path: root/gson/src/main/java/com/google/gson/internal/LinkedTreeMap.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-13Code cleanup (#2282)Maicol
2022-08-26Fail Maven build on compiler warnings; remove some warning suppressions (#2183)Marcono1234
2022-08-18Disallow `JsonObject` `Entry.setValue(null)` (#2167)Marcono1234
2022-04-17Use diamond operator when creating generic instances (#2104)Marcono1234
2022-02-17Add CodeQL GitHub code scanning workflow (#2076)Marcono1234
2021-10-13Prevent Java deserialization of internal classes (#1991)Marcono1234
2015-12-27Remove synthetic accessors from being generated.Jake Wharton
2014-05-19code review fixes. Moved getFirstArgument() method from $Gson$Types to GsonTy...Inderjeet Singh
2013-05-03Create a LinkedTreeMap based on the LinkedHashTreeMap; however, removed all t...Joel Leitch
2013-04-04Use the LinkedHashTreeMap instead of LinkedTreeMap and delete the LinkedTreeM...Joel Leitch
2013-01-15Tag member fields as transient since a LinkedHashMap is used for serialization.Joel Leitch
2013-01-09Stop blowing up on a null key, but rather return that the element is not found.Joel Leitch
2012-10-11Adding Red-Black Tree implementation and tying it into the Gson bindings.Joel Leitch
2012-09-17Optimizations and bug fixes for LinkedHashTreeMap.Jesse Wilson
2012-09-17Add a hashing layer to LinkedTreeMap. Instead of having 1 root node, the clas...Jesse Wilson
2012-09-15New code that can split an AVL tree into two AVL trees.Jesse Wilson
2012-09-12Tests for LinkedTreeMap with incompatible keys.Jesse Wilson
2012-09-12Fix a bug where we were unlinking nodes that shouldn't have been unlinked.Jesse Wilson
2012-09-10Draft of LinkedTreeMap. Its ordered like a LinkedHashMap but it doesn't do an...Jesse Wilson