path: root/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h')
1 files changed, 509 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
index 4b8dcebb..f2393bd3 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
@@ -30,12 +30,105 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
-// This file implements some commonly used actions.
+// The ACTION* family of macros can be used in a namespace scope to
+// define custom actions easily. The syntax:
+// ACTION(name) { statements; }
+// will define an action with the given name that executes the
+// statements. The value returned by the statements will be used as
+// the return value of the action. Inside the statements, you can
+// refer to the K-th (0-based) argument of the mock function by
+// 'argK', and refer to its type by 'argK_type'. For example:
+// ACTION(IncrementArg1) {
+// arg1_type temp = arg1;
+// return ++(*temp);
+// }
+// allows you to write
+// ...WillOnce(IncrementArg1());
+// You can also refer to the entire argument tuple and its type by
+// 'args' and 'args_type', and refer to the mock function type and its
+// return type by 'function_type' and 'return_type'.
+// Note that you don't need to specify the types of the mock function
+// arguments. However rest assured that your code is still type-safe:
+// you'll get a compiler error if *arg1 doesn't support the ++
+// operator, or if the type of ++(*arg1) isn't compatible with the
+// mock function's return type, for example.
+// Sometimes you'll want to parameterize the action. For that you can use
+// another macro:
+// ACTION_P(name, param_name) { statements; }
+// For example:
+// ACTION_P(Add, n) { return arg0 + n; }
+// will allow you to write:
+// ...WillOnce(Add(5));
+// Note that you don't need to provide the type of the parameter
+// either. If you need to reference the type of a parameter named
+// 'foo', you can write 'foo_type'. For example, in the body of
+// ACTION_P(Add, n) above, you can write 'n_type' to refer to the type
+// of 'n'.
+// We also provide ACTION_P2, ACTION_P3, ..., up to ACTION_P10 to support
+// multi-parameter actions.
+// For the purpose of typing, you can view
+// ACTION_Pk(Foo, p1, ..., pk) { ... }
+// as shorthand for
+// template <typename p1_type, ..., typename pk_type>
+// FooActionPk<p1_type, ..., pk_type> Foo(p1_type p1, ..., pk_type pk) { ... }
+// In particular, you can provide the template type arguments
+// explicitly when invoking Foo(), as in Foo<long, bool>(5, false);
+// although usually you can rely on the compiler to infer the types
+// for you automatically. You can assign the result of expression
+// Foo(p1, ..., pk) to a variable of type FooActionPk<p1_type, ...,
+// pk_type>. This can be useful when composing actions.
+// You can also overload actions with different numbers of parameters:
+// ACTION_P(Plus, a) { ... }
+// ACTION_P2(Plus, a, b) { ... }
+// While it's tempting to always use the ACTION* macros when defining
+// a new action, you should also consider implementing ActionInterface
+// or using MakePolymorphicAction() instead, especially if you need to
+// use the action a lot. While these approaches require more work,
+// they give you more control on the types of the mock function
+// arguments and the action parameters, which in general leads to
+// better compiler error messages that pay off in the long run. They
+// also allow overloading actions based on parameter types (as opposed
+// to just based on the number of parameters).
+// ACTION*() can only be used in a namespace scope as templates cannot be
+// declared inside of a local class.
+// Users can, however, define any local functors (e.g. a lambda) that
+// can be used as actions.
+// To learn more about using these macros, please search for 'ACTION' on
+// https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
# include <errno.h>
@@ -45,11 +138,13 @@
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h"
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
+#include "gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(push)
@@ -169,6 +264,10 @@ GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_(double, 0);
+// Simple two-arg form of std::disjunction.
+template <typename P, typename Q>
+using disjunction = typename ::std::conditional<P::value, P, Q>::type;
} // namespace internal
// When an unexpected function call is encountered, Google Mock will
@@ -350,6 +449,9 @@ class Action {
+ template <typename G>
+ using IsCompatibleFunctor = std::is_constructible<std::function<F>, G>;
typedef typename internal::Function<F>::Result Result;
typedef typename internal::Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
@@ -361,10 +463,14 @@ class Action {
// Construct an Action from a specified callable.
// This cannot take std::function directly, because then Action would not be
// directly constructible from lambda (it would require two conversions).
