AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-21Merge "Enable windows target" into mainHEADmastermainMatt Gilbride
2024-03-21Enable windows targetMatt Gilbride
2024-03-19Merge "Demote BareDotMetacharacter to a warning" into mainTreehugger Robot
2024-03-19Demote BareDotMetacharacter to a warningCole Faust
2024-01-03Merge "Upgrade guava to v33.0.0" into main am: fcb6827395 am: 0be00b5218 am: ...Sadaf Ebrahimi
2024-01-03Merge "Upgrade guava to v33.0.0" into main am: fcb6827395 am: 0be00b5218Sadaf Ebrahimi
2024-01-03Merge "Upgrade guava to v33.0.0" into main am: fcb6827395Sadaf Ebrahimi
2024-01-03Merge "Upgrade guava to v33.0.0" into mainSadaf Ebrahimi
2024-01-02Upgrade guava to v33.0.0Sadaf Ebrahimi
2023-12-18Prepare for release 33.0.0.cpovirk
2023-12-18Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.3 to 4.0.0dependabot[bot]
2023-12-18change behavior of views retu...Google Java Core Libraries
2023-12-17Remove dead code.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-12-15change behavior of views returned by graph accessor methods that take a graph...Google Java Core Libraries
2023-12-15Reduce `ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder` memory usage by using `CompactHashSet`.cpovirk
2023-12-15Simplify and micro-optimize `Iterators.forArray`.cpovirk
2023-12-15Make our nullness checking work with an Android bootclasspath.cpovirk
2023-12-14Make more classes catch `Exception` instead of `RuntimeException` even when o...cpovirk
2023-12-14Micro-optimize the memory usage of `singletonIterator`.cpovirk
2023-12-14Remove static singleton field from base classes and ensure singletons follow ...Goktug Gokdogan
2023-12-13Defer logger construction, which can be expensive under Android.cpovirk
2023-12-13Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.9 to 3.22.11dependabot[bot]
2023-12-11Make the backport's `ClosingFuture` catch any `Exception`, even though only s...cpovirk
2023-12-11Remove unused logger from the backport copy of `Platform`.cpovirk
2023-12-11Automatically bump deps, and manually bump `error_prone_core`.cpovirk
2023-12-08Include our `Collector` APIs as package-private in our open-source Android co...cpovirk
2023-12-07Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.8 to 2.22.9dependabot[bot]
2023-12-07Make `LocalCache` not use `synchronized` to detect recursive loads.Christian Ortlepp
2023-12-06Make the J2CL version of `ExtraObjectsMethodsForWeb` public.Julien Dramaix
2023-12-05Internal change.cpovirk
2023-12-04Make various classes catch `Exception` instead of `RuntimeException` even whe...cpovirk
2023-11-30Declare "redundant" overrides of all our package-private `writeReplace` methods.cpovirk
2023-11-30Bump actions/setup-java from 3.13.0 to 4.0.0dependabot[bot]
2023-11-27Correct Javadoc for CacheBuilder.weigher.lowasser
2023-11-27Reenable some tests externally.cpovirk
2023-11-24Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.7 to 2.22.8dependabot[bot]
2023-11-21Work around or suppress forthcoming nullness errors.cpovirk
2023-11-21Defer logger construction in AbstractFuture.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-11-21Check compatibility against the Android SDK (including [always-desugared APIs...cpovirk
2023-11-17Update http:// links to https:// if available.Chaoren Lin
2023-11-17Update Public Suffix data.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-11-16Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.6 to 2.22.7dependabot[bot]
2023-11-16Make our Android builds work with an Android bootclasspath.cpovirk
2023-11-14Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.5 to 2.22.6dependabot[bot]
2023-11-13Withdraw `SequencedCollection` overrides from the public copy of `ImmutableSo...cpovirk
2023-11-09Prepare to expose (all?) remaining collectors as part of `guava-android`.cpovirk
2023-11-09Provide default instances of `MutableNetwork`.cpovirk
2023-11-08Remove stray `public` keyword.cpovirk
2023-11-08Document and test how `ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap` behaves when the `mergeFu...cpovirk
2023-11-06Link to some discussion of the Android flavor.cpovirk