path: root/Doc/source/otlLib/index.rst
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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/source/otlLib/index.rst b/Doc/source/otlLib/index.rst
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+otlLib: Routines for working with OpenType Layout
+The ``fontTools.otlLib`` library provides routines to help you create the
+subtables and other data structures you need when you are editing a font's
+``GSUB`` and ``GPOS`` tables: substitution and positioning rules, anchors,
+lookups, coverage tables and so on.
+High-level OpenType Layout Lookup Builders
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: AlternateSubstBuilder, ChainContextPosBuilder, ChainContextSubstBuilder, LigatureSubstBuilder, MultipleSubstBuilder, CursivePosBuilder, MarkBasePosBuilder, MarkLigPosBuilder, MarkMarkPosBuilder, ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder, SingleSubstBuilder, ClassPairPosSubtableBuilder, PairPosBuilder, SinglePosBuilder
+ :member-order: bysource
+Common OpenType Layout Data Structures
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: buildCoverage, buildLookup
+Low-level GSUB Table Lookup Builders
+These functions deal with the "simple" lookup types. See above for classes to
+help build more complex lookups (contextual and chaining lookups).
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: buildSingleSubstSubtable, buildMultipleSubstSubtable, buildAlternateSubstSubtable, buildLigatureSubstSubtable
+GPOS Shared Table Builders
+The functions help build the `GPOS shared tables <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gpos#shared-tables-value-record-anchor-table-and-mark-array-table>`_
+as defined in the OpenType spec: value records, anchors, mark arrays and
+mark record tables.
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: buildValue, buildAnchor, buildMarkArray, buildDevice, buildBaseArray, buildComponentRecord, buildMarkArray, buildValue
+ :member-order: bysource
+Low-level GPOS Table Lookup Builders
+These functions deal with the "simple" lookup types. See above for classes to
+help build more complex lookups (contextual and chaining lookups).
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: buildCursivePosSubtable, buildLigatureArray, buildMarkBasePos, buildMarkBasePosSubtable, buildMarkLigPos, buildMarkLigPosSubtable, buildPairPosClassesSubtable, buildPairPosGlyphs, buildPairPosGlyphsSubtable, buildSinglePos, buildSinglePosSubtable
+ :member-order: bysource
+GDEF Table Subtable Builders
+These functions build subtables for elements of the ``GDEF`` table.
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: buildAttachList, buildLigCaretList, buildMarkGlyphSetsDef
+ :member-order: bysource
+STAT Table Builder
+.. automodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
+ :members: buildStatTable
+ :member-order: bysource