diff options
authorAndroid Build Coastguard Worker <>2022-09-12 09:57:16 +0000
committerAndroid Build Coastguard Worker <>2022-09-12 09:57:16 +0000
commit33fbd88b68372777462a21a7d1b3baeac60e2448 (patch)
parent4150a94668525ef734fd98cffedc9304f163de22 (diff)
parentd7090c2b749c2cab5be35004678d4f5a4d3b2056 (diff)
Snap for 9051867 from d7090c2b749c2cab5be35004678d4f5a4d3b2056 to mainline-sdkext-releaseaml_sdk_331111000
Change-Id: If1b4581fd6c8a27080df45cdca2ca3123e98b618
-rw-r--r--icu4j/main/shared/data/icutzdata.jarbin95831 -> 95168 bytes
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/icu4c/source/data/misc/zoneinfo64.txt b/icu4c/source/data/misc/zoneinfo64.txt
index a68a2039d..2f7c2c82d 100644
--- a/icu4c/source/data/misc/zoneinfo64.txt
+++ b/icu4c/source/data/misc/zoneinfo64.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// License & terms of use:
// Build tool: tz2icu
-// Build date: Thu Mar 24 09:57:22 2022
+// Build date: Thu Aug 18 11:01:15 2022
// tz database:
// tz version: 2022a
// ICU version: 70.1
@@ -978,12 +978,12 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
typeMap:bin { "010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020103" }
} //Z#200
/* America/Santiago */ :table {
- trans:intvector { -1892661435, -1688410800, -1619205435, -1593806400, -1335986235, -1317585600, -1304362800, -1286049600, -1272826800, -1254513600, -1241290800, -1222977600, -1209754800, -1191355200, -1178132400, -870552000, -865278000, -740520000, -736376400, -718056000, -713649600, -36619200, -23922000, -3355200, 7527600, 24465600, 37767600, 55915200, 69217200, 87969600, 100666800, 118209600, 132116400, 150868800, 163566000, 182318400, 195620400, 213768000, 227070000, 245217600, 258519600, 277272000, 289969200, 308721600, 321418800, 340171200, 353473200, 371620800, 384922800, 403070400, 416372400, 434520000, 447822000, 466574400, 479271600, 498024000, 510721200, 529473600, 545194800, 560923200, 574225200, 592372800, 605674800, 624427200, 637124400, 653457600, 668574000, 687326400, 700628400, 718776000, 732078000, 750225600, 763527600, 781675200, 794977200, 813729600, 826426800, 845179200, 859690800, 876628800, 889930800, 906868800, 923194800, 939528000, 952830000, 971582400, 984279600, 1003032000, 1015729200, 1034481600, 1047178800, 1065931200, 1079233200, 1097380800, 1110682800, 1128830400, 1142132400, 1160884800, 1173582000, 1192334400, 1206846000, 1223784000, 1237086000, 1255233600, 1270350000, 1286683200, 1304823600, 1313899200, 1335668400, 1346558400, 1367118000, 1378612800, 1398567600, 1410062400, 1463281200, 1471147200, 1494730800, 1502596800, 1526180400, 1534046400, 1554606000, 1567915200 }
+ trans:intvector { -1892661435, -1688410800, -1619205435, -1593806400, -1335986235, -1317585600, -1304362800, -1286049600, -1272826800, -1254513600, -1241290800, -1222977600, -1209754800, -1191355200, -1178132400, -870552000, -865278000, -740520000, -736376400, -718056000, -713649600, -36619200, -23922000, -3355200, 7527600, 24465600, 37767600, 55915200, 69217200, 87969600, 100666800, 118209600, 132116400, 150868800, 163566000, 182318400, 195620400, 213768000, 227070000, 245217600, 258519600, 277272000, 289969200, 308721600, 321418800, 340171200, 353473200, 371620800, 384922800, 403070400, 416372400, 434520000, 447822000, 466574400, 479271600, 498024000, 510721200, 529473600, 545194800, 560923200, 574225200, 592372800, 605674800, 624427200, 637124400, 653457600, 668574000, 687326400, 700628400, 718776000, 732078000, 750225600, 