path: root/internal/jsonrpc2_v2
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Diffstat (limited to 'internal/jsonrpc2_v2')
11 files changed, 1224 insertions, 578 deletions
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/conn.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/conn.go
index 018175e88..04d1445cc 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/conn.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/conn.go
@@ -7,14 +7,17 @@ package jsonrpc2
import (
+ "errors"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ "golang.org/x/tools/internal/event/keys"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/debug/tag"
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
+ "golang.org/x/tools/internal/event/tag"
// Binder builds a connection configuration.
@@ -24,10 +27,21 @@ import (
type Binder interface {
// Bind returns the ConnectionOptions to use when establishing the passed-in
// Connection.
- // The connection is not ready to use when Bind is called.
- Bind(context.Context, *Connection) (ConnectionOptions, error)
+ //
+ // The connection is not ready to use when Bind is called,
+ // but Bind may close it without reading or writing to it.
+ Bind(context.Context, *Connection) ConnectionOptions
+// A BinderFunc implements the Binder interface for a standalone Bind function.
+type BinderFunc func(context.Context, *Connection) ConnectionOptions
+func (f BinderFunc) Bind(ctx context.Context, c *Connection) ConnectionOptions {
+ return f(ctx, c)
+var _ Binder = BinderFunc(nil)
// ConnectionOptions holds the options for new connections.
type ConnectionOptions struct {
// Framer allows control over the message framing and encoding.
@@ -39,6 +53,10 @@ type ConnectionOptions struct {
// Handler is used as the queued message handler for inbound messages.
// If nil, all responses will be ErrNotHandled.
Handler Handler
+ // OnInternalError, if non-nil, is called with any internal errors that occur
+ // while serving the connection, such as protocol errors or invariant
+ // violations. (If nil, internal errors result in panics.)
+ OnInternalError func(error)
// Connection manages the jsonrpc2 protocol, connecting responses back to their
@@ -46,102 +64,244 @@ type ConnectionOptions struct {
// Connection is bidirectional; it does not have a designated server or client
// end.
type Connection struct {
- seq int64 // must only be accessed using atomic operations
- closer io.Closer
- writerBox chan Writer
- outgoingBox chan map[ID]chan<- *Response
- incomingBox chan map[ID]*incoming
- async *async
+ seq int64 // must only be accessed using atomic operations
+ stateMu sync.Mutex
+ state inFlightState // accessed only in updateInFlight
+ done chan struct{} // closed (under stateMu) when state.closed is true and all goroutines have completed
+ writer chan Writer // 1-buffered; stores the writer when not in use
+ handler Handler
+ onInternalError func(error)
+ onDone func()
-type AsyncCall struct {
- id ID
- response chan *Response // the channel a response will be delivered on
- resultBox chan asyncResult
- endSpan func() // close the tracing span when all processing for the message is complete
+// inFlightState records the state of the incoming and outgoing calls on a
+// Connection.
+type inFlightState struct {
+ connClosing bool // true when the Connection's Close method has been called
+ reading bool // true while the readIncoming goroutine is running
+ readErr error // non-nil when the readIncoming goroutine exits (typically io.EOF)
+ writeErr error // non-nil if a call to the Writer has failed with a non-canceled Context
+ // closer shuts down and cleans up the Reader and Writer state, ideally
+ // interrupting any Read or Write call that is currently blocked. It is closed
+ // when the state is idle and one of: connClosing is true, readErr is non-nil,
+ // or writeErr is non-nil.
+ //
+ // After the closer has been invoked, the closer field is set to nil
+ // and the closeErr field is simultaneously set to its result.
+ closer io.Closer
+ closeErr error // error returned from closer.Close
+ outgoingCalls map[ID]*AsyncCall // calls only
+ outgoingNotifications int // # of notifications awaiting "write"
+ // incoming stores the total number of incoming calls and notifications
+ // that have not yet written or processed a result.
+ incoming int
+ incomingByID map[ID]*incomingRequest // calls only
+ // handlerQueue stores the backlog of calls and notifications that were not
+ // already handled by a preempter.
+ // The queue does not include the request currently being handled (if any).
+ handlerQueue []*incomingRequest
+ handlerRunning bool
+// updateInFlight locks the state of the connection's in-flight requests, allows
+// f to mutate that state, and closes the connection if it is idle and either
+// is closing or has a read or write error.
+func (c *Connection) updateInFlight(f func(*inFlightState)) {
+ c.stateMu.Lock()
+ defer c.stateMu.Unlock()
+ s := &c.state
+ f(s)
+ select {
+ case <-c.done:
+ // The connection was already completely done at the start of this call to
+ // updateInFlight, so it must remain so. (The call to f should have noticed
+ // that and avoided making any updates that would cause the state to be
+ // non-idle.)
+ if !s.idle() {
+ panic("jsonrpc2_v2: updateInFlight transitioned to non-idle when already done")
+ }
+ return
+ default:
+ }
+ if s.idle() && s.shuttingDown(ErrUnknown) != nil {
+ if s.closer != nil {
+ s.closeErr = s.closer.Close()
+ s.closer = nil // prevent duplicate Close calls
+ }
+ if s.reading {
+ // The readIncoming goroutine is still running. Our call to Close should
+ // cause it to exit soon, at which point it will make another call to
+ // updateInFlight, set s.reading to false, and mark the Connection done.
+ } else {
+ // The readIncoming goroutine has exited, or never started to begin with.
+ // Since everything else is idle, we're completely done.
+ if c.onDone != nil {
+ c.onDone()
+ }
+ close(c.done)
+ }
+ }
-type asyncResult struct {
- result []byte
- err error
+// idle reports whether the connection is in a state with no pending calls or
+// notifications.
+// If idle returns true, the readIncoming goroutine may still be running,
+// but no other goroutines are doing work on behalf of the connection.
+func (s *inFlightState) idle() bool {
+ return len(s.outgoingCalls) == 0 && s.outgoingNotifications == 0 && s.incoming == 0 && !s.handlerRunning
-// incoming is used to track an incoming request as it is being handled
-type incoming struct {
- request *Request // the request being processed
- baseCtx context.Context // a base context for the message processing
- done func() // a function called when all processing for the message is complete
- handleCtx context.Context // the context for handling the message, child of baseCtx
- cancel func() // a function that cancels the handling context
+// shuttingDown reports whether the connection is in a state that should
+// disallow new (incoming and outgoing) calls. It returns either nil or
+// an error that is or wraps the provided errClosing.
+func (s *inFlightState) shuttingDown(errClosing error) error {
+ if s.connClosing {
+ // If Close has been called explicitly, it doesn't matter what state the
+ // Reader and Writer are in: we shouldn't be starting new work because the
+ // caller told us not to start new work.
+ return errClosing
+ }
+ if s.readErr != nil {
+ // If the read side of the connection is broken, we cannot read new call
+ // requests, and cannot read responses to our outgoing calls.
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errClosing, s.readErr)
+ }
+ if s.writeErr != nil {
+ // If the write side of the connection is broken, we cannot write responses
+ // for incoming calls, and cannot write requests for outgoing calls.
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errClosing, s.writeErr)
+ }
+ return nil
+// incomingRequest is used to track an incoming request as it is being handled
+type incomingRequest struct {
+ *Request // the request being processed
+ ctx context.Context
+ cancel context.CancelFunc
+ endSpan func() // called (and set to nil) when the response is sent
// Bind returns the options unmodified.
-func (o ConnectionOptions) Bind(context.Context, *Connection) (ConnectionOptions, error) {
- return o, nil
+func (o ConnectionOptions) Bind(context.Context, *Connection) ConnectionOptions {
+ return o
// newConnection creates a new connection and runs it.
// This is used by the Dial and Serve functions to build the actual connection.
-func newConnection(ctx context.Context, rwc io.ReadWriteCloser, binder Binder) (*Connection, error) {
+// The connection is closed automatically (and its resources cleaned up) when
+// the last request has completed after the underlying ReadWriteCloser breaks,
+// but it may be stopped earlier by calling Close (for a clean shutdown).
+func newConnection(bindCtx context.Context, rwc io.ReadWriteCloser, binder Binder, onDone func()) *Connection {
+ // TODO: Should we create a new event span here?
+ // This will propagate cancellation from ctx; should it?
+ ctx := notDone{bindCtx}
c := &Connection{
- closer: rwc,
- writerBox: make(chan Writer, 1),
- outgoingBox: make(chan map[ID]chan<- *Response, 1),
- incomingBox: make(chan map[ID]*incoming, 1),
- async: newAsync(),
+ state: inFlightState{closer: rwc},
+ done: make(chan struct{}),
+ writer: make(chan Writer, 1),
+ onDone: onDone,
+ // It's tempting to set a finalizer on c to verify that the state has gone
+ // idle when the connection becomes unreachable. Unfortunately, the Binder
+ // interface makes that unsafe: it allows the Handler to close over the
+ // Connection, which could create a reference cycle that would cause the
+ // Connection to become uncollectable.
