AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
13 dayschore: update Go dependencies via //:gazelle_update_repos (#6115)upstream-masterShahms King
13 daysbuild(deps): bump from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0 (#6106)dependabot[bot]
13 daysfeat(java_indexer): add names for native methods (#6108)zrlk
13 dayschore: fix clang-tidy-from-source build config and apply some fixes (#6114)Shahms King
13 daysfix(verifier_test): ensure tools use the same configuration as indexer (#6113)Shahms King
13 daysRevert "chore: build verifier_test deps in the exec configuration (#6110)" (#...Sal
2024-04-21chore: address clang-tidy complaints (#6111)Jay Sachs
2024-04-21feat(protobuf): add types for protobuf service RPCs (#6109)Jay Sachs
2024-04-21chore: build verifier_test deps in the exec configuration (#6110)Sal
2024-04-18feat(cxx_indexer): emit symbols for extern C function defns (#6104)zrlk
2024-04-18chore: update LLVM (#6105)Shahms King
2024-04-16fix(java_indexer): emit jvm refs for enum constants (#6103)Cody Schroeder
2024-04-16test: add JVM enum signature tests (#6102)Cody Schroeder
2024-04-16chore: update LLVM (#6101)Shahms King
2024-04-15chore: add some bzl_library dependencies (#6100)Shahms King
2024-04-15chore: add load() for ProtoInfo (#6099)Shahms King
2024-04-15test: suppress another warning in testdata (#6098)Cody Schroeder
2024-04-15feat(tools): --render_marked_source added to kythe docs cli (#6097)Cody Schroeder
2024-04-12Add `load()`s for the Bazel builtin java top-level symbols (#6096)hvadehra
2024-04-08chore: fix some comments (#6095)Cody Schroeder
2024-04-08feat(cxx_indexer): emit name nodes for flags (#6094)Cody Schroeder
2024-04-08fix(cxx_indexer): clarify the use of llvm::dyn_cast on ClaimTokens (#6093)zrlk
2024-04-04chore: update LLVM (#6091)Shahms King
2024-04-04Add `load()`s for the Bazel builtin java rules to `.bzl` files (#6090)hvadehra
2024-04-03chore(cxx_tests): extend extractor toolchain interface for internal use (#6089)Shahms King
2024-03-26feat(tools): entrystream support for printing textproto (#6087)Jay Sachs
2024-03-26feat(typescript_indexer): add flag to fail analysis on plugin error (#6079)Mikita Belahlazau
2024-03-25chore(cxx_indexer): use IgnoreImpCasts instead of single-step cast (#6086)Shahms King
2024-03-25feat(go_indexer): ref/writes for flag.Set invocations (#6085)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-24feat(cxx_indexer): look through the obvious casts for init types (#6081)zrlk
2024-03-23feat(cxx_indexer): only emit flattened type representations once (#6082)zrlk
2024-03-23fix(cxx_indexer): use flat_hash_map, not unordered_map; fix rehashing (#6083)zrlk
2024-03-22feat(cxx_indexer): experiment with variable initializer types (#6080)zrlk
2024-03-21style: hide verbose verifier logging, by default (#6078)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-21fix(java_indexer): emit node kinds for jvm nodes (#6077)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-20feat(testing): provide ability to save logs from indexers in verifier_test (#...Mikita Belahlazau
2024-03-20chore: remove unused env vars in indexer test to fix #6074 (#6076)Shahms King
2024-03-20chore: update LLVM (#6073)Shahms King
2024-03-20feat(build): regenerate checked-in source artifacts in pre-commit (#6072)Shahms King
2024-03-20build: remove script (#6071)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-20build: add _sync targets to bazel fix commands (#6070)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-19build: remove rust dependencies (#6069)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-19feat: define a Language schema enum (#6067)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-19fix(extraction): add proto rule to simple vnames config (#6068)Justin Buchanan
2024-03-19Replace instances of to_proto() method with proto.encode_text(..) (#6066)Charles Mita
2024-03-19refactor: use "flag" language for flag name nodes (#6065)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-18feat(go_indexer): support flag field vars (#6064)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-18fix(go_indexer): only handle top-level flags (#6063)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-15fix(go_indexer): emit nodes for anonymous interface params (#6062)Cody Schroeder
2024-03-15fix(go_indexer): emit bindings for named interface method params (#6061)Cody Schroeder