763527600, 781675200, 794977200, 813729600, 826426800, 845179200, 859690800, 876628800, 889930800, 906868800, 923194800, 939528000, 952830000, 971582400, 984279600, 1003032000, 1015729200, 1034481600, 1047178800, 1065931200, 1079233200, 1097380800, 1110682800, 1128830400, 1142132400, 1160884800, 1173582000, 1192334400, 1206846000, 1223784000, 1237086000, 1255233600, 1270350000, 1286683200, 1304823600, 1313899200, 1335668400, 1346558400, 1367118000, 1378612800, 1398567600, 1410062400, 1463281200, 1471147200, 1494730800, 1502596800, 1526180400, 1534046400, 1554606000, 1567915200, 1586055600, 1599364800, 1617505200, 1630814400, 1648954800, 1662868800, 1680404400, 1693713600 }
typeOffsets:intvector { -16965, 0, -18000, 0, -18000, 3600, -14400, 0, -14400, 3600 }
- typeMap:bin { "0100030002010201020102010201030103040301030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304" }
+ typeMap:bin { "01000300020102010201020102010301030403010304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304" }
finalRule { "Chile" }
finalRaw:int { -14400 }
- finalYear:int { 2020 }
+ finalYear:int { 2024 }
links:intvector { 201, 394 }
} //Z#201
/* America/Santo_Domingo */ :table {
@@ -1573,13 +1573,9 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
typeMap:bin { "0103040304030403040304030403040304030403040302010201020102030403040304030403040304030403040304020103" }
} //Z#320
/* Asia/Tehran */ :table {
- trans:intvector { -757394744, 247177800, 259272000, 277758000, 283982400, 290809800, 306531000, 322432200, 338499000, 673216200, 685481400, 701209800, 717103800, 732745800, 748639800, 764281800, 780175800, 795817800, 811711800, 827353800, 843247800, 858976200, 874870200, 890512200, 906406200, 922048200, 937942200, 953584200, 969478200, 985206600, 1001100600, 1016742600, 1032636600, 1048278600, 1064172600, 1079814600, 1095708600, 1111437000, 1127331000, 1206045000, 1221939000, 1237667400, 1253561400, 1269203400, 1285097400, 1300739400, 1316633400, 1332275400, 1348169400, 1363897800, 1379791800, 1395433800, 1411327800, 1426969800, 1442863800, 1458505800, 1474399800, 1490128200, 1506022200, 1521664200, 1537558200, 1553200200, 1569094200, 1584736200, 1600630200, 1616358600, 1632252600, 1647894600, 1663788600, 1679430600, 1695324600, 1710966600, 1726860600, 1742589000, 1758483000, 1774125000, 1790019000, 1805661000, 1821555000, 1837197000, 1853091000, 1868733000, 1884627000, 1900355400, 1916249400, 1931891400, 1947785400, 1963427400, 1979321400, 1994963400, 2010857400, 2026585800, 2042479800, 2058121800, 2074015800, 2089657800, 2105551800, 2121193800, 2137087800 }
- transPost32:intvector { 0, -2142151096, 0, -2126257096, 0, -2110615096, 0, -2094721096, 0, -2079079096, 0, -2063185096, 0, -2047543096, 0, -2031649096, 0, -2015920696, 0, -2000026696, 0, -1984384696, 0, -1968490696, 0, -1952848696, 0, -1936954696, 0, -1921312696, 0, -1905418696, 0, -1889690296, 0, -1873796296, 0, -1858154296, 0, -1842260296, 0, -1826618296, 0, -1810724296, 0, -1795082296, 0, -1779188296, 0, -1763459896, 0, -1747565896, 0, -1731923896, 0, -1716029896, 0, -1700387896, 0, -1684493896, 0, -1668851896, 0, -1652957896, 0, -1637229496, 0, -1621335496, 0, -1605693496, 0, -1589799496, 0, -1574157496, 0, -1558263496, 0, -1542621496, 0, -1526727496, 0, -1510999096, 0, -1495105096, 0, -1479463096, 0, -1463569096, 0, -1447927096, 0, -1432033096, 0, -1416391096, 0, -1400497096, 0, -1384855096, 0, -1368961096, 0, -1353232696, 0, -1337338696, 0, -1321696696, 0, -1305802696, 0, -1290160696, 