path: root/kotlin-analysis-api
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-05AA: implement mapJavaNameToKotlin and mapKotlinNameToJavaJiaxiang Chen
2022-11-29AA: Handle AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER for property declarations.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-29UPDATE_KOTLIN_VERSION: 1.8.20-dev-2904Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-22AA: fix origin for symbols from java libraries.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-22AA: fix docString for synthetic constructorsJiaxiang Chen
2022-11-22AA: workaround to java resolved type issue.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-15bump dokka to 1.7.20Martin Bonnin
2022-11-14AA: expand type alias for type arguments in functional types.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-14AA: implement star projected type correctly.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-07AA: implemented getDeclarationsFromPackageJiaxiang Chen
2022-11-07AA: filter kotlin.Any for Java classes with explicit super types.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-05AA: move use site annotations for property accessors and value parameters.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-05fix dependency for compiling module in multi module testJiaxiang Chen
2022-11-01AA: support local variables as KSPropertyDeclaration.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-01AA: support multiple module test for AA.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-11-01final Java fields should not be mutable.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-10-28UPDATE_KOTLIN_VERSION: 1.8.20-dev-1438Jiaxiang Chen
2022-10-19AA: manually add ABSTRACT modifier to inferface properties.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-10-19AA: add synthetic ExtensionFunctionType annotation.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-10-19AA: fix isFunctionType logic for KSTypeImplJiaxiang Chen
2022-10-07temporary disable AA tests on WindowsJiaxiang Chen
2022-10-04Implements referenceElement.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-10-04AA: use object cache for KSTypeReference.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-10-04use KtType for hashCode and equals checking for KSType`Jiaxiang Chen
2022-09-23respect nullability annotations on Java type references.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-09-23Use abbreviated type for creating reference elements from inherited declarati...Jiaxiang Chen
2022-09-15Unmutes more single module tests for analysis API.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-09-14remove unused dependencies in analysis API build script, move test data to te...Jiaxiang Chen
2022-09-13retrieve annotations for KSType from KotlinType instead of KSTypeReferenceJiaxiang Chen
2022-09-09change the modifiers to private from public and lift return out of 'if' (#1088)Taeyang Jin (Heli)
2022-08-30AA: implement KtType rendering logic.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-30AA: abstraction for converting KSTypeArgument to KtTypeArgument.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-30unmute declarationInconsistency test for AAJiaxiang Chen
2022-08-27AA: Unify ClassId to KtClassOrObjectSymbol lookup.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-27AA: implement annotation argument value.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-27fix test for hello.kt: sort test result.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-27Fix test case for testAnnotationOnConstructorParameter.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-20AA: add visibility check for getAllFunctions/getAllPropertiesJiaxiang Chen
2022-08-20Test Improvement: allFunctions test.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-20add missing TestMetadata for abstractFunctions testJiaxiang Chen
2022-08-15AA: use KtSymbolProviderByJavaPsiMixIn for converting PSI class to AA symbols.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-05AA: use the same project compiler bootstrap version for analysis API implemen...Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-02* Force AA test execution on single thread.Jiaxiang Chen
2022-08-02use StandAloneAnalysisAPISessionBuilder instead of KotlinCoreEnvironmentJiaxiang Chen
2022-08-02UPDATE AA version to 1.8.0-dev-446Jiaxiang Chen
2022-07-29AA: add type creation APIJiaxiang Chen
2022-06-28Recover `lateinit` modifier for descriptor-based implementations. (#1030)Fedor Ihnatkevich
2022-06-23AA: implement KSErrorTypeJiaxiang Chen
2022-06-23implement toString() for all symbolsJiaxiang Chen
2022-06-23AA: abstract common logic for KSDeclaration and KSExpectActualJiaxiang Chen