path: root/compiler-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/google/devtools/ksp/Incremental.kt
diff options
authorColin Cross <ccross@android.com>2023-04-24 04:48:35 +0000
committerAutomerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>2023-04-24 04:48:35 +0000
commitd168506853c10dacdd1f7f5f13611b895be492a5 (patch)
treeeb4f6ef1605d14946320f6652a41372d71d2e7ab /compiler-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/google/devtools/ksp/Incremental.kt
parent295843a05a00584ebc2e7f8154fb6a5bf182b3a2 (diff)
parent66b9316e25743140a5f83990d9c1d4a8646e8dfc (diff)
Merge tag '1.8.10-1.0.9' am: 74434ab5e5 am: 083ebb0f8b am: 2ff1c5a5fb am: 66b9316e25
Original change: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/ksp/+/2536510 Change-Id: I0977a4ae752857003602f7ba3bc22e41d5a3a22f Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/google/devtools/ksp/Incremental.kt')
1 files changed, 786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/google/devtools/ksp/Incremental.kt b/compiler-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/google/devtools/ksp/Incremental.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed528641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler-plugin/src/main/kotlin/com/google/devtools/ksp/Incremental.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.google.devtools.ksp
+import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.*
+import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.impl.findPsi
+import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.impl.java.KSFunctionDeclarationJavaImpl
+import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.impl.java.KSPropertyDeclarationJavaImpl
+import com.google.devtools.ksp.visitor.KSDefaultVisitor
+import com.intellij.psi.*
+import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.PsiClassReferenceType
+import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap
+import com.intellij.util.io.DataExternalizer
+import com.intellij.util.io.IOUtil
+import com.intellij.util.io.KeyDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.container.ComponentProvider
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.container.get
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.*
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupTracker
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.Position
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.ScopeKind
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.storage.BasicMap
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.storage.CollectionExternalizer
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.storage.FileToPathConverter
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.getAllSuperclassesWithoutAny
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.supertypes
+import java.io.DataInput
+import java.io.DataOutput
+import java.io.File
+import java.nio.file.Files
+import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
+import java.util.*
+abstract class PersistentMap<K : Comparable<K>, V>(
+ storageFile: File,
+ keyDescriptor: KeyDescriptor<K>,
+ valueExternalizer: DataExternalizer<V>,
+) : BasicMap<K, V>(storageFile, keyDescriptor, valueExternalizer) {
+ abstract operator fun get(key: K): V?
+ abstract operator fun set(key: K, value: V)
+ abstract fun remove(key: K)
+class FileToSymbolsMap(storageFile: File) : PersistentMap<File, Collection<LookupSymbol>>(
+ storageFile,
+ FileKeyDescriptor,
+ CollectionExternalizer(LookupSymbolExternalizer, { HashSet() })
+) {
+ override fun dumpKey(key: File): String = key.toString()
+ override fun dumpValue(value: Collection<LookupSymbol>): String = value.toString()
+ fun add(file: File, symbol: LookupSymbol) {
+ storage.append(file, listOf(symbol))
+ }
+ override operator fun get(key: File): Collection<LookupSymbol>? = storage[key]
+ override operator fun set(key: File, symbols: Collection<LookupSymbol>) {
+ storage[key] = symbols
+ }
+ override fun remove(key: File) {
+ storage.remove(key)
+ }
+ val keys: Collection<File>
+ get() = storage.keys
+object FileKeyDescriptor : KeyDescriptor<File> {
+ override fun read(input: DataInput): File {
+ return File(IOUtil.readString(input))
+ }
+ override fun save(output: DataOutput, value: File) {
+ IOUtil.writeString(value.path, output)
+ }
+ override fun getHashCode(value: File): Int = value.hashCode()
