path: root/jimfs/src/test/java/com/google/common/jimfs/JimfsUnixLikeFileSystemTest.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-07Remove PathSubject.andThat().cgdecker
2019-04-29Run google-java-format over all of JimFS.kak
2019-03-21Fix an issue with Files.newOutputStream for Jimfs where it wouldn't truncate ...cgdecker
2018-01-16Suppress errors for streams that contain closeable resources (#63)Ron Shapiro
2016-03-23A couple attribute-related changes:cgdecker
2016-03-21Throw UOE when setting unsupported attributesJason Tedor
2015-06-22Fix cases where return value of method in java.nio.file.Path is not used.eaftan
2015-06-03Format Jimfs with google-java-format.cgdecker
2015-02-26Change URIs for Unix- and Windows-like paths to end with a / if the file is a...cgdecker
2015-02-18Migrate from Truth's deprecated .is(expected) to .isEqualTo(expected).kak
2015-02-18Cleanup usages of deprecated Truth APIs.kak
2014-11-05Migrate off of deprecated Truth methodskak
2014-11-05Migrate users off of deprecated (or soon to be deprecated) Truth APIs.kak
2014-11-05Reduce visibility of Subject.isNotA()kak
2014-11-05Add assertThat(Comparable) overload for custom comparable types.kak
2014-11-05Rename helper methods named "assertThat" in AbstractJimfsIntegrationTest to "...cgdecker
2014-11-05Migrate from Truth.ASSERT to Truth.assert_ or Truth.assertThat.kak
2014-11-05Update Truth package name to the new location.kak
2014-11-05Migrate usages of Truth's Subject.is(Object) to isEqualTo(Object). The former...kak
2014-06-10Move all classes to com.google.common.jimfs.Colin Decker