0, -1274266696, 0, -1258624696, 0, -1242730696, 0, -1227002296, 0, -1211108296, 0, -1195466296, 0, -1179572296, 0, -1163930296, 0, -1148036296, 0, -1132394296, 0, -1116500296, 0, -1100771896, 0, -1084877896, 0, -1069235896, 0, -1053341896, 0, -1037699896, 0, -1021805896, 0, -1006163896, 0, -990269896, 0, -974541496, 0, -958647496, 0, -943005496, 0, -927111496, 0, -911469496, 0, -895575496, 0, -879933496, 0, -864039496, 0, -848311096, 0, -832417096, 0, -816775096, 0, -800881096, 0, -785239096, 0, -769345096, 0, -753703096, 0, -737809096, 0, -722080696, 0, -706186696, 0, -690544696, 0, -674650696, 0, -659008696, 0, -643114696, 0, -627472696, 0, -611578696, 0, -595850296, 0, -579956296, 0, -564314296, 0, -548420296 }
+ trans:intvector { -757394744, 247177800, 259272000, 277758000, 283982400, 290809800, 306531000, 322432200, 338499000, 673216200, 685481400, 701209800, 717103800, 732745800, 748639800, 764281800, 780175800, 795817800, 811711800, 827353800, 843247800, 858976200, 874870200, 890512200, 906406200, 922048200, 937942200, 953584200, 969478200, 985206600, 1001100600, 1016742600, 1032636600, 1048278600, 1064172600, 1079814600, 1095708600, 1111437000, 1127331000, 1206045000, 1221939000, 1237667400, 1253561400, 1269203400, 1285097400, 1300739400, 1316633400, 1332275400, 1348169400, 1363897800, 1379791800, 1395433800, 1411327800, 1426969800, 1442863800, 1458505800, 1474399800, 1490128200, 1506022200, 1521664200, 1537558200, 1553200200, 1569094200, 1584736200, 1600630200, 1616358600, 1632252600, 1647894600, 1663788600 }
typeOffsets:intvector { 12344, 0, 12600, 0, 12600, 3600, 14400, 0, 14400, 3600 }
- typeMap:bin { "010304030102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201" }
- finalRule { "Iran" }
- finalRaw:int { 12600 }
- finalYear:int { 2089 }
+ typeMap:bin { "010304030102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201" }
links:intvector { 321, 527 }
} //Z#321
/* Asia/Tel_Aviv */ :int { 279 } //Z#322
@@ -2519,12 +2515,12 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
links:intvector { 556, 592, 595 }
} //Z#556
/* Pacific/Easter */ :table {
- trans:intvector { -1178124152, -36619200, -23922000, -3355200, 7527600, 24465600, 37767600, 55915200, 69217200, 87969600, 100666800, 118209600, 132116400, 150868800, 163566000, 182318400, 195620400, 213768000, 227070000, 245217600, 258519600, 277272000, 289969200, 308721600, 321418800, 340171200, 353473200, 371620800, 384922800, 403070400, 416372400, 434520000, 447822000, 466574400, 479271600, 498024000, 510721200, 529473600, 545194800, 560923200, 574225200, 592372800, 605674800, 624427200, 637124400, 653457600, 668574000, 687326400, 700628400, 718776000, 732078000, 750225600, 763527600, 781675200, 794977200, 813729600, 826426800, 845179200, 859690800, 876628800, 889930800, 906868800, 923194800, 939528000, 952830000, 971582400, 984279600, 1003032000, 1015729200, 1034481600, 1047178800, 1065931200, 1079233200, 1097380800, 1110682800, 1128830400, 1142132400, 1160884800, 1173582000, 1192334400, 1206846000, 1223784000, 1237086000, 1255233600, 1270350000, 1286683200, 1304823600, 1313899200, 1335668400, 1346558400, 1367118000, 1378612800, 1398567600, 1410062400, 1463281200, 1471147200, 1494730800, 1502596800, 1526180400, 1534046400, 1554606000, 1567915200 }
