path: root/includes/image_io
diff options
authorEino-Ville Talvala <>2018-11-15 16:07:46 -0800
committerEino-Ville Talvala <>2018-11-15 16:07:46 -0800
commit2d6d3250dcb304c8ad081dedc8eef6ea48fd669d (patch)
tree68cc8d5a9bf5a558f46025d740c47cb292eea9f0 /includes/image_io
parent840fc3b66a9e6593d542ada6fe14d91107fab98d (diff)
Initial commit of libimage_io
Image_io is a library for manipulating image files, especially XMP metadata within them. Test: m libimage_io Bug: 109735087 Bug: 119211681 Change-Id: I657f307be0459fe40154806c7cd388b97bcb0ea5
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/image_io')
51 files changed, 4123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/byte_buffer.h b/includes/image_io/base/byte_buffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a55bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/byte_buffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/byte_data.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// This class provides a means to allocate and fill a Byte buffer with the
+/// data specified in a vector of ByteData objects, and then to release that
+/// buffer to be used in a DataSegment. This is used for testing purposes
+/// initially, but has applicability for use in the image_io itself.
+class ByteBuffer {
+ public:
+ /// Constructs a ByteBuffer using a previously allocated buffer.
+ /// @param size The size of the buffer.
+ /// @param buffer The previously allocated buffer
+ ByteBuffer(size_t size, std::unique_ptr<Byte[]> buffer);
+ /// Constructs a ByteBuffer using the vector of byte data.
+ /// @param byte_data_vector The data to used to define the length and value of
+ /// the buffer. If any ByteData in the vector is of kHex type, and it
+ /// contains invalid hex digits, the size value will be set to 0,
+ /// resulting in a ByteBuffer the IsValid() function of which will return
+ /// false.
+ explicit ByteBuffer(const std::vector<ByteData>& byte_data_vector);
+ /// @return Whether the byte buffer is valid.
+ bool IsValid() const { return size_ > 0; }
+ /// @return The size of the byte buffer.
+ size_t GetSize() const { return size_; }
+ /// @param location The location in the byte buffer to set.
+ /// @param value The two-byte value.
+ /// @return Whether the value was set successfully.
+ bool SetBigEndianValue(size_t location, std::uint16_t value);
+ /// Releases the buffer to the caller and sets this ByteBuffer object to an
+ /// invalid state. That is, after this call IsValid() will return false, and
+ /// GetSize() will return 0.
+ /// @return The buffer pointer or nullptr if the ByteBuffer was invalid. The
+ /// caller is responsible for deleting the buffer when done.
+ Byte* Release();
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<Byte[]> buffer_;
+ size_t size_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/byte_data.h b/includes/image_io/base/byte_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bfc97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/byte_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#include <cctype>
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/types.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A string representation of byte data destined to be added to a ByteBuffer,
+/// and thence defining a portion of a DataSegment.
+class ByteData {
+ public:
+ /// The type of data represented in the string value.
+ enum Type {
+ /// The string value contains hex digits.
+ kHex,
+ /// The string value contains ascii text. When adding the string to
+ /// a ByteBuffer, do not add the terminating null character.
+ kAscii,
+ /// The string value contains ascii text. When adding the string to
+ /// a ByteBuffer, add the terminating null character as well.
+ kAscii0
+ };
+ /// @param type The type of byte data
+ /// @param value The string value of the byte data.
+ ByteData(Type type, const std::string& value) : type_(type), value_(value) {}
+ /// @return The type of byte data.
+ Type GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return The string value of the byte data.
+ const std::string& GetValue() const { return value_; }
+ /// @return Whether the byte data string value has a valid length and is made
+ /// up of a valid set of characters.
+ bool IsValid() const { return IsValidLength() && HasValidCharacters(); }
+ /// @return Whether the byte data string value has a valid length. The kAscii
+ /// and kAscii0 type values have no restrictions, but the kHex type values
+ /// must have an even number of characters (zero length is ok).
+ bool IsValidLength() const {
+ return type_ != kHex || ((value_.length() % 2) == 0u);
+ }
+ /// @return Whether the byte data string value is made up of valid characters.
+ /// The kAscii and kAscii0 type values have no restrictions, but the kHex
+ /// type values can only have these characters: [0-9][a-f][A-F]
+ bool HasValidCharacters() const {
+ if (type_ != kHex) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const auto& chr : value_) {
+ if (!isxdigit(chr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// @return The number of bytes this data requires when converted to Bytes,
+ /// or 0 if the byte data is invalid.
+ size_t GetByteCount() const {
+ if (!IsValid()) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (type_ == kHex) {
+ return value_.length() / 2;
+ } else if (type_ == kAscii) {
+ return value_.length();
+ } else {
+ return value_.length() + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @param hex_digit The hex character to convert to its decimal equivalent.
+ /// @return The decimal equivalent of the hex_digit, or -1 if the character is
+ /// not a valid hex digit.
+ static int Hex2Decimal(char hex_digit) {
+ if (hex_digit >= '0' && hex_digit <= '9') {
+ return static_cast<int>(hex_digit - '0');
+ } else if (hex_digit >= 'a' && hex_digit <= 'f') {
+ return static_cast<int>(hex_digit - 'a' + 10);
+ } else if (hex_digit >= 'A' && hex_digit <= 'F') {
+ return static_cast<int>(hex_digit - 'A' + 10);
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @param hi_char The hi-order nibble of the byte.
+ /// @param hi_char The lo-order nibble of the byte.
+ /// @param value The pointer to the Byte to receive the value.
+ /// @return Whether the conversion was successful.
+ static bool Hex2Byte(char hi_char, char lo_char, Byte* value) {
+ int hi = Hex2Decimal(hi_char);
+ int lo = Hex2Decimal(lo_char);
+ if (hi < 0 || lo < 0 || value == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *value = ((hi << 4) | lo);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// @param value The byte value to convert to a two digit hex string.
+ /// @return The hex string equivalent of the value.
+ static std::string Byte2Hex(Byte value) {
+ const char kHexChars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ std::string str(2, ' ');
+ str[0] = kHexChars[(value >> 4) & 0xF];
+ str[1] = kHexChars[value & 0xF];
+ return str;
+ }
+ /// @param value The size_t value to convert to an eight digit hex string.
+ /// @return The big endian hex string equivalent of the value.
+ static std::string Size2BigEndianHex(size_t value) {
+ std::string hex_string = Byte2Hex((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ hex_string += Byte2Hex((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ hex_string += Byte2Hex((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ hex_string += Byte2Hex(value & 0xFF);
+ return hex_string;
+ }
+ private:
+ Type type_;
+ std::string value_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/cout_message_writer.h b/includes/image_io/base/cout_message_writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a124ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/cout_message_writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include "image_io/base/message_writer.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// This subclass of MessageWriter writes messages to cout.
+class CoutMessageWriter : public MessageWriter {
+ public:
+ void WriteMessage(const Message& message) override {
+ std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(message) << std::endl;
+ }
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_context.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bef5c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/data_line_map.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A class to represent a position in a textual subrange of a DataSegment, and
+/// a means to create an usable error message that shows the relevant line
+/// number and line text and the location as a "caret" position. The class also
+/// provides a list of names that can be used to add context to the errors.
+class DataContext {
+ public:
+ /// @param location A location in the data segment.
+ /// @param range A subrange of the data segment's range.
+ /// @param data_line_map A map for obtaining the line number and range given
+ /// the location.
+ DataContext(size_t location, const DataRange& range,
+ const DataSegment& segment, const DataLineMap& data_line_map)
+ : location_(location),
+ range_(range),
+ segment_(segment),
+ line_info_map_(data_line_map) {}
+ /// @return The location of the context.
+ size_t GetLocation() const { return location_; }
+ /// @param location A new value to use to set the location of the context.
+ void SetLocation(size_t location) { location_ = location; }
+ /// @param delta A delta value that is added to the location of the context.
+ /// @return The new location of the context.
+ size_t IncrementLocation(size_t delta) {
+ location_ += delta;
+ return location_;
+ }
+ /// @return The range of the data segment defined by this context.
+ const DataRange& GetRange() const { return range_; }
+ /// @param range Sets a new range to use for this context.
+ void SetRange(const DataRange& range) { range_ = range; }
+ /// @return The data segment of this context.
+ const DataSegment& GetSegment() const { return segment_; }
+ /// @return The line info map of this context.
+ const DataLineMap& GetDataLineMap() const { return line_info_map_; }
+ /// @return Whether the context's location and range are valid for use with
+ /// the data segment's range.
+ bool IsValidLocationAndRange() const {
+ return range_.IsValid() && range_.Contains(location_) &&
+ segment_.GetDataRange().Contains(range_);
+ }
+ /// @return A pointer to the data segment's buffer, cast as a const char* type
+ /// pointer, or nullptr if the location and/or range are invalid.
+ const char* GetCharBytes() const {
+ return IsValidLocationAndRange()
+ ? reinterpret_cast<const char*>(segment_.GetBuffer(location_))
+ : nullptr;
+ }
+ /// @return The number of bytes available from the location of the context to
+ /// the end of the context's range, or 0 if the location and/or range are
+ /// invalid.
+ size_t GetBytesAvailable() const {
+ return IsValidLocationAndRange() ? range_.GetEnd() - location_ : 0;
+ }
+ /// @return The context's name list that is used when creating error messages.
+ std::list<std::string>& GetNameList() { return name_list_; }
+ /// @return The context's name list that is used when creating error messages.
+ const std::list<std::string>& GetNameList() const { return name_list_; }
+ /// @return An error message that describes the location/range data segment
+ /// range that leads to the IsValidLocationRange() function returning false.
+ /// Great to user for internal error messages.
+ std::string GetInvalidLocationAndRangeErrorText() const;
+ /// @return An error message with the given descriptions for the error and the
+ /// expectation. See the other GetErrorText() function documentation for more
+ /// details on the format of the error messsage.
+ std::string GetErrorText(const std::string& error_description,
+ const std::string& expectation_description) const;
+ /// @return An error message with the given descriptions for the error and the
+ /// expectation. The format of the error message is:
+ /// error_description
+ /// - prefix_name_list:name_list:postfix_name_list:
+ /// - at line:number:line_contents
+ /// - ^expected:expectation_description
+ /// If error_description is empty then the first line containing it is not
+ /// written. If expectation_description is empty, then the expected:... part
+ /// of the last line is not written. If the context's name list, and the
+ /// pre/postfix name lists are all empty, then that line is not written.
+ std::string GetErrorText(const std::list<std::string>& prefix_name_list,
+ const std::list<std::string>& postfix_name_list,
+ const std::string& error_description,
+ const std::string& expectation_description) const;
+ private:
+ /// @return The string with the contents of the prefix_name_list, name_list_
+ /// and the postfix namelist concatenated with a ":" separator.
+ std::string GetNamesString(
+ const std::list<std::string>& prefix_name_list,
+ const std::list<std::string>& postfix_name_list) const;
+ /// @return The line number string of the form line:XX, where XX is the data
+ /// line's number or "?" if the nmber is zero.
+ std::string GetLineNumberString(const DataLine& data_line) const;
+ /// Gets the clipped and line ranges using the data line's range value.
+ void GetClippedAndLineRange(const DataLine& data_line,
+ DataRange* clipped_range,
+ DataRange* line_range) const;
+ /// Gets the line string using the clipped and line ranges and updates the
+ /// number of spaces before the caret depending on the contents of the line.
+ std::string GetLineString(const DataRange& clipped_range,
+ const DataRange& line_range,
+ size_t* spaces_before_caret) const;
+ /// See the constructor for documentation on the data members.
+ size_t location_;
+ DataRange range_;
+ const DataSegment& segment_;
+ const DataLineMap& line_info_map_;
+ std::list<std::string> name_list_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_destination.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_destination.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c7466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_destination.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+#include "image_io/base/types.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// DataDestination is the abstract base class for implementations that can
+/// efficiently move data from one location and/or form to another. In such
+/// a transfer, the StartTransfer() and FinishTransfer() functions are always
+/// called, and in between the Transfer() function may be called zero or more
+/// times. See the DataSource class to see how to initiate a transfer operation.
+class DataDestination {
+ public:
+ /// These values indicate what should be done after a DataSource calls a
+ /// DataDestination's Transfer() function.
+ enum TransferStatus {
+ /// An error occurred in the transfer process. DataSource's TransferData()
+ /// function should stop calling DataDestination's Transfer() function, and
+ /// return to its caller.
+ kTransferError,
+ /// The transfer was successful. DataSource's TransferData() function can
+ /// keep calling DataDestination's Transfer() of needed, or if not,
+ /// return to its caller.
+ kTransferOk,
+ /// The transfer was successful and the DataDestination has decided that
+ /// it has enough data. DataSource's TransferData() function should stop
+ /// calling DataDestination's Transfer() function and return to its caller.
+ kTransferDone
+ };
+ virtual ~DataDestination() = default;
+ /// This function is called prior to the first call to the Transfer() function
+ /// to allow implementation subclasses a chance to initialize their data
+ /// members for the transfer process. If a data destination sends its bytes
+ /// to another data destination, this function must call its StartTransfer()
+ /// function.
+ virtual void StartTransfer() = 0;
+ /// This function is called to transfer a portion or all of the data in the
+ /// data segment from the caller to wherever the receiver needs it to go.
+ /// @param transfer_range The portion of the data in the data_segment that is
+ /// to be transferred.
+ /// @param data_segment The data, some or all of which is to be transferred.
+ /// @return A transfer status value indicating what should be done next.
+ virtual TransferStatus Transfer(const DataRange& transfer_range,
+ const DataSegment& data_segment) = 0;
+ /// This function is called after the final call to the Transfer() function to
+ /// allow implementation subclasses a chance to finalize their transfer
+ /// operations. If a data destination sends its bytes to another data
+ /// destination, this function must call its FinishTransfer() function.
+ virtual void FinishTransfer() = 0;
+ /// @return The number of bytes written to the data destination. There is some
+ /// flexibility in the actual value returned. Most "end-point" destination
+ /// subclasses return the actual number of bytes received/written. Other
+ /// "mid-point" destinations are allowed to return the value from the next
+ /// destination in the chain, or the actual number of bytes they are asked
+ /// to transfer via the transfer_range parameter of the Transfer()
+ /// function.
+ virtual size_t GetBytesTransferred() const = 0;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_line_map.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_line_map.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d934410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_line_map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The line number and range of a text line in a data source. The range does
+/// not include the terminating new line. Valid line numbers are greater than 0.
+struct DataLine {
+ DataLine() : number(0) {}
+ DataLine(size_t a_number, const DataRange& a_range)
+ : number(a_number), range(a_range) {}
+ size_t number;
+ DataRange range;
+/// A class that maps a data source location to a data line structure that has
+/// the line number and data range of the line.
+class DataLineMap {
+ public:
+ DataLineMap() : last_line_incomplete_(false) {}
+ /// Returns the number of data lines in the map.
+ size_t GetDataLineCount() const;
+ /// Returns the data line assocated with the location, or one the number of
+ /// which is zero and the range of which is invalid.
+ DataLine GetDataLine(size_t location) const;
+ /// Finds the next set of data line numbers and ranges in the segment and adds
+ /// them to the map. If the map is empty, the line numbers will start at 1;
+ /// otherwise the numbering of the new lines will start at the next line
+ /// number indicated in the map.
+ void FindDataLines(const DataRange& range, const DataSegment& segment);
+ /// Clears the map and returns it to its startup state.
+ void Clear();
+ private:
+ /// The data lines in the map, sorted by ascending range.GetBegin() value.
+ std::vector<DataLine> data_lines_;
+ /// Whether the last data line in the vector is complete (ended in a newline).
+ bool last_line_incomplete_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_match_result.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_match_result.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bde081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_match_result.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "image_io/base/message.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The result of a some sort of match operation of the text in a data segment.
+/// The data associated with a match result include the number of bytes
+/// consumed to produce the result, type of match, and in the case of an error
+/// an optional Message describing the error.
+class DataMatchResult {
+ public:
+ /// The type of match.
+ enum Type {
+ /// An error occurred while performing the match operation.
+ kError = -1,
+ /// No match was found.
+ kNone = 0,
+ /// A partial match of some sort was found.
+ kPartial = 1,
+ /// A partial match was found, but the end of the data in the segment or
+ /// the available range was found.
+ kPartialOutOfData = 2,
+ /// A full match was found.
