path: root/WordPress/src/main/java/org/wordpress/android/ui/stats/models/ReferrerGroupModel.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-07Added the ability to mark a site as spam.Danilo Ercoli
2015-05-12Restrict methods visibility and make variables final.Danilo Ercoli
2015-04-02Cleaned the code a bit.Danilo Ercoli
2015-04-01Use a 3-levels models on Referrers and display the first 2 levels only for now.Danilo Ercoli
2015-02-09move WPEditText to WordPressUtils and reorganize WordPressUtilsMaxime Biais
2014-12-18Use JSONUtil.getString() where possible, and avoid all of those "null" check.Danilo Ercoli
2014-12-17Fix an issues with Referrers where a 3-levels depth children were not properl...Danilo Ercoli
2014-12-03Add the "Follow" button to Authors, Comments, and Followers modules.Danilo Ercoli