path: root/internal/lsp/cache/view.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal/lsp/cache/view.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1076 deletions
diff --git a/internal/lsp/cache/view.go b/internal/lsp/cache/view.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b34807c6e..000000000
--- a/internal/lsp/cache/view.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1076 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package cache implements the caching layer for gopls.
-package cache
-import (
- "context"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "path"
- "path/filepath"
- "reflect"
- "regexp"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "golang.org/x/mod/modfile"
- "golang.org/x/mod/semver"
- exec "golang.org/x/sys/execabs"
- "golang.org/x/tools/go/packages"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/event"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/source"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/span"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/xcontext"
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
-type View struct {
- session *Session
- id string
- optionsMu sync.Mutex
- options *source.Options
- // mu protects most mutable state of the view.
- mu sync.Mutex
- // baseCtx is the context handed to NewView. This is the parent of all
- // background contexts created for this view.
- baseCtx context.Context
- // cancel is called when all action being performed by the current view
- // should be stopped.
- cancel context.CancelFunc
- // name is the user visible name of this view.
- name string
- // folder is the folder with which this view was constructed.
- folder span.URI
- importsState *importsState
- // moduleUpgrades tracks known upgrades for module paths.
- moduleUpgrades map[string]string
- // keep track of files by uri and by basename, a single file may be mapped
- // to multiple uris, and the same basename may map to multiple files
- filesByURI map[span.URI]*fileBase
- filesByBase map[string][]*fileBase
- // initCancelFirstAttempt can be used to terminate the view's first
- // attempt at initialization.
- initCancelFirstAttempt context.CancelFunc
- snapshotMu sync.Mutex
- snapshot *snapshot // nil after shutdown has been called
- // initialWorkspaceLoad is closed when the first workspace initialization has
- // completed. If we failed to load, we only retry if the go.mod file changes,
- // to avoid too many go/packages calls.
- initialWorkspaceLoad chan struct{}
- // initializationSema is used limit concurrent initialization of snapshots in
- // the view. We use a channel instead of a mutex to avoid blocking when a
- // context is canceled.
- initializationSema chan struct{}
- // rootURI is the rootURI directory of this view. If we are in GOPATH mode, this
- // is just the folder. If we are in module mode, this is the module rootURI.
- rootURI span.URI
- // workspaceInformation tracks various details about this view's
- // environment variables, go version, and use of modules.
- workspaceInformation
-type workspaceInformation struct {
- // The Go version in use: X in Go 1.X.
- goversion int
- // hasGopackagesDriver is true if the user has a value set for the
- // GOPACKAGESDRIVER environment variable or a gopackagesdriver binary on
- // their machine.
- hasGopackagesDriver bool
- // `go env` variables that need to be tracked by gopls.
- environmentVariables
- // userGo111Module is the user's value of GO111MODULE.
- userGo111Module go111module
- // The value of GO111MODULE we want to run with.
- effectiveGo111Module string
- // goEnv is the `go env` output collected when a view is created.
- // It includes the values of the environment variables above.
- goEnv map[string]string
-type go111module int
-const (
- off = go111module(iota)
- auto
- on
-type environmentVariables struct {
- gocache, gopath, goroot, goprivate, gomodcache, go111module string
-type workspaceMode int
-const (
- moduleMode workspaceMode = 1 << iota
- // tempModfile indicates whether or not the -modfile flag should be used.
- tempModfile
-// fileBase holds the common functionality for all files.
-// It is intended to be embedded in the file implementations
-type fileBase struct {
- uris []span.URI
- fname string
- view *View
-func (f *fileBase) URI() span.URI {
- return f.uris[0]
-func (f *fileBase) filename() string {
- return f.fname
-func (f *fileBase) addURI(uri span.URI) int {
- f.uris = append(f.uris, uri)
- return len(f.uris)
-func (v *View) ID() string { return v.id }
-// tempModFile creates a temporary go.mod file based on the contents of the
-// given go.mod file. It is the caller's responsibility to clean up the files
-// when they are done using them.