- template <typename G,
- typename = typename ::std::enable_if<
- ::std::is_constructible<::std::function<F>, G>::value>::type>
- Action(G&& fun) : fun_(::std::forward<G>(fun)) {} // NOLINT
+ template <
+ typename G,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<internal::disjunction<
+ IsCompatibleFunctor<G>, std::is_constructible<std::function<Result()>,
+ G>>::value>::type>
+ Action(G&& fun) { // NOLINT
+ Init(::std::forward<G>(fun), IsCompatibleFunctor<G>());
+ }
// Constructs an Action from its implementation.
explicit Action(ActionInterface<F>* impl)
@@ -396,6 +502,26 @@ class Action {
template <typename G>
friend class Action;
+ template <typename G>
+ void Init(G&& g, ::std::true_type) {
+ fun_ = ::std::forward<G>(g);
+ }
+ template <typename G>
+ void Init(G&& g, ::std::false_type) {
+ fun_ = IgnoreArgs<typename ::std::decay<G>::type>{::std::forward<G>(g)};
+ }
+ template <typename FunctionImpl>
+ struct IgnoreArgs {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ Result operator()(const Args&...) const {
+ return function_impl();
+ }
+ FunctionImpl function_impl;
+ };
// fun_ is an empty function if and only if this is the DoDefault() action.
::std::function<F> fun_;
@@ -446,13 +572,9 @@ class PolymorphicAction {
Impl impl_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(MonomorphicImpl);
Impl impl_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(PolymorphicAction);
// Creates an Action from its implementation and returns it. The
@@ -593,13 +715,9 @@ class ReturnAction {
bool performed_;
const std::shared_ptr<R> wrapper_;
const std::shared_ptr<R> value_;
// Implements the ReturnNull() action.
@@ -660,13 +778,9 @@ class ReturnRefAction {
T& ref_;
T& ref_;
// Implements the polymorphic ReturnRefOfCopy(x) action, which can be
@@ -707,13 +821,9 @@ class ReturnRefOfCopyAction {
T value_;
const T value_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(ReturnRefOfCopyAction);
// Implements the polymorphic ReturnRoundRobin(v) action, which can be
@@ -770,8 +880,6 @@ class AssignAction {
T1* const ptr_;
const T2 value_;
@@ -793,8 +901,6 @@ class SetErrnoAndReturnAction {
const int errno_;
const T result_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(SetErrnoAndReturnAction);
@@ -846,7 +952,8 @@ struct InvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction {
Class* const obj_ptr;
const MethodPtr method_ptr;
- using ReturnType = typename std::result_of<MethodPtr(Class*)>::type;
+ using ReturnType =
+ decltype((std::declval<Class*>()->*std::declval<MethodPtr>())());
template <typename... Args>
ReturnType operator()(const Args&...) const {
@@ -899,13 +1006,9 @@ class IgnoreResultAction {
const Action<OriginalFunction> action_;
const A action_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(IgnoreResultAction);
template <typename InnerAction, size_t... I>
@@ -930,9 +1033,13 @@ struct WithArgsAction {
template <typename... Actions>
struct DoAllAction {
- template <typename... Args, size_t... I>
- std::vector<Action<void(Args...)>> Convert(IndexSequence<I...>) const {
- return {std::get<I>(actions)...};
+ template <typename T>
+ using NonFinalType =
+ typename std::conditional<std::is_scalar<T>::value, T, const T&>::type;
+ template <typename ActionT, size_t... I>
+ std::vector<ActionT> Convert(IndexSequence<I...>) const {
+ return {ActionT(std::get<I>(actions))...};
@@ -941,21 +1048,121 @@ struct DoAllAction {
template <typename R, typename... Args>
operator Action<R(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
struct Op {
- std::vector<Action<void(Args...)>> converted;
+ std::vector<Action<void(NonFinalType<Args>...)>> converted;
Action<R(Args...)> last;
R operator()(Args... args) const {
auto tuple_args = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
for (auto& a : converted) {
- return last.Perform(tuple_args);
+ return last.Perform(std::move(tuple_args));
- return Op{Convert<Args...>(MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Actions) - 1>()),
+ return Op{Convert<Action<void(NonFinalType<Args>...)>>(
+ MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Actions) - 1>()),
std::get<sizeof...(Actions) - 1>(actions)};
+template <typename T, typename... Params>