+ kFull = 3,
+ };
+ DataMatchResult() : DataMatchResult(kNone, 0) {}
+ explicit DataMatchResult(Type type) : DataMatchResult(type, 0) {}
+ DataMatchResult(Type type, size_t bytes_consumed)
+ : message_(Message::kStatus, 0, ""),
+ bytes_consumed_(bytes_consumed),
+ type_(type),
+ has_message_(false),
+ can_continue_(true) {}
+ /// @return The type of the match result.
+ Type GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return Whether the result indicates processing can continue.
+ bool CanContinue() const { return can_continue_; }
+ /// @return Whether the match result has a message associated with it.
+ bool HasMessage() const { return has_message_; }
+ /// @return The message associated with the result.
+ const Message& GetMessage() const { return message_; }
+ /// @return The number of bytes consumed to produce the result.
+ size_t GetBytesConsumed() const { return bytes_consumed_; }
+ /// @param delta The byte count to increase the bytes consumed value with.
+ size_t IncrementBytesConsumed(size_t delta) {
+ bytes_consumed_ += delta;
+ return bytes_consumed_;
+ }
+ /// @param type The type to use for this match result.
+ /// @return A reference to this match result.
+ DataMatchResult& SetType(Type type) {
+ type_ = type;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Sets the flag that indicates whether processing can continue.
+ /// @param can_continue The new value for the can_continue_ flag.
+ DataMatchResult& SetCanContinue(bool can_continue) {
+ can_continue_ = can_continue;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// @param bytes_consumed The byte count to use for this match result.
+ /// @return A reference to this match result.
+ DataMatchResult& SetBytesConsumed(size_t bytes_consumed) {
+ bytes_consumed_ = bytes_consumed;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// @param message The message to use for this match result.
+ /// @return A reference to this match result.
+ DataMatchResult& SetMessage(const Message& message) {
+ message_ = message;
+ has_message_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// @param type The message type to use for this match result.
+ /// @param text The message text to use for this match result.
+ /// @return A reference to this match result.
+ DataMatchResult& SetMessage(const Message::Type type,
+ const std::string& text) {
+ return SetMessage(Message(type, 0, text));
+ }
+ /// @param other The other result to test for equality with this one.
+ /// @return Whether this and the other results are equal
+ bool operator==(const DataMatchResult& other) const {
+ return can_continue_ == other.can_continue_ &&
+ has_message_ == other.has_message_ && type_ == other.type_ &&
+ bytes_consumed_ == other.bytes_consumed_ &&
+ message_ == other.message_;
+ }
+ /// @param other The other result to test for inequality with this one.
+ /// @return Whether this and the other results are not equal
+ bool operator!=(const DataMatchResult& other) const {
+ return !(*this == other);
+ }
+ private:
+ Message message_;
+ size_t bytes_consumed_;
+ Type type_;
+ bool has_message_;
+ bool can_continue_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_range.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_range.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e339a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_range.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A class to specify a range of bytes in some sort of array. The range is
+/// defined like others in STL to include the begin value and exclude the end
+/// value: [begin,end). Invalid ranges where end <= begin are ok - no exceptions
+/// are ever thrown - but the IsValid() function will return false, and other
+/// functions will behave in an appropriate fashion.
+class DataRange {
+ public:
+ /// The main constructor to define a range.
+ /// @param begin The begin location of the range.
+ /// @param end The end location of the range.
+ DataRange(size_t begin, size_t end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}
+ /// The default construtor defines an invalid range in which both begin and
+ /// end are set to 0.
+ DataRange() : begin_(0), end_(0) {}
+ DataRange(const DataRange& data_range) = default;
+ DataRange& operator=(const DataRange& data_range) = default;
+ /// @return The begin value of the range.
+ size_t GetBegin() const { return begin_; }
+ /// @return The end value of the rangel.
+ size_t GetEnd() const { return end_; }
+ /// @return Whether the range is valid.
+ bool IsValid() const { return begin_ < end_; }
+ /// @return The length of the range, or 0 if the range is invalid.
+ size_t GetLength() const { return IsValid() ? end_ - begin_ : 0; }
+ /// Determines if the location is in this range or not.
+ /// @param location The location being considered for this test.
+ /// @return True if the location is in the range, else false.
+ bool Contains(size_t location) const {
+ return location >= begin_ && location < end_;
+ }
+ /// Determines if another DataRange is a subrange of this range or not.
+ /// @param data_range The DataRange being considered for this test.
+ /// @return True if data_range is subrange of this range, else not.
+ bool Contains(const DataRange& data_range) const {
+ return IsValid() && data_range.IsValid() && data_range.begin_ >= begin_ &&
+ data_range.end_ <= end_;
+ }
+ /// Computes the DataRange that is the intersection of another range with this
+ /// one. If there is no intersection, the resulting range will be invalid.
+ /// @param data_range The DataRange to use compute the intersection with this
+ /// one.
+ /// @return The DataRange that represents the intersection, or one that is
+ /// is invalid if the ranges do not overlap at all.
+ DataRange GetIntersection(const DataRange& data_range) const {
+ return DataRange(std::max(data_range.begin_, begin_),
+ std::min(data_range.end_, end_));
+ }
+ /// @param rhs A DataRange to compare with this one.
+ /// @return True if the two ranges are equal (even if invalid), else false.
+ bool operator==(const DataRange& rhs) const {
+ return begin_ == rhs.begin_ && end_ == rhs.end_;
+ }
+ /// @param rhs A DataRange to compare with this one.
+ /// @return True if the two ranges not equal (even if invalid), else false.
+ bool operator!=(const DataRange& rhs) const {
+ return begin_ != rhs.begin_ || end_ != rhs.end_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// The begin value of the range.
+ size_t begin_;
+ /// The end value of the range.
+ size_t end_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_range_tracking_destination.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_range_tracking_destination.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fbf15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_range_tracking_destination.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A DataDestination that tracks the transfer_range values as they are passed
+/// from the caller of the Transfer() function to next DataDestination.
+/// Instances of this class can be used to track the number of bytes transferred
+/// and/or to ensure that multiple calls to the Transfer() function are called
+/// with transfer_range values that join in a end-to-begin fashion. This data
+/// can be used to make sure that the data transferred meets the expectations of
+/// the client.
+class DataRangeTrackingDestination : public DataDestination {
+ public:
+ /// @param destination The DataDestination that is next in the chain, or
+ /// nullptr if there is no destination.
+ explicit DataRangeTrackingDestination(DataDestination* destination)
+ : destination_(destination),
+ bytes_transferred_(0),
+ has_disjoint_transfer_ranges_(false) {}
+ /// @return The number of bytes written to the data destination. Bytes are
+ /// considered "written" even if the next destination is a nullptr.
+ size_t GetBytesTransferred() const override { return bytes_transferred_; }
+ /// @return The tracked data range (see the class comment for how this value
+ /// is computed).
+ const DataRange& GetTrackedDataRange() const { return tracked_data_range_; }
+ /// @return Whether disjoint transfer data ranges were detected by the
+ /// Transfer() function. Disjoint transfer ranges occur when two calls
+ /// to the Transfer() function occur where first_range.GetEnd() is not
+ //// equal to the second_range.GetBegin().
+ bool HasDisjointTransferRanges() const {
+ return has_disjoint_transfer_ranges_;
+ }
+ void StartTransfer() override;
+ TransferStatus Transfer(const DataRange& transfer_range,
+ const DataSegment& data_segment) override;
+ void FinishTransfer() override;
+ private:
+ DataDestination* destination_;
+ DataRange tracked_data_range_;
+ size_t bytes_transferred_;
+ bool has_disjoint_transfer_ranges_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_scanner.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_scanner.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1af26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_scanner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/data_context.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// Provides a means to scan a textual portion of a data segment for a sequence
+/// of characters and return the data associated with the resulting match. The
+/// scanners also maintain state information for repeated calling in case the
+/// text data is split over multipe data segments. The scanners also maintain
+/// a data range where the result of the scanner's match can be found. These
+/// scanners are written to allow copy semantics to make memory management
+/// easier. Several types of scanners are provided.
+class DataScanner {
+ public:
+ /// The type of scanner.
+ enum Type {
+ /// A scanner to look for text that matches exactly one or more characters.
+ /// The text to look for is given to the CreateLiteralScanner() function.
+ kLiteral,
+ /// A scanner to look for text that matches a name. A name must begin with
+ /// one of the characters in "[A-Z][a-z]:_". Subsequent characters can
+ /// include "[0-9]-.".
+ kName,
+ /// A scanner to look for a quoted string. A quoted string is delimited by
+ /// a single (') or double (") quote, and include any character except the
+ /// quote mark.
+ kQuotedString,
+ /// A scanner to look for one character from a set of characters. The set of
+ /// characters are given to the CreateSentinelScanner() function.
+ kSentinel,
+ /// A scanner to accept all text up to and including a literal text value.
+ /// The text to look for is given to the CreateThroughLiteralScanner()
+ /// function.
+ kThroughLiteral,
+ /// A scanner to skip white space characters. At least one whitespace
+ /// character must be scanned. The set of white space characters is given
+ /// by the GetWhitespaceChars() function.
+ kWhitespace,
+ /// A scanner to skip white space characters, but unlike the kWhitespace
+ /// scanner, this scanner will not return an error result if there are no
+ /// whitespace characters scanned.
+ kOptionalWhitespace,
+ };
+ /// @return The set of whitespace characters: " \t\n\r".
+ static std::string GetWhitespaceChars();
+ /// @param literal The literal to use for the scanner.
+ /// @return A kLiteral type scanner.
+ static DataScanner CreateLiteralScanner(const std::string& literal);
+ /// @return A kName type scanner.
+ static DataScanner CreateNameScanner();
+ /// @return A kQuoteString type scanner.
+ static DataScanner CreateQuotedStringScanner();
+ /// @param sentinels The set of sentinels to scan for. The "~" character is
+ /// used as an "abbreviation" for any of the characters that can make up the
+ /// first character of a kName type sentinel.
+ /// @return a kSentinel type scanner.
+ static DataScanner CreateSentinelScanner(const std::string& sentinels);
+ /// @param literal The literal to use for the scanner.
+ /// @return A kThroughLiteral type scanner.
+ static DataScanner CreateThroughLiteralScanner(const std::string& literal);
+ /// @return A kWhitespace type scanner;
+ static DataScanner CreateWhitespaceScanner();
+ /// @return A kOptionalWhitespace type scanner;
+ static DataScanner CreateOptionalWhitespaceScanner();
+ /// @return The type of the scanner.
+ Type GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return A description of the scanner, based on the type.
+ std::string GetDescription() const;
+ /// @return The literal value of a kLiteral or kThroughLiteral type scanner,
+ /// or an empty string otherwise.
+ std::string GetLiteral() const;
+ /// @return The set of sentinels for a kSentinal type scanner, or an empty
+ /// string otherwise.
+ std::string GetSentenels() const;
+ /// @return The sentinel character from the set of characters passed to the
+ /// CreateSentinelScanner() function that was matched by a successful scan
+ /// operation, or 0 otherwise.
+ char GetSentinel() const;
+ /// @return The range of characters that the scanner found during one or more
+ /// successful Scan() function operations.
+ const DataRange& GetTokenRange() const { return token_range_; }
+ /// @return The number of tiomes the Scan() function has been called.
+ size_t GetScanCallCount() const { return scan_call_count_; }
+ /// @param context The data context to use for the scan operation.
+ /// @return The match result of the scan operation.
+ DataMatchResult Scan(const DataContext& context);
+ /// Reset the scanner's token range to an invalid value.
+ void ResetTokenRange();
+ /// Reset the scanner state to the value it had when it was first constructed.
+ void Reset();
+ private:
+ explicit DataScanner(Type type) : DataScanner(type, "") {}
+ DataScanner(Type type, const std::string& literal_or_sentinels)
+ : literal_or_sentinels_(literal_or_sentinels),
+ data_(0),
+ scan_call_count_(0),
+ type_(type) {}
+ /// @param delta_length The byte count to use to extend the token range end.
+ /// @return The new length of the token range.
+ size_t ExtendTokenLength(size_t delta_length);
+ /// The worker functions for scanning each type of literal.
+ /// @param cbytes The pointer value to the buffer at the context's location.
+ /// @param bytes_available The number of bytes available for the scan.
+ /// @param context The data context for message generation purposes.
+ DataMatchResult ScanLiteral(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
+ const DataContext& context);
+ DataMatchResult ScanName(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
+ const DataContext& context);
+ DataMatchResult ScanQuotedString(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
+ const DataContext& context);
+ DataMatchResult ScanSentinel(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
+ const DataContext& context);
+ DataMatchResult ScanThroughLiteral(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
+ const DataContext& context);
+ DataMatchResult ScanWhitespace(const char* cbytes, size_t bytes_available,
+ const DataContext& context);
+ /// Sets the match result to kError and generates an internal error message.
+ /// @param context The data context for message generation purposes.
+ /// @param error_description A description of the type of internal error.
+ /// @param result The result to receive the kError type and message.
+ void SetInternalError(const DataContext& context,
+ const std::string& error_description,
+ DataMatchResult* result);
+ /// Sets the match result to kError and generates an syntax error message.
+ /// @param context The data context for message generation purposes.
+ /// @param error_description A description of the type of syntax error.
+ /// @param result The result to receive the kError type and message.
+ void SetSyntaxError(const DataContext& context,
+ const std::string& error_description,
+ DataMatchResult* result);
+ /// The string used for kLiteral, kThroughLiteral and kSentinel type scanners.
+ std::string literal_or_sentinels_;
+ /// The token range built by one or calls to the Scan() function.
+ DataRange token_range_;
+ /// State data used in different ways by different scanner types.
+ size_t data_;
+ /// The number of times the scanner's Scan function has been called.
+ size_t scan_call_count_;
+ /// The type of scanner.
+ Type type_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_segment.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_segment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec6d584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_segment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/types.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+class DataRange;
+/// A DataSegment represents a portion of a larger "array" of byte data. Each
+/// data segment knows (via its DataRange member) its location in the larger
+/// array. The byte data of each data segment is accessed by its location
+/// in that larger array. Instances of DataSegment are typically created or
+/// managed by instances of DataSource which offers them up to client code.
+/// A shared_ptr is used to control the lifetime of DataSegments. For more
+/// information on this, see the comments in DataSource.
+class DataSegment {
+ public:
+ /// A creation parameter for indicating whether or not, upon destruction, the
+ /// DataSegment's buffer should be deallocated.
+ enum BufferDispositionPolicy {
+ /// Policy to deallocate the buffer upon destruction.
+ kDelete,
+ /// Policy to leave the buffer upon destruction.
+ kDontDelete
+ };
+ /// Creates a new DataSegment with the given DataRange and byte buffer.
+ /// @param data_range The DataRange of the byte data in the buffer.
+ /// @param buffer The byte data of the data segment.
+ /// @param buffer_policy The buffer ownership policy (Delete or DontDelete).
+ /// @return A shared pointer to the data segment.
+ static std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> Create(
+ const DataRange& data_range, const Byte* buffer,
+ BufferDispositionPolicy buffer_policy);
+ /// Creates a new DataSegment with the given DataRange and byte buffer.
+ /// The DataSegment takes ownership of the buffer and will delete the buffer
+ /// when the DataSegment itself is destroyed.
+ /// @param data_range The DataRange of the byte data in the buffer.
+ /// @param buffer The byte data of the data segment; The DataSegment takes
+ /// ownership of the buffer and will delete it when it is deleted.
+ /// @return A shared pointer to the data segment.
+ static std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> Create(const DataRange& data_range,
+ const Byte* buffer) {
+ return Create(data_range, buffer, BufferDispositionPolicy::kDelete);
+ }
+ /// @return The DataRange of the data in the segment.
+ const DataRange& GetDataRange() const { return data_range_; }
+ /// @return The begin location of the segment's data range.
+ size_t GetBegin() const { return data_range_.GetBegin(); }
+ /// @return The end location of the segment's data range.
+ size_t GetEnd() const { return data_range_.GetEnd(); }
+ /// @return The length of the segment's data range.
+ size_t GetLength() const { return data_range_.GetLength(); }
+ /// @return Whether the segment's range is valid.
+ bool Contains(size_t location) const {
+ return data_range_.Contains(location);
+ }
+ /// Gets the validated byte value of the segment at the given location.
+ /// @param location The location in the segment to get the byte value of.
+ /// @return The validated byte at the given location or 0/false if the
+ /// segment's range does does not contain the location.
+ ValidatedByte GetValidatedByte(size_t location) const {
+ return Contains(location) ? ValidatedByte(buffer_[location - GetBegin()])
+ : InvalidByte();
+ }
+ /// Returns a pointer to the type at the give location in the dta segment.