-func tempModFile(modFh source.FileHandle, gosum []byte) (tmpURI span.URI, cleanup func(), err error) {
- filenameHash := hashContents([]byte(modFh.URI().Filename()))
- tmpMod, err := ioutil.TempFile("", fmt.Sprintf("go.%s.*.mod", filenameHash))
- if err != nil {
- return "", nil, err
- }
- defer tmpMod.Close()
- tmpURI = span.URIFromPath(tmpMod.Name())
- tmpSumName := sumFilename(tmpURI)
- content, err := modFh.Read()
- if err != nil {
- return "", nil, err
- }
- if _, err := tmpMod.Write(content); err != nil {
- return "", nil, err
- }
- cleanup = func() {
- _ = os.Remove(tmpSumName)
- _ = os.Remove(tmpURI.Filename())
- }
- // Be careful to clean up if we return an error from this function.
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- cleanup()
- cleanup = nil
- }
- }()
- // Create an analogous go.sum, if one exists.
- if gosum != nil {
- if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tmpSumName, gosum, 0655); err != nil {
- return "", cleanup, err
- }
- }
- return tmpURI, cleanup, nil
-// Name returns the user visible name of this view.
-func (v *View) Name() string {
- return v.name
-// Folder returns the folder at the base of this view.
-func (v *View) Folder() span.URI {
- return v.folder
-func (v *View) Options() *source.Options {
- v.optionsMu.Lock()
- defer v.optionsMu.Unlock()
- return v.options
-func (v *View) FileKind(fh source.FileHandle) source.FileKind {
- if o, ok := fh.(source.Overlay); ok {
- if o.Kind() != source.UnknownKind {
- return o.Kind()
- }
- }
- fext := filepath.Ext(fh.URI().Filename())
- switch fext {
- case ".go":
- return source.Go
- case ".mod":
- return source.Mod
- case ".sum":
- return source.Sum
- case ".work":
- return source.Work
- }
- exts := v.Options().TemplateExtensions
- for _, ext := range exts {
- if fext == ext || fext == "."+ext {
- return source.Tmpl
- }
- }
- // and now what? This should never happen, but it does for cgo before go1.15
- return source.Go
-func minorOptionsChange(a, b *source.Options) bool {
- // Check if any of the settings that modify our understanding of files have been changed
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(a.Env, b.Env) {
- return false
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(a.DirectoryFilters, b.DirectoryFilters) {
- return false
- }
- if a.MemoryMode != b.MemoryMode {
- return false
- }
- aBuildFlags := make([]string, len(a.BuildFlags))
- bBuildFlags := make([]string, len(b.BuildFlags))
- copy(aBuildFlags, a.BuildFlags)
- copy(bBuildFlags, b.BuildFlags)
- sort.Strings(aBuildFlags)
- sort.Strings(bBuildFlags)
- // the rest of the options are benign
- return reflect.DeepEqual(aBuildFlags, bBuildFlags)
-func (v *View) SetOptions(ctx context.Context, options *source.Options) (source.View, error) {
- // no need to rebuild the view if the options were not materially changed
- v.optionsMu.Lock()
- if minorOptionsChange(v.options, options) {
- v.options = options
- v.optionsMu.Unlock()
- return v, nil
- }
- v.optionsMu.Unlock()
- newView, err := v.session.updateView(ctx, v, options)
- return newView, err
-func (v *View) Rebuild(ctx context.Context) (source.Snapshot, func(), error) {
- newView, err := v.session.updateView(ctx, v, v.Options())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, func() {}, err
- }
- snapshot, release := newView.Snapshot(ctx)
- return snapshot, release, nil
-func (s *snapshot) WriteEnv(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
- s.view.optionsMu.Lock()
- env := s.view.options.EnvSlice()
- buildFlags := append([]string{}, s.view.options.BuildFlags...)