+ override fun isEqual(val1: File, val2: File): Boolean = val1 == val2
+object LookupSymbolExternalizer : DataExternalizer<LookupSymbol> {
+ override fun read(input: DataInput): LookupSymbol = LookupSymbol(IOUtil.readString(input), IOUtil.readString(input))
+ override fun save(output: DataOutput, value: LookupSymbol) {
+ IOUtil.writeString(value.name, output)
+ IOUtil.writeString(value.scope, output)
+ }
+object FileExternalizer : DataExternalizer<File> {
+ override fun read(input: DataInput): File = File(IOUtil.readString(input))
+ override fun save(output: DataOutput, value: File) {
+ IOUtil.writeString(value.path, output)
+ }
+class FileToFilesMap(storageFile: File) : PersistentMap<File, Collection<File>>(
+ storageFile,
+ FileKeyDescriptor,
+ CollectionExternalizer(FileExternalizer, { HashSet() })
+) {
+ override operator fun get(key: File): Collection<File>? = storage[key]
+ override operator fun set(key: File, value: Collection<File>) {
+ storage[key] = value
+ }
+ override fun dumpKey(key: File): String = key.path
+ override fun dumpValue(value: Collection<File>) =
+ value.dumpCollection()
+ override fun remove(key: File) {
+ storage.remove(key)
+ }
+ val keys: Collection<File>
+ get() = storage.keys
+object symbolCollector : KSDefaultVisitor<(LookupSymbol) -> Unit, Unit>() {
+ override fun defaultHandler(node: KSNode, data: (LookupSymbol) -> Unit) = Unit
+ override fun visitDeclaration(declaration: KSDeclaration, data: (LookupSymbol) -> Unit) {
+ if (declaration.isPrivate())
+ return
+ val name = declaration.simpleName.asString()
+ val scope =
+ declaration.qualifiedName?.asString()?.let { it.substring(0, Math.max(it.length - name.length - 1, 0)) }
+ ?: return
+ data(LookupSymbol(name, scope))
+ }
+ override fun visitDeclarationContainer(declarationContainer: KSDeclarationContainer, data: (LookupSymbol) -> Unit) {
+ // Local declarations aren't visible to other files / classes.
+ if (declarationContainer is KSFunctionDeclaration)
+ return
+ declarationContainer.declarations.forEach {
+ it.accept(this, data)
+ }
+ }
+internal class RelativeFileToPathConverter(val baseDir: File) : FileToPathConverter {
+ override fun toPath(file: File): String = file.path
+ override fun toFile(path: String): File = File(path).relativeTo(baseDir)
+class IncrementalContext(
+ private val options: KspOptions,
+ private val componentProvider: ComponentProvider,
+ private val anyChangesWildcard: File,
+) {
+ // Symbols defined in changed files. This is used to update symbolsMap in the end.
+ private val updatedSymbols = MultiMap.createSet<File, LookupSymbol>()
+ // Sealed classes / interfaces on which `getSealedSubclasses` is invoked.
+ // This is used to update sealedMap in the end.
+ private val updatedSealed = MultiMap.createSet<File, LookupSymbol>()
+ // Sealed classes / interfaces on which `getSealedSubclasses` is invoked.
+ // This is saved across processing.
+ private val sealedMap = FileToSymbolsMap(File(options.cachesDir, "sealed"))
+ // Symbols defined in each file. This is saved across processing.
+ private val symbolsMap = FileToSymbolsMap(File(options.cachesDir, "symbols"))
+ private val cachesUpToDateFile = File(options.cachesDir, "caches.uptodate")
+ private val rebuild = !cachesUpToDateFile.exists()
+ private val baseDir = options.projectBaseDir
+ private val logsDir = File(options.cachesDir, "logs").apply { mkdirs() }
+ private val buildTime = Date().time
+ private val modified = options.knownModified.map { it.relativeTo(baseDir) }.toSet()
+ private val removed = options.knownRemoved.map { it.relativeTo(baseDir) }.toSet()
+ private val lookupTracker: LookupTracker = componentProvider.get()
+ // Disable incremental processing if somehow DualLookupTracker failed to be registered.
+ // This may happen when a platform hasn't support incremental compilation yet. E.g, Common / Metadata.
+ private val isIncremental = options.incremental && lookupTracker is DualLookupTracker
+ private val PATH_CONVERTER = RelativeFileToPathConverter(baseDir)
+ private val symbolLookupTracker = (lookupTracker as? DualLookupTracker)?.symbolTracker ?: LookupTracker.DO_NOTHING
+ private val symbolLookupCacheDir = File(options.cachesDir, "symbolLookups")
+ private val symbolLookupCache = LookupStorage(symbolLookupCacheDir, PATH_CONVERTER)
+ // TODO: rewrite LookupStorage to share file-to-id, etc.
