AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-15Snap for 11582845 from 18d1573a3ee263e73a6d056424ae8608ee5b8b4f to build-tool...build-tools-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker
2024-01-22Snap for 11341804 from 78fb69ff7083ecbc0890bea2f938cafcf903b9c6 to build-tool...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2024-01-16Remove Java21InputAstVisitor until JDK 21 is used am: 78fb69ff70 am: be4a1e47...HEADmastermainSorin Basca
2024-01-16Remove GoogleJavaFormatTool as it is not used in Android am: f5efe86880 am: 6...Sorin Basca
2024-01-16Merge commit 'v1.19.0' am: 9b3a28805d am: 26c8b23036 am: 897a1820ebSorin Basca
2024-01-16Remove Java21InputAstVisitor until JDK 21 is used am: 78fb69ff70 am: be4a1e47feSorin Basca
2024-01-16Remove GoogleJavaFormatTool as it is not used in Android am: f5efe86880 am: 6...Sorin Basca
2024-01-16Merge commit 'v1.19.0' am: 9b3a28805d am: 26c8b23036Sorin Basca
2024-01-16Remove Java21InputAstVisitor until JDK 21 is used am: 78fb69ff70Sorin Basca
2024-01-16Remove GoogleJavaFormatTool as it is not used in Android am: f5efe86880Sorin Basca
2024-01-16Merge commit 'v1.19.0' am: 9b3a28805dSorin Basca
2023-12-22Remove Java21InputAstVisitor until JDK 21 is usedSorin Basca
2023-12-22Remove GoogleJavaFormatTool as it is not used in AndroidSorin Basca
2023-12-19Merge commit 'v1.19.0'Sorin Basca
2023-12-18Initial support for string templatesLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-12-08Make g-j-f native image more compatibleLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-12-08Support unnamed variablesLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-12-08Initial support for pattern matching in switchesLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-12-07Add support for guard clauses in Java 21 switch expressionsCK
2023-12-07Bump Guava to 32.1.3Goooler
2023-11-30Add javax.tools.Tool implementation for google-java-format.google-java-format Team
2023-10-30Handle type annotations on method reference qualifiersLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-10-27Don't try to reflow text blocksLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-10-05Snap for 10908379 from 23900a4073caf1243f551a2b9a1a2c13eab80dcf to build-tool...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2023-10-04Update release.ymlLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-10-04Update release.ymlLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-09-29Update ci.ymlLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-09-21Update ci.yml for JDK 21 releaseLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-09-12Handle `final var` lambda variablesLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-09-07Follow-up to https://github.com/google/google-java-format/commit/9f2cd6827d01...Liam Miller-Cushon
2023-09-07Update the release notes for the IntelliJ plugin.Michael Plump
2023-09-06Make google-java-format friendlier to TSANLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-09-06Fix `java.lang.RuntimeException: Document is locked by write PSI operations` ...Christopher Ng
2023-08-06Update ci.ymlLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-07-26Update Guava versionLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-06-22Snap for 10366341 from 232bb70cf4c6376867e81c404775536b5fb3a0cd to build-tool...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2023-04-20Remove tests for handling of extra semi-colonsLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-04-03Remove AD_HOC_FORMATTING from the IntelliJ plugin.Michael Plump
2023-03-16Snap for 9757917 from 2430e27a5e56410953bd9730ec9362b19deb3d9a to build-tools...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2023-03-10Be louder about telling users they need to modify their IDE config to use gjf.Michael Plump
2023-03-10Make OpsBuilder::add public finalnickreid
2023-03-07Allow blank lines inserted before comments.nickreid
2023-03-06Update the `--add-exports` instructions.Michael Plump
2023-03-06Convert the gradle config to kotlin.Michael Plump
2023-03-03Link to instructions for properly configuring the IDE's JRE.Michael Plump
2023-03-03Switch (deprecated) ProjectManagerListener#onProjectOpened to StartupActivity.Michael Plump
2023-03-02Make the `-add-exports=` passed to g-j-f consistentLiam Miller-Cushon
2023-03-02Move the plugin to the FormattingService API.Michael Plump
2023-02-28Use a standard gradle project structure.Michael Plump
2023-02-27Prepare for a change to `JCTree.getQualifiedIdentifier `Liam Miller-Cushon