- s.view.optionsMu.Unlock()
- fullEnv := make(map[string]string)
- for k, v := range s.view.goEnv {
- fullEnv[k] = v
- }
- for _, v := range env {
- s := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
- if len(s) != 2 {
- continue
- }
- if _, ok := fullEnv[s[0]]; ok {
- fullEnv[s[0]] = s[1]
- }
- }
- goVersion, err := s.view.session.gocmdRunner.Run(ctx, gocommand.Invocation{
- Verb: "version",
- Env: env,
- WorkingDir: s.view.rootURI.Filename(),
- })
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, `go env for %v
-(root %s)
-(go version %s)
-(valid build configuration = %v)
-(build flags: %v)
- s.view.folder.Filename(),
- s.view.rootURI.Filename(),
- strings.TrimRight(goVersion.String(), "\n"),
- s.ValidBuildConfiguration(),
- buildFlags)
- for k, v := range fullEnv {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s=%s\n", k, v)
- }
- return nil
-func (s *snapshot) RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, fn func(*imports.Options) error) error {
- return s.view.importsState.runProcessEnvFunc(ctx, s, fn)
-// separated out from its sole use in locateTemplateFiles for testability
-func fileHasExtension(path string, suffixes []string) bool {
- ext := filepath.Ext(path)
- if ext != "" && ext[0] == '.' {
- ext = ext[1:]
- }
- for _, s := range suffixes {
- if s != "" && ext == s {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-func (s *snapshot) locateTemplateFiles(ctx context.Context) {
- if len(s.view.Options().TemplateExtensions) == 0 {
- return
- }
- suffixes := s.view.Options().TemplateExtensions
- // The workspace root may have been expanded to a module, but we should apply
- // directory filters based on the configured workspace folder.
- //
- // TODO(rfindley): we should be more principled about paths outside of the
- // workspace folder: do we even consider them? Do we support absolute
- // exclusions? Relative exclusions starting with ..?
- dir := s.workspace.root.Filename()
- relativeTo := s.view.folder.Filename()
- searched := 0
- // Change to WalkDir when we move up to 1.16
- err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- relpath := strings.TrimPrefix(path, relativeTo)
- excluded := pathExcludedByFilter(relpath, dir, s.view.gomodcache, s.view.options)
- if fileHasExtension(path, suffixes) && !excluded && !fi.IsDir() {
- k := span.URIFromPath(path)
- _, err := s.GetVersionedFile(ctx, k)
- if err != nil {
- return nil
- }
- }
- searched++
- if fileLimit > 0 && searched > fileLimit {
- return errExhausted
- }
- return nil
- })
- if err != nil {
- event.Error(ctx, "searching for template files failed", err)
- }
-func (v *View) contains(uri span.URI) bool {
- inRoot := source.InDir(v.rootURI.Filename(), uri.Filename())
- inFolder := source.InDir(v.folder.Filename(), uri.Filename())
- if !inRoot && !inFolder {
- return false
- }
- // Filters are applied relative to the workspace folder.
- if inFolder {
- return !pathExcludedByFilter(strings.TrimPrefix(uri.Filename(), v.folder.Filename()), v.rootURI.Filename(), v.gomodcache, v.Options())
- }
- return true
-func (v *View) mapFile(uri span.URI, f *fileBase) {
- v.filesByURI[uri] = f
- if f.addURI(uri) == 1 {
- basename := basename(f.filename())
- v.filesByBase[basename] = append(v.filesByBase[basename], f)
- }
-func basename(filename string) string {
- return strings.ToLower(filepath.Base(filename))
-func (v *View) relevantChange(c source.FileModification) bool {
- // If the file is known to the view, the change is relevant.
- if v.knownFile(c.URI) {
- return true
- }
- // The go.work/gopls.mod may not be "known" because we first access it
- // through the session. As a result, treat changes to the view's go.work or
- // gopls.mod file as always relevant, even if they are only on-disk
- // changes.
- // TODO(rstambler): Make sure the go.work/gopls.mod files are always known
- // to the view.
- for _, src := range []workspaceSource{goWorkWorkspace, goplsModWorkspace} {
- if c.URI == uriForSource(v.rootURI, src) {
- return true
- }
- }
- // If the file is not known to the view, and the change is only on-disk,
- // we should not invalidate the snapshot. This is necessary because Emacs
- // sends didChangeWatchedFiles events for temp files.