- options, err := binder.Bind(ctx, c)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if options.Framer == nil {
- options.Framer = HeaderFramer()
- }
- if options.Preempter == nil {
- options.Preempter = defaultHandler{}
- }
- if options.Handler == nil {
- options.Handler = defaultHandler{}
- }
- c.outgoingBox <- make(map[ID]chan<- *Response)
- c.incomingBox <- make(map[ID]*incoming)
- // the goroutines started here will continue until the underlying stream is closed
- reader := options.Framer.Reader(rwc)
- readToQueue := make(chan *incoming)
- queueToDeliver := make(chan *incoming)
- go c.readIncoming(ctx, reader, readToQueue)
- go c.manageQueue(ctx, options.Preempter, readToQueue, queueToDeliver)
- go c.deliverMessages(ctx, options.Handler, queueToDeliver)
- // releaseing the writer must be the last thing we do in case any requests
- // are blocked waiting for the connection to be ready
- c.writerBox <- options.Framer.Writer(rwc)
- return c, nil
+ options := binder.Bind(bindCtx, c)
+ framer := options.Framer
+ if framer == nil {
+ framer = HeaderFramer()
+ }
+ c.handler = options.Handler
+ if c.handler == nil {
+ c.handler = defaultHandler{}
+ }
+ c.onInternalError = options.OnInternalError
+ c.writer <- framer.Writer(rwc)
+ reader := framer.Reader(rwc)
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ select {
+ case <-c.done:
+ // Bind already closed the connection; don't start a goroutine to read it.
+ return
+ default:
+ }
+ // The goroutine started here will continue until the underlying stream is closed.
+ //
+ // (If the Binder closed the Connection already, this should error out and
+ // return almost immediately.)
+ s.reading = true
+ go c.readIncoming(ctx, reader, options.Preempter)
+ })
+ return c
// Notify invokes the target method but does not wait for a response.
// The params will be marshaled to JSON before sending over the wire, and will
// be handed to the method invoked.
-func (c *Connection) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) error {
- notify, err := NewNotification(method, params)
- if err != nil {
- return errors.Errorf("marshaling notify parameters: %v", err)
- }
+func (c *Connection) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) (err error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, method,
- event.Metric(ctx, tag.Started.Of(1))
- err = c.write(ctx, notify)
- switch {
- case err != nil:
- event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("ERROR"))
- default:
- event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("OK"))
+ attempted := false
+ defer func() {
+ labelStatus(ctx, err)
+ done()
+ if attempted {
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ s.outgoingNotifications--
+ })
+ }
+ }()
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ // If the connection is shutting down, allow outgoing notifications only if
+ // there is at least one call still in flight. The number of calls in flight
+ // cannot increase once shutdown begins, and allowing outgoing notifications
+ // may permit notifications that will cancel in-flight calls.
+ if len(s.outgoingCalls) == 0 && len(s.incomingByID) == 0 {
+ err = s.shuttingDown(ErrClientClosing)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ s.outgoingNotifications++
+ attempted = true
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
- done()
- return err
+ notify, err := NewNotification(method, params)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("marshaling notify parameters: %v", err)
+ }
+ event.Metric(ctx, tag.Started.Of(1))
+ return c.write(ctx, notify)
// Call invokes the target method and returns an object that can be used to await the response.
@@ -150,339 +310,503 @@ func (c *Connection) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface
// You do not have to wait for the response, it can just be ignored if not needed.
// If sending the call failed, the response will be ready and have the error in it.
func (c *Connection) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) *AsyncCall {
- result := &AsyncCall{
- id: Int64ID(atomic.AddInt64(&c.seq, 1)),
- resultBox: make(chan asyncResult, 1),
- }
- // generate a new request identifier
- call, err := NewCall(result.id, method, params)
- if err != nil {
- //set the result to failed
- result.resultBox <- asyncResult{err: errors.Errorf("marshaling call parameters: %w", err)}
- return result
- }
+ // Generate a new request identifier.
+ id := Int64ID(atomic.AddInt64(&c.seq, 1))
ctx, endSpan := event.Start(ctx, method,
- tag.RPCID.Of(fmt.Sprintf("%q", result.id)),
+ tag.RPCID.Of(fmt.Sprintf("%q", id)),
- result.endSpan = endSpan
+ ac := &AsyncCall{
+ id: id,
+ ready: make(chan struct{}),
+ ctx: ctx,
+ endSpan: endSpan,
+ }
+ // When this method returns, either ac is retired, or the request has been
+ // written successfully and the call is awaiting a response (to be provided by
+ // the readIncoming goroutine).
+ call, err := NewCall(ac.id, method, params)
+ if err != nil {
+ ac.retire(&Response{ID: id, Error: fmt.Errorf("marshaling call parameters: %w", err)})
+ return ac
+ }
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ err = s.shuttingDown(ErrClientClosing)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if s.outgoingCalls == nil {
+ s.outgoingCalls = make(map[ID]*AsyncCall)
+ }
+ s.outgoingCalls[ac.id] = ac
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ ac.retire(&Response{ID: id, Error: err})
+ return ac
+ }
event.Metric(ctx, tag.Started.Of(1))
- // We have to add ourselves to the pending map before we send, otherwise we
- // are racing the response.
- // rchan is buffered in case the response arrives without a listener.
- result.response = make(chan *Response, 1)
- pending := <-c.outgoingBox
- pending[result.id] = result.response
- c.outgoingBox <- pending
- // now we are ready to send
if err := c.write(ctx, call); err != nil {
- // sending failed, we will never get a response, so deliver a fake one
- r, _ := NewResponse(result.id, nil, err)
- c.incomingResponse(r)
+ // Sending failed. We will never get a response, so deliver a fake one if it
+ // wasn't already retired by the connection breaking.
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ if s.outgoingCalls[ac.id] == ac {
+ delete(s.outgoingCalls, ac.id)
+ ac.retire(&Response{ID: id, Error: err})
+ } else {
+ // ac was already retired by the readIncoming goroutine:
+ // perhaps our write raced with the Read side of the connection breaking.
+ }
+ })
- return result
+ return ac
+type AsyncCall struct {
+ id ID
+ ready chan struct{} // closed after response has been set and span has been ended
+ response *Response
+ ctx context.Context // for event logging only
+ endSpan func() // close the tracing span when all processing for the message is complete
// ID used for this call.
// This can be used to cancel the call if needed.
-func (a *AsyncCall) ID() ID { return a.id }
+func (ac *AsyncCall) ID() ID { return ac.id }
// IsReady can be used to check if the result is already prepared.
// This is guaranteed to return true on a result for which Await has already
// returned, or a call that failed to send in the first place.
-func (a *AsyncCall) IsReady() bool {
+func (ac *AsyncCall) IsReady() bool {
select {
- case r := <-a.resultBox:
- a.resultBox <- r
+ case <-ac.ready:
return true
return false
-// Await the results of a Call.
+// retire processes the response to the call.
+func (ac *AsyncCall) retire(response *Response) {
+ select {
+ case <-ac.ready:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("jsonrpc2: retire called twice for ID %v", ac.id))
+ default:
+ }
+ ac.response = response
+ labelStatus(ac.ctx, response.Error)
+ ac.endSpan()
+ // Allow the trace context, which may retain a lot of reachable values,
+ // to be garbage-collected.
+ ac.ctx, ac.endSpan = nil, nil
+ close(ac.ready)
+// Await waits for (and decodes) the results of a Call.
// The response will be unmarshaled from JSON into the result.
-func (a *AsyncCall) Await(ctx context.Context, result interface{}) error {
- defer a.endSpan()
- var r asyncResult
+func (ac *AsyncCall) Await(ctx context.Context, result interface{}) error {
select {
- case response := <-a.response:
- // response just arrived, prepare the result
- switch {
- case response.Error != nil:
- r.err = response.Error
- event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("ERROR"))
- default:
- r.result = response.Result
- event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("OK"))
- }
- case r = <-a.resultBox:
- // result already available
case <-ctx.Done():
- event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("CANCELLED"))
return ctx.Err()
+ case <-ac.ready:
- // refill the box for the next caller
- a.resultBox <- r
- // and unpack the result
- if r.err != nil {
- return r.err
+ if ac.response.Error != nil {
+ return ac.response.Error
- if result == nil || len(r.result) == 0 {
+ if result == nil {
return nil
- return json.Unmarshal(r.result, result)
+ return json.Unmarshal(ac.response.Result, result)
// Respond delivers a response to an incoming Call.
// Respond must be called exactly once for any message for which a handler
// returns ErrAsyncResponse. It must not be called for any other message.
-func (c *Connection) Respond(id ID, result interface{}, rerr error) error {
- pending := <-c.incomingBox
- defer func() { c.incomingBox <- pending }()
- entry, found := pending[id]
- if !found {
- return nil
+func (c *Connection) Respond(id ID, result interface{}, err error) error {
+ var req *incomingRequest
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ req = s.incomingByID[id]
+ })
+ if req == nil {
+ return c.internalErrorf("Request not found for ID %v", id)
+ }
+ if err == ErrAsyncResponse {
+ // Respond is supposed to supply the asynchronous response, so it would be
+ // confusing to call Respond with an error that promises to call Respond
+ // again.
+ err = c.internalErrorf("Respond called with ErrAsyncResponse for %q", req.Method)
- delete(pending, id)
- return c.respond(entry, result, rerr)
+ return c.processResult("Respond", req, result, err)
-// Cancel is used to cancel an inbound message by ID, it does not cancel
-// outgoing messages.