+ private val classLookupTracker = (lookupTracker as? DualLookupTracker)?.classTracker ?: LookupTracker.DO_NOTHING
+ private val classLookupCacheDir = File(options.cachesDir, "classLookups")
+ private val classLookupCache = LookupStorage(classLookupCacheDir, PATH_CONVERTER)
+ private val sourceToOutputsMap = FileToFilesMap(File(options.cachesDir, "sourceToOutputs"))
+ private fun String.toRelativeFile() = File(this).relativeTo(baseDir)
+ private val KSFile.relativeFile
+ get() = filePath.toRelativeFile()
+ private fun collectDefinedSymbols(ksFiles: Collection<KSFile>) {
+ ksFiles.forEach { file ->
+ file.accept(symbolCollector) {
+ updatedSymbols.putValue(file.relativeFile, it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private val removedOutputsKey = File("<This is a virtual key for removed outputs; DO NOT USE>")
+ private fun updateFromRemovedOutputs() {
+ val removedOutputs = sourceToOutputsMap.get(removedOutputsKey) ?: return
+ symbolLookupCache.removeLookupsFrom(removedOutputs.asSequence())
+ classLookupCache.removeLookupsFrom(removedOutputs.asSequence())
+ removedOutputs.forEach {
+ symbolsMap.remove(it)
+ sealedMap.remove(it)
+ }
+ sourceToOutputsMap.remove(removedOutputsKey)
+ }
+ private fun updateLookupCache(dirtyFiles: Collection<File>) {
+ symbolLookupCache.update(symbolLookupTracker, dirtyFiles, options.knownRemoved)
+ symbolLookupCache.flush(false)
+ symbolLookupCache.close()
+ classLookupCache.update(classLookupTracker, dirtyFiles, options.knownRemoved)
+ classLookupCache.flush(false)
+ classLookupCache.close()
+ }
+ private fun logSourceToOutputs(outputs: Set<File>, sourceToOutputs: Map<File, Set<File>>) {
+ if (!options.incrementalLog)
+ return
+ val logFile = File(logsDir, "kspSourceToOutputs.log")
+ logFile.appendText("=== Build $buildTime ===\n")
+ logFile.appendText("Accumulated source to outputs map\n")
+ sourceToOutputsMap.keys.forEach { source ->
+ logFile.appendText(" $source:\n")
+ sourceToOutputsMap[source]!!.forEach { output ->
+ logFile.appendText(" $output\n")
+ }
+ }
+ logFile.appendText("\n")
+ logFile.appendText("Reprocessed sources and their outputs\n")
+ sourceToOutputs.forEach { (source, outputs) ->
+ logFile.appendText(" $source:\n")
+ outputs.forEach {
+ logFile.appendText(" $it\n")
+ }
+ }
+ logFile.appendText("\n")
+ // Can be larger than the union of the above, because some outputs may have no source.
+ logFile.appendText("All reprocessed outputs\n")
+ outputs.forEach {
+ logFile.appendText(" $it\n")
+ }
+ logFile.appendText("\n")
+ }
+ private fun logDirtyFiles(
+ files: Collection<KSFile>,
+ allFiles: Collection<KSFile>,
+ removedOutputs: Collection<File> = emptyList(),
+ dirtyFilesByCP: Collection<File> = emptyList(),
+ dirtyFilesByNewSyms: Collection<File> = emptyList(),
+ dirtyFilesBySealed: Collection<File> = emptyList(),
+ ) {
+ if (!options.incrementalLog)
+ return
+ val logFile = File(logsDir, "kspDirtySet.log")
+ logFile.appendText("=== Build $buildTime ===\n")
+ logFile.appendText("All Files\n")
+ allFiles.forEach { logFile.appendText(" ${it.relativeFile}\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Modified\n")
+ modified.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Removed\n")
+ removed.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Disappeared Outputs\n")
+ removedOutputs.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Affected By CP\n")
+ dirtyFilesByCP.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Affected By new syms\n")
+ dirtyFilesByNewSyms.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Affected By sealed\n")
+ dirtyFilesBySealed.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("CP changes\n")
+ options.changedClasses.forEach { logFile.appendText(" $it\n") }
+ logFile.appendText("Dirty:\n")
+ files.forEach {
+ logFile.appendText(" ${it.relativeFile}\n")
+ }
+ val percentage = "%.2f".format(files.size.toDouble() / allFiles.size.toDouble() * 100)
+ logFile.appendText("\nDirty / All: $percentage%\n\n")
+ }
+ // Beware: no side-effects here; Caches should only be touched in updateCaches.
