path: root/Lib/fontTools/otlLib/optimize/gpos.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/fontTools/otlLib/optimize/gpos.py')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/fontTools/otlLib/optimize/gpos.py b/Lib/fontTools/otlLib/optimize/gpos.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79873fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/fontTools/otlLib/optimize/gpos.py
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+import logging
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
+from functools import reduce
+from itertools import chain
+from math import log2
+from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple
+from fontTools.misc.intTools import bit_count, bit_indices
+from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
+from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otBase, otTables
+# NOTE: activating this optimization via the environment variable is
+# experimental and may not be supported once an alternative mechanism
+# is in place. See: https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/2349
+log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.otlLib.optimize.gpos")
+def compact(font: TTFont, mode: str) -> TTFont:
+ # Ideal plan:
+ # 1. Find lookups of Lookup Type 2: Pair Adjustment Positioning Subtable
+ # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gpos#lookup-type-2-pair-adjustment-positioning-subtable
+ # 2. Extract glyph-glyph kerning and class-kerning from all present subtables
+ # 3. Regroup into different subtable arrangements
+ # 4. Put back into the lookup
+ #
+ # Actual implementation:
+ # 2. Only class kerning is optimized currently
+ # 3. If the input kerning is already in several subtables, the subtables
+ # are not grouped together first; instead each subtable is treated
+ # independently, so currently this step is:
+ # Split existing subtables into more smaller subtables
+ gpos = font["GPOS"]
+ for lookup in gpos.table.LookupList.Lookup:
+ if lookup.LookupType == 2:
+ compact_lookup(font, mode, lookup)
+ elif lookup.LookupType == 9 and lookup.SubTable[0].ExtensionLookupType == 2:
+ compact_ext_lookup(font, mode, lookup)
+ return font
+def compact_lookup(font: TTFont, mode: str, lookup: otTables.Lookup) -> None:
+ new_subtables = compact_pair_pos(font, mode, lookup.SubTable)
+ lookup.SubTable = new_subtables
+ lookup.SubTableCount = len(new_subtables)
+def compact_ext_lookup(font: TTFont, mode: str, lookup: otTables.Lookup) -> None:
+ new_subtables = compact_pair_pos(
+ font, mode, [ext_subtable.ExtSubTable for ext_subtable in lookup.SubTable]
+ )
+ new_ext_subtables = []
+ for subtable in new_subtables:
+ ext_subtable = otTables.ExtensionPos()
+ ext_subtable.Format = 1
+ ext_subtable.ExtSubTable = subtable
+ new_ext_subtables.append(ext_subtable)
+ lookup.SubTable = new_ext_subtables
+ lookup.SubTableCount = len(new_ext_subtables)
+def compact_pair_pos(
+ font: TTFont, mode: str, subtables: Sequence[otTables.PairPos]
+) -> Sequence[otTables.PairPos]:
+ new_subtables = []
+ for subtable in subtables:
+ if subtable.Format == 1:
+ # Not doing anything to Format 1 (yet?)
+ new_subtables.append(subtable)
+ elif subtable.Format == 2:
+ new_subtables.extend(compact_class_pairs(font, mode, subtable))
+ return new_subtables
+def compact_class_pairs(
+ font: TTFont, mode: str, subtable: otTables.PairPos
+) -> List[otTables.PairPos]:
+ from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildPairPosClassesSubtable
+ subtables = []
+ classes1: DefaultDict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
+ for g in subtable.Coverage.glyphs:
+ classes1[subtable.ClassDef1.classDefs.get(g, 0)].append(g)
+ classes2: DefaultDict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
+ for g, i in subtable.ClassDef2.classDefs.items():
+ classes2[i].append(g)
+ all_pairs = {}
+ for i, class1 in enumerate(subtable.Class1Record):
+ for j, class2 in enumerate(class1.Class2Record):
+ if is_really_zero(class2):
+ continue
+ all_pairs[(tuple(sorted(classes1[i])), tuple(sorted(classes2[j])))] = (
+ getattr(class2, "Value1", None),
+ getattr(class2, "Value2", None),
+ )
+ if len(mode) == 1 and mode in "123456789":