-// This is only used inside a message handler that is layering a
-// cancellation protocol on top of JSON RPC 2.
-// It will not complain if the ID is not a currently active message, and it will
-// not cause any messages that have not arrived yet with that ID to be
+// Cancel cancels the Context passed to the Handle call for the inbound message
+// with the given ID.
+// Cancel will not complain if the ID is not a currently active message, and it
+// will not cause any messages that have not arrived yet with that ID to be
// cancelled.
func (c *Connection) Cancel(id ID) {
- pending := <-c.incomingBox
- defer func() { c.incomingBox <- pending }()
- if entry, found := pending[id]; found && entry.cancel != nil {
- entry.cancel()
- entry.cancel = nil
+ var req *incomingRequest
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ req = s.incomingByID[id]
+ })
+ if req != nil {
+ req.cancel()
// Wait blocks until the connection is fully closed, but does not close it.
func (c *Connection) Wait() error {
- return c.async.wait()
+ var err error
+ <-c.done
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ err = s.closeErr
+ })
+ return err
-// Close can be used to close the underlying stream, and then wait for the connection to
-// fully shut down.
-// This does not cancel in flight requests, but waits for them to gracefully complete.
+// Close stops accepting new requests, waits for in-flight requests and enqueued
+// Handle calls to complete, and then closes the underlying stream.
+// After the start of a Close, notification requests (that lack IDs and do not
+// receive responses) will continue to be passed to the Preempter, but calls
+// with IDs will receive immediate responses with ErrServerClosing, and no new
+// requests (not even notifications!) will be enqueued to the Handler.
func (c *Connection) Close() error {
- // close the underlying stream
- if err := c.closer.Close(); err != nil && !isClosingError(err) {
- return err
- }
- // and then wait for it to cause the connection to close
- if err := c.Wait(); err != nil && !isClosingError(err) {
- return err
- }
- return nil
+ // Stop handling new requests, and interrupt the reader (by closing the
+ // connection) as soon as the active requests finish.
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) { s.connClosing = true })
+ return c.Wait()
// readIncoming collects inbound messages from the reader and delivers them, either responding
// to outgoing calls or feeding requests to the queue.
-func (c *Connection) readIncoming(ctx context.Context, reader Reader, toQueue chan<- *incoming) {
- defer close(toQueue)
+func (c *Connection) readIncoming(ctx context.Context, reader Reader, preempter Preempter) {
+ var err error
for {
- // get the next message
- // no lock is needed, this is the only reader
- msg, n, err := reader.Read(ctx)
+ var (
+ msg Message
+ n int64
+ )
+ msg, n, err = reader.Read(ctx)
if err != nil {
- // The stream failed, we cannot continue
- c.async.setError(err)
- return
+ break
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *Request:
- entry := &incoming{
- request: msg,
- }
- // add a span to the context for this request
- labels := append(make([]label.Label, 0, 3), // make space for the id if present
- tag.Method.Of(msg.Method),
- tag.RPCDirection.Of(tag.Inbound),
- )
- if msg.IsCall() {
- labels = append(labels, tag.RPCID.Of(fmt.Sprintf("%q", msg.ID)))
- }
- entry.baseCtx, entry.done = event.Start(ctx, msg.Method, labels...)
- event.Metric(entry.baseCtx,
- tag.Started.Of(1),
- tag.ReceivedBytes.Of(n))
- // in theory notifications cannot be cancelled, but we build them a cancel context anyway
- entry.handleCtx, entry.cancel = context.WithCancel(entry.baseCtx)
- // if the request is a call, add it to the incoming map so it can be
- // cancelled by id
- if msg.IsCall() {
- pending := <-c.incomingBox
- pending[msg.ID] = entry
- c.incomingBox <- pending
- }
- // send the message to the incoming queue
- toQueue <- entry
+ c.acceptRequest(ctx, msg, n, preempter)
case *Response:
- // If method is not set, this should be a response, in which case we must
- // have an id to send the response back to the caller.
- c.incomingResponse(msg)
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ if ac, ok := s.outgoingCalls[msg.ID]; ok {
+ delete(s.outgoingCalls, msg.ID)
+ ac.retire(msg)
+ } else {
+ // TODO: How should we report unexpected responses?
+ }
+ })
+ default:
+ c.internalErrorf("Read returned an unexpected message of type %T", msg)
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ s.reading = false
+ s.readErr = err
+ // Retire any outgoing requests that were still in flight: with the Reader no
+ // longer being processed, they necessarily cannot receive a response.
+ for id, ac := range s.outgoingCalls {
+ ac.retire(&Response{ID: id, Error: err})
+ }
+ s.outgoingCalls = nil
+ })
-func (c *Connection) incomingResponse(msg *Response) {
- pending := <-c.outgoingBox
- response, ok := pending[msg.ID]
- if ok {
- delete(pending, msg.ID)
+// acceptRequest either handles msg synchronously or enqueues it to be handled
+// asynchronously.
+func (c *Connection) acceptRequest(ctx context.Context, msg *Request, msgBytes int64, preempter Preempter) {
+ // Add a span to the context for this request.
+ labels := append(make([]label.Label, 0, 3), // Make space for the ID if present.
+ tag.Method.Of(msg.Method),
+ tag.RPCDirection.Of(tag.Inbound),
+ )
+ if msg.IsCall() {
+ labels = append(labels, tag.RPCID.Of(fmt.Sprintf("%q", msg.ID)))
- c.outgoingBox <- pending
- if response != nil {
- response <- msg
+ ctx, endSpan := event.Start(ctx, msg.Method, labels...)
+ event.Metric(ctx,
+ tag.Started.Of(1),
+ tag.ReceivedBytes.Of(msgBytes))
+ // In theory notifications cannot be cancelled, but we build them a cancel
+ // context anyway.
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+ req := &incomingRequest{
+ Request: msg,
+ ctx: ctx,
+ cancel: cancel,
+ endSpan: endSpan,
-// manageQueue reads incoming requests, attempts to process them with the preempter, or queue them
-// up for normal handling.
-func (c *Connection) manageQueue(ctx context.Context, preempter Preempter, fromRead <-chan *incoming, toDeliver chan<- *incoming) {
- defer close(toDeliver)
- q := []*incoming{}
- ok := true
- for {
- var nextReq *incoming
- if len(q) == 0 {
- // no messages in the queue
- // if we were closing, then we are done
- if !ok {
+ // If the request is a call, add it to the incoming map so it can be
+ // cancelled (or responded) by ID.
+ var err error
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ s.incoming++
+ if req.IsCall() {
+ if s.incomingByID[req.ID] != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%w: request ID %v already in use", ErrInvalidRequest, req.ID)
+ req.ID = ID{} // Don't misattribute this error to the existing request.
- // not closing, but nothing in the queue, so just block waiting for a read
- nextReq, ok = <-fromRead
- } else {
- // we have a non empty queue, so pick whichever of reading or delivering
- // that we can make progress on
- select {
- case nextReq, ok = <-fromRead:
- case toDeliver <- q[0]:
- //TODO: this causes a lot of shuffling, should we use a growing ring buffer? compaction?
- q = q[1:]
+ if s.incomingByID == nil {
+ s.incomingByID = make(map[ID]*incomingRequest)
+ s.incomingByID[req.ID] = req
+ // When shutting down, reject all new Call requests, even if they could
+ // theoretically be handled by the preempter. The preempter could return
+ // ErrAsyncResponse, which would increase the amount of work in flight
+ // when we're trying to ensure that it strictly decreases.
+ err = s.shuttingDown(ErrServerClosing)
- if nextReq != nil {
- // TODO: should we allow to limit the queue size?
- var result interface{}
- rerr := nextReq.handleCtx.Err()
- if rerr == nil {
- // only preempt if not already cancelled
- result, rerr = preempter.Preempt(nextReq.handleCtx, nextReq.request)
- }
- switch {
- case rerr == ErrNotHandled:
- // message not handled, add it to the queue for the main handler
- q = append(q, nextReq)
- case rerr == ErrAsyncResponse:
- // message handled but the response will come later
- default:
- // anything else means the message is fully handled
- c.reply(nextReq, result, rerr)
- }
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ c.processResult("acceptRequest", req, nil, err)
+ return
+ }
+ if preempter != nil {
+ result, err := preempter.Preempt(req.ctx, req.Request)
+ if req.IsCall() && errors.Is(err, ErrAsyncResponse) {
+ // This request will remain in flight until Respond is called for it.
+ return
+ }
+ if !errors.Is(err, ErrNotHandled) {
+ c.processResult("Preempt", req, result, err)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ // If the connection is shutting down, don't enqueue anything to the
+ // handler — not even notifications. That ensures that if the handler
+ // continues to make progress, it will eventually become idle and
+ // close the connection.
+ err = s.shuttingDown(ErrServerClosing)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ // We enqueue requests that have not been preempted to an unbounded slice.
+ // Unfortunately, we cannot in general limit the size of the handler
+ // queue: we have to read every response that comes in on the wire
+ // (because it may be responding to a request issued by, say, an
+ // asynchronous handler), and in order to get to that response we have
+ // to read all of the requests that came in ahead of it.