+struct ReturnNewAction {
+ T* operator()() const {
+ return internal::Apply(
+ [](const Params&... unpacked_params) {
+ return new T(unpacked_params...);
+ },
+ params);
+ }
+ std::tuple<Params...> params;
+template <size_t k>
+struct ReturnArgAction {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ auto operator()(const Args&... args) const ->
+ typename std::tuple_element<k, std::tuple<Args...>>::type {
+ return std::get<k>(std::tie(args...));
+ }
+template <size_t k, typename Ptr>
+struct SaveArgAction {
+ Ptr pointer;
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void operator()(const Args&... args) const {
+ *pointer = std::get<k>(std::tie(args...));
+ }
+template <size_t k, typename Ptr>
+struct SaveArgPointeeAction {
+ Ptr pointer;
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void operator()(const Args&... args) const {
+ *pointer = *std::get<k>(std::tie(args...));
+ }
+template <size_t k, typename T>
+struct SetArgRefereeAction {
+ T value;
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void operator()(Args&&... args) const {
+ using argk_type =
+ typename ::std::tuple_element<k, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
+ static_assert(std::is_lvalue_reference<argk_type>::value,
+ "Argument must be a reference type.");
+ std::get<k>(std::tie(args...)) = value;
+ }
+template <size_t k, typename I1, typename I2>
+struct SetArrayArgumentAction {
+ I1 first;
+ I2 last;
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void operator()(const Args&... args) const {
+ auto value = std::get<k>(std::tie(args...));
+ for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it, (void)++value) {
+ *value = *it;
+ }
+ }
+template <size_t k>
+struct DeleteArgAction {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void operator()(const Args&... args) const {
+ delete std::get<k>(std::tie(args...));
+ }
+template <typename Ptr>
+struct ReturnPointeeAction {
+ Ptr pointer;
+ template <typename... Args>
+ auto operator()(const Args&...) const -> decltype(*pointer) {
+ return *pointer;
+ }
+template <typename T>
+struct ThrowAction {
+ T exception;
+ // We use a conversion operator to adapt to any return type.
+ template <typename R, typename... Args>
+ operator Action<R(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
+ T copy = exception;
+ return [copy](Args...) -> R { throw copy; };
+ }
} // namespace internal
// An Unused object can be implicitly constructed from ANY value.
@@ -991,7 +1198,8 @@ struct DoAllAction {
typedef internal::IgnoredValue Unused;
// Creates an action that does actions a1, a2, ..., sequentially in
-// each invocation.
+// each invocation. All but the last action will have a readonly view of the
+// arguments.
template <typename... Action>
internal::DoAllAction<typename std::decay<Action>::type...> DoAll(
Action&&... action) {
@@ -1184,6 +1392,76 @@ inline ::std::reference_wrapper<T> ByRef(T& l_value) { // NOLINT
return ::std::reference_wrapper<T>(l_value);
+// The ReturnNew<T>(a1, a2, ..., a_k) action returns a pointer to a new
+// instance of type T, constructed on the heap with constructor arguments
+// a1, a2, ..., and a_k. The caller assumes ownership of the returned value.
+template <typename T, typename... Params>
+internal::ReturnNewAction<T, typename std::decay<Params>::type...> ReturnNew(
+ Params&&... params) {
+ return {std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Params>(params)...)};
+// Action ReturnArg<k>() returns the k-th argument of the mock function.
+template <size_t k>
+internal::ReturnArgAction<k> ReturnArg() {
+ return {};
+// Action SaveArg<k>(pointer) saves the k-th (0-based) argument of the
+// mock function to *pointer.
+template <size_t k, typename Ptr>
+internal::SaveArgAction<k, Ptr> SaveArg(Ptr pointer) {
+ return {pointer};
+// Action SaveArgPointee<k>(pointer) saves the value pointed to
+// by the k-th (0-based) argument of the mock function to *pointer.
+template <size_t k, typename Ptr>
+internal::SaveArgPointeeAction<k, Ptr> SaveArgPointee(Ptr pointer) {
+ return {pointer};
+// Action SetArgReferee<k>(value) assigns 'value' to the variable
+// referenced by the k-th (0-based) argument of the mock function.