+ fun calcDirtyFiles(ksFiles: List<KSFile>): Collection<KSFile> = closeFilesOnException {
+ if (!isIncremental) {
+ return ksFiles
+ }
+ if (rebuild) {
+ collectDefinedSymbols(ksFiles)
+ logDirtyFiles(ksFiles, ksFiles)
+ return ksFiles
+ }
+ val newSyms = mutableSetOf<LookupSymbol>()
+ // Parse and add newly defined symbols in modified files.
+ ksFiles.filter { it.relativeFile in modified }.forEach { file ->
+ file.accept(symbolCollector) {
+ updatedSymbols.putValue(file.relativeFile, it)
+ newSyms.add(it)
+ }
+ }
+ val dirtyFilesByNewSyms = newSyms.flatMap {
+ symbolLookupCache.get(it).map { File(it) }
+ }
+ val dirtyFilesBySealed = sealedMap.keys.flatMap { sealedMap[it]!! }.flatMap {
+ symbolLookupCache.get(it).map { File(it) }
+ }
+ // Calculate dirty files by dirty classes in CP.
+ val dirtyFilesByCP = options.changedClasses.flatMap { fqn ->
+ val name = fqn.substringAfterLast('.')
+ val scope = fqn.substringBeforeLast('.', "<anonymous>")
+ classLookupCache.get(LookupSymbol(name, scope)).map { File(it) } +
+ symbolLookupCache.get(LookupSymbol(name, scope)).map { File(it) }
+ }.toSet()
+ // output files that exist in CURR~2 but not in CURR~1
+ val removedOutputs = sourceToOutputsMap.get(removedOutputsKey) ?: emptyList()
+ val noSourceFiles = options.changedClasses.map { fqn ->
+ NoSourceFile(baseDir, fqn).filePath.toRelativeFile()
+ }.toSet()
+ val initialSet = mutableSetOf<File>()
+ initialSet.addAll(modified)
+ initialSet.addAll(removed)
+ initialSet.addAll(removedOutputs)
+ initialSet.addAll(dirtyFilesByCP)
+ initialSet.addAll(dirtyFilesByNewSyms)
+ initialSet.addAll(dirtyFilesBySealed)
+ initialSet.addAll(noSourceFiles)
+ // modified can be seen as removed + new. Therefore the following check doesn't work:
+ // if (modified.any { it !in sourceToOutputsMap.keys }) ...
+ if (modified.isNotEmpty() || options.changedClasses.isNotEmpty()) {
+ initialSet.add(anyChangesWildcard)
+ }
+ val dirtyFiles = DirtinessPropagator(
+ symbolLookupCache,
+ symbolsMap,
+ sourceToOutputsMap,
+ anyChangesWildcard,
+ removedOutputsKey
+ ).propagate(initialSet)
+ updateFromRemovedOutputs()
+ logDirtyFiles(
+ ksFiles.filter { it.relativeFile in dirtyFiles },
+ ksFiles,
+ removedOutputs,
+ dirtyFilesByCP,
+ dirtyFilesByNewSyms,
+ dirtyFilesBySealed
+ )
+ return ksFiles.filter { it.relativeFile in dirtyFiles }
+ }
+ private fun updateSourceToOutputs(
+ dirtyFiles: Collection<File>,
+ outputs: Set<File>,
+ sourceToOutputs: Map<File, Set<File>>,
+ removedOutputs: List<File>,
+ ) {
+ // Prune deleted sources in source-to-outputs map.
+ removed.forEach {
+ sourceToOutputsMap.remove(it)
+ }
+ dirtyFiles.filterNot { sourceToOutputs.containsKey(it) }.forEach {
+ sourceToOutputsMap.remove(it)
+ }
+ removedOutputs.forEach {
+ sourceToOutputsMap.remove(it)
+ }
+ sourceToOutputsMap[removedOutputsKey] = removedOutputs
+ // Update source-to-outputs map from those reprocessed.
