path: root/base/i18n/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'base/i18n/')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/i18n/ b/base/i18n/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d531313bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/i18n/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/i18n/bidi_line_iterator.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace base {
+namespace i18n {
+namespace {
+class BiDiLineIteratorTest : public testing::TestWithParam<TextDirection> {
+ public:
+ BiDiLineIteratorTest() = default;
+ BiDiLineIterator* iterator() { return &iterator_; }
+ private:
+ BiDiLineIterator iterator_;
+TEST_P(BiDiLineIteratorTest, OnlyLTR) {
+ iterator()->Open(UTF8ToUTF16("abc 馃榿 娴嬭瘯"), GetParam(),
+ BiDiLineIterator::CustomBehavior::NONE);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, iterator()->CountRuns());
+ int start, length;
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_LTR, iterator()->GetVisualRun(0, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(9, length);
+ int end;
+ UBiDiLevel level;
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(0, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(9, end);
+ if (GetParam() == TextDirection::RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, level);
+ else
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, level);
+TEST_P(BiDiLineIteratorTest, OnlyRTL) {
+ iterator()->Open(UTF8ToUTF16("诪讛 讛砖注讛"), GetParam(),
+ BiDiLineIterator::CustomBehavior::NONE);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, iterator()->CountRuns());
+ int start, length;
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_RTL, iterator()->GetVisualRun(0, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(7, length);
+ int end;
+ UBiDiLevel level;
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(0, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(7, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, level);
+TEST_P(BiDiLineIteratorTest, Mixed) {
+ iterator()->Open(UTF8ToUTF16("讗谞讬 诪砖转诪砖 讘- Chrome 讻讚驻讚驻谉 讛讗讬谞讟专谞讟 砖诇讬"),
+ GetParam(), BiDiLineIterator::CustomBehavior::NONE);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, iterator()->CountRuns());
+ // We'll get completely different results depending on the top-level paragraph
+ // direction.
+ if (GetParam() == TextDirection::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
+ // If para direction is RTL, expect the LTR substring "Chrome" to be nested
+ // within the surrounding RTL text.
+ int start, length;
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_RTL, iterator()->GetVisualRun(0, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(20, length);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_LTR, iterator()->GetVisualRun(1, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(13, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, length);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_RTL, iterator()->GetVisualRun(2, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(13, length);
+ int end;
+ UBiDiLevel level;
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(0, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(13, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, level);
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(13, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, level);
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(19, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(39, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, level);
+ } else {
+ // If the para direction is LTR, expect the LTR substring "- Chrome " to be
+ // at the top level, with two nested RTL runs on either side.
+ int start, length;
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_RTL, iterator()->GetVisualRun(0, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(11, length);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_LTR, iterator()->GetVisualRun(1, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(11, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(9, length);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_RTL, iterator()->GetVisualRun(2, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(20, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, length);
+ int end;
+ UBiDiLevel level;
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(0, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(11, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, level);
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(11, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(20, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, level);
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(20, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(39, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, level);
+ }
+TEST_P(BiDiLineIteratorTest, RTLPunctuationNoCustomBehavior) {
+ // This string features Hebrew characters interleaved with ASCII punctuation.
+ iterator()->Open(UTF8ToUTF16("讗!讘\"讙#讚$讛%讜&讝'讞(讟)讬*讱+讻,诇-诐.诪/"
+ "谉:谞;住<注=祝>驻?抓@爪[拽\\专]砖^转_讗`讘{讙|讚}讛~讜"),
+ GetParam(), BiDiLineIterator::CustomBehavior::NONE);
+ // Expect a single RTL run.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, iterator()->CountRuns());
+ int start, length;
+ EXPECT_EQ(UBIDI_RTL, iterator()->GetVisualRun(0, &start, &length));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, start);
+ EXPECT_EQ(65, length);
+ int end;
+ UBiDiLevel level;
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(0, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(65, end);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, level);
+TEST_P(BiDiLineIteratorTest, RTLPunctuationAsURL) {
+ // This string features Hebrew characters interleaved with ASCII punctuation.
+ iterator()->Open(UTF8ToUTF16("讗!讘\"讙#讚$讛%讜&讝'讞(讟)讬*讱+讻,诇-诐.诪/"
+ "谉:谞;住<注=祝>驻?抓@爪[拽\\专]砖^转_讗`讘{讙|讚}讛~讜"),
+ GetParam(), BiDiLineIterator::CustomBehavior::AS_URL);
+ const int kStringSize = 65;
+ // Expect a primary RTL run, broken up by each of the 8 punctuation marks that
+ // are considered strong LTR (17 runs total).
+ struct {
+ int start;
+ UBiDiDirection dir;
+ } expected_runs[] = {
+ {0, UBIDI_RTL}, {5, UBIDI_LTR}, // '#'
+ {6, UBIDI_RTL}, {11, UBIDI_LTR}, // '&'
+ {12, UBIDI_RTL}, {27, UBIDI_LTR}, // '.'
+ {28, UBIDI_RTL}, {29, UBIDI_LTR}, // '/'
+ {30, UBIDI_RTL}, {31, UBIDI_LTR}, // ':'
+ {32, UBIDI_RTL}, {37, UBIDI_LTR}, // '='
+ {38, UBIDI_RTL}, {41, UBIDI_LTR}, // '?'
+ {42, UBIDI_RTL}, {43, UBIDI_LTR}, // '@'
+ {44, UBIDI_RTL},
+ };
+ ASSERT_EQ(arraysize(expected_runs),
+ static_cast<size_t>(iterator()->CountRuns()));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(expected_runs); ++i) {
+ const auto& expected_run = expected_runs[i];
+ int expected_run_end = i >= arraysize(expected_runs) - 1
+ ? kStringSize
+ : expected_runs[i + 1].start;
+ size_t visual_index = GetParam() == TextDirection::RIGHT_TO_LEFT
+ ? arraysize(expected_runs) - 1 - i
+ : i;
+ int start, length;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_run.dir,
+ iterator()->GetVisualRun(visual_index, &start, &length))
+ << "(i = " << i << ")";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_run.start, start) << "(i = " << i << ")";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_run_end - expected_run.start, length)
+ << "(i = " << i << ")";
+ int expected_level =
+ expected_run.dir == UBIDI_RTL
+ ? 1
+ : (GetParam() == TextDirection::RIGHT_TO_LEFT ? 2 : 0);
+ int end;
+ UBiDiLevel level;
+ iterator()->GetLogicalRun(expected_run.start, &end, &level);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_run_end, end) << "(i = " << i << ")";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_level, level) << "(i = " << i << ")";
+ }
+ BiDiLineIteratorTest,
+ ::testing::Values(TextDirection::LEFT_TO_RIGHT,
+ TextDirection::RIGHT_TO_LEFT));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace i18n
+} // namespace base