHandlerProvider {\n");
+ for (auto it = 0; it < service->method_count(); it++) {
+ auto method = service->method(it);
+ vars["Input"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_input_type_name());
+ vars["Output"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_output_type_name());
+ vars["MethodName"] = method->name();
+ printer->Print("\t");
+ auto func = GenerateServerFuncName(method.get());
+ printer->Print(vars, func.c_str());
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+ printer->Print(vars, "$ACCESS$ extension $ServiceName$Provider {\n");
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "\tvar serviceName: String { return "
+ "\"$PATH$$ServiceName$\" }\n");
+ printer->Print(
+ "\tfunc handleMethod(_ methodName: String, callHandlerContext: "
+ "CallHandlerContext) -> GRPCCallHandler? {\n");
+ printer->Print("\t\tswitch methodName {\n");
+ for (auto it = 0; it < service->method_count(); it++) {
+ auto method = service->method(it);
+ vars["Input"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_input_type_name());
+ vars["Output"] = GenerateMessage(method->get_output_type_name());
+ vars["MethodName"] = method->name();
+ auto body = GenerateServerExtensionBody(method.get());
+ printer->Print(vars, body.c_str());
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("\t\tdefault: return nil;\n");
+ printer->Print("\t\t}\n");
+ printer->Print("\t}\n\n");
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+grpc::string Generate(grpc_generator::File *file,
+ const grpc_generator::Service *service) {
+ grpc::string output;
+ std::map<grpc::string, grpc::string> vars;
+ vars["PATH"] = file->package();
+ if (!file->package().empty()) { vars["PATH"].append("."); }
+ vars["ServiceName"] = service->name();
+ vars["ACCESS"] = "public";
+ auto printer = file->CreatePrinter(&output);
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "/// Usage: instantiate $ServiceName$ServiceClient, then call "
+ "methods of this protocol to make API calls.\n");
+ GenerateClientProtocol(service, &*printer, &vars);
+ GenerateClientClass(service, &*printer, &vars);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ GenerateServerProtocol(service, &*printer, &vars);
+ return output;
+grpc::string GenerateHeader() {
+ grpc::string code;
+ code +=
+ "/// The following code is generated by the Flatbuffers library which "
+ "might not be in sync with grpc-swift\n";
+ code +=
+ "/// in case of an issue please open github issue, though it would be "
+ "maintained\n";
+ code += "import Foundation\n";
+ code += "import GRPC\n";
+ code += "import NIO\n";
+ code += "import NIOHTTP1\n";
+ code += "import FlatBuffers\n";
+ code += "\n";
+ code +=
+ "public protocol GRPCFlatBufPayload: GRPCPayload, FlatBufferGRPCMessage "
+ "{}\n";
+ code += "public extension GRPCFlatBufPayload {\n";
+ code += " init(serializedByteBuffer: inout NIO.ByteBuffer) throws {\n";
+ code +=
+ " self.init(byteBuffer: FlatBuffers.ByteBuffer(contiguousBytes: "
+ "serializedByteBuffer.readableBytesView, count: "
+ "serializedByteBuffer.readableBytes))\n";
+ code += " }\n";
+ code += " func serialize(into buffer: inout NIO.ByteBuffer) throws {\n";
+ code +=
+ " let buf = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: self.rawPointer, count: "
+ "Int(self.size))\n";
+ code += " buffer.writeBytes(buf)\n";
+ code += " }\n";
+ code += "}\n";
+ code += "extension Message: GRPCFlatBufPayload {}\n";
+ return code;
+} // namespace grpc_swift_generator