+ sourceToOutputs.forEach { src, outs ->
+ sourceToOutputsMap[src] = outs
+ }
+ logSourceToOutputs(outputs, sourceToOutputs)
+ sourceToOutputsMap.flush(false)
+ }
+ private fun updateOutputs(outputs: Set<File>, cleanOutputs: Collection<File>) {
+ val outRoot = options.kspOutputDir
+ val bakRoot = File(options.cachesDir, "backups")
+ fun File.abs() = File(baseDir, path)
+ fun File.bak() = File(bakRoot, abs().toRelativeString(outRoot))
+ // Copy recursively, including last-modified-time of file and its parent dirs.
+ //
+ // `java.nio.file.Files.copy(path1, path2, options...)` keeps last-modified-time (if supported) according to
+ // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/Files.html
+ fun copy(src: File, dst: File, overwrite: Boolean) {
+ if (!dst.parentFile.exists())
+ copy(src.parentFile, dst.parentFile, false)
+ if (overwrite) {
+ Files.copy(
+ src.toPath(),
+ dst.toPath(),
+ StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES,
+ StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
+ )
+ } else {
+ Files.copy(src.toPath(), dst.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES)
+ }
+ }
+ // Backing up outputs is necessary for two reasons:
+ //
+ // 1. Currently, outputs are always cleaned up in gradle plugin before compiler is called.
+ // Untouched outputs need to be restore.
+ //
+ // TODO: need a change in upstream to not clean files in gradle plugin.
+ // Not cleaning files in gradle plugin has potentially fewer copies when processing succeeds.
+ //
+ // 2. Even if outputs are left from last compilation / processing, processors can still
+ // fail and the outputs will need to be restored.
+ // Backup
+ outputs.forEach { generated ->
+ copy(generated.abs(), generated.bak(), true)
+ }
+ // Restore non-dirty outputs
+ cleanOutputs.forEach { dst ->
+ if (dst !in outputs) {
+ copy(dst.bak(), dst.abs(), false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun updateCaches(dirtyFiles: Collection<File>, outputs: Set<File>, sourceToOutputs: Map<File, Set<File>>) {
+ // dirtyFiles may contain new files, which are unknown to sourceToOutputsMap.
+ val oldOutputs = dirtyFiles.flatMap { sourceToOutputsMap[it] ?: emptyList() }.distinct()
+ val removedOutputs = oldOutputs.filterNot { it in outputs }
+ updateSourceToOutputs(dirtyFiles, outputs, sourceToOutputs, removedOutputs)
+ updateLookupCache(dirtyFiles)
+ // Update symbolsMap
+ fun <K : Comparable<K>, V> update(m: PersistentMap<K, Collection<V>>, u: MultiMap<K, V>) {
+ // Update symbol caches from modified files.
+ u.keySet().forEach {
+ m.set(it, u[it].toSet())
+ }
+ }
+ fun <K : Comparable<K>, V> remove(m: PersistentMap<K, Collection<V>>, removedKeys: Collection<K>) {
+ // Remove symbol caches from removed files.
+ removedKeys.forEach {
+ m.remove(it)
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rebuild) {
+ update(sealedMap, updatedSealed)
+ remove(sealedMap, removed)
+ update(symbolsMap, updatedSymbols)
+ remove(symbolsMap, removed)
+ } else {
+ symbolsMap.clean()
+ update(symbolsMap, updatedSymbols)
+ sealedMap.clean()
+ update(sealedMap, updatedSealed)
+ }
+ symbolsMap.flush(false)
+ symbolsMap.close()
+ sealedMap.flush(false)
+ sealedMap.close()
+ }
+ fun registerGeneratedFiles(newFiles: Collection<KSFile>) = closeFilesOnException {
+ if (!isIncremental)
+ return@closeFilesOnException
+ collectDefinedSymbols(newFiles)
+ }
+ private inline fun <T> closeFilesOnException(f: () -> T): T {
+ try {
+ return f()
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ symbolsMap.close()
+ sealedMap.close()
+ symbolLookupCache.close()
+ classLookupCache.close()
+ sourceToOutputsMap.close()
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: add a wildcard for outputs with no source and get rid of the outputs parameter.
