AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-02Create go-etree module.HEADmastermainbuild-tools-releaseSasha Smundak
2020-06-02Merge sso://github/beevik/etree, add mandatory filesSasha Smundak
2020-06-01Initial empty repositoryInna Palant
2019-11-14Add namespace-attribute path search unit tests.Brett Vickers
2019-11-04Fix a bug in attribute namespaces. (#80)Brett Vickers
2019-06-05Lint pass (#76)philtay
2019-05-31Support Go modules (#75)philtay
2019-02-18Update documentation.Brett Vickers
2019-02-16Update documentation.Brett Vickers
2019-02-12Generalize path function queries.Brett Vickers
2019-02-05Clean up etree unit tests.Brett Vickers
2019-02-03Add SetData method to CharData.Brett Vickers
2019-02-03Add NewDocumentWithRoot.Brett Vickers
2019-02-02Release v1.1.0Brett Vickers
2019-02-02Update README.Brett Vickers
2019-02-02Update copyright date.Brett Vickers
2019-02-02Add new path filter functions.Brett Vickers
2019-01-31Add namespace helper functions for Element and Attr.Brett Vickers
2019-01-31Add namespace uri supportBrett Vickers
2019-01-27Fix Copy bug related to index values.Brett Vickers
2019-01-26Update documentation for CharData methods.Brett Vickers
2019-01-26Update travis config.Brett Vickers
2019-01-26Add element Tail and SetTail methods.Brett Vickers
2019-01-25Indent no longer inserts empty string CharData tokens.Brett Vickers
2019-01-20Fix bug in indented output.Brett Vickers
2019-01-19Add WriteSettings.UseCRLF for Windows systems.Brett Vickers
2019-01-14Deprecated element's NewCharData method.Brett Vickers
2019-01-12Modification to API for CDATA support.Brett Vickers
2019-01-12Support for CDATA serialisationGabriel de Labachelerie
2018-11-19Add optional support for HTML entitiesGabriel de Labachelerie
2018-10-27Update travis config.Brett Vickers
2018-10-27Bug fix: Parsing different encodings.Brett Vickers
2018-10-19Properly escape invalid XML characters.Brett Vickers
2018-10-05Fix a bug in text processing.Brett Vickers
2018-06-09add attribute sort support.Brett Vickers
2018-05-06Release v1.0.1Brett Vickers
2018-04-26Update path documentation.Brett Vickers
2018-04-26Minor code reordering.Brett Vickers
2018-04-25add support for absolute path queries.Brett Vickers
2018-04-21Update travis config.Brett Vickers
2018-04-21fix bug in GetRelativePath.Brett Vickers
2018-04-20Modify GetPath and GetRelativePath.Brett Vickers
2018-04-16Added a GetPath() and GetRelativePath() to get the paths of an element.Earncef Sequeira
2017-10-15Update travis configBrett Vickers
2017-08-09Added filterText typeNicolas Piganeau
2017-08-09Added [text()] syntax to retrieve all elements with non empty textNicolas Piganeau
2017-05-11path: add text filtersBrett Vickers
2017-04-17Fix broken Markdown headingsSantiago Castro
2017-02-10Add Permissive read setting.Christopher Brown
2017-02-06Fix unit test.Brett Vickers