+ /// @param location The location of the byte to get the buffer pointer of.
+ /// @return The pointer to the byte in the segment's buffer, or the nullptr
+ /// if the segment does not contain the location.
+ const Byte* GetBuffer(size_t location) const {
+ return Contains(location) ? &buffer_[location - GetBegin()] : nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Finds the location of the string in the data segment. Although a data
+ /// segment has an array of Bytes (an unsigned quantity), very often the
+ /// data they contain are strings - a sequence of bytes, none of which have
+ /// the sign bit set. As an aid in expressing the alorithms for finding such
+ /// strings, this function allows client code to express the searched-for
+ /// string as a zero-terminated array of chars.
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start looking.
+ /// @param str The string to find in the segment. The strlen function is
+ /// used to find the length of the string to search for.
+ /// @return The location of the start of the string, or the segment's end
+ /// location value.
+ size_t Find(size_t start_location, const char* str) const {
+ return Find(start_location, str, strlen(str));
+ }
+ /// Finds the location of the string in the data segment. Although a data
+ /// segment has an array of Bytes (an unsigned quantity), very often the
+ /// data they contain are strings - a sequence of bytes, none of which have
+ /// the sign bit set. As an aid in expressing the alorithms for finding such
+ /// strings, this function allows client code to express the searched-for
+ /// string as an array of chars and a length.
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start looking.
+ /// @param str The string to find in the segment.
+ /// @param str_length The length of the string to find.
+ /// @return The location of the start of the string, or the segment's end
+ /// location value.
+ size_t Find(size_t location, const char* str, size_t str_length) const;
+ /// Finds the location of the given byte value in the data segment.
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start looking.
+ /// @param value The byte value to search for.
+ /// @return The location of the value, or the segment's end location value.
+ size_t Find(size_t start_location, Byte value) const;
+ /// Sometimes the data of concern spans two data segments. For instance, a
+ /// JPEG data segment marker may start at the end of one data segment and
+ /// extend into the following segment. This helper function makes it easier to
+ /// write code to treat two data segments as one entity for the purpose of
+ /// getting the byte value at the given location.
+ /// @param location The location in the segment to get the byte value of.
+ /// @param segment1 The first data segment to use (maybe nullptr).
+ /// @param segment2 The second data segment to use (may be nullptr).
+ /// @return The validated byte at the given location, or InvalidByte() if
+ /// neither segment contains the location.
+ static ValidatedByte GetValidatedByte(size_t location,
+ const DataSegment* segment1,
+ const DataSegment* segment2);
+ /// Sometimes the data of concern spans two data segments. For instance, a
+ /// JPEG data segment marker may start at the end of one data segment and
+ /// extend into the following segment. This helper function makes it easier to
+ /// write code to treat two data segments as one entity for the purpose of
+ /// finding a byte value.
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start looking.
+ /// @param value The byte value to search for.
+ /// @param segment1 The first data segment to use.
+ /// @param segment2 The second data segment to use.
+ /// @return The location of the value if it's found and the two segments are
+ /// contiguous (i.e., if segment1->GetEnd() == segment2->GetBegin()),
+ /// else the max(segment1->GetEnd(), segment2->GetEnd()).
+ static size_t Find(size_t start_location, Byte value,
+ const DataSegment* segment1, const DataSegment* segment2);
+ private:
+ DataSegment(const DataRange& data_range, const Byte* buffer,
+ BufferDispositionPolicy buffer_policy)
+ : data_range_(data_range),
+ buffer_(buffer),
+ buffer_policy_(buffer_policy) {}
+ ~DataSegment() {
+ // If kDelete is not set (default) the buffer memory will remain allocated.
+ if (buffer_policy_ == BufferDispositionPolicy::kDelete) {
+ delete[] buffer_;
+ }
+ }
+ /// The default_delete needs to be a friend so that the shared pointer can
+ /// call the private destructor.
+ friend struct std::default_delete<DataSegment>;
+ private:
+ /// The data range of the data segment.
+ DataRange data_range_;
+ /// The buffer that contains the segment data.
+ const Byte* buffer_;
+ /// The policy that dictates whether or not the buffer will be deallocated.
+ BufferDispositionPolicy buffer_policy_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_segment_data_source.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_segment_data_source.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef6c3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_segment_data_source.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_source.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// DataSegmentDataSource is an implementation of DataSource that provides
+/// access to requested DataSegment instances from a single (possibly large)
+/// in-memory DataSegment.
+class DataSegmentDataSource : public DataSource {
+ public:
+ explicit DataSegmentDataSource(
+ const std::shared_ptr<DataSegment>& shared_data_segment)
+ : shared_data_segment_(shared_data_segment) {}
+ void Reset() override;
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> GetDataSegment(size_t begin,
+ size_t min_size) override;
+ TransferDataResult TransferData(const DataRange& data_range, size_t best_size,
+ DataDestination* data_destination) override;
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> shared_data_segment_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/data_source.h b/includes/image_io/base/data_source.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b96d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/data_source.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+#include "image_io/base/types.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// DataSource is the abstract base class for implementations that can provide
+/// data from a file or memory buffer or some other container. A data source
+/// supports both a pull model for obtaining data, via the GetDataSegment()
+/// function, and a push model via a collaborating DataDestination and the
+/// TransferData() function.
+/// Pushing with a DataSource can be a convenient alternative to using a
+/// DataDestination directly when there is a large amount of data that is
+/// located in a file, or some type of memory structure that be "wrapped" in
+/// a DataSource. The push model provides the most efficient (i.e., least
+/// copying of bytes) way to move data from one place to another. For usage of
+/// this library on mobile devices with limited memory, this mode of operation
+/// is the most attractive. Unfortunately, the push model typically assumes the
+/// code knows what portion of bytes to push. The discovery of that portion is
+/// most often easier to accomplish with a pull model.
+/// The pull model, while needed for efficient implementation of objects that
+/// scan the contents of a data source, does represent a challenge when managing
+/// the lifetime of the DataSegment instances returned by the GetDataSegment()
+/// function - depending on the implementation of the DataSource, the segment it
+/// returns might represent the entire array of data, or it might represent just
+/// a portion of it that was read from a file. In the first case, the DataSource
+/// would probably want to keep ownership of the DataSegment, while in the other
+/// case, the DataSource might very well want to pass ownership on to the caller
+/// of GetDataSegment(). This problem is solved by allowing sharing of the
+/// ownership of the DataSegment via a std::shared_ptr.
+/// The push model implemented does not have these complications, so the
+/// DataDestination class's Transfer() function takes a simple const reference
+/// to a DataSegment, with the ownership firmly held by the DataSource.
+class DataSource {
+ public:
+ /// The result of a TransferData() operation.
+ enum TransferDataResult {
+ /// An error occurred while calling DataDestination::Transfer(), or the
+ /// data destination was a nullptr.
+ kTransferDataError,
+ /// The DataDestination::Transfer() function was not called because the
+ /// DataRange was empty or the DataSource was not able to supply any data
+ /// in the range.
+ kTransferDataNone,
+ /// The data transfer was successful.
+ kTransferDataSuccess
+ };
+ virtual ~DataSource() = default;
+ /// Requests the data source to return a DataSegment with a range starting at
+ /// the given begin location and extending best_size bytes in length if
+ /// possible. (If not possible, a shorter range of data may be returned. A
+ /// larger range may also be returned, depending on the DataSource).
+ /// If a non-null data segment returned, its DataRange is guarenteed to have
+ /// at least some overlap with the requested range.
+ /// @param begin The begin location of the requested data segment.
+ /// @param min_size The min size of the requested data segment. The size of
+ /// the data segment returned may be larger depending on the data source.
+ /// @return The data segment, or a nullptr if the range of data did not exist
+ /// in the data source.
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> GetDataSegment(size_t begin,
+ size_t min_size) = 0;
+ /// Some data sources may need to be reset if they are accessed via repeated
+ /// calls to GetDataSegment() all the way to the end of the array of bytes.
+ /// (For example a file-based DataSource might have eof bits that need to be
+ /// cleared before re-reading data). This function does that kind of thing.
+ virtual void Reset() = 0;
+ /// Requests the data source to transfer data in the given range to the given
+ /// DataDestination. Callers must call the data destination's StartTransfer()
+ /// function before calling this function, and call its FinishTransfer()
+ /// after this call. This function will call the data destination's Transfer()
+ /// function zero or more times.
+ /// @param data_range The range of data to transfer from this data source to
+ /// the destination.
+ /// @param best_size The "best" size of the requested data segment to be sent
+ /// to the data destination. The size of the data segment that is sent to
+ /// the data destination may be larger than this value, depending on the
+ /// data source, or it may be smaller if the requested data range extends
+ /// past the end of the data source's range.
+ /// @param data_destination The receiver of the data.
+ virtual TransferDataResult TransferData(
+ const DataRange& data_range, size_t best_size,
+ DataDestination* data_destination) = 0;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/istream_data_source.h b/includes/image_io/base/istream_data_source.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4564e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/istream_data_source.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+#include "image_io/base/data_source.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A DataSource that obtains data from an istream.
+class IStreamDataSource : public DataSource {
+ public:
+ /// Constructs an IStreamDataSource using the given istream.
+ /// @param istram_ptr The istream from which to read.
+ explicit IStreamDataSource(std::unique_ptr<std::istream> istream_ptr)
+ : istream_(std::move(istream_ptr)) {}
+ void Reset() override;
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> GetDataSegment(size_t begin,
+ size_t min_size) override;
+ TransferDataResult TransferData(const DataRange& data_range, size_t best_size,
+ DataDestination* data_destination) override;
+ private:
+ /// The worker function to create a DataSegment and fill it with the given
+ /// number of bytes read from the istream, starting at the given location.
+ /// @param begin The location in the istream at which to start reading.
+ /// @param count The number of bytes to read.
+ /// @return A DataSegment pointer, or nullptr if the read failed.
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> Read(size_t begin, size_t count);
+ private:
+ /// The istream from which to read.
+ std::unique_ptr<std::istream> istream_;
+ /// The current data segment that was read in the GetDataSegment() function.
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> current_data_segment_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/message.h b/includes/image_io/base/message.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c225d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/message.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#include <string>
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A message that is reported to and managed by the MessageHandler, and
+/// possibly written by a MessageWriter.
+class Message {
+ public:
+ /// The types of Messages.
+ enum Type {
+ /// A Status message.
+ kStatus,
+ /// An error from the stdlib was detected. The std::errno variable can be
+ /// used to programmatically decide what to do, or use the std::strerror
+ /// function to get a string description of the error.
+ kStdLibError,
+ /// A premature end of the data being processed was found.
+ kPrematureEndOfDataError,
+ /// An expected string value was not found in the data being processed.
+ kStringNotFoundError,
+ /// An error occurred while decoding the data being processed.
+ kDecodingError,
+ /// An error occurred while parsing the data.
+ kSyntaxError,
+ /// An error occurred while using the data.
+ kValueError,
+ /// An internal error of some sort occurred.
+ kInternalError
+ };
+ /// @param type The type of message to create.
+ /// @param system_errno The errno value to use for kStdLibError type messages.
+ /// @param text The text of the message.
+ Message(Type type, int system_errno, const std::string& text)
+ : type_(type), system_errno_(system_errno), text_(text) {}
+ Message() = delete;
+ bool operator==(const Message& rhs) const {
+ return type_ == rhs.type_ && system_errno_ == rhs.system_errno_ &&
+ text_ == rhs.text_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Message& rhs) const {
+ return type_ != rhs.type_ || system_errno_ != rhs.system_errno_ ||
+ text_ != rhs.text_;
+ }
+ /// @return The type of message.
+ Type GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return The system errno value used for kStdLibError messages.
+ int GetSystemErrno() const { return system_errno_; }
+ /// @return The text of the message.
+ const std::string& GetText() const { return text_; }
+ private:
+ /// The type of message.
+ Type type_;
+ /// If type == kStdLibError, the system's errno value at the time
+ /// the error was reported, else it's value is 0.
+ int system_errno_;
+ /// The text associated with the message.
+ std::string text_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h b/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc33679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/message.h"
+#include "image_io/base/message_store.h"
+#include "image_io/base/message_writer.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// MessageHandler provides the functions that all the code in this library uses
+/// to report status and error conditions.
+class MessageHandler {
+ public:
+ /// Initializes the MessageHandler for client use. Multithread applications
+ /// might find this function useful to call in their initialization section,
+ /// to guarentee that threads will not create race conditions when calling the
+ /// Get function for the first time.
+ static void Init(std::unique_ptr<MessageWriter> message_writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<MessageStore> message_store);
+ /// This function is thread-safe as long as the Init() function is called in
+ /// non-multiple-threaded startup code; if the Init() fucnction was not called
+ /// there may be race conditions that causes the message handler returned from
+ /// Get() called in one thread to be different from that returned by the call
+ /// in a different thread.
+ /// @return The message handler used by the code in this library.
+ static MessageHandler* Get();
+ /// Sets the message writer to use when ReportMessage() is called. If client
+ /// code does not call this function, the MessageHandler returned by the Get()
+ /// function will have a CoutMessageWriter by default. If client code calls
+ /// this function with a null, then ReportMessage() will not write messages at
+ /// all, but just add them to the messages store.
+ /// @param message_writer The message writer that ReportMessage uses, or null.
+ void SetMessageWriter(std::unique_ptr<MessageWriter> message_writer);
+ /// Sets the message store to use when ReportMessage() is called. If client
+ /// code does not call this function, the MessageHandler returned by the Get()
+ /// function will have a VectorMessageStore by default. If client code calls
+ /// this function with a null, then ReportMessage() will not save messages at
+ /// all, but just write them to the messages writer.
+ /// @param message_store The message store that ReportMessage uses, or null.
+ void SetMessageStore(std::unique_ptr<MessageStore> message_store);
+ /// Clears the messages maintained by the message handler's store. Client code
+ /// should call this function before calling any other standalone or class
+ /// function in this library so as to provide a clean starting point with
+ /// respect to error and status messages. Once all the calls have been made,
+ /// client code should examine the messages or call HasErrorMessages() to
+ /// determine the whether the calls succeeded or not. Finally client code
+ /// should call this function again so that memory is not leaked when it is
+ /// done using this library.
+ void ClearMessages() {
+ if (message_store_) {
+ message_store_->ClearMessages();
+ }
+ }
+ /// @return Whether the message handler's store has error messages or not.
+ bool HasErrorMessages() const {
+ return message_store_ ? message_store_->HasErrorMessages() : false;
+ }
+ /// @return The vector of errors maintained by the message handler's store.
+ std::vector<Message> GetMessages() const {
+ return message_store_ ? message_store_->GetMessages()
+ : std::vector<Message>();
+ }
+ /// Reports an error or a status message. This function is called from library
+ /// code when it detects an error condition or wants to report status. If the
+ /// message type is Message::kStdLibError, then the current value of the
+ /// system's errno variable is used when the message is created. The message
+ /// is added to the messages vector and if the message writer is not null, its
+ /// WriteMessage function is called.
+ /// @param type The type of message.
+ /// @param text Text associated with the message.
+ void ReportMessage(Message::Type type, const std::string& text);
+ /// @param message The message to report.
+ void ReportMessage(const Message& message);
+ private:
+ MessageHandler() = default;
+ ~MessageHandler();
+ private:
+ /// The message writer used by ReportMessage, or null.
+ std::unique_ptr<MessageWriter> message_writer_;
+ /// The message store for saving messages for later, or null.
+ std::unique_ptr<MessageStore> message_store_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/message_store.h b/includes/image_io/base/message_store.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d492f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/message_store.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/message.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// An abstract base class for storing and reporting on Messages.
+class MessageStore {
+ public:
+ virtual ~MessageStore() = default;
+ /// Clears the messages maintained by the store.
+ virtual void ClearMessages() = 0;
+ // @message The message to add to the store.
+ virtual void AddMessage(const Message& message) = 0;
+ /// @return A vector of messages maintained by the store; this vector may be
+ /// empty even if the AddMessage function was called, depending on the
+ /// concrete subclass is implemented.
+ virtual std::vector<Message> GetMessages() const = 0;
+ /// @return Whether the store has error messages or not. This value is
+ /// guarenteed to be accurate based on the latest calls to the
+ /// ClearMessages and AddMessage functions.
+ virtual bool HasErrorMessages() const = 0;
+/// A MessageStore that saves the messages in a vector. The implementation of
+/// this class is not thread safe.
