path: root/.bazelignore
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-01Rehome python bazel distribtest (#29275)Richard Belleville
2022-03-25Add bazel cpp distribtest for grpc_cc_library (#29175)Richard Belleville
2021-10-19update .bazelignore file for new xds proto repo (#27763)Mark D. Roth
2021-09-28Add bazel distribtests (minimalist version that only tests with bazel 3.x and...Jan Tattermusch
2021-03-01[xDS Proto] Update Bazel dependencies (#25511)Lidi Zheng
2020-12-21Added third_party/upb to bazelignoreEsun Kim
2020-12-14Ignore several third_party module for BazelLidi Zheng
2020-11-25Added third_party/bloaty to bazelignoreEsun Kim
2020-11-03Add .bazelignoreEsun Kim