+ grouped_pairs = cluster_pairs_by_class2_coverage_custom_cost(
+ font, all_pairs, int(mode)
+ )
+ for pairs in grouped_pairs:
+ subtables.append(
+ buildPairPosClassesSubtable(pairs, font.getReverseGlyphMap())
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Bad {GPOS_COMPACT_MODE_ENV_KEY}={mode}")
+ return subtables
+def is_really_zero(class2: otTables.Class2Record) -> bool:
+ v1 = getattr(class2, "Value1", None)
+ v2 = getattr(class2, "Value2", None)
+ return (v1 is None or v1.getEffectiveFormat() == 0) and (
+ v2 is None or v2.getEffectiveFormat() == 0
+ )
+Pairs = Dict[
+ Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[str, ...]],
+ Tuple[otBase.ValueRecord, otBase.ValueRecord],
+# Adapted from https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/blob/f64f0b42f2d1163b2d85194e0979def539f5dca3/Lib/fontTools/ttLib/tables/otTables.py#L935-L958
+def _getClassRanges(glyphIDs: Iterable[int]):
+ glyphIDs = sorted(glyphIDs)
+ last = glyphIDs[0]
+ ranges = [[last]]
+ for glyphID in glyphIDs[1:]:
+ if glyphID != last + 1:
+ ranges[-1].append(last)
+ ranges.append([glyphID])
+ last = glyphID
+ ranges[-1].append(last)
+ return ranges, glyphIDs[0], glyphIDs[-1]
+# Adapted from https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/blob/f64f0b42f2d1163b2d85194e0979def539f5dca3/Lib/fontTools/ttLib/tables/otTables.py#L960-L989
+def _classDef_bytes(
+ class_data: List[Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], int, int]],
+ class_ids: List[int],
+ coverage=False,
+ if not class_ids:
+ return 0
+ first_ranges, min_glyph_id, max_glyph_id = class_data[class_ids[0]]
+ range_count = len(first_ranges)
+ for i in class_ids[1:]:
+ data = class_data[i]
+ range_count += len(data[0])
+ min_glyph_id = min(min_glyph_id, data[1])
+ max_glyph_id = max(max_glyph_id, data[2])
+ glyphCount = max_glyph_id - min_glyph_id + 1
+ # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#class-definition-table-format-1
+ format1_bytes = 6 + glyphCount * 2
+ # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#class-definition-table-format-2
+ format2_bytes = 4 + range_count * 6
+ return min(format1_bytes, format2_bytes)
+ClusteringContext = namedtuple(
+ "ClusteringContext",
+ [
+ "lines",
+ "all_class1",
+ "all_class1_data",
+ "all_class2_data",
+ "valueFormat1_bytes",
+ "valueFormat2_bytes",
+ ],
+class Cluster:
+ # TODO(Python 3.7): Turn this into a dataclass
+ # ctx: ClusteringContext
+ # indices: int
+ # Caches
+ # TODO(Python 3.8): use functools.cached_property instead of the
+ # manually cached properties, and remove the cache fields listed below.
+ # _indices: Optional[List[int]] = None
+ # _column_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None
+ # _cost: Optional[int] = None
+ __slots__ = "ctx", "indices_bitmask", "_indices", "_column_indices", "_cost"
+ def __init__(self, ctx: ClusteringContext, indices_bitmask: int):
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ self.indices_bitmask = indices_bitmask
+ self._indices = None
+ self._column_indices = None
+ self._cost = None
+ @property
+ def indices(self):
+ if self._indices is None:
+ self._indices = bit_indices(self.indices_bitmask)
+ return self._indices
+ @property
+ def column_indices(self):
+ if self._column_indices is None:
+ # Indices of columns that have a 1 in at least 1 line
+ # => binary OR all the lines
+ bitmask = reduce(int.__or__, (self.ctx.lines[i] for i in self.indices))
+ self._column_indices = bit_indices(bitmask)
+ return self._column_indices
+ @property
+ def width(self):
+ # Add 1 because Class2=0 cannot be used but needs to be encoded.
+ return len(self.column_indices) + 1
+ @property
+ def cost(self):
+ if self._cost is None:
+ self._cost = (
+ # 2 bytes to store the offset to this subtable in the Lookup table above
+ 2
+ # Contents of the subtable
+ # From: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gpos#pair-adjustment-positioning-format-2-class-pair-adjustment
+ # uint16 posFormat Format identifier: format = 2
+ + 2
+ # Offset16 coverageOffset Offset to Coverage table, from beginning of PairPos subtable.
+ + 2
+ + self.coverage_bytes
+ # uint16 valueFormat1 ValueRecord definition — for the first glyph of the pair (may be zero).