+ s.handlerQueue = append(s.handlerQueue, req)
+ if !s.handlerRunning {
+ // We start the handleAsync goroutine when it has work to do, and let it
+ // exit when the queue empties.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, in order to synchronize the handler we would need some other
+ // goroutine (probably readIncoming?) to explicitly wait for handleAsync
+ // to finish, and that would complicate error reporting: either the error
+ // report from the goroutine would be blocked on the handler emptying its
+ // queue (which was tried, and introduced a deadlock detected by
+ // TestCloseCallRace), or the error would need to be reported separately
+ // from synchronizing completion. Allowing the handler goroutine to exit
+ // when idle seems simpler than trying to implement either of those
+ // alternatives correctly.
+ s.handlerRunning = true
+ go c.handleAsync()
+ }
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ c.processResult("acceptRequest", req, nil, err)
-func (c *Connection) deliverMessages(ctx context.Context, handler Handler, fromQueue <-chan *incoming) {
- defer c.async.done()
- for entry := range fromQueue {
- // cancel any messages in the queue that we have a pending cancel for
- var result interface{}
- rerr := entry.handleCtx.Err()
- if rerr == nil {
- // only deliver if not already cancelled
- result, rerr = handler.Handle(entry.handleCtx, entry.request)
+// handleAsync invokes the handler on the requests in the handler queue
+// sequentially until the queue is empty.
+func (c *Connection) handleAsync() {
+ for {
+ var req *incomingRequest
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ if len(s.handlerQueue) > 0 {
+ req, s.handlerQueue = s.handlerQueue[0], s.handlerQueue[1:]
+ } else {
+ s.handlerRunning = false
+ }
+ })
+ if req == nil {
+ return
- switch {
- case rerr == ErrNotHandled:
- // message not handled, report it back to the caller as an error
- c.reply(entry, nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrMethodNotFound, entry.request.Method))
- case rerr == ErrAsyncResponse:
- // message handled but the response will come later
- default:
- c.reply(entry, result, rerr)
+ // Only deliver to the Handler if not already canceled.
+ if err := req.ctx.Err(); err != nil {
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ if s.writeErr != nil {
+ // Assume that req.ctx was canceled due to s.writeErr.
+ // TODO(#51365): use a Context API to plumb this through req.ctx.
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrServerClosing, s.writeErr)
+ }
+ })
+ c.processResult("handleAsync", req, nil, err)
+ continue
+ result, err := c.handler.Handle(req.ctx, req.Request)
+ c.processResult(c.handler, req, result, err)
-// reply is used to reply to an incoming request that has just been handled
-func (c *Connection) reply(entry *incoming, result interface{}, rerr error) {
- if entry.request.IsCall() {
- // we have a call finishing, remove it from the incoming map
- pending := <-c.incomingBox
- defer func() { c.incomingBox <- pending }()
- delete(pending, entry.request.ID)
+// processResult processes the result of a request and, if appropriate, sends a response.
+func (c *Connection) processResult(from interface{}, req *incomingRequest, result interface{}, err error) error {
+ switch err {
+ case ErrAsyncResponse:
+ if !req.IsCall() {
+ return c.internalErrorf("%#v returned ErrAsyncResponse for a %q Request without an ID", from, req.Method)
+ }
+ return nil // This request is still in flight, so don't record the result yet.
+ case ErrNotHandled, ErrMethodNotFound:
+ // Add detail describing the unhandled method.
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrMethodNotFound, req.Method)
- if err := c.respond(entry, result, rerr); err != nil {
- // no way to propagate this error
- //TODO: should we do more than just log it?
- event.Error(entry.baseCtx, "jsonrpc2 message delivery failed", err)
+ if req.endSpan == nil {
+ return c.internalErrorf("%#v produced a duplicate %q Response", from, req.Method)
-// respond sends a response.
-// This is the code shared between reply and SendResponse.
-func (c *Connection) respond(entry *incoming, result interface{}, rerr error) error {
- var err error
- if entry.request.IsCall() {
- // send the response
- if result == nil && rerr == nil {
- // call with no response, send an error anyway
- rerr = errors.Errorf("%w: %q produced no response", ErrInternal, entry.request.Method)
+ if result != nil && err != nil {
+ c.internalErrorf("%#v returned a non-nil result with a non-nil error for %s:\n%v\n%#v", from, req.Method, err, result)
+ result = nil // Discard the spurious result and respond with err.
+ }
+ if req.IsCall() {
+ if result == nil && err == nil {
+ err = c.internalErrorf("%#v returned a nil result and nil error for a %q Request that requires a Response", from, req.Method)
- var response *Response
- response, err = NewResponse(entry.request.ID, result, rerr)
- if err == nil {
- // we write the response with the base context, in case the message was cancelled
- err = c.write(entry.baseCtx, response)
+ response, respErr := NewResponse(req.ID, result, err)
+ // The caller could theoretically reuse the request's ID as soon as we've
+ // sent the response, so ensure that it is removed from the incoming map
+ // before sending.
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ delete(s.incomingByID, req.ID)
+ })
+ if respErr == nil {
+ writeErr := c.write(notDone{req.ctx}, response)
+ if err == nil {
+ err = writeErr
+ }
+ } else {
+ err = c.internalErrorf("%#v returned a malformed result for %q: %w", from, req.Method, respErr)
- } else {
- switch {
- case rerr != nil:
- // notification failed
- err = errors.Errorf("%w: %q notification failed: %v", ErrInternal, entry.request.Method, rerr)
- rerr = nil
- case result != nil:
- //notification produced a response, which is an error
- err = errors.Errorf("%w: %q produced unwanted response", ErrInternal, entry.request.Method)
- default:
- // normal notification finish
+ } else { // req is a notification
+ if result != nil {
+ err = c.internalErrorf("%#v returned a non-nil result for a %q Request without an ID", from, req.Method)
+ } else if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %q notification failed: %v", ErrInternal, req.Method, err)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ // TODO: can/should we do anything with this error beyond writing it to the event log?
+ // (Is this the right label to attach to the log?)
+ event.Label(req.ctx, keys.Err.Of(err))
- switch {
- case rerr != nil || err != nil:
- event.Label(entry.baseCtx, tag.StatusCode.Of("ERROR"))
- default:
- event.Label(entry.baseCtx, tag.StatusCode.Of("OK"))
- }
- // and just to be clean, invoke and clear the cancel if needed
- if entry.cancel != nil {
- entry.cancel()
- entry.cancel = nil
- }
- // mark the entire request processing as done
- entry.done()
- return err
+ labelStatus(req.ctx, err)
+ // Cancel the request and finalize the event span to free any associated resources.
+ req.cancel()
+ req.endSpan()
+ req.endSpan = nil
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ if s.incoming == 0 {
+ panic("jsonrpc2_v2: processResult called when incoming count is already zero")
+ }
+ s.incoming--
+ })
+ return nil
// write is used by all things that write outgoing messages, including replies.
// it makes sure that writes are atomic
func (c *Connection) write(ctx context.Context, msg Message) error {
- writer := <-c.writerBox
- defer func() { c.writerBox <- writer }()
+ writer := <-c.writer
+ defer func() { c.writer <- writer }()
n, err := writer.Write(ctx, msg)
event.Metric(ctx, tag.SentBytes.Of(n))
+ if err != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
+ // The call to Write failed, and since ctx.Err() is nil we can't attribute
+ // the failure (even indirectly) to Context cancellation. The writer appears
+ // to be broken, and future writes are likely to also fail.
+ //
+ // If the read side of the connection is also broken, we might not even be
+ // able to receive cancellation notifications. Since we can't reliably write
+ // the results of incoming calls and can't receive explicit cancellations,
+ // cancel the calls now.
+ c.updateInFlight(func(s *inFlightState) {
+ if s.writeErr == nil {
+ s.writeErr = err
+ for _, r := range s.incomingByID {
+ r.cancel()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
return err
+// internalErrorf reports an internal error. By default it panics, but if
+// c.onInternalError is non-nil it instead calls that and returns an error
+// wrapping ErrInternal.
+func (c *Connection) internalErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
+ err := fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
+ if c.onInternalError == nil {
+ panic("jsonrpc2: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ c.onInternalError(err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrInternal, err)
+// labelStatus labels the status of the event in ctx based on whether err is nil.
+func labelStatus(ctx context.Context, err error) {
+ if err == nil {
+ event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("OK"))
+ } else {
+ event.Label(ctx, tag.StatusCode.Of("ERROR"))
+ }
+// notDone is a context.Context wrapper that returns a nil Done channel.
+type notDone struct{ ctx context.Context }
+func (ic notDone) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
+ return ic.ctx.Value(key)
+func (notDone) Done() <-chan struct{} { return nil }
+func (notDone) Err() error { return nil }
+func (notDone) Deadline() (time.Time, bool) { return time.Time{}, false }
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/frame.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/frame.go
index 634717c73..e42483281 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/frame.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/frame.go
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import (
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
// Reader abstracts the transport mechanics from the JSON RPC protocol.
