path: root/.gitattributes
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-10[deps] Upgrade protobuf version to v25.0 (#34513)Adam Cozzette
2023-09-14[code-review] Fix paths for code generated stuff (#34357)Craig Tiller
2023-07-11[hpack] Rollforward huffman read optimization (#33657)Craig Tiller
2023-07-11Revert "[hpack] Huffman read optimization" (#33655)Craig Tiller
2023-07-11[hpack] Huffman read optimization (#33269)Craig Tiller
2023-06-28[git attributes] add Package.swift to list of generated files (#33563)Mark D. Roth
2023-05-09[JSON] make API public but experimental (#32987)Mark D. Roth
2023-04-19[cleanup] Remove public_headers_must_be_c89 test (#32898)Craig Tiller
2023-04-03[tests] Convert core e2e tests to gtest (#32603)Craig Tiller
2023-01-23[github] Update auto-generated files list (#32169)Craig Tiller
2022-03-16TlsCredentials: Comparator implementation (#28940)Yash Tibrewal
2022-03-07Delete end2end nosec tests (#28946)AJ Heller
2021-08-06Tell github not to render generated files by default in diffs (#26928)Mark D. Roth