- if c.OnDisk && (c.Action == source.Change || c.Action == source.Delete) {
- return false
- }
- return v.contains(c.URI)
-func (v *View) knownFile(uri span.URI) bool {
- v.mu.Lock()
- defer v.mu.Unlock()
- f, err := v.findFile(uri)
- return f != nil && err == nil
-// getFile returns a file for the given URI.
-func (v *View) getFile(uri span.URI) *fileBase {
- v.mu.Lock()
- defer v.mu.Unlock()
- f, _ := v.findFile(uri)
- if f != nil {
- return f
- }
- f = &fileBase{
- view: v,
- fname: uri.Filename(),
- }
- v.mapFile(uri, f)
- return f
-// findFile checks the cache for any file matching the given uri.
-// An error is only returned for an irreparable failure, for example, if the
-// filename in question does not exist.
-func (v *View) findFile(uri span.URI) (*fileBase, error) {
- if f := v.filesByURI[uri]; f != nil {
- // a perfect match
- return f, nil
- }
- // no exact match stored, time to do some real work
- // check for any files with the same basename
- fname := uri.Filename()
- basename := basename(fname)
- if candidates := v.filesByBase[basename]; candidates != nil {
- pathStat, err := os.Stat(fname)
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return nil, err
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil // the file may exist, return without an error
- }
- for _, c := range candidates {
- if cStat, err := os.Stat(c.filename()); err == nil {
- if os.SameFile(pathStat, cStat) {
- // same file, map it
- v.mapFile(uri, c)
- return c, nil
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // no file with a matching name was found, it wasn't in our cache
- return nil, nil
-func (v *View) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
- v.session.removeView(ctx, v)
-// TODO(rFindley): probably some of this should also be one in View.Shutdown
-// above?
-func (v *View) shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
- // Cancel the initial workspace load if it is still running.
- v.initCancelFirstAttempt()
- v.mu.Lock()
- if v.cancel != nil {
- v.cancel()
- v.cancel = nil
- }
- v.mu.Unlock()
- v.snapshotMu.Lock()
- if v.snapshot != nil {
- go v.snapshot.generation.Destroy("View.shutdown")
- v.snapshot = nil
- }
- v.snapshotMu.Unlock()
- v.importsState.destroy()
-func (v *View) Session() *Session {
- return v.session
-func (s *snapshot) IgnoredFile(uri span.URI) bool {
- filename := uri.Filename()
- var prefixes []string
- if len(s.workspace.getActiveModFiles()) == 0 {
- for _, entry := range filepath.SplitList(s.view.gopath) {
- prefixes = append(prefixes, filepath.Join(entry, "src"))
- }
- } else {
- prefixes = append(prefixes, s.view.gomodcache)
- for m := range s.workspace.getActiveModFiles() {
- prefixes = append(prefixes, dirURI(m).Filename())
- }
- }
- for _, prefix := range prefixes {
- if strings.HasPrefix(filename, prefix) {
- return checkIgnored(filename[len(prefix):])
- }
- }
- return false
-// checkIgnored implements go list's exclusion rules. go help list:
-// Directory and file names that begin with "." or "_" are ignored
-// by the go tool, as are directories named "testdata".