@@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ func (w *rawWriter) Write(ctx context.Context, msg Message) (int64, error) {
data, err := EncodeMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
- return 0, errors.Errorf("marshaling message: %v", err)
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("marshaling message: %v", err)
n, err := w.out.Write(data)
return int64(n), err
@@ -122,7 +120,13 @@ func (r *headerReader) Read(ctx context.Context) (Message, int64, error) {
line, err := r.in.ReadString('\n')
total += int64(len(line))
if err != nil {
- return nil, total, errors.Errorf("failed reading header line: %w", err)
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ if total == 0 {
+ return nil, 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return nil, total, fmt.Errorf("failed reading header line: %w", err)
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
// check we have a header line
@@ -131,23 +135,23 @@ func (r *headerReader) Read(ctx context.Context) (Message, int64, error) {
colon := strings.IndexRune(line, ':')
if colon < 0 {
- return nil, total, errors.Errorf("invalid header line %q", line)
+ return nil, total, fmt.Errorf("invalid header line %q", line)
name, value := line[:colon], strings.TrimSpace(line[colon+1:])
switch name {
case "Content-Length":
if length, err = strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 32); err != nil {
- return nil, total, errors.Errorf("failed parsing Content-Length: %v", value)
+ return nil, total, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing Content-Length: %v", value)
if length <= 0 {
- return nil, total, errors.Errorf("invalid Content-Length: %v", length)
+ return nil, total, fmt.Errorf("invalid Content-Length: %v", length)
// ignoring unknown headers
if length == 0 {
- return nil, total, errors.Errorf("missing Content-Length header")
+ return nil, total, fmt.Errorf("missing Content-Length header")
data := make([]byte, length)
n, err := io.ReadFull(r.in, data)
@@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ func (w *headerWriter) Write(ctx context.Context, msg Message) (int64, error) {
data, err := EncodeMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
- return 0, errors.Errorf("marshaling message: %v", err)
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("marshaling message: %v", err)
n, err := fmt.Fprintf(w.out, "Content-Length: %v\r\n\r\n", len(data))
total := int64(n)
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2.go
index e68558442..e9164b0bc 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2.go
@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ type Preempter interface {
Preempt(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (result interface{}, err error)
+// A PreempterFunc implements the Preempter interface for a standalone Preempt function.
+type PreempterFunc func(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (interface{}, error)
+func (f PreempterFunc) Preempt(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (interface{}, error) {
+ return f(ctx, req)
+var _ Preempter = PreempterFunc(nil)
// Handler handles messages on a connection.
type Handler interface {
// Handle is invoked sequentially for each incoming request that has not
@@ -75,12 +84,15 @@ func (defaultHandler) Handle(context.Context, *Request) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, ErrNotHandled
+// A HandlerFunc implements the Handler interface for a standalone Handle function.
type HandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (interface{}, error)
func (f HandlerFunc) Handle(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (interface{}, error) {
return f(ctx, req)
+var _ Handler = HandlerFunc(nil)
// async is a small helper for operations with an asynchronous result that you
// can wait for.
type async struct {
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2_test.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2_test.go
index 4f4b7d9b9..dd8d09c88 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2_test.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/jsonrpc2_test.go
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ import (
- "time"
jsonrpc2 "golang.org/x/tools/internal/jsonrpc2_v2"
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
var callTests = []invoker{
@@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ type binder struct {
type handler struct {
conn *jsonrpc2.Connection
accumulator int
- waitersBox chan map[string]chan struct{}
+ waiters chan map[string]chan struct{}
calls map[string]*jsonrpc2.AsyncCall
@@ -138,10 +136,7 @@ func testConnection(t *testing.T, framer jsonrpc2.Framer) {
if err != nil {
- server, err := jsonrpc2.Serve(ctx, listener, binder{framer, nil})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
+ server := jsonrpc2.NewServer(ctx, listener, binder{framer, nil})
defer func() {
@@ -255,13 +250,13 @@ func verifyResults(t *testing.T, method string, results interface{}, expect inte
-func (b binder) Bind(ctx context.Context, conn *jsonrpc2.Connection) (jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions, error) {
+func (b binder) Bind(ctx context.Context, conn *jsonrpc2.Connection) jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions {
h := &handler{
- conn: conn,
- waitersBox: make(chan map[string]chan struct{}, 1),
- calls: make(map[string]*jsonrpc2.AsyncCall),
+ conn: conn,
+ waiters: make(chan map[string]chan struct{}, 1),
+ calls: make(map[string]*jsonrpc2.AsyncCall),
- h.waitersBox <- make(map[string]chan struct{})
+ h.waiters <- make(map[string]chan struct{})
if b.runTest != nil {
go b.runTest(h)
@@ -269,12 +264,12 @@ func (b binder) Bind(ctx context.Context, conn *jsonrpc2.Connection) (jsonrpc2.C
Framer: b.framer,
Preempter: h,
Handler: h,
- }, nil
+ }
func (h *handler) waiter(name string) chan struct{} {
- waiters := <-h.waitersBox
- defer func() { h.waitersBox <- waiters }()
+ waiters := <-h.waiters
+ defer func() { h.waiters <- waiters }()
waiter, found := waiters[name]
if !found {
waiter = make(chan struct{})
@@ -288,19 +283,19 @@ func (h *handler) Preempt(ctx context.Context, req *jsonrpc2.Request) (interface
case "unblock":
var name string
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &name); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
return nil, nil
case "peek":
if len(req.Params) > 0 {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams)
return h.accumulator, nil
case "cancel":
var params cancelParams
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &params); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
return nil, nil
@@ -313,50 +308,50 @@ func (h *handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, req *jsonrpc2.Request) (interface{
switch req.Method {
case "no_args":
if len(req.Params) > 0 {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams)
return true, nil
case "one_string":
var v string
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &v); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
return "got:" + v, nil
case "one_number":
var v int
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &v); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
return fmt.Sprintf("got:%d", v), nil
case "set":
var v int
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &v); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
h.accumulator = v
return nil, nil
case "add":
var v int
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &v); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
h.accumulator += v
return nil, nil
case "get":
if len(req.Params) > 0 {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams)
return h.accumulator, nil
case "join":
var v []string
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &v); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
return path.Join(v...), nil
case "echo":
var v []interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &v); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
var result interface{}
err := h.conn.Call(ctx, v[0].(string), v[1]).Await(ctx, &result)
@@ -364,20 +359,18 @@ func (h *handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, req *jsonrpc2.Request) (interface{
case "wait":
var name string
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &name); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
select {
case <-h.waiter(name):
return true, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
- case <-time.After(time.Second):
- return nil, errors.Errorf("wait for %q timed out", name)
case "fork":
var name string
if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, &name); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", jsonrpc2.ErrParse, err)
waitFor := h.waiter(name)
go func() {
@@ -386,8 +379,6 @@ func (h *handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, req *jsonrpc2.Request) (interface{
h.conn.Respond(req.ID, true, nil)
case <-ctx.Done():
h.conn.Respond(req.ID, nil, ctx.Err())
- case <-time.After(time.Second):
- h.conn.Respond(req.ID, nil, errors.Errorf("wait for %q timed out", name))
return nil, jsonrpc2.ErrAsyncResponse
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/messages.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/messages.go
index 652ac817a..af145641d 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/messages.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/messages.go
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ package jsonrpc2
import (
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
// ID is a Request identifier.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func EncodeMessage(msg Message) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(&wire)
if err != nil {
- return data, errors.Errorf("marshaling jsonrpc message: %w", err)
+ return data, fmt.Errorf("marshaling jsonrpc message: %w", err)
return data, nil
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ func EncodeMessage(msg Message) ([]byte, error) {
func DecodeMessage(data []byte) (Message, error) {
msg := wireCombined{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("unmarshaling jsonrpc message: %w", err)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling jsonrpc message: %w", err)
if msg.VersionTag != wireVersion {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid message version tag %s expected %s", msg.VersionTag, wireVersion)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message version tag %s expected %s", msg.VersionTag, wireVersion)
id := ID{}
switch v := msg.ID.(type) {
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ func DecodeMessage(data []byte) (Message, error) {
case string:
id = StringID(v)
- return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid message id type <%T>%v", v, v)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message id type <%T>%v", v, v)
if msg.Method != "" {
// has a method, must be a call
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/net.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/net.go
index 4f2082599..15d0aea3a 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/net.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/net.go
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
- "time"
// This file contains implementations of the transport primitives that use the standard network
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ type netListener struct {
// Accept blocks waiting for an incoming connection to the listener.
-func (l *netListener) Accept(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
+func (l *netListener) Accept(context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
return l.net.Accept()
@@ -56,9 +55,7 @@ func (l *netListener) Close() error {
// Dialer returns a dialer that can be used to connect to the listener.
func (l *netListener) Dialer() Dialer {
- return NetDialer(l.net.Addr().Network(), l.net.Addr().String(), net.Dialer{
- Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
- })
+ return NetDialer(l.net.Addr().Network(), l.net.Addr().String(), net.Dialer{})
// NetDialer returns a Dialer using the supplied standard network dialer.
@@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ func (n *netDialer) Dial(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
// NetPipeListener returns a new Listener that listens using net.Pipe.
-// It is only possibly to connect to it using the Dialier returned by the
+// It is only possibly to connect to it using the Dialer returned by the
// Dialer method, each call to that method will generate a new pipe the other
// side of which will be returned from the Accept call.
func NetPipeListener(ctx context.Context) (Listener, error) {
@@ -98,15 +95,19 @@ type netPiper struct {
// Accept blocks waiting for an incoming connection to the listener.