+ fun updateCachesAndOutputs(
+ dirtyFiles: Collection<KSFile>,
+ outputs: Set<File>,
+ sourceToOutputs: Map<File, Set<File>>,
+ ) = closeFilesOnException {
+ if (!isIncremental)
+ return
+ cachesUpToDateFile.delete()
+ assert(!cachesUpToDateFile.exists())
+ val dirtyFilePaths = dirtyFiles.map { it.relativeFile }
+ updateCaches(dirtyFilePaths, outputs, sourceToOutputs)
+ val cleanOutputs = mutableSetOf<File>()
+ sourceToOutputsMap.keys.forEach { source ->
+ if (source !in dirtyFilePaths && source != anyChangesWildcard && source != removedOutputsKey)
+ cleanOutputs.addAll(sourceToOutputsMap[source]!!)
+ }
+ sourceToOutputsMap.close()
+ updateOutputs(outputs, cleanOutputs)
+ cachesUpToDateFile.createNewFile()
+ assert(cachesUpToDateFile.exists())
+ }
+ // Insert Java file -> names lookup records.
+ fun recordLookup(psiFile: PsiJavaFile, fqn: String) {
+ val path = psiFile.virtualFile.path
+ val name = fqn.substringAfterLast('.')
+ val scope = fqn.substringBeforeLast('.', "<anonymous>")
+ // Java types are classes. Therefore lookups only happen in packages.
+ fun record(scope: String, name: String) =
+ symbolLookupTracker.record(path, Position.NO_POSITION, scope, ScopeKind.PACKAGE, name)
+ record(scope, name)
+ // If a resolved name is from some * import, it is overridable by some out-of-file changes.
+ // Therefore, the potential providers all need to be inserted. They are
+ // 1. definition of the name in the same package
+ // 2. other * imports
+ val onDemandImports =
+ psiFile.getOnDemandImports(false, false).mapNotNull { (it as? PsiPackage)?.qualifiedName }
+ if (scope in onDemandImports) {
+ record(psiFile.packageName, name)
+ onDemandImports.forEach {
+ record(it, name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Record a *leaf* type reference. This doesn't address type arguments.
+ private fun recordLookup(ref: PsiClassReferenceType, def: PsiClass) {
+ val psiFile = ref.reference.containingFile as? PsiJavaFile ?: return
+ // A type parameter doesn't have qualified name.
+ //
+ // Note that bounds of type parameters, or other references in classes,
+ // are not addressed recursively here. They are recorded in other places
+ // with more contexts, when necessary.
+ def.qualifiedName?.let { recordLookup(psiFile, it) }
+ }
+ // Record a type reference, including its type arguments.
+ fun recordLookup(ref: PsiType) {
+ when (ref) {
+ is PsiArrayType -> recordLookup(ref.componentType)
+ is PsiClassReferenceType -> {
+ val def = ref.resolve() ?: return
+ recordLookup(ref, def)
+ // in case the corresponding KotlinType is passed through ways other than KSTypeReferenceJavaImpl
+ ref.typeArguments().forEach {
+ if (it is PsiType) {
+ recordLookup(it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ is PsiWildcardType -> ref.bound?.let { recordLookup(it) }
+ }
+ }
+ // Record all references to super types (if they are written in Java) of a given type,
+ // in its type hierarchy.
+ fun recordLookupWithSupertypes(kotlinType: KotlinType) {
+ (listOf(kotlinType) + kotlinType.supertypes()).mapNotNull {
+ it.constructor.declarationDescriptor?.findPsi() as? PsiClass
+ }.forEach {
+ it.superTypes.forEach {
+ recordLookup(it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Record all type references in a Java field.
+ private fun recordLookupForJavaField(psi: PsiField) {
+ recordLookup(psi.type)
+ }
+ // Record all type references in a Java method.