+class VectorMessageStore : public MessageStore {
+ public:
+ void ClearMessages() override { messages_.clear(); }
+ void AddMessage(const Message& message) override {
+ messages_.push_back(message);
+ }
+ std::vector<Message> GetMessages() const override { return messages_; }
+ bool HasErrorMessages() const override {
+ for (const auto& message : messages_) {
+ if (message.GetType() != Message::kStatus) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<Message> messages_;
+/// A MessageStore that simply keeps track of whether error messages have been
+/// added or not, but does not store the messages themselves. The implementation
+/// of this class is should not cause any crashes if run in a multi-threaded
+/// environment, though there may be some cases where erroneous results are
+/// returned by the HasErrorMessages function.
+class ErrorFlagMessageStore : public MessageStore {
+ public:
+ ErrorFlagMessageStore() : has_error_(false) {}
+ void ClearMessages() override { has_error_ = false; }
+ void AddMessage(const Message& message) override {
+ if (message.GetType() != Message::kStatus) {
+ has_error_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<Message> GetMessages() const override {
+ return std::vector<Message>();
+ }
+ bool HasErrorMessages() const override { return has_error_; }
+ private:
+ bool has_error_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/message_writer.h b/includes/image_io/base/message_writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3240a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/message_writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "image_io/base/message.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A message writer is used by MessageHandler to write messages as they are
+/// reported via the ReportMessage function. The main function, WriteMessage
+/// must be implemented by subclasses. Subclasses can also override any or all
+/// of the other virtual functions, GetFormattedMessage(), GetTypeCategory()
+/// and GetTypeDescription() to suit their needs.
+class MessageWriter {
+ public:
+ virtual ~MessageWriter() = default;
+ /// This function is called to write a message. Implementations can call the
+ /// GetFormattedMessage function and write it wherever it needs to go, or
+ /// do something else entirely.
+ /// @param message The message to write.
+ virtual void WriteMessage(const Message& message) = 0;
+ /// Formats the message into a single string suitable for writing. This
+ /// implementation returns a string that has the format
+ /// <GetTypeCategory()><GetTypeDescription()>:text
+ /// @param message The message for which a formatted string is wanted.
+ /// @return A string describing the message.
+ virtual std::string GetFormattedMessage(const Message& message) const;
+ /// @param type The type of message to get the category of.
+ /// @return A string describing the type category; this implementation returns
+ /// (the obviously nonlocalized strings) "STATUS" or "ERROR"
+ virtual std::string GetTypeCategory(Message::Type type) const;
+ /// @param type The type of message to get the description of.
+ /// @param system_errno Used for kStdLibError type messages.
+ /// @return A (non-localized) string description of the type.
+ virtual std::string GetTypeDescription(Message::Type type,
+ int system_errno) const;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/ostream_data_destination.h b/includes/image_io/base/ostream_data_destination.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a1155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/ostream_data_destination.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A DataDestination that writes its output to an ostream.
+class OStreamDataDestination : public DataDestination {
+ public:
+ /// Constructs an OStreamDataDestination using the given ostream.
+ /// @param ostream_ptr The ostream to which data is written.
+ explicit OStreamDataDestination(std::unique_ptr<std::ostream> ostream_ptr)
+ : ostream_(std::move(ostream_ptr)),
+ bytes_transferred_(0),
+ has_error_(false) {}
+ /// @param name A name to associate with the ostream. Used for error messages.
+ void SetName(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }
+ /// @return The name associated with the ostream.
+ const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }
+ /// @return The number of bytes written to the ostream.
+ size_t GetBytesTransferred() const override { return bytes_transferred_; }
+ /// @return True if errors were encountered while writing to the ostream.
+ bool HasError() const { return has_error_; }
+ void StartTransfer() override;
+ TransferStatus Transfer(const DataRange& transfer_range,
+ const DataSegment& data_segment) override;
+ void FinishTransfer() override;
+ private:
+ /// The ostream written to.
+ std::unique_ptr<std::ostream> ostream_;
+ /// The number of bytes written so far.
+ size_t bytes_transferred_;
+ /// A (file) name to associate with the ostream, used with error messages.
+ std::string name_;
+ /// If true indicates an error has occurred writing to the ostream.
+ bool has_error_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/types.h b/includes/image_io/base/types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaa88b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdlib>
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// Byte is the noumenon unit of data.
+using Byte = std::uint8_t;
+/// A Byte value and a validity flag.
+struct ValidatedByte {
+ explicit ValidatedByte(Byte value_arg) : value(value_arg), is_valid(true) {}
+ ValidatedByte(const ValidatedByte&) = default;
+ ValidatedByte& operator=(const ValidatedByte&) = default;
+ Byte value;
+ bool is_valid;
+/// Equality operator for ValidatedByte
+inline bool operator==(const ValidatedByte& lhs, const ValidatedByte& rhs) {
+ return lhs.value == rhs.value && lhs.is_valid == rhs.is_valid;
+/// Inquality operator for ValidatedByte
+inline bool operator!=(const ValidatedByte& lhs, const ValidatedByte& rhs) {
+ return lhs.value != rhs.value || lhs.is_valid != rhs.is_valid;
+/// @return a validated byte that has a false is_valid value.
+inline ValidatedByte InvalidByte() {
+ ValidatedByte invalid_byte(0);
+ invalid_byte.is_valid = false;
+ return invalid_byte;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/extras/base64_decoder_data_destination.h b/includes/image_io/extras/base64_decoder_data_destination.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde1dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/extras/base64_decoder_data_destination.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#define IMAGE_IO_noumenon_base64_h
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// Base64DecoderDataDestination is typically used in a chain of DataDestination
+/// instances. For example, it can be used to decode base64 encoded JPEG data in
+/// APP1/XMP data segments.
+class Base64DecoderDataDestination : public DataDestination {
+ public:
+ /// @param next_destination The next DataDestination in the chain which will
+ /// be sent the decoded bytes received by the Transfer() function.
+ explicit Base64DecoderDataDestination(DataDestination* next_destination)
+ : next_destination_(next_destination),
+ next_decoded_location_(0),
+ has_error_(false) {}
+ /// @return True if there was an error in the decoding process.
+ bool HasError() const { return has_error_; }
+ void StartTransfer() override;
+ TransferStatus Transfer(const DataRange& transfer_range,
+ const DataSegment& data_segment) override;
+ void FinishTransfer() override;
+ /// @return The number of bytes written not to this decoder destination, but
+ /// to the next destination. Returns zero if the next destination is null.
+ size_t GetBytesTransferred() const override {
+ return next_destination_ ? next_destination_->GetBytesTransferred() : 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// The destination that the decoded data is sent to.
+ DataDestination* next_destination_;
+ /// If the transfer_range parameter of the Transfer function does not have a
+ /// length that is a multiple of 4, then the leftover bytes are placed in this
+ /// vector and are prepended to the data in the next call to Transfer.
+ std::vector<Byte> leftover_bytes_;
+ /// The DataRanges supplied to the Transfer function can't be sent down the
+ /// chain to the next destination because the number of bytes differ (by 4/3).
+ /// This value records the number of bytes decoded so far, and the beginning
+ /// of the DataRange sent to the destination's Transfer function.
+ size_t next_decoded_location_;
+ /// A true value indicates that an error occurred in the decoding process.
+ bool has_error_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/extras/string_view_data_source.h b/includes/image_io/extras/string_view_data_source.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a90b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/extras/string_view_data_source.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment_data_source.h"
+#include "third_party/absl/strings/string_view.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A DataSource that reads bytes from a string_view. The underlying string data
+/// must have a lifetime that exceeds the lifetime of this data source, and the
+/// string contents must not change while the data source is referencing it.
+class StringViewDataSource : public DataSegmentDataSource {
+ public:
+ /// Constructs a StringViewDataSource using the given string_view.
+ /// @param str The string_view to read from.
+ explicit StringViewDataSource(absl::string_view string_src);
+ /// Returns the string view being used as the data source.
+ absl::string_view GetStringView() const { return string_src_; }
+ private:
+ /// The string_view to read from.
+ absl::string_view string_src_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/gcontainer/gcontainer.h b/includes/image_io/gcontainer/gcontainer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0bd66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/gcontainer/gcontainer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+namespace gcontainer {
+// Writes an image to a output_file_name, appending other_files (if they each
+// exist) after the image's EOI marker.
+// input_file_name must be a JPEG file.
+bool WriteImageAndFiles(const std::string& input_file_name,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& other_files,
+ const std::string& output_file_name);
+// Retrieves the bytes (of size file_length) starting at file_starT_offset
+// bytes after the EOI marker in input_file_name. Returns true if parsing was
+// successful, false otherwise. GContainer callers are expected to have
+// file_start_offset and file_length from the image metadata.
+// input_file_name must be a JPEG.
+// file_start_offset is the nth byte after (and excluding) the EOI marker in
+// input_file_name. file_length is the size (in bytes) of content to parse.
+// out_file_contents is populated with the requsted contents only if parsing is
+// successful.
+bool ParseFileAfterImage(const std::string& input_file_name,
+ size_t file_start_offset, size_t file_length,
+ std::string* out_file_contents);
+} // namespace gcontainer
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_apple_depth_builder.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_apple_depth_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5c595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_apple_depth_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_source.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// Builds an Apple depth file containing a (possibly scaled down) primary image
+/// and original depth image.
+class JpegAppleDepthBuilder {
+ public:
+ JpegAppleDepthBuilder()
+ : primary_image_data_source_(nullptr),
+ depth_image_data_source_(nullptr),
+ data_destination_(nullptr) {}
+ /// @param primary_image_data_source The data source containing the primary
+ /// image. The builder uses the first image in this data source.
+ /// @param depth_image_data_source The data source containing the depth image.
+ /// The builder finds the depth image using a JpegInfoBuilder and the
+ /// JpegInfo::GetAppleDepthImageRange() function. Consequently, this
+ /// image source must refer a valid Apple depth file.
+ /// @param data_destination The data destination for the combined primary
+ /// and depth images.
+ /// @return Whether the building and transfer was successful.
+ bool Run(DataSource* primary_image_data_source,
+ DataSource* depth_image_data_source,
+ DataDestination* data_destination);
+ private:
+ /// Gets the data associated with the primary image its data source.
+ /// @return Whether the primary image data was gotten successfully.
+ bool GetPrimaryImageData();
+ /// Gets the data associated with the depth image from its data source.
+ /// @return Whether the depth image data was gotten successfully.
+ bool GetDepthImageData();
+ /// Transfers the primary image from its data source to the data destination,
+ /// adding and transforming the jpeg segments it needs to make the resulting
+ /// data destination a valid Apple depth file.
+ /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not.
+ bool TransferPrimaryImage();
+ /// Transfers the depth image from its data source to the data destination.
+ /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not.
+ bool TransferDepthImage();
+ /// Modifies the existing primary Jfif segment to contain the information
+ /// needed for a valid Apple depth file, and transfers the result to the data
+ /// destination.
+ /// @param jfif_length_delta The increased size of the Jfif segment.
+ /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not.
+ bool TransferNewJfifSegment(size_t *jfif_length_delta);
+ /// Creates a new Mpf segment needed for a valid Apple depth file and
+ /// transfers the result to the data destination.
+ /// @param jfif_length_delta The increased size of the Jfif segment.
+ /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not.
+ bool TransferNewMpfSegment(size_t jfif_length_delta);
+ /// @param data_source The data source from which to transfer bytes to the
+ /// data destination.
+ /// @param data_range The data range in the data source to transfer.
+ bool TransferData(DataSource *data_source, const DataRange& data_range);
+ /// The data source containing the primary image.
+ DataSource* primary_image_data_source_;
+ /// The data source representing a valid Apple depth file.
+ DataSource* depth_image_data_source_;
+ /// The final destination of the new Apple depth data.
+ DataDestination* data_destination_;
+ /// The range in the primary image data source containing the primary image.
+ DataRange primary_image_range_;
+ /// The range in the primary image data source containing the primary image's
+ /// Jfif segment.
+ DataRange primary_image_jfif_segment_range_;
+ /// The bytes of the primary image's Jfif segment.
+ std::vector<Byte> primary_image_jfif_segment_bytes_;
+ /// The range in the primary image data source containing the primary images's
+ /// Mpf segment, or the location at a new Mpf segment should be written.
+ DataRange primary_image_mpf_segment_range_;
+ /// The range in the depth image data source containing the depth image.
+ DataRange depth_image_range_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_image_extractor.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_image_extractor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91237e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_image_extractor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_source.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A class that can make use of the data in a JpegInfo instance to transfer
+/// Apple depth and GDepth/GImage images from a DataSource and ship it to a
+/// DataDestination.
+class JpegImageExtractor {
+ public:
+ /// @param jpeg_info The JpegInfo instance containing depth/image data.
+ /// @param data_source The DataSource from which to transfer depth/image data.
+ JpegImageExtractor(const JpegInfo& jpeg_info, DataSource* data_source)
+ : jpeg_info_(jpeg_info), data_source_(data_source) {}
+ /// This function extracts the Apple depth image from the DataSource and sends
+ /// the bytes to the DataDestination.
+ /// @param image_destination The DataDestination to receive the image data.
+ /// @return True if an image was extracted.
+ bool ExtractAppleDepthImage(DataDestination* image_destination);
+ /// This function extracts the Apple matte image from the DataSource and sends
+ /// the bytes to the DataDestination.
+ /// @param image_destination The DataDestination to receive the image data.
+ /// @return True if an image was extracted.
+ bool ExtractAppleMatteImage(DataDestination* image_destination);
+ /// This function extracts the GDepth type image from the DataSource and
+ /// sends the bytes to the DataDestination.
+ /// @param image_destination The DataDestination to receive the image data.
+ /// @return True if an image was extracted.
+ bool ExtractGDepthImage(DataDestination* image_destination);
+ /// This function extracts the GImage type image from the DataSource and
+ /// sends the bytes to the DataDestination.
+ /// @param image_destination The DataDestination to receive the image data.
+ /// @return True if an image was extracted.
+ bool ExtractGImageImage(DataDestination* image_destination);
+ private:
+ /// Worker function called for GDepth/GImage type image extraction.
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type of image to extract.
+ /// @param image_destination The DataDestination to receive the image data.
+ /// @return True if an image was extracted.
+ bool ExtractImage(JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type,
+ DataDestination* image_destination);
+ /// Worker function called for Apple depth/matte type image extraction.
+ /// @param image_range The range of the image data to extract. If invalid,
+ /// the image_destination's StartTransfer/FinishTransfer functions are
+ /// still called, and this function will return true (i.e., zero bytes
+ /// "successfully" transferred).
+ /// @param image_destination The DataDestination to receive the image data.
+ /// @return True if the transfer succeeded.
+ bool ExtractImage(const DataRange& image_range,
+ DataDestination* image_destination);
+ /// The jpeg info object contains the location of the Apple and Google images.
+ JpegInfo jpeg_info_;
+ /// The data source from which the images are extracted.
+ DataSource* data_source_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aedf9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_info.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A class to represent interesting depth and image information in a JPEG file,
+/// and where it is located so that it can be efficiently extracted.
+class JpegInfo {
+ public:
+ JpegInfo() { JpegXmpInfo::InitializeVector(&xmp_info_vector_); }
+ JpegInfo(const JpegInfo&) = default;
+ JpegInfo& operator=(const JpegInfo&) = default;
+ /// @return The vector of data ranges indicating the locations of the images.
+ const std::vector<DataRange>& GetImageRanges() const { return image_ranges_; }
+ /// @return The vector of interesting segment info structures.
+ const std::vector<JpegSegmentInfo>& GetSegmentInfos() const {
+ return segment_infos_;
+ }
+ /// @param image_index The image containing the sought after segment info.
+ /// @param type The type of segment info to get.
+ /// @return The segment info, or one that is invalid if not found.
+ JpegSegmentInfo GetSegmentInfo(size_t image_index,
+ const std::string& type) const {
+ for (const auto& segment_info : GetSegmentInfos()) {
+ if (segment_info.GetImageIndex() == image_index &&
+ segment_info.GetType() == type) {
+ return segment_info;
+ }
+ }
+ return JpegSegmentInfo(0, DataRange(), "");
+ }
+ /// @return True if there is Apple depth information.
+ bool HasAppleDepth() const { return apple_depth_image_range_.IsValid(); }
+ /// @return True if there is Apple matte information.
+ bool HasAppleMatte() const { return apple_matte_image_range_.IsValid(); }
+ /// @return True if there is GDepth type depth information.
+ bool HasGDepth() const {
+ return HasImage(JpegXmpInfo::kGDepthInfoType);
+ }
+ /// @return True if there is GImage information.