-func (l *netPiper) Accept(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
- // block until we have a listener, or are closed or cancelled
+func (l *netPiper) Accept(context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
+ // Block until the pipe is dialed or the listener is closed,
+ // preferring the latter if already closed at the start of Accept.
+ select {
+ case <-l.done:
+ return nil, errClosed
+ default:
+ }
select {
case rwc := <-l.dialed:
return rwc, nil
case <-l.done:
- return nil, io.EOF
- case <-ctx.Done():
- return nil, ctx.Err()
+ return nil, errClosed
@@ -124,6 +125,14 @@ func (l *netPiper) Dialer() Dialer {
func (l *netPiper) Dial(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
client, server := net.Pipe()
- l.dialed <- server
- return client, nil
+ select {
+ case l.dialed <- server:
+ return client, nil
+ case <-l.done:
+ client.Close()
+ server.Close()
+ return nil, errClosed
+ }
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve.go
index fb3516635..5e0827354 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve.go
@@ -6,14 +6,12 @@ package jsonrpc2
import (
+ "fmt"
- "strings"
- "syscall"
+ "sync/atomic"
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
// Listener is implemented by protocols to accept new inbound connections.
@@ -43,35 +41,43 @@ type Server struct {
listener Listener
binder Binder
async *async
+ shutdownOnce sync.Once
+ closing int32 // atomic: set to nonzero when Shutdown is called
// Dial uses the dialer to make a new connection, wraps the returned
// reader and writer using the framer to make a stream, and then builds
// a connection on top of that stream using the binder.
+// The returned Connection will operate independently using the Preempter and/or
+// Handler provided by the Binder, and will release its own resources when the
+// connection is broken, but the caller may Close it earlier to stop accepting
+// (or sending) new requests.
func Dial(ctx context.Context, dialer Dialer, binder Binder) (*Connection, error) {
// dial a server
rwc, err := dialer.Dial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- return newConnection(ctx, rwc, binder)
+ return newConnection(ctx, rwc, binder, nil), nil
-// Serve starts a new server listening for incoming connections and returns
+// NewServer starts a new server listening for incoming connections and returns
// it.
// This returns a fully running and connected server, it does not block on
// the listener.
// You can call Wait to block on the server, or Shutdown to get the sever to
// terminate gracefully.
// To notice incoming connections, use an intercepting Binder.
-func Serve(ctx context.Context, listener Listener, binder Binder) (*Server, error) {
+func NewServer(ctx context.Context, listener Listener, binder Binder) *Server {
server := &Server{
listener: listener,
binder: binder,
async: newAsync(),
go server.run(ctx)
- return server, nil
+ return server
// Wait returns only when the server has shut down.
@@ -79,173 +85,160 @@ func (s *Server) Wait() error {
return s.async.wait()
+// Shutdown informs the server to stop accepting new connections.
+func (s *Server) Shutdown() {
+ s.shutdownOnce.Do(func() {
+ atomic.StoreInt32(&s.closing, 1)
+ s.listener.Close()
+ })
// run accepts incoming connections from the listener,
// If IdleTimeout is non-zero, run exits after there are no clients for this
// duration, otherwise it exits only on error.
func (s *Server) run(ctx context.Context) {
defer s.async.done()
- var activeConns []*Connection
+ var activeConns sync.WaitGroup
for {
- // we never close the accepted connection, we rely on the other end
- // closing or the socket closing itself naturally
rwc, err := s.listener.Accept(ctx)
if err != nil {
- if !isClosingError(err) {
+ // Only Shutdown closes the listener. If we get an error after Shutdown is
+ // called, assume that that was the cause and don't report the error;
+ // otherwise, report the error in case it is unexpected.
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.closing) == 0 {
- // we are done generating new connections for good
+ // We are done generating new connections for good.
- // see if any connections were closed while we were waiting
- activeConns = onlyActive(activeConns)
- // a new inbound connection,
- conn, err := newConnection(ctx, rwc, s.binder)
- if err != nil {
- if !isClosingError(err) {
- s.async.setError(err)
- }
- continue
- }
- activeConns = append(activeConns, conn)
- }
- // wait for all active conns to finish
- for _, c := range activeConns {
- c.Wait()
+ // A new inbound connection.
+ activeConns.Add(1)
+ _ = newConnection(ctx, rwc, s.binder, activeConns.Done) // unregisters itself when done
+ activeConns.Wait()
-func onlyActive(conns []*Connection) []*Connection {
- i := 0
- for _, c := range conns {
- if !c.async.isDone() {
- conns[i] = c
- i++
- }
+// NewIdleListener wraps a listener with an idle timeout.
+// When there are no active connections for at least the timeout duration,
+// calls to Accept will fail with ErrIdleTimeout.
+// A connection is considered inactive as soon as its Close method is called.
+func NewIdleListener(timeout time.Duration, wrap Listener) Listener {
+ l := &idleListener{
+ wrapped: wrap,
+ timeout: timeout,
+ active: make(chan int, 1),
+ timedOut: make(chan struct{}),
+ idleTimer: make(chan *time.Timer, 1),
- // trim the slice down
- return conns[:i]
+ l.idleTimer <- time.AfterFunc(l.timeout, l.timerExpired)
+ return l
-// isClosingError reports if the error occurs normally during the process of
-// closing a network connection. It uses imperfect heuristics that err on the
-// side of false negatives, and should not be used for anything critical.
-func isClosingError(err error) bool {
- if err == nil {
- return false
- }
- // Fully unwrap the error, so the following tests work.
- for wrapped := err; wrapped != nil; wrapped = errors.Unwrap(err) {
- err = wrapped
- }
- // Was it based on an EOF error?
- if err == io.EOF {
- return true
- }
+type idleListener struct {
+ wrapped Listener
+ timeout time.Duration
- // Was it based on a closed pipe?
- if err == io.ErrClosedPipe {
- return true
- }
+ // Only one of these channels is receivable at any given time.
+ active chan int // count of active connections; closed when Close is called if not timed out
+ timedOut chan struct{} // closed when the idle timer expires
+ idleTimer chan *time.Timer // holds the timer only when idle
- // Per https://github.com/golang/go/issues/4373, this error string should not
- // change. This is not ideal, but since the worst that could happen here is
- // some superfluous logging, it is acceptable.
- if err.Error() == "use of closed network connection" {
- return true
- }
+// Accept accepts an incoming connection.
+// If an incoming connection is accepted concurrent to the listener being closed
+// due to idleness, the new connection is immediately closed.
+func (l *idleListener) Accept(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
+ rwc, err := l.wrapped.Accept(ctx)
- if runtime.GOOS == "plan9" {
- // Error reading from a closed connection.
- if err == syscall.EINVAL {
- return true
+ select {
+ case n, ok := <-l.active:
+ if err != nil {
+ if ok {
+ l.active <- n
+ }
+ return nil, err
- // Error trying to accept a new connection from a closed listener.
- if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), " listen hungup") {
- return true
+ if ok {
+ l.active <- n + 1
+ } else {
+ // l.wrapped.Close Close has been called, but Accept returned a
+ // connection. This race can occur with concurrent Accept and Close calls
+ // with any net.Listener, and it is benign: since the listener was closed
+ // explicitly, it can't have also timed out.
- }
- return false
+ return l.newConn(rwc), nil
-// NewIdleListener wraps a listener with an idle timeout.
-// When there are no active connections for at least the timeout duration a
-// call to accept will fail with ErrIdleTimeout.
-func NewIdleListener(timeout time.Duration, wrap Listener) Listener {
- l := &idleListener{
- timeout: timeout,
- wrapped: wrap,
- newConns: make(chan *idleCloser),
- closed: make(chan struct{}),
- wasTimeout: make(chan struct{}),
- }
- go l.run()
- return l
+ case <-l.timedOut:
+ if err == nil {
+ // Keeping the connection open would leave the listener simultaneously
+ // active and closed due to idleness, which would be contradictory and
+ // confusing. Close the connection and pretend that it never happened.
+ rwc.Close()
+ } else {
+ // In theory the timeout could have raced with an unrelated error return
+ // from Accept. However, ErrIdleTimeout is arguably still valid (since we
+ // would have closed due to the timeout independent of the error), and the
+ // harm from returning a spurious ErrIdleTimeout is negligible anyway.
+ }
+ return nil, ErrIdleTimeout
-type idleListener struct {
- wrapped Listener
- timeout time.Duration
- newConns chan *idleCloser
- closed chan struct{}
- wasTimeout chan struct{}
- closeOnce sync.Once
+ case timer := <-l.idleTimer:
+ if err != nil {
+ // The idle timer doesn't run until it receives itself from the idleTimer
+ // channel, so it can't have called l.wrapped.Close yet and thus err can't
+ // be ErrIdleTimeout. Leave the idle timer as it was and return whatever
+ // error we got.
+ l.idleTimer <- timer
+ return nil, err
+ }
-type idleCloser struct {
- wrapped io.ReadWriteCloser
- closed chan struct{}
- closeOnce sync.Once
+ if !timer.Stop() {
+ // Failed to stop the timer — the timer goroutine is in the process of
+ // firing. Send the timer back to the timer goroutine so that it can
+ // safely close the timedOut channel, and then wait for the listener to
+ // actually be closed before we return ErrIdleTimeout.