-func checkIgnored(suffix string) bool {
- for _, component := range strings.Split(suffix, string(filepath.Separator)) {
- if len(component) == 0 {
- continue
- }
- if component[0] == '.' || component[0] == '_' || component == "testdata" {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-func (v *View) Snapshot(ctx context.Context) (source.Snapshot, func()) {
- return v.getSnapshot()
-func (v *View) getSnapshot() (*snapshot, func()) {
- v.snapshotMu.Lock()
- defer v.snapshotMu.Unlock()
- if v.snapshot == nil {
- panic("getSnapshot called after shutdown")
- }
- return v.snapshot, v.snapshot.generation.Acquire()
-func (s *snapshot) initialize(ctx context.Context, firstAttempt bool) {
- select {
- case <-ctx.Done():
- return
- case s.view.initializationSema <- struct{}{}:
- }
- defer func() {
- <-s.view.initializationSema
- }()
- if s.initializeOnce == nil {
- return
- }
- s.initializeOnce.Do(func() {
- s.loadWorkspace(ctx, firstAttempt)
- s.collectAllKnownSubdirs(ctx)
- })
-func (s *snapshot) loadWorkspace(ctx context.Context, firstAttempt bool) {
- defer func() {
- s.initializeOnce = nil
- if firstAttempt {
- close(s.view.initialWorkspaceLoad)
- }
- }()
- // If we have multiple modules, we need to load them by paths.
- var scopes []interface{}
- var modDiagnostics []*source.Diagnostic
- addError := func(uri span.URI, err error) {
- modDiagnostics = append(modDiagnostics, &source.Diagnostic{
- URI: uri,
- Severity: protocol.SeverityError,
- Source: source.ListError,
- Message: err.Error(),
- })
- }
- s.locateTemplateFiles(ctx)
- if len(s.workspace.getActiveModFiles()) > 0 {
- for modURI := range s.workspace.getActiveModFiles() {
- fh, err := s.GetFile(ctx, modURI)
- if err != nil {
- addError(modURI, err)
- continue
- }
- parsed, err := s.ParseMod(ctx, fh)
- if err != nil {
- addError(modURI, err)
- continue
- }
- if parsed.File == nil || parsed.File.Module == nil {
- addError(modURI, fmt.Errorf("no module path for %s", modURI))
- continue
- }
- path := parsed.File.Module.Mod.Path
- scopes = append(scopes, moduleLoadScope(path))
- }
- } else {
- scopes = append(scopes, viewLoadScope("LOAD_VIEW"))
- }
- // If we're loading anything, ensure we also load builtin.
- // TODO(rstambler): explain the rationale for this.
- if len(scopes) > 0 {
- scopes = append(scopes, PackagePath("builtin"))
- }
- err := s.load(ctx, firstAttempt, scopes...)
- // If the context is canceled on the first attempt, loading has failed
- // because the go command has timed out--that should be a critical error.
- if err != nil && !firstAttempt && ctx.Err() != nil {
- return
- }
- var criticalErr *source.CriticalError
- switch {
- case err != nil && ctx.Err() != nil:
- event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("initial workspace load: %v", err), err)
- criticalErr = &source.CriticalError{
- MainError: err,
- }
- case err != nil:
- event.Error(ctx, "initial workspace load failed", err)
- extractedDiags, _ := s.extractGoCommandErrors(ctx, err.Error())
- criticalErr = &source.CriticalError{
- MainError: err,
- DiagList: append(modDiagnostics, extractedDiags...),
- }
- case len(modDiagnostics) == 1:
- criticalErr = &source.CriticalError{
- MainError: fmt.Errorf(modDiagnostics[0].Message),
- DiagList: modDiagnostics,
- }
- case len(modDiagnostics) > 1:
- criticalErr = &source.CriticalError{
- MainError: fmt.Errorf("error loading module names"),
- DiagList: modDiagnostics,
- }
- }
- // Lock the snapshot when setting the initialized error.
- s.mu.Lock()
- defer s.mu.Unlock()
- s.initializedErr = criticalErr
-// invalidateContent invalidates the content of a Go file,
-// including any position and type information that depends on it.
-// invalidateContent returns a non-nil snapshot for the new content, along with
-// a callback which the caller must invoke to release that snapshot.
-func (v *View) invalidateContent(ctx context.Context, changes map[span.URI]*fileChange, forceReloadMetadata bool) (*snapshot, func()) {
- // Detach the context so that content invalidation cannot be canceled.
- ctx = xcontext.Detach(ctx)
- // This should be the only time we hold the view's snapshot lock for any period of time.
- v.snapshotMu.Lock()
- defer v.snapshotMu.Unlock()
- if v.snapshot == nil {
- panic("invalidateContent called after shutdown")
- }
- // Cancel all still-running previous requests, since they would be
- // operating on stale data.