+ bool HasGImage() const {
+ return HasImage(JpegXmpInfo::kGImageInfoType);
+ }
+ /// @return True if there is either Apple or GDepth information.
+ bool HasDepth() const { return HasAppleDepth() || HasGDepth(); }
+ /// @return True if there is an extratable image present.
+ bool HasExtractableImage() const {
+ return HasAppleDepth() || HasAppleMatte() || HasGDepth() || HasGImage();
+ }
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type of xmp image information desired.
+ /// @return True if there is information of the given type.
+ bool HasImage(JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type) const {
+ return !GetSegmentDataRanges(xmp_info_type).empty();
+ }
+ /// @return The DataRange where the Apple depth information is located.
+ const DataRange& GetAppleDepthImageRange() const {
+ return apple_depth_image_range_;
+ }
+ /// @return The DataRange where the Apple matte information is located.
+ const DataRange& GetAppleMatteImageRange() const {
+ return apple_matte_image_range_;
+ }
+ /// @param type The type of Xmp data to get the mime type of.
+ /// @return The mime type for the Xmp data of the given type.
+ std::string GetMimeType(JpegXmpInfo::Type type) const {
+ return xmp_info_vector_[type].GetMimeType();
+ }
+ /// @param type The type of Xmp data to get the segment data ranges of.
+ /// @return The segment data ranges containing the Xmp data of the given type.
+ const std::vector<DataRange>& GetSegmentDataRanges(
+ JpegXmpInfo::Type type) const {
+ return xmp_info_vector_[type].GetSegmentDataRanges();
+ }
+ /// Adds a DataRange to the vector of image DataRanges.
+ /// @param image_range The data range of an image.
+ void AddImageRange(const DataRange& image_range) {
+ image_ranges_.push_back(image_range);
+ }
+ /// Adds a JpegSegmentInfo to the vector of JpegSegmentInfos.
+ /// @param jpeg_segment_info The info structure to add.
+ void AddSegmentInfo(const JpegSegmentInfo& segment_info) {
+ segment_infos_.push_back(segment_info);
+ }
+ /// @param data_range The DataRange where Apple depth information is located.
+ void SetAppleDepthImageRange(const DataRange& data_range) {
+ apple_depth_image_range_ = data_range;
+ }
+ /// @param data_range The DataRange where Apple matte information is located.
+ void SetAppleMatteImageRange(const DataRange& data_range) {
+ apple_matte_image_range_ = data_range;
+ }
+ /// @param type The type of Xmp data to set the mime type of.
+ /// @param mime_type The mime type of the Xmp data.
+ void SetMimeType(JpegXmpInfo::Type type, const std::string& mime_type) {
+ xmp_info_vector_[type].SetMimeType(mime_type);
+ }
+ /// @param type The type of Xmp data to set segment data ranges of.
+ /// @param segment_data_ranges The segment that contain the Xmp data.
+ void SetSegmentDataRanges(JpegXmpInfo::Type type,
+ const std::vector<DataRange>& segment_data_ranges) {
+ xmp_info_vector_[type].SetSegmentDataRanges(segment_data_ranges);
+ }
+ private:
+ /// The DataRanges of all images.
+ std::vector<DataRange> image_ranges_;
+ /// Interesting segment information. Currently information about APP0/JFIF,
+ /// APP1/EXIF and APP2/MPF segments are saved here.
+ std::vector<JpegSegmentInfo> segment_infos_;
+ /// The DataRange of the Apple depth information.
+ DataRange apple_depth_image_range_;
+ /// The DataRange of the Apple depth information.
+ DataRange apple_matte_image_range_;
+ /// A vector holding information about the Xmp segments containing GDepth and
+ /// GImage data.
+ std::vector<JpegXmpInfo> xmp_info_vector_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info_builder.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee4d611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_processor.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info_builder.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// JpegInfoBuilder is JpegSegmentProcessor that collects the location and type
+/// of depth information in the JPEG file so that subsequent operations can
+/// efficiently maniuplate it.
+class JpegInfoBuilder : public JpegSegmentProcessor {
+ public:
+ JpegInfoBuilder();
+ /// @return The JpegInfo with the depth information obtained from the
+ /// scanner as a result of processing the segments it processes.
+ const JpegInfo& GetInfo() const { return jpeg_info_; }
+ /// @param image_limit The max number of images to process. By default there
+ /// is no limit on the number of images processed.
+ void SetImageLimit(int image_limit) { image_limit_ = image_limit; }
+ /// By default the info builder does not capture the value of the segment in
+ /// the segment infos contained in the @c JpegInfo object. Call this function
+ /// to capture the bytes of the indicated segment types.
+ /// @param type The type of segment info to capture the value of.
+ void SetCaptureSegmentBytes(const std::string& segment_info_type);
+ void Start(JpegScanner* scanner) override;
+ void Process(JpegScanner* scanner, const JpegSegment& segment) override;
+ void Finish(JpegScanner* scanner) override;
+ private:
+ /// @return True if the data members indicate Apple depth is present.
+ bool HasAppleDepth() const;
+ /// @return True if the data members indicate Apple matte is present.
+ bool HasAppleMatte() const;
+ /// @return True if the segment is a primary Xmp segment.
+ bool IsPrimaryXmpSegment(const JpegSegment& segment) const;
+ /// @return True if the segment is an extended Xmp segment.
+ bool IsExtendedXmpSegment(const JpegSegment& segment) const;
+ /// @return True if the segment is an Mpf segment.
+ bool IsMpfSegment(const JpegSegment& segment) const;
+ /// @return True if the segment is an Exif segment.
+ bool IsExifSegment(const JpegSegment& segment) const;
+ /// @return True if the segment is an Jfif segment.
+ bool IsJfifSegment(const JpegSegment& segment) const;
+ /// Captures the segment bytes into the a JpegSegmentInfo's byte vector if
+ /// the SetCaptureSegmentBytes() has been called for the segment info type.
+ /// @param type The type of segment info being processed.
+ /// @param segment The segment being processed.
+ /// @param bytes A vector to hold the segment bytes.
+ void MaybeCaptureSegmentBytes(const std::string& type,
+ const JpegSegment& segment,
+ std::vector<Byte>* bytes) const;
+ /// @return True if the segment's extended xmp guid matches the one from the
+ /// primary xmp segment.
+ bool HasMatchingExtendedXmpGuid(const JpegSegment& segment) const;
+ /// @return True if the segment contains the given id.
+ bool HasId(const JpegSegment& segment, const char* id) const;
+ /// Sets the primary segment guid value using properties in the given segment.
+ /// @param The segment from which to obtain the primary xmp guid value.
+ void SetPrimaryXmpGuid(const JpegSegment& segment);
+ /// Sets the Xmp mime type using property values in the given segment.
+ /// @param The segment from which to obtain the mime property value.
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type of xmp data that determines the mime
+ /// property name to look for.
+ void SetXmpMimeType(const JpegSegment& segment,
+ JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type);
+ /// The limit on the number of images to process. After this many images have
+ /// been found, the Process() function will tell the JpegScanner to stop.
+ int image_limit_;
+ /// The number of images encountered in the JPEG file so far.
+ int image_count_;
+ /// The number of APP2/MPF segments encountered per image. One criterial used
+ /// to determine if Apple depth data is present is that the first image has
+ /// an APP2/MPF segment.
+ std::vector<int> image_mpf_count_;
+ /// The number of APP1/XMP segments encountered per image. Another criteria
+ /// used to determine if Apple depth data is present is that the second or
+ /// following image contains one of these segments.
+ std::vector<int> image_xmp_apple_depth_count_;
+ /// The number of APP1/XMP segments encountered per image. Another criteria
+ /// used to determine if Apple matte data is present is that the second or
+ /// following image contains one of these segments.
+ std::vector<int> image_xmp_apple_matte_count_;
+ /// The DataRange of the most recent SOI type segment. This is used to compute
+ /// the range of the image that represents the Apple depth data.
+ DataRange most_recent_soi_marker_range_;
+ /// The GUID value of the APP1/XMP segments that contain GDepth/GImage data.
+ std::string primary_xmp_guid_;
+ /// Builder helpers for gdepth and gimage xmp type segments.
+ JpegXmpInfoBuilder gdepth_info_builder_;
+ JpegXmpInfoBuilder gimage_info_builder_;
+ /// The collected data describing the type/location of data in the JPEG file.
+ JpegInfo jpeg_info_;
+ /// The types of the segment info type to capture the bytes of.
+ std::set<std::string> capture_segment_bytes_types_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_marker.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_marker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507382d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_marker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include <bitset>
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/types.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The size of the array that would be needed to reference all marker types.
+const size_t kJpegMarkerArraySize = 256;
+/// A JpegMarker begins each JpegSegment in a JPEG file. The first byte of a
+/// marker is 0xFF, and the second byte is the marker type value. Bytes with
+/// values 0x00 and 0xFF indicate not a JpegMarker, but a zero byte or fill
+/// byte, respectively. That is the sequence FF00 must be interpreted as a
+/// single byte with a 0 value. The specification says that multiple fill bytes
+/// may appear before a valid marker start: FFFFFFDA - the leading FFFF should
+/// be ignored.
+class JpegMarker {
+ public:
+ /// The length of the marker in the JPEG file. One byte for the 0xFF value,
+ /// and one byte for the marker type.
+ static const size_t kLength = 2;
+ /// The offset from the start of the JpegMarker that contains the marker type.
+ static const size_t kTypeOffset = 1;
+ /// The special byte value that may start a marker.
+ static const Byte kStart = 0xFF;
+ /// Special marker type values referenced elsewhere in the code.
+ static const Byte kZERO = 0;
+ static const Byte kSOS = 0xDA;
+ static const Byte kSOI = 0xD8;
+ static const Byte kEOI = 0xD9;
+ static const Byte kAPP0 = 0xE0;
+ static const Byte kAPP1 = 0xE1;
+ static const Byte kAPP2 = 0xE2;
+ static const Byte kFILL = 0xFF;
+ /// A set of bits, one for each type of marker.
+ using Flags = std::bitset<kJpegMarkerArraySize>;
+ /// Creates a JpegMarker with the given type value.
+ explicit JpegMarker(Byte type) : type_(type) {}
+ JpegMarker() = delete;
+ /// Not all byte values are used to represent markers. Bytes with values 0x00
+ /// and 0xFF indicate a zero byte or fill byte, respectively.
+ /// @return Whether this is a valid marker.
+ bool IsValid() const { return type_ != kZERO && type_ != kFILL; }
+ /// @return The type of the marker.
+ Byte GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return The name of the marker type.
+ const std::string GetName() const;
+ /// @param prefix A prefix for the returned string.
+ /// @return The <prefix>XX hex string representation of the type.
+ const std::string GetHexString(const std::string& prefix) const;
+ /// Some markers have two extra bytes that indicate the size of the segment's
+ /// data payload. See, Table B-2.
+ /// @return Whether this marker type has such a variable length payload.
+ bool HasVariablePayloadSize() const;
+ /// Some markers are delimiters in an otherwise continuous stream of bytes in
+ /// the JPEG file. See, Section
+ /// B.2.1.
+ /// @return Whether this is an entropy segment delimiter marker.
+ bool IsEntropySegmentDelimiter() const;
+ private:
+ /// The type value of the marker.
+ Byte type_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_scanner.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_scanner.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab0488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_scanner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_source.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_marker.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_processor.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// JpegScanner reads DataSegments from a DataSource, finds interesting
+/// JpegSegments and passes them on to a JpegSegmentProcessor for further
+/// examination.
+class JpegScanner {
+ public:
+ JpegScanner()
+ : data_source_(nullptr),
+ segment_processor_(nullptr),
+ current_location_(0),
+ done_(false),
+ has_error_(false) {}
+ /// Called to start and run the scanner.
+ /// @param data_source The DataSource from which to obtain DataSegments.
+ /// @param segment_processor The processor of the JpegSegment instances.
+ void Run(DataSource* data_source, JpegSegmentProcessor* segment_processor);
+ /// If the JpegSegmentProcessor determines that it has seen enough JpegSegment
+ /// instances, it can call this function to terminate the scanner prematurely.
+ void SetDone() { done_ = true; }
+ /// @return True if the done flag was set by SetDone(), else false.
+ bool IsDone() const { return done_; }
+ /// @return True if the scanner encountered errors.
+ bool HasError() const { return has_error_; }
+ /// @return The DataSource from which DataSegments are being read.
+ DataSource* GetDataSource() const { return data_source_; }
+ /// JpegSegmentProcessor instances can call this function to inform the
+ /// scanner about the types of JpegSegment instances it is interested in.
+ /// The JpegScanner will not send any uninteresting segments to the processor.
+ void UpdateInterestingMarkerFlags(const JpegMarker::Flags& marker_flags) {
+ interesting_marker_flags_ = marker_flags;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// Called from the Run() function to do the heavy lifting.
+ void FindAndProcessSegments();
+ /// @param marker The marker of the JpegSegment under construction.
+ /// @param begin_location The start of the JpegSegment under construction.
+ /// @return The size of the segment payload of given marker type that starts
+ /// at the specified location.
+ size_t GetPayloadSize(const JpegMarker& marker, size_t begin_location);
+ /// @return The validated byte value at the given location.
+ ValidatedByte GetValidatedByte(size_t location);
+ /// Calls GetValidatedByte() and returns its value if the byte is valid, else
+ /// sets the get_byte_error_ flag.
+ /// @return the byte value at the given location, or 0 if the byte is invalid.
+ Byte GetByte(size_t location);
+ /// Asks the DataSource for the next DataSegment.
+ void GetNextSegment();
+ private:
+ /// The DataSource from which DataSegments are obtained.
+ DataSource* data_source_;
+ /// The JpegSegmentProcessor to which JpegSegments are sent.
+ JpegSegmentProcessor* segment_processor_;
+ /// The JpegSegment types of interest to the JpegSegmentProcessor.
+ JpegMarker::Flags interesting_marker_flags_;
+ /// Depending on the DataSource, a given JpegSegment may span up to two
+ /// DataSegments. These are they.
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> current_segment_;
+ std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> next_segment_;
+ /// The current location of the scanner in the DataSource.
+ size_t current_location_;
+ /// A flag that indicates the scanner is done, naturally or prematurely.
+ bool done_;
+ /// A flag that indicates an error occurred while getting Byte data.
+ bool has_error_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a79fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_marker.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A JpegSegment is an entity in a JPEG file that starts with a JpegMarker and
+/// is followed by zero or more payload bytes. The JpegSegment has a DataRange
+/// that indicates the position of the segment in the originating DataSource.
+/// A JpegScanner obtains DataSegment instances from a DataSource in such a way
+/// that it can guarantee that a JpegSegment will span at most two DataSegment
+/// instances. Clients of JpegSegment need not be concerned with the number of
+/// underlying DataSegments if they use the member functions defined here to
+/// access the segment's bytes.
+class JpegSegment {
+ public:
+ /// If a JpegSegment has a variable length data payload, the payload data is
+ /// located at this offset from the start of the payload.
+ static constexpr size_t kVariablePayloadDataOffset = 2;
+ /// Constructs a JpegSegment starting and ending at the indicated points in
+ /// the given DataSegment instances, the second of which may be null.
+ /// @param begin The start of JpegSegment range.
+ /// @param end The end of JpegSegment range.
+ /// @param begin_segment The DataSegment that contains the begin location of
+ /// the JpegSegment and the end if the end_segment is null.
+ /// @param end_segment The DataSegment that contains the end location of the
+ /// JpegSegment if it is not null.
+ JpegSegment(size_t begin, size_t end, const DataSegment* begin_segment,
+ const DataSegment* end_segment)
+ : data_range_(begin, end),
+ begin_segment_(begin_segment),
+ end_segment_(end_segment){}
+ ~JpegSegment() = default;
+ /// @return The DataRange of the data in the segment.
+ const DataRange& GetDataRange() const { return data_range_; }
+ /// @return The begin location of the segment's data range.
+ size_t GetBegin() const { return data_range_.GetBegin(); }
+ /// @return The end location of the segment's data range.
+ size_t GetEnd() const { return data_range_.GetEnd(); }
+ /// @return The length of the segment's data range.
+ size_t GetLength() const { return data_range_.GetLength(); }
+ /// @return True if the segment's range contains the location, else false.
+ bool Contains(size_t location) const {
+ return data_range_.Contains(location);
+ }
+ /// @return The location of the segment's JpegMarker.
+ size_t GetMarkerLocation() const { return GetBegin(); }
+ /// @return The location of the segment's payload, which includes the payload
+ /// length if applicable for the type of segment.