+ private fun recordLookupForJavaMethod(psi: PsiMethod) {
+ psi.parameterList.parameters.forEach {
+ recordLookup(it.type)
+ }
+ psi.returnType?.let { recordLookup(it) }
+ psi.typeParameters.forEach {
+ it.bounds.mapNotNull { it as? PsiType }.forEach {
+ recordLookup(it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Record all type references in a KSDeclaration
+ fun recordLookupForDeclaration(declaration: KSDeclaration) {
+ when (declaration) {
+ is KSPropertyDeclarationJavaImpl -> recordLookupForJavaField(declaration.psi)
+ is KSFunctionDeclarationJavaImpl -> recordLookupForJavaMethod(declaration.psi)
+ }
+ }
+ // Record all type references in a CallableMemberDescriptor
+ fun recordLookupForCallableMemberDescriptor(descriptor: CallableMemberDescriptor) {
+ val psi = descriptor.findPsi()
+ when (psi) {
+ is PsiMethod -> recordLookupForJavaMethod(psi)
+ is PsiField -> recordLookupForJavaField(psi)
+ }
+ }
+ // Record references from all declared functions in the type hierarchy of the given class.
+ // TODO: optimization: filter out inaccessible members
+ fun recordLookupForGetAllFunctions(descriptor: ClassDescriptor) {
+ recordLookupForGetAll(descriptor) {
+ it.methods.forEach {
+ recordLookupForJavaMethod(it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Record references from all declared fields in the type hierarchy of the given class.
+ // TODO: optimization: filter out inaccessible members
+ fun recordLookupForGetAllProperties(descriptor: ClassDescriptor) {
+ recordLookupForGetAll(descriptor) {
+ it.fields.forEach {
+ recordLookupForJavaField(it)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun recordLookupForGetAll(descriptor: ClassDescriptor, doChild: (PsiClass) -> Unit) {
+ (descriptor.getAllSuperclassesWithoutAny() + descriptor).mapNotNull {
+ it.findPsi() as? PsiClass
+ }.forEach { psiClass ->
+ psiClass.superTypes.forEach {
+ recordLookup(it)
+ }
+ doChild(psiClass)
+ }
+ }
+ fun recordGetSealedSubclasses(classDeclaration: KSClassDeclaration) {
+ val name = classDeclaration.simpleName.asString()
+ val scope = classDeclaration.qualifiedName?.asString()
+ ?.let { it.substring(0, Math.max(it.length - name.length - 1, 0)) } ?: return
+ updatedSealed.putValue(classDeclaration.containingFile!!.relativeFile, LookupSymbol(name, scope))
+ }
+ // Debugging and testing only.
+ fun dumpLookupRecords(): Map<String, List<String>> {
+ val map = mutableMapOf<String, List<String>>()
+ (symbolLookupTracker as LookupTrackerImpl).lookups.entrySet().forEach { e ->
+ val key = "${e.key.scope}.${e.key.name}"
+ map[key] = e.value.map { PATH_CONVERTER.toFile(it).path }
+ }
+ return map
+ }
+internal class DirtinessPropagator(
+ private val lookupCache: LookupStorage,
+ private val symbolsMap: FileToSymbolsMap,
+ private val sourceToOutputs: FileToFilesMap,
+ private val anyChangesWildcard: File,
+ private val removedOutputsKey: File
+) {
+ private val visitedFiles = mutableSetOf<File>()
+ private val visitedSyms = mutableSetOf<LookupSymbol>()
+ private val outputToSources = mutableMapOf<File, MutableSet<File>>().apply {
+ sourceToOutputs.keys.forEach { source ->
+ if (source != anyChangesWildcard && source != removedOutputsKey) {
+ sourceToOutputs[source]!!.forEach { output ->
+ getOrPut(output) { mutableSetOf() }.add(source)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun visit(sym: LookupSymbol) {
+ if (sym in visitedSyms)
+ return
+ visitedSyms.add(sym)
+ lookupCache.get(sym).forEach {
+ visit(File(it))
+ }
+ }
+ private fun visit(file: File) {
+ if (file in visitedFiles)
+ return
+ visitedFiles.add(file)
+ // Propagate by dependencies
+ symbolsMap[file]?.forEach {
+ visit(it)
+ }
+ // Propagate by input-output relations
+ // Given (..., I, ...) -> O:
+ // 1) if I is dirty, then O is dirty.
+ // 2) if O is dirty, then O must be regenerated, which requires all of its inputs to be reprocessed.
+ sourceToOutputs[file]?.forEach {
+ visit(it)
+ }
+ outputToSources[file]?.forEach {
+ visit(it)
+ }
+ }
+ fun propagate(initialSet: Collection<File>): Set<File> {
+ initialSet.forEach { visit(it) }
+ return visitedFiles
+ }