- v.snapshot.cancel()
- // Do not clone a snapshot until its view has finished initializing.
- v.snapshot.AwaitInitialized(ctx)
- oldSnapshot := v.snapshot
- v.snapshot = oldSnapshot.clone(ctx, v.baseCtx, changes, forceReloadMetadata)
- go oldSnapshot.generation.Destroy("View.invalidateContent")
- return v.snapshot, v.snapshot.generation.Acquire()
-func (s *Session) getWorkspaceInformation(ctx context.Context, folder span.URI, options *source.Options) (*workspaceInformation, error) {
- if err := checkPathCase(folder.Filename()); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid workspace folder path: %w; check that the casing of the configured workspace folder path agrees with the casing reported by the operating system", err)
- }
- var err error
- inv := gocommand.Invocation{
- WorkingDir: folder.Filename(),
- Env: options.EnvSlice(),
- }
- goversion, err := gocommand.GoVersion(ctx, inv, s.gocmdRunner)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- go111module := os.Getenv("GO111MODULE")
- if v, ok := options.Env["GO111MODULE"]; ok {
- go111module = v
- }
- // Make sure to get the `go env` before continuing with initialization.
- envVars, env, err := s.getGoEnv(ctx, folder.Filename(), goversion, go111module, options.EnvSlice())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // If using 1.16, change the default back to auto. The primary effect of
- // GO111MODULE=on is to break GOPATH, which we aren't too interested in.
- if goversion >= 16 && go111module == "" {
- go111module = "auto"
- }
- // The value of GOPACKAGESDRIVER is not returned through the go command.
- gopackagesdriver := os.Getenv("GOPACKAGESDRIVER")
- for _, s := range env {
- split := strings.SplitN(s, "=", 2)
- if split[0] == "GOPACKAGESDRIVER" {
- gopackagesdriver = split[1]
- }
- }
- // A user may also have a gopackagesdriver binary on their machine, which
- // works the same way as setting GOPACKAGESDRIVER.
- tool, _ := exec.LookPath("gopackagesdriver")
- hasGopackagesDriver := gopackagesdriver != "off" && (gopackagesdriver != "" || tool != "")
- return &workspaceInformation{
- hasGopackagesDriver: hasGopackagesDriver,
- effectiveGo111Module: go111module,
- userGo111Module: go111moduleForVersion(go111module, goversion),
- goversion: goversion,
- environmentVariables: envVars,
- goEnv: env,
- }, nil
-func go111moduleForVersion(go111module string, goversion int) go111module {
- // Off by default until Go 1.12.
- if go111module == "off" || (goversion < 12 && go111module == "") {
- return off
- }
- // On by default as of Go 1.16.
- if go111module == "on" || (goversion >= 16 && go111module == "") {
- return on
- }
- return auto
-// findWorkspaceRoot searches for the best workspace root according to the
-// following heuristics:
-// - First, look for a parent directory containing a gopls.mod file
-// (experimental only).
-// - Then, a parent directory containing a go.mod file.
-// - Then, a child directory containing a go.mod file, if there is exactly
-// one (non-experimental only).
-// Otherwise, it returns folder.
-// TODO (rFindley): move this to workspace.go
-// TODO (rFindley): simplify this once workspace modules are enabled by default.
-func findWorkspaceRoot(ctx context.Context, folder span.URI, fs source.FileSource, excludePath func(string) bool, experimental bool) (span.URI, error) {
- patterns := []string{"go.work", "go.mod"}
- if experimental {
- patterns = []string{"go.work", "gopls.mod", "go.mod"}
- }
- for _, basename := range patterns {
- dir, err := findRootPattern(ctx, folder, basename, fs)
- if err != nil {
- return "", errors.Errorf("finding %s: %w", basename, err)
- }
- if dir != "" {
- return dir, nil
- }
- }
- // The experimental workspace can handle nested modules at this point...
- if experimental {
- return folder, nil
- }
- // ...else we should check if there's exactly one nested module.