+ trans:intvector { -1178124152, -36619200, -23922000, -3355200, 7527600, 24465600, 37767600, 55915200, 69217200, 87969600, 100666800, 118209600, 132116400, 150868800, 163566000, 182318400, 195620400, 213768000, 227070000, 245217600, 258519600, 277272000, 289969200, 308721600, 321418800, 340171200, 353473200, 371620800, 384922800, 403070400, 416372400, 434520000, 447822000, 466574400, 479271600, 498024000, 510721200, 529473600, 545194800, 560923200, 574225200, 592372800, 605674800, 624427200, 637124400, 653457600, 668574000, 687326400, 700628400, 718776000, 732078000, 750225600, 763527600, 781675200, 794977200, 813729600, 826426800, 845179200, 859690800, 876628800, 889930800, 906868800, 923194800, 939528000, 952830000, 971582400, 984279600, 1003032000, 1015729200, 1034481600, 1047178800, 1065931200, 1079233200, 1097380800, 1110682800, 1128830400, 1142132400, 1160884800, 1173582000, 1192334400, 1206846000, 1223784000, 1237086000, 1255233600, 1270350000, 1286683200, 1304823600, 1313899200, 1335668400, 1346558400, 1367118000, 1378612800, 1398567600, 1410062400, 1463281200, 1471147200, 1494730800, 1502596800, 1526180400, 1534046400, 1554606000, 1567915200, 1586055600, 1599364800, 1617505200, 1630814400, 1648954800, 1662868800, 1680404400, 1693713600 }
typeOffsets:intvector { -26248, 0, -25200, 0, -25200, 3600, -21600, 0, -21600, 3600 }
- typeMap:bin { "010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304" }
+ typeMap:bin { "0102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010203040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304030403040304" }
finalRule { "Chile" }
finalRaw:int { -21600 }
- finalYear:int { 2020 }
+ finalYear:int { 2024 }
links:intvector { 395, 557 }
} //Z#557
/* Pacific/Efate */ :table {
@@ -3049,51 +3045,48 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
Haiti:intvector {
2, 8, -1, 7200, 0, 10, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
} //_#12
- Iran:intvector {
- 2, 20, 0, 86400, 0, 8, 20, 0, 86400, 0, 3600
- } //_#13
Jordan:intvector {
1, -29, -5, 86400, 0, 9, -31, -6, 0, 1, 3600
- } //_#14
+ } //_#13
LH:intvector {
9, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 3, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 1800
- } //_#15
+ } //_#14
Lebanon:intvector {
2, -31, -1, 0, 0, 9, -31, -1, 0, 0, 3600
- } //_#16
+ } //_#15
Mexico:intvector {
3, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 9, -31, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
- } //_#17
+ } //_#16
Moldova:intvector {
2, -31, -1, 7200, 0, 9, -31, -1, 10800, 0, 3600
- } //_#18
+ } //_#17
NZ:intvector {
8, -30, -1, 7200, 1, 3, 1, -1, 7200, 1, 3600
- } //_#19
+ } //_#18
Palestine:intvector {
2, 25, -1, 0, 0, 9, 23, -6, 3600, 0, 3600
- } //_#20
+ } //_#19
Para:intvector {
9, 1, -1, 0, 0, 2, 22, -1, 0, 0, 3600
- } //_#21
+ } //_#20
Syria:intvector {
2, -31, -6, 0, 0, 9, -31, -6, 0, 0, 3600
- } //_#22
+ } //_#21
SystemV:intvector {
3, -30, -1, 7200, 0, 9, -31, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
- } //_#23
+ } //_#22
Thule:intvector {
2, 8, -1, 7200, 0, 10, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
- } //_#24
+ } //_#23
Troll:intvector {
2, -31, -1, 3600, 2, 9, -31, -1, 3600, 2, 7200
- } //_#25
+ } //_#24
US:intvector {
2, 8, -1, 7200, 0, 10, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
- } //_#26
+ } //_#25
Zion:intvector {
2, 23, -6, 7200, 0, 9, -31, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
- } //_#27
+ } //_#26
Regions:array {
"AU", //Z#0 ACT
diff --git a/icu4j/main/shared/data/icutzdata.jar b/icu4j/main/shared/data/icutzdata.jar
index 889817632..00d2f62dc 100644
--- a/icu4j/main/shared/data/icutzdata.jar
+++ b/icu4j/main/shared/data/icutzdata.jar
Binary files differ