+ size_t GetPayloadLocation() const { return GetBegin() + JpegMarker::kLength; }
+ /// @return The location of the segment's payload's data.
+ size_t GetPayloadDataLocation() const {
+ return GetMarker().HasVariablePayloadSize()
+ ? GetPayloadLocation() + kVariablePayloadDataOffset
+ : GetPayloadLocation();
+ }
+ /// @param The location at which to obtain the byte value.
+ /// @return The validated byte value at the location, or 0/false if the
+ /// segment's range does not contain the location.
+ ValidatedByte GetValidatedByte(size_t location) const {
+ return DataSegment::GetValidatedByte(location, begin_segment_,
+ end_segment_);
+ }
+ /// @return The payload size or zero if the segment's marker indicates the
+ /// segment does not have a payload. The payload size includes the two
+ /// bytes that encode the length of the payload. I.e., the payload data
+ /// size is two less than the value returned by this function.
+ size_t GetVariablePayloadSize() const;
+ /// @param location The start location of the compare operation.
+ /// @param str The string to compare the bytes with.
+ /// @return True if the segment's bytes at the given location equals the str.
+ bool BytesAtLocationStartWith(size_t location, const char* str) const;
+ /// @param location The start location of the search operation.
+ /// @param str The string to search for.
+ /// @return True if the segment's contains the string, starting at location.
+ bool BytesAtLocationContain(size_t location, const char* str) const;
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start the search.
+ /// @param value The byte value to search for.
+ /// @return The location in the segment's bytes of the next occurrence of the
+ /// given byte value, starting at the indicated location, or the segment's
+ /// range's GetEnd() location if not found.
+ size_t Find(size_t start_location, Byte value) const;
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start the search.
+ /// @param str The string to search for.
+ /// @return the location in the segment's bytes of the next occurrence of the
+ /// given string value, starting at the indicated location, or the
+ /// segment's range's GetEnd() location if not found.
+ size_t Find(size_t location, const char* str) const;
+ /// XMP property names have the syntax property_name="property_value".
+ /// @param segment The segment in which to look for the property name/value.
+ /// @param start_location Where to start looking for the property name.
+ /// @param property_name The name of the property to look for.
+ /// @return The string value associated with the xmp property name, or an
+ /// empty string if the property was not found.
+ std::string ExtractXmpPropertyValue(size_t start_location,
+ const char* property_name) const;
+ /// XMP property names have the syntax property_name="property_value".
+ /// @start_location The location in the segment to begin looking for the
+ /// property_name=" syntax.
+ /// @return The location of the next byte following the quote, or GetEnd() if
+ /// the property_name=" syntax was not found.
+ size_t FindXmpPropertyValueBegin(size_t start_location,
+ const char* property_name) const;
+ /// XMP property names have the syntax property_name="property_value".
+ /// @start_location The location in the segment to begin looking for the final
+ /// quote of the property value.
+ /// @return The location of quote that terminates the property_value, or
+ /// GetEnd() if the final quote was not found.
+ size_t FindXmpPropertyValueEnd(size_t start_location) const;
+ /// @param The DataRange to use to extract a string from the segment's bytes.
+ /// @return The string extracted from the segment at locations indicated by
+ /// the data_range, or an empty string if the data_range is not contained
+ /// in the segment's range, or any invalid or zero bytes are encountered.
+ std::string ExtractString(const DataRange& data_range) const;
+ /// @return the JpegMarker of this segment.
+ JpegMarker GetMarker() const {
+ size_t marker_type_location = GetMarkerLocation() + 1;
+ // An invalid ValidatedByte has a value of 0, and a JpegMarker with a 0
+ // type value is invalid, so its ok to just grab the ValidatedByte's value.
+ return JpegMarker(GetValidatedByte(marker_type_location).value);
+ }
+ /// Fills two strings with byte_count bytes from the start of the segment's
+ /// payload in a form suitable for creating a "hex dump" of the segment. Note
+ /// that if the jpeg segment has a entropy delimiter type marker, there is
+ /// technically no payload to dump. However in this case, as long as a valid
+ /// byte can be obtained from the jpeg segment's underlying data segments, a
+ /// byte value will be dumped to the strings.
+ /// @param byte_count The number of bytes to dump from the segment's payload.
+ /// @param hex_string A string that will be at most 2 * byte_count in length
+ /// that will contain the hex values of the bytes.
+ /// @param ascii_string A string that will be at most byte_count in length
+ /// that will contain the printable character of the bytes, or a '.' for
+ /// non-printable byte values.
+ void GetPayloadHexDumpStrings(size_t byte_count, std::string* hex_string,
+ std::string* ascii_string) const;
+ private:
+ /// The DataRange of the JpegSegment.
+ DataRange data_range_;
+ /// The DataSegment that contains the begin of the range and possibly the
+ /// end. This DataSegment will never be null.
+ const DataSegment* begin_segment_;
+ /// The DataSegment, that if not null, will contain the end location of the
+ /// JPegSegment's DataRange.
+ const DataSegment* end_segment_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_builder.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e714f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/byte_buffer.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A helper to assemble the data in a JpegSegment. Currently this is only used
+/// for testing purposes, but in the future may prove useful in the image_io
+/// library itself.
+class JpegSegmentBuilder {
+ public:
+ /// Sets the payload size value of the JpegSegment data in the byte buffer.
+ /// This function assumes that the byte buffer contains the data for exactly
+ /// one JpegSegment, and that the segment type has a variable payload size.
+ /// The byte buffer must have a size in the range [4:65535] for this to work.
+ /// @param byte_buffer The data defining the JpegSegment.
+ /// @return Whether the byte buffer's size was valid and the payload size set.
+ static bool SetPayloadSize(ByteBuffer* byte_buffer);
+ /// @return The vector of ByteData.
+ const std::vector<ByteData>& GetByteData() const { return byte_data_; }
+ /// @return The concatenated string values of all byte data, or an empty
+ /// string if there are invalid byte data entries. Note that the string
+ /// may have embedded null characters if there are any kAscii0 type
+ /// byte data elements present.
+ std::string GetByteDataValues() const;
+ /// Adds the byte data to the vector.
+ /// @param byte_data The byte data to add.
+ void AddByteData(const ByteData& byte_data) {
+ byte_data_.push_back(byte_data);
+ }
+ /// Adds a segment marker of the given type and payload size.
+ /// @param marker_type The type of segment marker to add.
+ /// @param size The size of the payload if the marker has a variable
+ /// size payload. This value must be in the range [2:65535], although no
+ /// check is performed to ensure that is the case.
+ void AddMarkerAndSize(Byte marker_type, size_t size);
+ /// Adds a segment marker of the given type, and "0000" placeholder value if
+ /// the type has a variable payload size. The SetSizePlaceholder() function
+ /// can be called later to set the actual size of the segment.
+ /// @param marker_type The type of segment marker to add.
+ /// @return The index in the vector of ByteData where the marker was added.
+ size_t AddMarkerAndSizePlaceholder(Byte marker_type);
+ /// Replacess the size of the segment marker that was previously added using
+ /// the AddMarkerAndSizePlaceholder() function. The first two bytes of the
+ /// ByteData at the given index must represent a valid JpegMarker that has
+ /// a variable length payload size.
+ /// @param index The index in the vector of ByteData set the size of.
+ /// @param size The size of the segment, including the size field itself.
+ /// This value must be in the range [2:65535].
+ /// @return Whether the size was set successfully.
+ bool ReplaceSizePlaceholder(size_t index, size_t size);
+ /// Adds the bytes that define an XMP header.
+ /// @param xmp_guid The guid value of the XMP data. If this value is not 32
+ /// bytes long, it is either truncated or extended with 0s.
+ void AddExtendedXmpHeader(const std::string& xmp_guid);
+ /// Adds the XMP syntax that appears at the start of an XMP segment. This
+ /// syntax appears after the XMP header in a segment, so this function should
+ /// be called after the AddExtendedXmpHeader() function.
+ void AddXmpMetaPrefix();
+ /// Adds the XMP syntax that appears at the end of an XMP segment. This syntax
+ /// finishes the XMP data, so it should be the last function called when
+ /// assembling the data for such a segment.
+ void AddXmpMetaSuffix();
+ /// Adds the RDF prefix that appears within the body of an XMP segment. This
+ /// syntax should be added before any XMP property names and values are added.
+ void AddRdfPrefix();
+ /// Adds the RDF suffix that appears within the body of an XMP segment. This
+ /// syntax should be added after all XMP property names and values are added.
+ void AddRdfSuffix();
+ /// Adds the RDF:Description prefix that appears within the body of an XMP
+ /// segment. This syntax should be added after the RDF prefix is added, but
+ /// before any XMP property names and values are added.
+ void AddRdfDescriptionPrefix();
+ /// Adds the RDF:Description suffix that appears within the body of an XMP
+ /// segment. This syntax should be added after after all XMP property names
+ /// and values are added, but before the RDF syntax is added.
+ void AddRdfDescriptionSuffix();
+ /// Adds the property name, and the '="' string that defines
+ /// the start of the name="value" string. After this call, you can
+ /// add the property value to the byte data vector, and then call the
+ /// AddXmpPropertySuffix() function to finish the definition.
+ /// @param property_name The name of the property to add.
+ void AddXmpPropertyPrefix(const std::string& property_name);
+ /// Adds a final quote to finish off the definition of a name="value" string.
+ void AddXmpPropertySuffix();
+ /// Adds the name="value" strings to define the XMP property name and value.
+ /// @param property_name The name of the property to add.
+ /// @param property_value The value of the property to add.
+ void AddXmpPropertyNameAndValue(const std::string& property_name,
+ const std::string& property_value);
+ /// Adds segment marker and the extended XMP header for an APP1/XMP type
+ /// segment that as extended XMP data. After this call you can either all the
+ /// AddXmpAndRdfPrefixes() function (if this is the first extended segment, or
+ /// just continue adding the property value contained in this segment.
+ /// @param xmp_guid The guid value of the XMP data. If this value is not 32
+ /// bytes long, it is either truncated or extended with 0s.
+ void AddApp1XmpMarkerAndXmpExtendedHeader(const std::string& xmp_guid);
+ /// Adds segment marker and all the prefixes to start the xmpmeta/rdf section
+ /// of the segment. After this call property names and values can be added,
+ /// and optionally the section can be completed by calling the
+ /// AddXmpAndRdfSuffixes() function.
+ void AddXmpAndRdfPrefixes();
+ /// Adds the suffixes to complete the definition of an APP1/XMP segment. Call
+ /// this function after the AddApp1XmpPrefixes() and after adding property
+ /// names and values to the byte data.
+ void AddXmpAndRdfSuffixes();
+ private:
+ std::vector<ByteData> byte_data_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_info.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb25db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/base/types.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// Interesting segment types.
+const char kExif[] = "Exif";
+const char kJfif[] = "JFIF";
+const char kMpf[] = "MPF";
+/// A class that holds interesting information about a JpegSegment.
+class JpegSegmentInfo {
+ public:
+ /// @param image_index The index of the image in a @c DataSource that contains
+ /// the segment.
+ /// @param data_range The range in the segment in the @c DataSource.
+ /// @param type The type of segment.
+ JpegSegmentInfo(size_t image_index, const DataRange& data_range,
+ const std::string& type)
+ : image_index_(image_index), data_range_(data_range), type_(type) {}
+ /// Constructs an empty, invalid segment info.
+ JpegSegmentInfo() : image_index_(0) {}
+ JpegSegmentInfo(const JpegSegmentInfo&) = default;
+ JpegSegmentInfo& operator=(const JpegSegmentInfo&) = default;
+ /// @param rhs The segment info to compare with this one.
+ /// @return Whether the segment infos are equal
+ bool operator==(const JpegSegmentInfo& rhs) const {
+ return image_index_ == rhs.image_index_ && data_range_ == rhs.data_range_ &&
+ type_ == rhs.type_ && bytes_ == rhs.bytes_;
+ }
+ /// @param rhs The segment info to compare with this one.
+ /// @return Whether the segment infos are not equal
+ bool operator!=(const JpegSegmentInfo& rhs) const {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ /// @return Whether the segment info is valid.
+ bool IsValid() const { return !type_.empty() && data_range_.IsValid(); }
+ /// @return The image index of the segment info.
+ size_t GetImageIndex() const { return image_index_; }
+ /// @return The data range of the segment info.
+ const DataRange& GetDataRange() const { return data_range_; }
+ /// @return The type of the segment info.
+ const std::string& GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return The (optional) bytes of the segment to which the info refers. The
+ /// vector will be empty unless the GetMutableBytes() function has been
+ /// and the vector filled with the segment contents.
+ const std::vector<Byte>& GetBytes() const { return bytes_; }
+ /// @return A non-const pointer to the bytes vector.
+ std::vector<Byte>* GetMutableBytes() { return &bytes_; }
+ private:
+ // The image index where the segment is located.
+ size_t image_index_;
+ // The data range of the segment.
+ DataRange data_range_;
+ // The type of segment.
+ std::string type_;
+ // The (optional) bytes of the segment.
+ std::vector<Byte> bytes_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_lister.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_lister.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2a19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_lister.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_processor.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// JpegSegmentLister is an implementation of JpegSegmentProcesor that creates
+/// a listing (in the form of a vector of strings) describing the segments.
+class JpegSegmentLister : public JpegSegmentProcessor {
+ public:
+ JpegSegmentLister();
+ void Start(JpegScanner* scanner) override;
+ void Process(JpegScanner* scanner, const JpegSegment& segment) override;
+ void Finish(JpegScanner* scanner) override;
+ /// @return The lines representing the listing of the segments.
+ const std::vector<std::string>& GetLines() const { return lines_; }
+ private:
+ /// The number of occurences of the various segment types.
+ std::vector<int> marker_type_counts_;
+ /// The lines representing the listing output.
+ std::vector<std::string> lines_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_processor.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_processor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a193797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment_processor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+class JpegScanner;
+/// JpegSegmentProcessor is the abstract base class for implementations that do
+/// something with the JPEG segments that the JpegScanner identifies.
+class JpegSegmentProcessor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~JpegSegmentProcessor() = default;
+ /// This function is called at the start of the JPegScanner::Run() function to
+ /// allow this JpegProcessor to initialize its data structures. It can also
+ /// inform the JpegScanner about preferences for the types of segments it is
+ /// interested in by calling the JpegScanner::UpdateInterestingMarkerFlags()
+ /// function.
+ /// @param scanner The scanner that is starting the JpegProcessor.
+ virtual void Start(JpegScanner* scanner) = 0;
+ /// This function is called repeatedly by the JpegScanner as it identifies
+ /// segments in the JPEG file. The JpegProcessor can access the data in the
+ /// segment to do interesting things, or can update the scanner's preferences
+ /// like in the Start() function.
+ /// @param scanner The scanner that is providing the segment to the processor.
+ /// @param segment The segment provided by the scanner to the processor.
+ virtual void Process(JpegScanner* scanner, const JpegSegment& segment) = 0;
+ /// This function is called after the JpegScanner has provided all the
+ /// segments to the JpegProcessor to allow the processor to finish its work
+ /// processing the segments.
+ /// @param scanner The scanner that is informing the processor that it is done
+ /// finding segments.
+ virtual void Finish(JpegScanner* scanner) = 0;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_data_extractor.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_data_extractor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d62a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_data_extractor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_destination.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_info.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A class that can make use of the data in a JpegInfo instance to extract
+/// the xmp data JpegSegments passed to it and forward it to a DataDestination.
+class JpegXmpDataExtractor : public DataDestination {
+ public:
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type of xmp data being extracted.
+ /// @param segment_count The number of segment ranges over which the xmp
+ /// data is spread.
+ /// @param data_destination The destination to which the extracted xmp data
+ /// is to be sent.
+ JpegXmpDataExtractor(JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type, size_t segment_count,
+ DataDestination* data_destination)
+ : xmp_info_type_(xmp_info_type),
+ last_segment_index_(segment_count - 1),
+ data_destination_(data_destination),
+ has_error_(false) {}
+ /// Set the current segment index to the given value.
+ /// @param segment_index The index of the segment currently being processed.
+ void SetSegmentIndex(size_t segment_index) { segment_index_ = segment_index; }
+ /// @return True if there was an error in the extraction process.
+ bool HasError() const { return has_error_; }
+ void StartTransfer() override;
+ TransferStatus Transfer(const DataRange& transfer_range,
+ const DataSegment& data_segment) override;
+ void FinishTransfer() override;
+ /// @return The number of bytes written not to this extractor destination, but
+ /// to the next destination. Returns zero if the next destination is null.
