path: root/android/guava
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-09-27Set version number for guava-parent to 31.0.1.upstream/v31.0.1upstream-guava-v31.0.1Chris Povirk
2021-09-24Prepare for release 31.0.cpovirk
2021-09-24Annotate `ClassToInstanceMap` and `MutableClassToInstanceMap` for nullness.cpovirk
2021-09-23Chuck a few more `@DoNotCall`s around GuavaGoogle Java Core Libraries
2021-09-22Add `HttpHeaders` constants for Accept-CH, Client-CH, Sec-CH-UA-Reduced, Devi...Google Java Core Libraries
2021-09-21Replace usage of `murmur3_32()` with `murmur3_32_fixed()`.Éamonn McManus
2021-09-21Reduce SingletonImmutableSet memory consumption.lowasser
2021-09-21Add `HttpHeaders` constants for `X-Device-IP`, `X-Device-Referer`, `X-Device-...Google Java Core Libraries
2021-09-20Fix typo, and remove unused method.cpovirk
2021-09-15Introduce `ImmutableMap.Builder.buildOrThrow()`.Éamonn McManus
2021-09-10Add `ImmutableMap.ofEntries`.Éamonn McManus
2021-09-09Avoid calling methods whose return type changed in Java 9 -- even from tests.cpovirk
2021-09-08Warn that `directExecutor` lets exceptions propagate without invoking an `Unc...cpovirk
2021-09-08Add overloads of `ImmutableMap.of`, `ImmutableBiMap.of`, and `ImmutableSorted...Liam Miller-Cushon
2021-09-08Deprecate buggy `murmur3_32` and introduce `murmur3_32_fixed`.Piotr Findeisen
2021-09-01Warn that [`elapsedRealtimeNanos` requires API Level 17](https://developer.an...cpovirk
2021-08-26Fix bug in `TopKSelector` call to `Arrays.sort`.liulietong
2021-08-25Mention the dangers of minimization/optimization for EventBus users.cpovirk
2021-08-19Remove `ClassValue` implementation of `Futures.getChecked` from the Android f...cpovirk
2021-08-18Add a few nullness annotations that I'd deferred for later.cpovirk
2021-08-18Add `@SuppressWarnings("nullness")` for classes that we haven't enabled conti...cpovirk
2021-08-17Don't set the executable bit on backport files.cpovirk
2021-08-12Reject non-ASCII digits in `HostAndPort` port numbers.Éamonn McManus
2021-08-10Temporarily add a nullness suppression, which we'll remove after annotating `...cpovirk
2021-08-09Update Public Suffix data.Google Java Core Libraries
2021-08-09Fix a typo in `TypeResolver`.arfy slowy
2021-08-05Annotate remaining `Range`-related classes for nullness.cpovirk
2021-08-04Qualify `Entry` as `Map.Entry` or `Multiset.Entry` throughout `Synchronized`.Éamonn McManus
2021-08-04Annotate most remaining classes in `collect` for nullness.cpovirk
2021-08-04Remove newly redundant overrides from `EvictingQueue`.cpovirk
2021-08-04Stop rejecting nulls in `EvictingQueue.contains` and `remove`.cpovirk
2021-08-04Annotate the remaining public classes under `collect` for nullness.cpovirk
2021-08-02Add text to `CompactHashMap` to explain its internal workings in more detail.Éamonn McManus
2021-07-29Remove redundant bit masking.Piotr Findeisen
2021-07-24Annotate the compact collections for nullness.cpovirk
2021-07-19Annotate most remaining static utility APIs for nullness.cpovirk
2021-07-19Internal change.David P. Baker
2021-07-16Suppress nullness warnings in `LocalCache` so that we can include it in the l...cpovirk
2021-07-15Annotate `Table` classes for nullness.cpovirk
2021-07-14Annotate the core `Range` classes for nullness.cpovirk
2021-07-09- Annotate some `Iterator` classes for nullness.cpovirk
2021-07-07Annotate remaining immutable map classes for nullness, updating callers as ne...cpovirk
2021-06-30Annotate bimaps for nullness.cpovirk
2021-06-30Annotate `collect` static utilities for nullness.cpovirk
2021-06-29Annotate some forwarding classes for nullness.cpovirk
2021-06-28Annotate some "sorted" types for nullness.cpovirk
2021-06-26Fix BloomFilter tutorial URL.George Gastaldi
2021-06-25Fix an incorrect javadoc tag. Thanks to @1993heqiang for the bug report.Éamonn McManus
2021-06-23Add `HttpHeaders` constant for `Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme`.Google Java Core Libraries
2021-06-21Add an explicit project URL to Guava's main `pom.xml`.Jakob Braun