- all, err := findModules(folder, excludePath, 2)
- if err == errExhausted {
- // Fall-back behavior: if we don't find any modules after searching 10000
- // files, assume there are none.
- event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("stopped searching for modules after %d files", fileLimit))
- return folder, nil
- }
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- if len(all) == 1 {
- // range to access first element.
- for uri := range all {
- return dirURI(uri), nil
- }
- }
- return folder, nil
-func findRootPattern(ctx context.Context, folder span.URI, basename string, fs source.FileSource) (span.URI, error) {
- dir := folder.Filename()
- for dir != "" {
- target := filepath.Join(dir, basename)
- exists, err := fileExists(ctx, span.URIFromPath(target), fs)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- if exists {
- return span.URIFromPath(dir), nil
- }
- // Trailing separators must be trimmed, otherwise filepath.Split is a noop.
- next, _ := filepath.Split(strings.TrimRight(dir, string(filepath.Separator)))
- if next == dir {
- break
- }
- dir = next
- }
- return "", nil
-// OS-specific path case check, for case-insensitive filesystems.
-var checkPathCase = defaultCheckPathCase
-func defaultCheckPathCase(path string) error {
- return nil
-func validBuildConfiguration(folder span.URI, ws *workspaceInformation, modFiles map[span.URI]struct{}) bool {
- // Since we only really understand the `go` command, if the user has a
- // different GOPACKAGESDRIVER, assume that their configuration is valid.
- if ws.hasGopackagesDriver {
- return true
- }
- // Check if the user is working within a module or if we have found
- // multiple modules in the workspace.
- if len(modFiles) > 0 {
- return true
- }
- // The user may have a multiple directories in their GOPATH.
- // Check if the workspace is within any of them.
- for _, gp := range filepath.SplitList(ws.gopath) {
- if source.InDir(filepath.Join(gp, "src"), folder.Filename()) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-// getGoEnv gets the view's various GO* values.
-func (s *Session) getGoEnv(ctx context.Context, folder string, goversion int, go111module string, configEnv []string) (environmentVariables, map[string]string, error) {
- envVars := environmentVariables{}
- vars := map[string]*string{
- "GOCACHE": &envVars.gocache,
- "GOPATH": &envVars.gopath,
- "GOROOT": &envVars.goroot,
- "GOPRIVATE": &envVars.goprivate,
- "GOMODCACHE": &envVars.gomodcache,
- "GO111MODULE": &envVars.go111module,
- }
- // We can save ~200 ms by requesting only the variables we care about.
- args := append([]string{"-json"}, imports.RequiredGoEnvVars...)
- for k := range vars {
- args = append(args, k)
- }
- args = append(args, "GOWORK")
- inv := gocommand.Invocation{
- Verb: "env",
- Args: args,
- Env: configEnv,
- WorkingDir: folder,
- }
- // Don't go through runGoCommand, as we don't need a temporary -modfile to
- // run `go env`.
- stdout, err := s.gocmdRunner.Run(ctx, inv)
- if err != nil {
- return environmentVariables{}, nil, err
- }
- env := make(map[string]string)
- if err := json.Unmarshal(stdout.Bytes(), &env); err != nil {
- return environmentVariables{}, nil, err
- }
- for key, ptr := range vars {
- *ptr = env[key]
- }
- // Old versions of Go don't have GOMODCACHE, so emulate it.
- if envVars.gomodcache == "" && envVars.gopath != "" {
- envVars.gomodcache = filepath.Join(filepath.SplitList(envVars.gopath)[0], "pkg/mod")
- }
- // GO111MODULE does not appear in `go env` output until Go 1.13.
