path: root/WordPress/src/main/java/org/wordpress/android/ui/notifications/adapters/NotesAdapter.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-16No need for `notNullStr()` with previous `instanceof` check.Dan Roundhill
2016-03-16Adapter: Use a single onClickListener instead of creating a new one for each ...Dan Roundhill
2015-10-01Cleaned up/optimized some code in `NotesAdapter`Dan Roundhill
2015-09-25Added support for filtering the list when the radiobuttons are tapped.Dan Roundhill
2015-08-19Restores the notifications and comment avatar size back to 48dp.Dan Roundhill
2015-05-11Merge pull request #2660 from wordpress-mobile/issue/2658-note-rippleDan Roundhill
2015-05-11Corrected dup use of mColorUnreadNick Bradbury
2015-05-11Use background with ripple for note content view, use background color on ite...Nick Bradbury
2015-05-10Fix #2655 - WPMainActivityLeakedNick Bradbury
2015-02-12Merge branch 'develop' into issue/2276-notifications-replied-iconDan Roundhill
2015-02-10Moved fixAvatar routine to GravatarUtilsNick Bradbury
2015-02-02Merge branch 'develop' into issue/2276-notifications-replied-iconDan Roundhill
2015-02-02Adds support for showing the recently added comment subject noticon in the no...Dan Roundhill
2015-01-30Noticed that the wrong `avatar_sz` was being used for the notes list.Dan Roundhill
2014-12-10Merge branch 'release/3.5' into developMaxime Biais
2014-12-09Hide the header view when hiding a notification.Dan Roundhill
2014-12-09We can use notifyDataSetChanged when deleting/moderating comments with the ad...Dan Roundhill
2014-12-09Set `setHasStableIds()` in the notes adapter.Dan Roundhill
2014-12-08Cleaned up a few warnings.Dan Roundhill
2014-12-05Added animations when moderating/deleting/spamming a comment.Dan Roundhill
2014-12-04Initial conversion to RecyclerView.Dan Roundhill