+template <size_t k, typename T>
+internal::SetArgRefereeAction<k, typename std::decay<T>::type> SetArgReferee(
+ T&& value) {
+ return {std::forward<T>(value)};
+// Action SetArrayArgument<k>(first, last) copies the elements in
+// source range [first, last) to the array pointed to by the k-th
+// (0-based) argument, which can be either a pointer or an
+// iterator. The action does not take ownership of the elements in the
+// source range.
+template <size_t k, typename I1, typename I2>
+internal::SetArrayArgumentAction<k, I1, I2> SetArrayArgument(I1 first,
+ I2 last) {
+ return {first, last};
+// Action DeleteArg<k>() deletes the k-th (0-based) argument of the mock
+// function.
+template <size_t k>
+internal::DeleteArgAction<k> DeleteArg() {
+ return {};
+// This action returns the value pointed to by 'pointer'.
+template <typename Ptr>
+internal::ReturnPointeeAction<Ptr> ReturnPointee(Ptr pointer) {
+ return {pointer};
+// Action Throw(exception) can be used in a mock function of any type
+// to throw the given exception. Any copyable value can be thrown.
+template <typename T>
+internal::ThrowAction<typename std::decay<T>::type> Throw(T&& exception) {
+ return {std::forward<T>(exception)};
namespace internal {
// A macro from the ACTION* family (defined later in gmock-generated-actions.h)
@@ -1202,33 +1480,208 @@ namespace internal {
struct ExcessiveArg {};
-// A helper class needed for implementing the ACTION* macros.
-template <typename Result, class Impl>
-class ActionHelper {
- public:
- template <typename... Ts>
- static Result Perform(Impl* impl, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args) {
- return Apply(impl, args, MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{},
- MakeIndexSequence<10 - sizeof...(Ts)>{});
+// Builds an implementation of an Action<> for some particular signature, using
+// a class defined by an ACTION* macro.
+template <typename F, typename Impl> struct ActionImpl;
+template <typename Impl>
+struct ImplBase {
+ struct Holder {
+ // Allows each copy of the Action<> to get to the Impl.
+ explicit operator const Impl&() const { return *ptr; }
+ std::shared_ptr<Impl> ptr;
+ };
+ using type = typename std::conditional<std::is_constructible<Impl>::value,
+ Impl, Holder>::type;
+template <typename R, typename... Args, typename Impl>
+struct ActionImpl<R(Args...), Impl> : ImplBase<Impl>::type {
+ using Base = typename ImplBase<Impl>::type;
+ using function_type = R(Args...);
+ using args_type = std::tuple<Args...>;
+ ActionImpl() = default; // Only defined if appropriate for Base.
+ explicit ActionImpl(std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl) : Base{std::move(impl)} { }
+ R operator()(Args&&... arg) const {
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxArgs =
+ sizeof...(Args) <= 10 ? sizeof...(Args) : 10;
+ return Apply(MakeIndexSequence<kMaxArgs>{},
+ MakeIndexSequence<10 - kMaxArgs>{},
+ args_type{std::forward<Args>(arg)...});
- private:
- template <typename... Ts, std::size_t... tuple_ids, std::size_t... rest_ids>
- static Result Apply(Impl* impl, const std::tuple<Ts...>& args,
- IndexSequence<tuple_ids...>, IndexSequence<rest_ids...>) {
- return impl->template gmock_PerformImpl<Ts...>(
- args, std::get<tuple_ids>(args)...,
- ((void)rest_ids, ExcessiveArg())...);
+ template <std::size_t... arg_id, std::size_t... excess_id>
+ R Apply(IndexSequence<arg_id...>, IndexSequence<excess_id...>,
+ const args_type& args) const {
+ // Impl need not be specific to the signature of action being implemented;
+ // only the implementing function body needs to have all of the specific
+ // types instantiated. Up to 10 of the args that are provided by the
+ // args_type get passed, followed by a dummy of unspecified type for the
+ // remainder up to 10 explicit args.