- if goversion < 13 {
- envVars.go111module = go111module
- }
- return envVars, env, err
-func (v *View) IsGoPrivatePath(target string) bool {
- return globsMatchPath(v.goprivate, target)
-func (v *View) ModuleUpgrades() map[string]string {
- v.mu.Lock()
- defer v.mu.Unlock()
- upgrades := map[string]string{}
- for mod, ver := range v.moduleUpgrades {
- upgrades[mod] = ver
- }
- return upgrades
-func (v *View) RegisterModuleUpgrades(upgrades map[string]string) {
- v.mu.Lock()
- defer v.mu.Unlock()
- for mod, ver := range upgrades {
- v.moduleUpgrades[mod] = ver
- }
-// Copied from
-// https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/master:src/cmd/go/internal/str/path.go;l=58;drc=2910c5b4a01a573ebc97744890a07c1a3122c67a
-func globsMatchPath(globs, target string) bool {
- for globs != "" {
- // Extract next non-empty glob in comma-separated list.
- var glob string
- if i := strings.Index(globs, ","); i >= 0 {
- glob, globs = globs[:i], globs[i+1:]
- } else {
- glob, globs = globs, ""
- }
- if glob == "" {
- continue
- }
- // A glob with N+1 path elements (N slashes) needs to be matched
- // against the first N+1 path elements of target,
- // which end just before the N+1'th slash.
- n := strings.Count(glob, "/")
- prefix := target
- // Walk target, counting slashes, truncating at the N+1'th slash.
- for i := 0; i < len(target); i++ {
- if target[i] == '/' {
- if n == 0 {
- prefix = target[:i]
- break
- }
- n--
- }
- }
- if n > 0 {
- // Not enough prefix elements.
- continue
- }
- matched, _ := path.Match(glob, prefix)
- if matched {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-var modFlagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`-mod[ =](\w+)`)
-// TODO(rstambler): Consolidate modURI and modContent back into a FileHandle
-// after we have a version of the workspace go.mod file on disk. Getting a
-// FileHandle from the cache for temporary files is problematic, since we
-// cannot delete it.
-func (s *snapshot) vendorEnabled(ctx context.Context, modURI span.URI, modContent []byte) (bool, error) {
- if s.workspaceMode()&moduleMode == 0 {
- return false, nil
- }
- matches := modFlagRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(s.view.goEnv["GOFLAGS"])
- var modFlag string
- if len(matches) != 0 {
- modFlag = matches[1]
- }
- if modFlag != "" {
- // Don't override an explicit '-mod=vendor' argument.
- // We do want to override '-mod=readonly': it would break various module code lenses,
- // and on 1.16 we know -modfile is available, so we won't mess with go.mod anyway.
- return modFlag == "vendor", nil
- }
- modFile, err := modfile.Parse(modURI.Filename(), modContent, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- if fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(s.view.rootURI.Filename(), "vendor")); err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
- return false, nil
- }
- vendorEnabled := modFile.Go != nil && modFile.Go.Version != "" && semver.Compare("v"+modFile.Go.Version, "v1.14") >= 0
- return vendorEnabled, nil
-func (v *View) allFilesExcluded(pkg *packages.Package) bool {
- opts := v.Options()
- folder := filepath.ToSlash(v.folder.Filename())
- for _, f := range pkg.GoFiles {
- f = filepath.ToSlash(f)
- if !strings.HasPrefix(f, folder) {
- return false
- }
- if !pathExcludedByFilter(strings.TrimPrefix(f, folder), v.rootURI.Filename(), v.gomodcache, opts) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-func pathExcludedByFilterFunc(root, gomodcache string, opts *source.Options) func(string) bool {
- return func(path string) bool {
- return pathExcludedByFilter(path, root, gomodcache, opts)
- }
-// pathExcludedByFilter reports whether the path (relative to the workspace
-// folder) should be excluded by the configured directory filters.
-// TODO(rfindley): passing root and gomodcache here makes it confusing whether
-// path should be absolute or relative, and has already caused at least one
-// bug.
-func pathExcludedByFilter(path, root, gomodcache string, opts *source.Options) bool {
- path = strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(path), "/")
- gomodcache = strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimPrefix(gomodcache, root)), "/")
- filters := opts.DirectoryFilters
- if gomodcache != "" {
- filters = append(filters, "-"+gomodcache)
- }
- return source.FiltersDisallow(path, filters)