+ + 2
+ # uint16 valueFormat2 ValueRecord definition — for the second glyph of the pair (may be zero).
+ + 2
+ # Offset16 classDef1Offset Offset to ClassDef table, from beginning of PairPos subtable — for the first glyph of the pair.
+ + 2
+ + self.classDef1_bytes
+ # Offset16 classDef2Offset Offset to ClassDef table, from beginning of PairPos subtable — for the second glyph of the pair.
+ + 2
+ + self.classDef2_bytes
+ # uint16 class1Count Number of classes in classDef1 table — includes Class 0.
+ + 2
+ # uint16 class2Count Number of classes in classDef2 table — includes Class 0.
+ + 2
+ # Class1Record class1Records[class1Count] Array of Class1 records, ordered by classes in classDef1.
+ + (self.ctx.valueFormat1_bytes + self.ctx.valueFormat2_bytes)
+ * len(self.indices)
+ * self.width
+ )
+ return self._cost
+ @property
+ def coverage_bytes(self):
+ format1_bytes = (
+ # From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#coverage-format-1
+ # uint16 coverageFormat Format identifier — format = 1
+ # uint16 glyphCount Number of glyphs in the glyph array
+ 4
+ # uint16 glyphArray[glyphCount] Array of glyph IDs — in numerical order
+ + sum(len(self.ctx.all_class1[i]) for i in self.indices) * 2
+ )
+ ranges = sorted(
+ chain.from_iterable(self.ctx.all_class1_data[i][0] for i in self.indices)
+ )
+ merged_range_count = 0
+ last = None
+ for (start, end) in ranges:
+ if last is not None and start != last + 1:
+ merged_range_count += 1
+ last = end
+ format2_bytes = (
+ # From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#coverage-format-2
+ # uint16 coverageFormat Format identifier — format = 2
+ # uint16 rangeCount Number of RangeRecords
+ 4
+ # RangeRecord rangeRecords[rangeCount] Array of glyph ranges — ordered by startGlyphID.
+ # uint16 startGlyphID First glyph ID in the range
+ # uint16 endGlyphID Last glyph ID in the range
+ # uint16 startCoverageIndex Coverage Index of first glyph ID in range
+ + merged_range_count * 6
+ )
+ return min(format1_bytes, format2_bytes)
+ @property
+ def classDef1_bytes(self):
+ # We can skip encoding one of the Class1 definitions, and use
+ # Class1=0 to represent it instead, because Class1 is gated by the
+ # Coverage definition. Use Class1=0 for the highest byte savings.
+ # Going through all options takes too long, pick the biggest class
+ # = what happens in otlLib.builder.ClassDefBuilder.classes()
+ biggest_index = max(self.indices, key=lambda i: len(self.ctx.all_class1[i]))
+ return _classDef_bytes(
+ self.ctx.all_class1_data, [i for i in self.indices if i != biggest_index]
+ )
+ @property
+ def classDef2_bytes(self):
+ # All Class2 need to be encoded because we can't use Class2=0
+ return _classDef_bytes(self.ctx.all_class2_data, self.column_indices)
+def cluster_pairs_by_class2_coverage_custom_cost(
+ font: TTFont,
+ pairs: Pairs,
+ compression: int = 5,
+) -> List[Pairs]:
+ if not pairs:
+ # The subtable was actually empty?