+ static constexpr ExcessiveArg kExcessArg{};
+ return static_cast<const Impl&>(*this).template gmock_PerformImpl<
+ /*function_type=*/function_type, /*return_type=*/R,
+ /*args_type=*/args_type,
+ /*argN_type=*/typename std::tuple_element<arg_id, args_type>::type...>(
+ /*args=*/args, std::get<arg_id>(args)...,
+ ((void)excess_id, kExcessArg)...);
+// Stores a default-constructed Impl as part of the Action<>'s
+// std::function<>. The Impl should be trivial to copy.
+template <typename F, typename Impl>
+::testing::Action<F> MakeAction() {
+ return ::testing::Action<F>(ActionImpl<F, Impl>());
+// Stores just the one given instance of Impl.
+template <typename F, typename Impl>
+::testing::Action<F> MakeAction(std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl) {
+ return ::testing::Action<F>(ActionImpl<F, Impl>(std::move(impl)));
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_ARG_UNUSED(i, data, el) \
+ , const arg##i##_type& arg##i GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_
+ const args_type& args GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_ GMOCK_PP_REPEAT( \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_ARG(i, data, el) , const arg##i##_type& arg##i
+ const args_type& args GMOCK_PP_REPEAT(GMOCK_INTERNAL_ARG, , 10)
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_TEMPLATE_ARG(i, data, el) , typename arg##i##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_TYPENAME_PARAM(i, data, param) , typename param##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_TYPE_PARAM(i, data, param) , param##_type
+#define GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAM(i, data, param) \
+ , param##_type gmock_p##i
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_GVALUE_PARAM(i, data, param) \
+ , std::forward<param##_type>(gmock_p##i)
+#define GMOCK_ACTION_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_PARAM(i, data, param) \
+ , param(::std::forward<param##_type>(gmock_p##i))
+#define GMOCK_ACTION_INIT_PARAMS_(params) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_FIELD_PARAM(i, data, param) param##_type param;
+#define GMOCK_ACTION_FIELD_PARAMS_(params) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, full_name, params) \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ class full_name { \
+ public: \
+ explicit full_name(GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params)) \
+ : impl_(std::make_shared<gmock_Impl>( \
+ full_name(const full_name&) = default; \
+ full_name(full_name&&) noexcept = default; \
+ template <typename F> \
+ operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
+ return ::testing::internal::MakeAction<F>(impl_); \
+ } \
+ private: \
+ class gmock_Impl { \
+ public: \
+ explicit gmock_Impl(GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params)) \
+ : GMOCK_ACTION_INIT_PARAMS_(params) {} \
+ template <typename function_type, typename return_type, \
+ typename args_type, GMOCK_ACTION_TEMPLATE_ARGS_NAMES_> \
+ return_type gmock_PerformImpl(GMOCK_ACTION_ARG_TYPES_AND_NAMES_) const; \
+ }; \
+ std::shared_ptr<const gmock_Impl> impl_; \
+ }; \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ inline full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)> name( \
+ return full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)>( \
+ } \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ template <typename function_type, typename return_type, typename args_type, \
+ return_type full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)>::gmock_Impl:: \
} // namespace internal
+// Similar to GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION, but no bound parameters are stored.
+#define ACTION(name) \
+ class name##Action { \
+ public: \
+ explicit name##Action() noexcept {} \
+ name##Action(const name##Action&) noexcept {} \
+ template <typename F> \
+ operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
+ return ::testing::internal::MakeAction<F, gmock_Impl>(); \
+ } \
+ private: \
+ class gmock_Impl { \
+ public: \
+ template <typename function_type, typename return_type, \
+ typename args_type, GMOCK_ACTION_TEMPLATE_ARGS_NAMES_> \
+ return_type gmock_PerformImpl(GMOCK_ACTION_ARG_TYPES_AND_NAMES_) const; \
+ }; \
+ }; \
+ inline name##Action name() GTEST_MUST_USE_RESULT_; \
+ inline name##Action name() { return name##Action(); } \
+ template <typename function_type, typename return_type, typename args_type, \
+ return_type name##Action::gmock_Impl::gmock_PerformImpl( \
+#define ACTION_P(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P2(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP2, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P3(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP3, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P4(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP4, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P5(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP5, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P6(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP6, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P7(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP7, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P8(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP8, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P9(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP9, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define ACTION_P10(name, ...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, name##ActionP10, (__VA_ARGS__))
} // namespace testing
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(pop)