+ size_t GetBytesTransferred() const override {
+ return data_destination_ ? data_destination_->GetBytesTransferred() : 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// The type of xmp data being extracted.
+ JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type_;
+ /// The xmp data require special processing when the last segment is being
+ /// transferred. This value is the index of the last segment.
+ size_t last_segment_index_;
+ /// The DataDestination that the extracted xmp data is sent to.
+ DataDestination* data_destination_;
+ /// The xmp data is spread over one or more segments in the DataSource. This
+ /// index tracks which one is being transferred.
+ size_t segment_index_;
+ /// A true value indicates that an error occurred in the decoding process.
+ bool has_error_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bda3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+const size_t kXmpGuidSize = 32;
+const char kXmpId[] = "";
+const char kXmpExtendedId[] = "";
+const size_t kXmpExtendedHeaderSize =
+ sizeof(kXmpExtendedId) + kXmpGuidSize + 2 * sizeof(std::uint32_t);
+/// Constants used to find and process information in APP1/XMP type segments.
+const char kXmpAppleDepthId[] = "";
+const char kXmpAppleMatteId[] = "";
+const char kXmpGDepthV1Id[] = "";
+const char kXmpGImageV1Id[] = "";
+const char kXmpHasExtendedId[] = "xmpNote:HasExtendedXMP";
+/// JpegXmpInfo maintains information about the data in an Xmp property, such as
+/// are used to store the GDepth and GImage data.
+class JpegXmpInfo {
+ public:
+ /// The possible types of Xmp information.
+ enum Type {
+ /// GDepth:Data type information.
+ kGDepthInfoType,
+ /// GImage:Data type information.
+ kGImageInfoType,
+ };
+ /// Initializes a vector of JpegXmpinfo instances, indexed by their type.
+ /// @param xmp_info_vector The vector to initialize.
+ static void InitializeVector(std::vector<JpegXmpInfo>* xmp_info_vector);
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type to get the identifier of.
+ /// @return The identfier that appears at the start of the Xmp segment.
+ static std::string GetIdentifier(Type jpeg_xmp_info_type);
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type to get the data property name of.
+ /// @return The name of the data property that appears in the Xmp segment.
+ static std::string GetDataPropertyName(Type jpeg_xmp_info_type);
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type to get the mime property name of.
+ /// @return The name of the mime property that appears in the primary
+ /// Xmp segment.
+ static std::string GetMimePropertyName(Type jpeg_xmp_info_type);
+ explicit JpegXmpInfo(Type type) : type_(type) {}
+ JpegXmpInfo(const JpegXmpInfo&) = default;
+ JpegXmpInfo& operator=(const JpegXmpInfo&) = default;
+ /// @return The type of the Xmp property information.
+ Type GetType() const { return type_; }
+ /// @return The mime type of the Xmp data.
+ std::string GetMimeType() const { return mime_type_; }
+ /// @param mime_type The mime type to assign to this instance.
+ void SetMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) { mime_type_ = mime_type; }
+ /// @return The segment's data ranges where this Xmp data occurs.
+ const std::vector<DataRange>& GetSegmentDataRanges() const {
+ return segment_data_ranges_;
+ }
+ /// @param The segment data ranges to assign to this instance.
+ void SetSegmentDataRanges(const std::vector<DataRange>& segment_data_ranges) {
+ segment_data_ranges_ = segment_data_ranges;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// The type of the Xmp information.
+ Type type_;
+ /// The mime type of the Xmp data.
+ std::string mime_type_;
+ /// The segment data ranges that contain the Xmp data.
+ std::vector<DataRange> segment_data_ranges_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info_builder.h b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62b3ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_segment.h"
+#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A helper class for building information about the segments that contain
+/// extended xmp data of various types.
+class JpegXmpInfoBuilder {
+ public:
+ /// @param xmp_info_type The type of xmp information to build.
+ explicit JpegXmpInfoBuilder(JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type)
+ : xmp_info_type_(xmp_info_type) {}
+ /// @param segment The segment to examine for xmp data.
+ void ProcessSegment(const JpegSegment& segment);
+ /// @return The vector of segment data ranges that contains xmp property data.
+ const std::vector<DataRange>& GetPropertySegmentRanges() const {
+ return property_segment_ranges_;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// The type of xmp data to collect.
+ JpegXmpInfo::Type xmp_info_type_;
+ /// The vector of segment data ranges that contains xmp property data.
+ std::vector<DataRange> property_segment_ranges_;
+ /// The segment data range that contains the xmp property data end.
+ DataRange property_end_segment_range_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/tools/image_tool_function.h b/includes/image_io/tools/image_tool_function.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f730359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/tools/image_tool_function.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include <functional>
+#include <string>
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// All output of the ImageTool() function and the underlying image_io functions
+/// are sent to this type of function that is passed to ImageTool(). Client code
+/// can use a function that writes the line to stdout or to a log file. The
+/// str parameter may have embedded new line characters in it. The function
+/// should not write its own new line at the end of the str.
+using ImageToolOutputter = std::function<void(const std::string& str)>;
+/// The ImageTool entry point, easily callable from a main() type function.
+/// @param argc The number of strings in the argv array.
+/// @param argv The options and values used in the command line.
+/// @param outputter A function to output the strings produced by ImageTool().
+/// @return A zero value for successful, non-zero for an error.
+int ImageTool(int argc, const char* argv[],
+ const ImageToolOutputter& outputter);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/utils/file_utils.h b/includes/image_io/utils/file_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a469d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/utils/file_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/data_segment.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A policy that controls whether an error is reported or not.
+enum class ReportErrorPolicy { kDontReportError, kReportError };
+/// @param file_name The name of the file to get the size in bytes of.
+/// @param size A pointer to a variable to receive the size.
+/// @return Whether file size was obtained properly.
+bool GetFileSize(const std::string& file_name, size_t* size);
+/// @param file_name The name of the file to open for output.
+/// @return An ostream pointer or nullptr if the open failed.
+std::unique_ptr<std::ostream> OpenOutputFile(
+ const std::string& file_name, ReportErrorPolicy report_error_policy);
+/// @param file_name The name of the file to open for input.
+/// @return An istream pointer or nullptr if the open failed.
+std::unique_ptr<std::istream> OpenInputFile(
+ const std::string& file_name, ReportErrorPolicy report_error_policy);
+/// Opens the named file for input, gets its size, and reads the entire contents
+/// into a data segment that is returned to the caller.
+/// @param file_name The name of the file to open for input.
+/// @return A DataSegment pointer or nullptr if the open and reading failed.
+std::shared_ptr<DataSegment> ReadEntireFile(
+ const std::string& file_name, ReportErrorPolicy report_error_policy);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_action.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_action.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dce6c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_action.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include <functional>
+#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_handler_context.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+class XmlActionContext;
+class XmlTerminal;
+/// The definition for an action function associated with an XmlTerminal.
+/// If the action does not need to change the result of the terminal, it can
+/// simply return the value from XmlActionContext::GetResult().
+using XmlAction =
+ std::function<DataMatchResult(const XmlActionContext& context)>;
+/// The data context passed from an XmlTerminal to its action function.
+class XmlActionContext : public XmlHandlerContext {
+ public:
+ XmlActionContext(const XmlHandlerContext& context, XmlTerminal* terminal,
+ const DataMatchResult& result)
+ : XmlHandlerContext(context), terminal_(terminal), result_(result) {}
+ XmlActionContext(size_t location, const DataRange& range,
+ const DataSegment& segment, const DataLineMap& data_line_map,
+ XmlHandler* handler, XmlTerminal* terminal,
+ const DataMatchResult& result)
+ : XmlHandlerContext(location, range, segment, data_line_map, handler),
+ terminal_(terminal),
+ result_(result) {}
+ /// @return The terminal associated with the context.
+ XmlTerminal* GetTerminal() const { return terminal_; }
+ /// @return The result associated with the constext.
+ const DataMatchResult& GetResult() const { return result_; }
+ /// @param bytes_consumed The value to set in the returned result.
+ /// @return A result based on the context's action, but with its bytes
+ /// consumed value set to the given value.
+ DataMatchResult GetResultWithBytesConsumed(size_t bytes_consumed) const {
+ auto result = result_;
+ return result.SetBytesConsumed(bytes_consumed);
+ }
+ private:
+ XmlTerminal* terminal_;
+ DataMatchResult result_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_attribute_rule.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_attribute_rule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..564af07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_attribute_rule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The XmlAttributeRule parses the following syntax:
+/// S? Name S? = S? 'Value'
+/// S? Name S? = S? "Value"
+class XmlAttributeRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlAttributeRule();
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's AttributeName() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the name terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleName(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's AttributeValue() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the quoted string terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleValue(const XmlActionContext& context);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_cdata_and_comment_rules.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_cdata_and_comment_rules.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc2e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_cdata_and_comment_rules.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The XmlCdataRule parses the following syntax "<![CDATA[ ... ]]>".
+/// As mentioned in the comments for the XmlHandler::Cdata() function, the token
+/// value that is passed to the handler never includes the leading "<![CDATA["
+/// syntax and always includes the trailing "]]>" syntax. This considerably
+/// simplifies the parsing task. The alternate start point constructor is used
+/// by the XmlCdataOrCommentRule.
+class XmlCdataRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlCdataRule();
+ explicit XmlCdataRule(StartPoint start_point);
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's Cdata() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleCdataValue(const XmlActionContext& context);
+/// The XmlCommentRule parses the following syntax "<!-- ... -->".
+/// As mentioned in the comments for the XmlHandler::Comment() function, the
+/// token value that is passed to the handler never includes the leading "<!--"
+/// syntax and always includes the trailing "-->" syntax. This considerably
+/// simplifies the parsing task. The alternate start point constructor is used
+/// by the XmlCdataOrCommentRule.
+class XmlCommentRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlCommentRule();
+ explicit XmlCommentRule(StartPoint start_point);
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's Comment() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleCommentValue(const XmlActionContext& context);
+/// This rule will use chain delegation to start either the XmlCdataRule or the
+/// XmlCommentRule, depending on the text being parsed. The syntax for XML is
+/// pretty poor here - the parser needs to look ahead two characters from the <
+/// character to determine what to do. The alternate start point constructor is
+/// used by the XmlElementContentRule.
+class XmlCdataOrCommentRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlCdataOrCommentRule();
+ explicit XmlCdataOrCommentRule(StartPoint start_point);
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and creates the
+ /// XmlCdataRule or XmlCommentRule to chain to depending on what character
+ /// follows the exclamation point of the "<!" syntax.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the action context.
+ DataMatchResult HandlePostBangChar(const XmlActionContext& context);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_element_rules.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_element_rules.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f40f370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_element_rules.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The XmlElementRule parses the following syntax:
+/// Element ::= EmptyElemTag | STag content ETag
+/// EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
+/// STag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'
+/// ETag ::= '</' Name S? '>'
+/// The Attribute syntax is parsed by XmlAttributeRule, which this rule
+/// delegates to as a child rule. The EmptyElemTag type syntax is handled by
+/// this rule. The STag part of the syntax is handled by this rule, but the
+/// element contents and the ETag syntax is handled by the XmlElementContentRule
+/// that is chained to by this rule.
+class XmlElementRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlElementRule();
+ explicit XmlElementRule(StartPoint start_point);
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's StartElement() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleName(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ /// Handles the book keeping after parsing the whitespace following the name
+ /// of the element, basically looking ahead to see if an XmlAttributeRule has
+ /// to be delegated to as a child rule, or if the element ends.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value action context.
+ DataMatchResult HandlePostWhitespaceChar(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's FinishElement() function in response to the final literal in
+ /// the EmptyElemTag type sytax. As written in the comment for the XmlHandler
+ /// FinishElement() function, the token context passed to the handler in this
+ /// case will have an invalid range and a XmlPortion value of kNone - i.e.,
+ /// the element name is not available tfor this form of the element syntax.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleEmptyElemTagEnd(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ /// Handles the book keeping after parsing the final ">" literal of the STag
+ /// syntax of the rule, creating an XmlElementContentRule for use as a chained
+ /// to rule.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value action context.
+ DataMatchResult HandleSTagEnd(const XmlActionContext& context);
+/// The XmlElementContentRule parses the following syntax:
+/// (c? Element | PI | CDATA | Comment )+ ETag
+/// The "c?" syntax represents the character data passed to the XmlHandler's
+/// ElementContent() function. The syntax for Element, PI, CDATA and Comment
+/// all cause a child rule to be created and delegated to. The ETag syntax will
+/// cause this element to be finished with a DataMatchResult type of kFull.
+class XmlElementContentRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlElementContentRule();
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's ElementContent() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleContent(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ /// Handles the book keeping after parsing the element's content characters,
+ /// and the first character literal ("<") of the Element, PI, CDATA or Comment
+ /// syntax, creating an appropriate child rule to delegate the processing to.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value action context.
+ DataMatchResult HandlePostOpenChar(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's FinishElement() function. No check is done by the rule to verify
+ /// that the element name matches the one that was passed to the handler's
+ /// StartElement.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandleEndTag(const XmlActionContext& context);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_handler.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_handler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdf3d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_handler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_token_context.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The handler that is called by XmlRule instances as they parse XML syntax
+/// and produce tokens defined in the XmlTokenContext. Each handler function
+/// may be called multiple times with different XmlPortion values. The first
+/// time the XmlPortion::kBegin bit will be set. The last time, XmlPortion::kEnd
+/// will be set. In between, XmlPortion::kMiddle will be set. If the entire
+/// token value is available for the handler, all three bits will be set.
+/// The implementation of each function in this base class returns the
+/// DataMatchResult value that the context provides. The function overrides in
+/// subclasses can return the same context value, or a copy that is modified
+/// with a different result type, message and "can continue" flag.
+class XmlHandler {
+ public:
+ virtual ~XmlHandler() = default;
+ /// This function is called to start an XML element. Once started, any of
+ /// the other handler functions may be called.
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the element name.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult StartElement(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to finish an XML element. Each call to this
+ /// function should be paired with a call to a StartElement function.
+ /// @param context The token context used to obtain the match result for
+ /// returning. For this function, the context might not have a valid token
+ /// value: the XmlPortion will always be kNone and the token range invalid.
+ /// This is the case if the syntax parsed is an empty element like this:
+ /// "<SomeElement [Attribute=Name]... />". For non empty elements with syntax:
+ /// "<SomeElement>...</SomeElement>", the value will be the element name.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult FinishElement(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to define an attribute name. This function will
+ /// never be called unless an element has been started with a prior call to
+ /// the StartElement() function.
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the attribute name.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult AttributeName(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to define an attribute value. The token value
+ /// passed to this function always includes the quote marks at the begin and
+ /// end of the token value. The quote marks always match and may be either a
+ /// single quote (') or a double quote ("). Sometimes attribute values can be
+ /// very long, so implementations of this function should use care if they
+ /// retain the value as a string for later processing. This function will
+ /// never be called unless an element has been started with a prior call to
+ /// the StartElement() and AttributeName() functions.
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the attribute value.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult AttributeValue(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to define a block of characters in the body of
+ /// an element. This function may be called multiple times for a given
+ /// element. Handlers that are interested in the character content for an
+ /// element should concatenate the token values from all calls to obtain the
+ /// full value for the element.
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the content value.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult ElementContent(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to inform the handler of a comment. A comment in
+ /// XML has the syntax "<!--...-->". In order to simplify the XML parsing
+ /// task, the tokens passed to this function never include the leading "<!--"
+ /// characters, but always include the trailing "-->".
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the comment.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult Comment(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to inform the handler CDATA block. A CDATA block
+ /// in XML has the syntax "<![CDATA[...]]>". In order to simplify the XML
+ /// parsing task, the tokens passed to this function never include the leading
+ /// "<![CDATA[" characters, but always include the trailing "]]".
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the CDATA block.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult Cdata(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+ /// This function is called to define a processing instruction. Processing
+ /// instructions have an XML syntax "<?...?>". In order to simplify the XML
+ /// parsing task, no parsing of the processing instruction is done: handlers
+ /// that need the contents parsed are on their own. Also, again to simplify
+ /// the XML parsing task, the tokens passed to this function never include the
+ /// leading "<?" characters, but always include the trailing "?>".
+ /// @param context The token context used to specify the processing data.