+ return [pairs]
+ # Sorted for reproducibility/determinism
+ all_class1 = sorted(set(pair[0] for pair in pairs))
+ all_class2 = sorted(set(pair[1] for pair in pairs))
+ # Use Python's big ints for binary vectors representing each line
+ lines = [
+ sum(
+ 1 << i if (class1, class2) in pairs else 0
+ for i, class2 in enumerate(all_class2)
+ )
+ for class1 in all_class1
+ ]
+ # Map glyph names to ids and work with ints throughout for ClassDef formats
+ name_to_id = font.getReverseGlyphMap()
+ # Each entry in the arrays below is (range_count, min_glyph_id, max_glyph_id)
+ all_class1_data = [
+ _getClassRanges(name_to_id[name] for name in cls) for cls in all_class1
+ ]
+ all_class2_data = [
+ _getClassRanges(name_to_id[name] for name in cls) for cls in all_class2
+ ]
+ format1 = 0
+ format2 = 0
+ for pair, value in pairs.items():
+ format1 |= value[0].getEffectiveFormat() if value[0] else 0
+ format2 |= value[1].getEffectiveFormat() if value[1] else 0
+ valueFormat1_bytes = bit_count(format1) * 2
+ valueFormat2_bytes = bit_count(format2) * 2
+ ctx = ClusteringContext(
+ lines,
+ all_class1,
+ all_class1_data,
+ all_class2_data,
+ valueFormat1_bytes,
+ valueFormat2_bytes,
+ )
+ cluster_cache: Dict[int, Cluster] = {}
+ def make_cluster(indices: int) -> Cluster:
+ cluster = cluster_cache.get(indices, None)
+ if cluster is not None:
+ return cluster
+ cluster = Cluster(ctx, indices)
+ cluster_cache[indices] = cluster
+ return cluster
+ def merge(cluster: Cluster, other: Cluster) -> Cluster:
+ return make_cluster(cluster.indices_bitmask | other.indices_bitmask)
+ # Agglomerative clustering by hand, checking the cost gain of the new
+ # cluster against the previously separate clusters
+ # Start with 1 cluster per line
+ # cluster = set of lines = new subtable
+ clusters = [make_cluster(1 << i) for i in range(len(lines))]
+ # Cost of 1 cluster with everything
+ # `(1 << len) - 1` gives a bitmask full of 1's of length `len`
+ cost_before_splitting = make_cluster((1 << len(lines)) - 1).cost
+ log.debug(f" len(clusters) = {len(clusters)}")
+ while len(clusters) > 1:
+ lowest_cost_change = None
+ best_cluster_index = None
+ best_other_index = None
+ best_merged = None
+ for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
+ for j, other in enumerate(clusters[i + 1 :]):
+ merged = merge(cluster, other)
+ cost_change = merged.cost - cluster.cost - other.cost
+ if lowest_cost_change is None or cost_change < lowest_cost_change:
+ lowest_cost_change = cost_change
+ best_cluster_index = i
+ best_other_index = i + 1 + j
+ best_merged = merged
+ assert lowest_cost_change is not None
+ assert best_cluster_index is not None
+ assert best_other_index is not None
+ assert best_merged is not None
+ # If the best merge we found is still taking down the file size, then
+ # there's no question: we must do it, because it's beneficial in both
+ # ways (lower file size and lower number of subtables). However, if the
+ # best merge we found is not reducing file size anymore, then we need to
+ # look at the other stop criteria = the compression factor.
+ if lowest_cost_change > 0:
+ # Stop critera: check whether we should keep merging.
+ # Compute size reduction brought by splitting
+ cost_after_splitting = sum(c.cost for c in clusters)
+ # size_reduction so that after = before * (1 - size_reduction)
+ # E.g. before = 1000, after = 800, 1 - 800/1000 = 0.2
+ size_reduction = 1 - cost_after_splitting / cost_before_splitting
+ # Force more merging by taking into account the compression number.
+ # Target behaviour: compression number = 1 to 9, default 5 like gzip
+ # - 1 = accept to add 1 subtable to reduce size by 50%
+ # - 5 = accept to add 5 subtables to reduce size by 50%
+ # See https://github.com/harfbuzz/packtab/blob/master/Lib/packTab/__init__.py#L690-L691
+ # Given the size reduction we have achieved so far, compute how many
+ # new subtables are acceptable.
+ max_new_subtables = -log2(1 - size_reduction) * compression
+ log.debug(
+ f" len(clusters) = {len(clusters):3d} size_reduction={size_reduction:5.2f} max_new_subtables={max_new_subtables}",
+ )
+ if compression == 9:
+ # Override level 9 to mean: create any number of subtables
+ max_new_subtables = len(clusters)
+ # If we have managed to take the number of new subtables below the
+ # threshold, then we can stop.
+ if len(clusters) <= max_new_subtables + 1:
+ break
+ # No reason to stop yet, do the merge and move on to the next.
+ del clusters[best_other_index]
+ clusters[best_cluster_index] = best_merged
+ # All clusters are final; turn bitmasks back into the "Pairs" format
+ pairs_by_class1: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Pairs] = defaultdict(dict)
+ for pair, values in pairs.items():
+ pairs_by_class1[pair[0]][pair] = values
+ pairs_groups: List[Pairs] = []
+ for cluster in clusters:
+ pairs_group: Pairs = dict()
+ for i in cluster.indices:
+ class1 = all_class1[i]
+ pairs_group.update(pairs_by_class1[class1])
+ pairs_groups.append(pairs_group)
+ return pairs_groups