+ l.idleTimer <- timer
+ rwc.Close()
+ <-l.timedOut
+ return nil, ErrIdleTimeout
+ }
-func (c *idleCloser) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
- n, err := c.wrapped.Read(p)
- if err != nil && isClosingError(err) {
- c.closeOnce.Do(func() { close(c.closed) })
+ l.active <- 1
+ return l.newConn(rwc), nil
- return n, err
-func (c *idleCloser) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
- // we do not close on write failure, we rely on the wrapped writer to do that
- // if it is appropriate, which we will detect in the next read.
- return c.wrapped.Write(p)
+func (l *idleListener) Close() error {
+ select {
+ case _, ok := <-l.active:
+ if ok {
+ close(l.active)
+ }
-func (c *idleCloser) Close() error {
- // we rely on closing the wrapped stream to signal to the next read that we
- // are closed, rather than triggering the closed signal directly
- return c.wrapped.Close()
+ case <-l.timedOut:
+ // Already closed by the timer; take care not to double-close if the caller
+ // only explicitly invokes this Close method once, since the io.Closer
+ // interface explicitly leaves doubled Close calls undefined.
+ return ErrIdleTimeout
-func (l *idleListener) Accept(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
- rwc, err := l.wrapped.Accept(ctx)
- if err != nil {
- if isClosingError(err) {
- // underlying listener was closed
- l.closeOnce.Do(func() { close(l.closed) })
- // was it closed because of the idle timeout?
- select {
- case <-l.wasTimeout:
- err = ErrIdleTimeout
- default:
- }
+ case timer := <-l.idleTimer:
+ if !timer.Stop() {
+ // Couldn't stop the timer. It shouldn't take long to run, so just wait
+ // (so that the Listener is guaranteed to be closed before we return)
+ // and pretend that this call happened afterward.
+ // That way we won't leak any timers or goroutines when Close returns.
+ l.idleTimer <- timer
+ <-l.timedOut
+ return ErrIdleTimeout
- return nil, err
+ close(l.active)
- conn := &idleCloser{
- wrapped: rwc,
- closed: make(chan struct{}),
- }
- l.newConns <- conn
- return conn, err
-func (l *idleListener) Close() error {
- defer l.closeOnce.Do(func() { close(l.closed) })
return l.wrapped.Close()
@@ -253,31 +246,83 @@ func (l *idleListener) Dialer() Dialer {
return l.wrapped.Dialer()
-func (l *idleListener) run() {
- var conns []*idleCloser
- for {
- var firstClosed chan struct{} // left at nil if there are no active conns
- var timeout <-chan time.Time // left at nil if there are active conns
- if len(conns) > 0 {
- firstClosed = conns[0].closed
+func (l *idleListener) timerExpired() {
+ select {
+ case n, ok := <-l.active:
+ if ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("jsonrpc2: idleListener idle timer fired with %d connections still active", n))
} else {
- timeout = time.After(l.timeout)
+ panic("jsonrpc2: Close finished with idle timer still running")
- select {
- case <-l.closed:
- // the main listener closed, no need to keep going
+ case <-l.timedOut:
+ panic("jsonrpc2: idleListener idle timer fired more than once")
+ case <-l.idleTimer:
+ // The timer for this very call!
+ }
+ // Close the Listener with all channels still blocked to ensure that this call
+ // to l.wrapped.Close doesn't race with the one in l.Close.
+ defer close(l.timedOut)
+ l.wrapped.Close()
+func (l *idleListener) connClosed() {
+ select {
+ case n, ok := <-l.active:
+ if !ok {
+ // l is already closed, so it can't close due to idleness,
+ // and we don't need to track the number of active connections any more.
- case conn := <-l.newConns:
- // a new conn arrived, add it to the list
- conns = append(conns, conn)
- case <-timeout:
- // we timed out, only happens when there are no active conns
- // close the underlying listener, and allow the normal closing process to happen
- close(l.wasTimeout)
- l.wrapped.Close()
- case <-firstClosed:
- // a conn closed, remove it from the active list
- conns = conns[:copy(conns, conns[1:])]
+ n--
+ if n == 0 {
+ l.idleTimer <- time.AfterFunc(l.timeout, l.timerExpired)
+ } else {
+ l.active <- n
+ }
+ case <-l.timedOut:
+ panic("jsonrpc2: idleListener idle timer fired before last active connection was closed")
+ case <-l.idleTimer:
+ panic("jsonrpc2: idleListener idle timer active before last active connection was closed")
+type idleListenerConn struct {
+ wrapped io.ReadWriteCloser
+ l *idleListener
+ closeOnce sync.Once
+func (l *idleListener) newConn(rwc io.ReadWriteCloser) *idleListenerConn {
+ c := &idleListenerConn{
+ wrapped: rwc,
+ l: l,
+ }
+ // A caller that forgets to call Close may disrupt the idleListener's
+ // accounting, even though the file descriptor for the underlying connection
+ // may eventually be garbage-collected anyway.
+ //
+ // Set a (best-effort) finalizer to verify that a Close call always occurs.
+ // (We will clear the finalizer explicitly in Close.)
+ runtime.SetFinalizer(c, func(c *idleListenerConn) {
+ panic("jsonrpc2: IdleListener connection became unreachable without a call to Close")
+ })
+ return c
+func (c *idleListenerConn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return c.wrapped.Read(p) }
+func (c *idleListenerConn) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return c.wrapped.Write(p) }
+func (c *idleListenerConn) Close() error {
+ defer c.closeOnce.Do(func() {
+ c.l.connClosed()
+ runtime.SetFinalizer(c, nil)
+ })
+ return c.wrapped.Close()
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_go116.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_go116.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29549f105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_go116.go
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build go1.16
+// +build go1.16
+package jsonrpc2
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "net"
+var errClosed = net.ErrClosed
+func isErrClosed(err error) bool {
+ return errors.Is(err, errClosed)
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_pre116.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_pre116.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1801d8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_pre116.go
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build !go1.16
+// +build !go1.16
+package jsonrpc2
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "strings"
+// errClosed is an error with the same string as net.ErrClosed,
+// which was added in Go 1.16.
+var errClosed = errors.New("use of closed network connection")
+// isErrClosed reports whether err ends in the same string as errClosed.
+func isErrClosed(err error) bool {
+ // As of Go 1.16, this could be 'errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosing)', but
+ // unfortunately gopls still requires compatibility with
+ // (otherwise-unsupported) older Go versions.
+ //
+ // In the meantime, this error string has not changed on any supported Go
+ // version, and is not expected to change in the future.
+ // This is not ideal, but since the worst that could happen here is some
+ // superfluous logging, it is acceptable.
+ return strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection")
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_test.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_test.go
index 26cf6a58c..88ac66b7e 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_test.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/serve_test.go
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ package jsonrpc2_test
import (
+ "fmt"
+ "runtime/debug"
@@ -16,48 +18,125 @@ import (
func TestIdleTimeout(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
- defer cancel()
- listener, err := jsonrpc2.NetListener(ctx, "tcp", "localhost:0", jsonrpc2.NetListenOptions{})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- listener = jsonrpc2.NewIdleListener(100*time.Millisecond, listener)
- defer listener.Close()
- server, err := jsonrpc2.Serve(ctx, listener, jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
+ // Use a panicking time.AfterFunc instead of context.WithTimeout so that we
+ // get a goroutine dump on failure. We expect the test to take on the order of
+ // a few tens of milliseconds at most, so 10s should be several orders of
+ // magnitude of headroom.
+ timer := time.AfterFunc(10*time.Second, func() {
+ debug.SetTraceback("all")
+ panic("TestIdleTimeout deadlocked")
+ })
+ defer timer.Stop()
- connect := func() *jsonrpc2.Connection {
- client, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx,
- listener.Dialer(),
- jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ try := func(d time.Duration) (longEnough bool) {
+ listener, err := jsonrpc2.NetListener(ctx, "tcp", "localhost:0", jsonrpc2.NetListenOptions{})
if err != nil {
- return client
- }
- // Exercise some connection/disconnection patterns, and then assert that when
- // our timer fires, the server exits.
- conn1 := connect()
- conn2 := connect()
- if err := conn1.Close(); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("conn1.Close failed with error: %v", err)
- }
- if err := conn2.Close(); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("conn2.Close failed with error: %v", err)
- }
- conn3 := connect()
- if err := conn3.Close(); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("conn3.Close failed with error: %v", err)
- }
- serverError := server.Wait()
+ idleStart := time.Now()
+ listener = jsonrpc2.NewIdleListener(d, listener)
+ defer listener.Close()
- if !errors.Is(serverError, jsonrpc2.ErrIdleTimeout) {
- t.Errorf("run() returned error %v, want %v", serverError, jsonrpc2.ErrIdleTimeout)
+ server := jsonrpc2.NewServer(ctx, listener, jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ // Exercise some connection/disconnection patterns, and then assert that when
+ // our timer fires, the server exits.
+ conn1, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx, listener.Dialer(), jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ if err != nil {
+ if since := time.Since(idleStart); since < d {
+ t.Fatalf("conn1 failed to connect after %v: %v", since, err)
+ }
+ t.Log("jsonrpc2.Dial:", err)
+ return false // Took to long to dial, so the failure could have been due to the idle timeout.
+ }
+ // On the server side, Accept can race with the connection timing out.
+ // Send a call and wait for the response to ensure that the connection was
+ // actually fully accepted.
+ ac := conn1.Call(ctx, "ping", nil)
+ if err := ac.Await(ctx, nil); !errors.Is(err, jsonrpc2.ErrMethodNotFound) {
+ if since := time.Since(idleStart); since < d {
+ t.Fatalf("conn1 broken after %v: %v", since, err)
+ }
+ t.Log(`conn1.Call(ctx, "ping", nil):`, err)
+ conn1.Close()
+ return false
+ }
+ // Since conn1 was successfully accepted and remains open, the server is
+ // definitely non-idle. Dialing another simultaneous connection should
+ // succeed.
+ conn2, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx, listener.Dialer(), jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ if err != nil {
+ conn1.Close()
+ t.Fatalf("conn2 failed to connect while non-idle after %v: %v", time.Since(idleStart), err)
+ return false
+ }
+ // Ensure that conn2 is also accepted on the server side before we close
+ // conn1. Otherwise, the connection can appear idle if the server processes
+ // the closure of conn1 and the idle timeout before it finally notices conn2
+ // in the accept queue.
+ // (That failure mode may explain the failure noted in
+ // https://go.dev/issue/49387#issuecomment-1303979877.)
+ ac = conn2.Call(ctx, "ping", nil)
+ if err := ac.Await(ctx, nil); !errors.Is(err, jsonrpc2.ErrMethodNotFound) {
+ t.Fatalf("conn2 broken while non-idle after %v: %v", time.Since(idleStart), err)
+ }
+ if err := conn1.Close(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("conn1.Close failed with error: %v", err)
+ }
+ idleStart = time.Now()
+ if err := conn2.Close(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("conn2.Close failed with error: %v", err)
+ }
+ conn3, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx, listener.Dialer(), jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ if err != nil {
+ if since := time.Since(idleStart); since < d {
+ t.Fatalf("conn3 failed to connect after %v: %v", since, err)
+ }
+ t.Log("jsonrpc2.Dial:", err)
+ return false // Took to long to dial, so the failure could have been due to the idle timeout.
+ }
+ ac = conn3.Call(ctx, "ping", nil)
+ if err := ac.Await(ctx, nil); !errors.Is(err, jsonrpc2.ErrMethodNotFound) {
+ if since := time.Since(idleStart); since < d {
+ t.Fatalf("conn3 broken after %v: %v", since, err)
+ }
+ t.Log(`conn3.Call(ctx, "ping", nil):`, err)
+ conn3.Close()
+ return false
+ }
+ idleStart = time.Now()
+ if err := conn3.Close(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("conn3.Close failed with error: %v", err)
+ }
+ serverError := server.Wait()
+ if !errors.Is(serverError, jsonrpc2.ErrIdleTimeout) {
+ t.Errorf("run() returned error %v, want %v", serverError, jsonrpc2.ErrIdleTimeout)
+ }
+ if since := time.Since(idleStart); since < d {
+ t.Errorf("server shut down after %v idle; want at least %v", since, d)
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ d := 1 * time.Millisecond
+ for {
+ t.Logf("testing with idle timout %v", d)
+ if !try(d) {
+ d *= 2
+ continue
+ }
+ break
@@ -78,8 +157,7 @@ func (fakeHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, req *jsonrpc2.Request) (interface
func TestServe(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
- defer cancel()
+ ctx := context.Background()
tests := []struct {
name string
@@ -116,13 +194,9 @@ func TestServe(t *testing.T) {
func newFake(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, l jsonrpc2.Listener) (*jsonrpc2.Connection, func(), error) {
- l = jsonrpc2.NewIdleListener(100*time.Millisecond, l)
- server, err := jsonrpc2.Serve(ctx, l, jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{
+ server := jsonrpc2.NewServer(ctx, l, jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{
Handler: fakeHandler{},
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
client, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx,
@@ -142,3 +216,129 @@ func newFake(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, l jsonrpc2.Listener) (*jsonrpc2.
}, nil
+// TestIdleListenerAcceptCloseRace checks for the Accept/Close race fixed in CL 388597.
+// (A bug in the idleListener implementation caused a successful Accept to block
+// on sending to a background goroutine that could have already exited.)
+func TestIdleListenerAcceptCloseRace(t *testing.T) {
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ n := 10
+ // Each iteration of the loop appears to take around a millisecond, so to
+ // avoid spurious failures we'll set the watchdog for three orders of
+ // magnitude longer. When the bug was present, this reproduced the deadlock
+ // reliably on a Linux workstation when run with -count=100, which should be
+ // frequent enough to show up on the Go build dashboard if it regresses.
+ watchdog := time.Duration(n) * 1000 * time.Millisecond
+ timer := time.AfterFunc(watchdog, func() {
+ debug.SetTraceback("all")
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s deadlocked after %v", t.Name(), watchdog))
+ })
+ defer timer.Stop()
+ for ; n > 0; n-- {
+ listener, err := jsonrpc2.NetPipeListener(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ listener = jsonrpc2.NewIdleListener(24*time.Hour, listener)
+ done := make(chan struct{})
+ go func() {
+ conn, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx, listener.Dialer(), jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ listener.Close()
+ if err == nil {
+ conn.Close()
+ }
+ close(done)
+ }()
+ // Accept may return a non-nil error if Close closes the underlying network
+ // connection before the wrapped Accept call unblocks. However, it must not
+ // deadlock!
+ c, err := listener.Accept(ctx)
+ if err == nil {
+ c.Close()
+ }
+ <-done
+ }
+// TestCloseCallRace checks for a race resulting in a deadlock when a Call on
+// one side of the connection races with a Close (or otherwise broken
+// connection) initiated from the other side.
+// (The Call method was waiting for a result from the Read goroutine to
+// determine which error value to return, but the Read goroutine was waiting for
+// in-flight calls to complete before reporting that result.)
+func TestCloseCallRace(t *testing.T) {
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ n := 10
+ watchdog := time.Duration(n) * 1000 * time.Millisecond
+ timer := time.AfterFunc(watchdog, func() {
+ debug.SetTraceback("all")
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s deadlocked after %v", t.Name(), watchdog))
+ })
+ defer timer.Stop()
+ for ; n > 0; n-- {
+ listener, err := jsonrpc2.NetPipeListener(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ pokec := make(chan *jsonrpc2.AsyncCall, 1)
+ s := jsonrpc2.NewServer(ctx, listener, jsonrpc2.BinderFunc(func(_ context.Context, srvConn *jsonrpc2.Connection) jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions {
+ h := jsonrpc2.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, _ *jsonrpc2.Request) (interface{}, error) {
+ // Start a concurrent call from the server to the client.
+ // The point of this test is to ensure this doesn't deadlock
+ // if the client shuts down the connection concurrently.
+ //
+ // The racing Call may or may not receive a response: it should get a
+ // response if it is sent before the client closes the connection, and
+ // it should fail with some kind of "connection closed" error otherwise.
+ go func() {
+ pokec <- srvConn.Call(ctx, "poke", nil)
+ }()
+ return &msg{"pong"}, nil
+ })
+ return jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{Handler: h}
+ }))
+ dialConn, err := jsonrpc2.Dial(ctx, listener.Dialer(), jsonrpc2.ConnectionOptions{})
+ if err != nil {
+ listener.Close()
+ s.Wait()
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ // Calling any method on the server should provoke it to asynchronously call
+ // us back. While it is starting that call, we will close the connection.
+ if err := dialConn.Call(ctx, "ping", nil).Await(ctx, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ if err := dialConn.Close(); err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ // Ensure that the Call on the server side did not block forever when the
+ // connection closed.
+ pokeCall := <-pokec
+ if err := pokeCall.Await(ctx, nil); err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("unexpected nil error from server-initited call")
+ } else if errors.Is(err, jsonrpc2.ErrMethodNotFound) {
+ // The call completed before the Close reached the handler.
+ } else {
+ // The error was something else.
+ t.Logf("server-initiated call completed with expected error: %v", err)
+ }
+ listener.Close()
+ s.Wait()
+ }
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/wire.go b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/wire.go
index 4da129ae6..c8dc9ebf1 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/wire.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2_v2/wire.go
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ var (
ErrServerOverloaded = NewError(-32000, "JSON RPC overloaded")
// ErrUnknown should be used for all non coded errors.
ErrUnknown = NewError(-32001, "JSON RPC unknown error")
+ // ErrServerClosing is returned for calls that arrive while the server is closing.
+ ErrServerClosing = NewError(-32002, "JSON RPC server is closing")
+ // ErrClientClosing is a dummy error returned for calls initiated while the client is closing.
+ ErrClientClosing = NewError(-32003, "JSON RPC client is closing")
const wireVersion = "2.0"
@@ -72,3 +76,11 @@ func NewError(code int64, message string) error {
func (err *wireError) Error() string {
return err.Message
+func (err *wireError) Is(other error) bool {
+ w, ok := other.(*wireError)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return err.Code == w.Code