+ /// @return The match result from the context, or one that is modified to
+ /// contain an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult Pi(const XmlTokenContext& context);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_handler_context.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_handler_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5595118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_handler_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "image_io/base/data_context.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+class XmlHandler;
+class XmlHandlerContext : public DataContext {
+ public:
+ XmlHandlerContext(const DataContext& context, XmlHandler* handler)
+ : DataContext(context), handler_(handler) {}
+ XmlHandlerContext(size_t location, const DataRange& range,
+ const DataSegment& segment,
+ const DataLineMap& data_line_map, XmlHandler* handler)
+ : DataContext(location, range, segment, data_line_map),
+ handler_(handler) {}
+ XmlHandler* GetHandler() const { return handler_; }
+ private:
+ XmlHandler* handler_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_pi_rule.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_pi_rule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..674a3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_pi_rule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// The XmlPiRule parses the processing information syntax: "<?...?>". This
+/// syntax is considerably simplified from the official XML specification. As
+/// documented in the comments for the XmlHandler Pi() function, The leading
+/// "<?" syntax is never sent to the handler, while the trailing "?>" literal
+/// is always sent as part of the processing content token. This approach makes
+/// it much easier to parse XML syntax. The alternate start point constructor
+/// is used by the XmlElementContentRule.
+class XmlPiRule : public XmlRule {
+ public:
+ XmlPiRule();
+ explicit XmlPiRule(StartPoint start_point);
+ private:
+ /// Builds an XmlTokenContext from the XmlActionContext and calls the
+ /// handler's Pi() function.
+ /// @param context The action context from the rule's terminal.
+ /// @return The result value from the handler's function.
+ DataMatchResult HandlePiValue(const XmlActionContext& context);
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_portion.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_portion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..673c958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_portion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// An bit-type enum for indicating what part of an entity is defined: the
+/// begin, middle and or end. Bitwise "and" and "or" operators are defined to
+/// combine and test values.
+enum class XmlPortion {
+ kNone = 0,
+ kBegin = 1,
+ kMiddle = 2,
+ kEnd = 4,
+/// @return The value that results from the bitwise "and" of given portions.
+inline XmlPortion operator&(XmlPortion lhs, XmlPortion rhs) {
+ int lhs_value = static_cast<int>(lhs);
+ int rhs_value = static_cast<int>(rhs);
+ return static_cast<XmlPortion>(lhs_value & rhs_value);
+/// @return The value that results from the bitwise "or" of given portions.
+inline XmlPortion operator|(XmlPortion lhs, XmlPortion rhs) {
+ int lhs_value = static_cast<int>(lhs);
+ int rhs_value = static_cast<int>(rhs);
+ return static_cast<XmlPortion>(lhs_value | rhs_value);
+/// @param value The value to use for the test.
+/// @param mask The mask to use for the test.
+/// @return Whether any of the bits in the mask are set in the value.
+inline bool ContainsAny(XmlPortion value, XmlPortion mask) {
+ return (value & mask) != XmlPortion::kNone;
+/// @param value The value to use for the test.
+/// @param mask The mask to use for the test.
+/// @return Whether all of the bits in the mask are set in the value.
+inline bool ContainsAll(XmlPortion value, XmlPortion mask) {
+ return (value & mask) == mask;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_reader.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_reader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a42b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_reader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_line_map.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
+#include "image_io/base/message.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_handler_context.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A class for reading and parsing the text of a data segment, resulting in the
+/// functions of an XmlHandler to be called. This reader's Parse() function can
+/// be called multiple times for text that spans multiple data segments. Errors
+/// are reported to the message handler as they are encountered. In general,
+/// there will be three types of errors: internal (programming), syntax, and
+/// value errors. Internal errors can come from any where in this code base;
+/// Only one such error is permitted per StartParse/Parse... sequence. Syntax
+/// errors are usually issued by XmlRule instances; like internal errors, only
+/// one such error is tolerated per StartParse/Parse... sequence. XmlHandler
+/// functions may issue value errors; multiple such value errors are tolerated.
+class XmlReader {
+ public:
+ explicit XmlReader(XmlHandler* handler)
+ : handler_(handler),
+ bytes_parsed_(0),
+ has_internal_or_syntax_error_(false),
+ has_errors_(false) {}
+ /// Sets up the reader for parsing data segment text using the given XmlRule.
+ /// @param rule The top level rule to use when parsing the data segment text.
+ /// @return Whether the reader was set up propertly.
+ bool StartParse(std::unique_ptr<XmlRule> rule);
+ /// Parses the text portion of the data segment starting at a location. This
+ /// function may be called multiple times for text that spans multiple data
+ /// segments.
+ /// @param start_location The location at which to start reading/parsing.
+ /// This location must be contained in the range parameter.
+ /// @param range The portion of the data segment to parse. This range value
+ /// must be contained in the range returned by DataSegment::GetRange()
+ /// @param segment The segment containing the text to parse.
+ /// @return Whether the parsing was successful.
+ bool Parse(size_t start_location, const DataRange& range,
+ const DataSegment& segment);
+ /// Finishes up the reading/parsing process. The rule passed to StartParse()
+ /// must have consumed all the text of the segments and be "done", otherwise
+ /// this function will issue an error message.
+ /// @param Whether the reading/parsing operation was completed successfully.
+ bool FinishParse();
+ /// @return The total number of bytes of text that have been read/parsed.
+ size_t GetBytesParsed() const { return bytes_parsed_; }
+ /// @return Whether errors have been encountered in reading/parsing the text.
+ bool HasErrors() const { return has_errors_; }
+ /// @return The handler that handles the output of the parsing operations.
+ XmlHandler* GetHandler() const { return handler_; }
+ private:
+ /// Sets up the context's name list that is used when creating error message.
+ /// @parma context The context to set up.
+ void InitializeContextNameList(XmlHandlerContext* context);
+ /// Reports the message indicated in the result to the message handler and
+ /// updates the data boolean data members indicating errors.
+ /// @param result The result value for an XmlRule::Parse function.
+ /// @param context The context for generating an error message if needed.
+ void ReportError(const DataMatchResult& result, const DataContext& context);
+ /// Reports the message to the message handler and updates the data boolean
+ /// data members indicating errors.
+ /// @param message The message to send to the message handler.
+ void ReportError(const Message& message);
+ /// The reader's handler.
+ XmlHandler* handler_;
+ /// A data line map used for error message creation.
+ DataLineMap data_line_map_;
+ /// The pending and active rules.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<XmlRule>> rule_stack_;
+ /// The total number of bytes that have been parsed.
+ size_t bytes_parsed_;
+ /// Whether an internal or syntax error has occurred.
+ bool has_internal_or_syntax_error_;
+ /// Whether any type of error has occurred.
+ bool has_errors_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_rule.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_rule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c76f87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_rule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_handler_context.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_terminal.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A rule represents a sequence of terminals to match text from a DataSource,
+/// and the state needed to keep track the parsing operation in case the text
+/// is split across multiple DataSegments. XmlRules collaborate with an instance
+/// of XmlHandler to process the token values the terminals produce.
+/// Terminals are added in the constructors of the rule subclasses, and are
+/// not typically accessed directly from the clients of an XmlRule. Instead,
+/// XmlRule clients normally just call the rule's Parse function and take action
+/// based on the DataMatchResult value that is returned. The functions of the
+/// XmlHandler are called internally by the rule's terminals as they parse the
+/// text in the data segment.
+/// Normally, the terminals are parsed by the Parse() function in a sequential
+/// manner until they are exhausted. At which time the Parse function returns
+/// with a DataMatchResult that has a type equal to kFull. If the DataSegment
+/// runs out of data before the end of the final terminal, the result type will
+/// be kPartialOutOfData. Of course if any of the terminals' scanners detect an
+/// error the result type will be kError.
+/// Rules may decide to delegate the parsing process to another rule. There are
+/// two types of delegation:
+/// 1. Rule chaining - in this case a rule decides that another rule should
+/// be used instead to continue the parsing process. This situation is
+/// indicated when the result type is kFull and the rule's HasNextRule()
+/// function returns true. The chained-to rule is obtained by calling the
+/// rule's GetNextRule() function. The current rule can be discarded.
+/// 2. Child rules - in this case a "parent" rule decides that the next set of
+/// syntax should be parsed by another "child" rule, and after that rule
+/// completes, the parsing task should be returned to the parent rule. This
+/// situaltion is indicated when the result type is kPartial and the rule's
+/// HasNextRule() returns true. The child rule is obtained by calling the
+/// rule's GetNextRule() function. The current parent rule should be placed
+/// on a stack until the child rule is done, and then the child discarded and
+/// the parent rule used for the next Parse operation.
+/// The action functions associated with a terminal are typically used to create
+/// the next rule and set the result type and thus initiate the delegation
+/// process. When the XmlRule::Parse function detects a delegation has been
+/// requested, it returns to its caller so that the caller can handle the
+/// delegation in the appropriate fashion. For an example, see the XmlReader's
+/// Parse() function.
+/// In addition to delegation the action functions associated with a terminal
+/// can change the order of the terminals processed from a strictly sequential
+/// order to whatever the rule so desires. This is done by calling the rule's
+/// SetTerminalIndex() function. Terminals can be identified by name using the
+/// GetTerminalIndexFromName() function if the rule's terminals were
+/// constructed with names. If the terminal index of a rule is set to a
+/// terminal that has already been used, the terminal's scanners state must be
+/// reset in order for it to parse successfully again. Sometimes the entire
+/// rule is "restarted" in which case the ResetTerminalScanners() function can
+/// be called to reset the scanners of all the rules terminals.
+/// Finally, because of the look-ahead needs of the XML grammar, some rules
+/// support alternate "starting points", allowing them to skip some set of
+/// initial terminals when the rule's Parse() function is called. Rules that
+/// support this feature will have a constructor with an StartPoint parameter.
+class XmlRule {
+ public:
+ /// For rules that support alternate starting points, this enum provides the
+ /// values at which a rule's Parse() function can begin.
+ enum StartPoint {
+ /// Start parsing at the first terminal position.
+ kFirstStartPoint,
+ /// STart parsing at a second (alternative) position.
+ kSecondStartPoint,
+ };
+ virtual ~XmlRule() = default;
+ explicit XmlRule(const std::string& name);
+ /// @return The name of the rule.
+ const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }
+ /// Parse the text indicated in the context's data segment and range and call
+ /// the context's XmlHandler functions as needed. The implementation of this
+ /// function makes use of the terminals contained by the rule, but it is
+ /// declared virtual so that subclasses can customize as needed.
+ /// @param context The context describing the text to parse and the handler
+ /// to call.
+ /// @param A result that indicates the type of match that occurred, the number
+ /// of bytes consumed and an error message if needed.
+ virtual DataMatchResult Parse(XmlHandlerContext context);
+ /// Adds a literal terminal to the rule.
+ /// @param literal The literal value to scan for.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddLiteralTerminal(const std::string& literal);
+ /// Adds a name terminal to the rule.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddNameTerminal();
+ /// Adds a quoted string terminal to the rule.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddQuotedStringTerminal();
+ /// Adds a sentinel terminal to the rule.
+ /// @param sentinels The sentinel values to scan for.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddSentinelTerminal(const std::string& sentinels);
+ /// Adds a scan through literal terminal to the rule.
+ /// @param literal The literal value to scan through.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddThroughLiteralTerminal(const std::string& literal);
+ /// Adds a whitespace terminal to the rule.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddWhitespaceTerminal();
+ /// Adds an optional whitespace terminal to the rule.
+ /// @return The terminal, enabling direct calls to WithName()/WithAction().
+ XmlTerminal& AddOptionalWhitespaceTerminal();
+ /// @return The number of terminals in the rule.
+ size_t GetTerminalCount() const { return terminals_.size(); }
+ /// @return The index of the terminal currently parsing text.
+ size_t GetTerminalIndex() const { return terminal_index_; }
+ /// @param name The name of the terminal to look for.
+ /// @return The index of the terminal with the given name, or the value
+ /// returned by the rule's GetTerminalCount() if not found.
+ size_t GetTerminalIndexFromName(const std::string name) const;
+ /// @param terminal_index The index of the terminal that should next be used
+ /// for parsing the input text.
+ void SetTerminalIndex(size_t terminal_index);
+ /// @return The terminal currently parsing text, or nullptr if there is none.
+ XmlTerminal* GetCurrentTerminal();
+ /// @param index The index of the terminal to get.
+ /// @return The terminal at the given index, or nullptr if index is invalid.
+ XmlTerminal* GetTerminal(size_t index);
+ /// Resets the scanner's state of all the terminals in the rule.
+ void ResetTerminalScanners();
+ /// @return Whether the rule has a next rule for delegation.
+ bool HasNextRule() const;
+ /// @return Returns the next rule to the caller. If there is no next rule,
+ /// the get function of the returned unique_ptr will return nullptr.
+ std::unique_ptr<XmlRule> ReleaseNextRule();
+ /// @param next_rule The new rule to use for delegation purposes.
+ void SetNextRule(std::unique_ptr<XmlRule> next_rule);
+ private:
+ std::string name_;
+ std::vector<XmlTerminal> terminals_;
+ std::unique_ptr<XmlRule> next_rule_;
+ size_t terminal_index_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_terminal.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_terminal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d999f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_terminal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/data_scanner.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_action.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_token_context.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// A terminal represents a part of a rule that uses a DataScanner to match
+/// zero or more characters from a DataSource. A terminal can also have a name
+/// that can be be used in error messages and also used to identify it in a
+/// rule. A terminal can also have an action function associated with it that it
+/// can use to validate the token produced by the terminal/scanner, and do
+/// further processing with the token. Finally, the terminal's action function
+/// can manipulate the DataMatchResult that was produced by the terminal's
+/// scanner and accessible via the action function's XmlActionContext param.
+class XmlTerminal {
+ public:
+ explicit XmlTerminal(const DataScanner& scanner) : scanner_(scanner){}
+ /// Sets the name of the terminal. Looks best with an XmlRule::AddTerminal
+ /// function: AddWhitespaceTerminal().WithName("SomeName");
+ /// @param name The name to give to the terminal.
+ /// @return A reference to the terminal.
+ XmlTerminal& WithName(const std::string& name) {
+ name_ = name;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Sets the action of the terminal. Looks best with an XmlRule::AddTerminal
+ /// function: AddWhitespaceTerminal().WithAction(SomeAction);
+ /// @param action The action to give to the terminal.
+ /// @return A reference to the terminal.
+ XmlTerminal& WithAction(const XmlAction& action) {
+ action_ = action;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// @return The terminal's scanner.
+ DataScanner* GetScanner() { return &scanner_; }
+ /// @return The terminal's name.
+ const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }
+ /// @return The terminal's action function.
+ const XmlAction& GetAction() const { return action_; }
+ private:
+ DataScanner scanner_;
+ XmlAction action_;
+ std::string name_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats
diff --git a/includes/image_io/xml/xml_token_context.h b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_token_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cceca5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/xml/xml_token_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "image_io/base/data_context.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_match_result.h"
+#include "image_io/base/data_range.h"
+#include "image_io/xml/xml_portion.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+class XmlActionContext;
+/// A token context is passed from the action of an XmlTerminal to an XmlHandler
+/// associated with the XmlActionContext used to call the action function.
+class XmlTokenContext : public DataContext {
+ public:
+ explicit XmlTokenContext(const XmlActionContext& context);
+ XmlTokenContext(size_t location, const DataRange& range,
+ const DataSegment& segment, const DataLineMap& data_line_map,
+ const DataMatchResult& result, const DataRange& token_range,
+ const XmlPortion& token_portion);
+ /// @return The result associated with the context.
+ const DataMatchResult& GetResult() const { return result_; }
+ /// @return The token range for the token. Note that the token range may not
+ /// be a subrange of the context's GetRange() or even the context's segment's
+ /// data range. Such would be the case when a token's value is split across
+ /// two or more data segments.
+ const DataRange& GetTokenRange() const { return token_range_; }
+ /// @return The portion of the token that this context represents. This
+ /// portion value can be the bitwise or of any of the XmlPortion bit values.
+ const XmlPortion& GetTokenPortion() const { return token_portion_; }
+ /// Builds the string value of the token. If the context's token portion has
+ /// the XmlPortion::kBegin bit set, the string value is first cleared. Then
+ /// the string is extracted from the context's data source and appended onto
+ /// the value. Remember that some token values (especially attribute values)
+ /// can be quite long so care should be excercised when obtaining values with
+ /// this function.
+ /// @param value The value of the token being built.
+ /// @return Whether the token value is complete (i.e., the context's portion
+ /// had the XmlPortion::kEnd bit set).
+ bool BuildTokenValue(std::string* value) const;
+ static XmlPortion ComputeTokenPortion(size_t token_scan_count,
+ DataMatchResult::Type result_type);
+ private:
+ DataMatchResult result_;
+ DataRange token_range_;
+ XmlPortion token_portion_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats