path: root/dbus/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dbus/')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dbus/ b/dbus/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73e11c4b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbus/
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/run_loop.h"
+#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
+#include "dbus/bus.h"
+#include "dbus/message.h"
+#include "dbus/object_path.h"
+#include "dbus/object_proxy.h"
+#include "dbus/test_service.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace dbus {
+namespace {
+// See comments in ObjectProxy::RunResponseCallback() for why the number was
+// chosen.
+const int kHugePayloadSize = 64 << 20; // 64 MB
+} // namespace
+// The end-to-end test exercises the asynchronous APIs in ObjectProxy and
+// ExportedObject.
+class EndToEndAsyncTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ // Make the main thread not to allow IO.
+ base::ThreadRestrictions::SetIOAllowed(false);
+ // Start the D-Bus thread.
+ dbus_thread_.reset(new base::Thread("D-Bus Thread"));
+ base::Thread::Options thread_options;
+ thread_options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(dbus_thread_->StartWithOptions(thread_options));
+ // Start the test service, using the D-Bus thread.
+ TestService::Options options;
+ options.dbus_task_runner = dbus_thread_->task_runner();
+ test_service_.reset(new TestService(options));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_service_->StartService());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_service_->WaitUntilServiceIsStarted());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_service_->HasDBusThread());
+ // Create the client, using the D-Bus thread.
+ Bus::Options bus_options;
+ bus_options.bus_type = Bus::SESSION;
+ bus_options.connection_type = Bus::PRIVATE;
+ bus_options.dbus_task_runner = dbus_thread_->task_runner();
+ bus_ = new Bus(bus_options);
+ object_proxy_ = bus_->GetObjectProxy(
+ test_service_->service_name(),
+ ObjectPath("/org/chromium/TestObject"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bus_->HasDBusThread());
+ // Connect to the "Test" signal of "org.chromium.TestInterface" from
+ // the remote object.
+ object_proxy_->ConnectToSignal(
+ "org.chromium.TestInterface",
+ "Test",
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnTestSignal,
+ base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnConnected,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ // Wait until the object proxy is connected to the signal.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop());
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ // Connect to the "Test2" signal of "org.chromium.TestInterface" from
+ // the remote object. There was a bug where we were emitting error
+ // messages like "Requested to remove an unknown match rule: ..." at
+ // the shutdown of Bus when an object proxy is connected to more than
+ // one signal of the same interface. See for details.
+ object_proxy_->ConnectToSignal(
+ "org.chromium.TestInterface",
+ "Test2",
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnTest2Signal,
+ base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnConnected,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ // Wait until the object proxy is connected to the signal.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop());
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ // Create a second object proxy for the root object.
+ root_object_proxy_ = bus_->GetObjectProxy(test_service_->service_name(),
+ ObjectPath("/"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bus_->HasDBusThread());
+ // Connect to the "Test" signal of "org.chromium.TestInterface" from
+ // the root remote object too.
+ root_object_proxy_->ConnectToSignal(
+ "org.chromium.TestInterface",
+ "Test",
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnRootTestSignal,
+ base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnConnected,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ // Wait until the root object proxy is connected to the signal.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop());
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ bus_->ShutdownOnDBusThreadAndBlock();
+ // Shut down the service.
+ test_service_->ShutdownAndBlock();
+ // Reset to the default.
+ base::ThreadRestrictions::SetIOAllowed(true);
+ // Stopping a thread is considered an IO operation, so do this after
+ // allowing IO.
+ test_service_->Stop();
+ }
+ protected:
+ // Replaces the bus with a broken one.
+ void SetUpBrokenBus() {
+ // Shut down the existing bus.
+ bus_->ShutdownOnDBusThreadAndBlock();
+ // Create new bus with invalid address.
+ const char kInvalidAddress[] = "";
+ Bus::Options bus_options;
+ bus_options.bus_type = Bus::CUSTOM_ADDRESS;
+ bus_options.address = kInvalidAddress;
+ bus_options.connection_type = Bus::PRIVATE;
+ bus_options.dbus_task_runner = dbus_thread_->task_runner();
+ bus_ = new Bus(bus_options);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bus_->HasDBusThread());
+ // Create new object proxy.
+ object_proxy_ = bus_->GetObjectProxy(
+ test_service_->service_name(),
+ ObjectPath("/org/chromium/TestObject"));
+ }
+ // Calls the method asynchronously. OnResponse() will be called once the
+ // response is received.
+ void CallMethod(MethodCall* method_call,
+ int timeout_ms) {
+ object_proxy_->CallMethod(method_call,
+ timeout_ms,
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnResponse,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ // Calls the method asynchronously. OnResponse() will be called once the
+ // response is received without error, otherwise OnError() will be called.
+ void CallMethodWithErrorCallback(MethodCall* method_call,
+ int timeout_ms) {
+ object_proxy_->CallMethodWithErrorCallback(
+ method_call,
+ timeout_ms,
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnResponse, base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&EndToEndAsyncTest::OnError, base::Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ // Wait for the give number of responses.
+ void WaitForResponses(size_t num_responses) {
+ while (response_strings_.size() < num_responses) {
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ }
+ }
+ // Called when the response is received.
+ void OnResponse(Response* response) {
+ // |response| will be deleted on exit of the function. Copy the
+ // payload to |response_strings_|.
+ if (response) {
+ MessageReader reader(response);
+ std::string response_string;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reader.PopString(&response_string));
+ response_strings_.push_back(response_string);
+ } else {
+ response_strings_.push_back(std::string());
+ }
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ };
+ // Wait for the given number of errors.
+ void WaitForErrors(size_t num_errors) {
+ while (error_names_.size() < num_errors) {
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ }
+ }
+ // Called when an error is received.
+ void OnError(ErrorResponse* error) {
+ // |error| will be deleted on exit of the function. Copy the payload to
+ // |error_names_|.
+ if (error) {
+ ASSERT_NE("", error->GetErrorName());
+ error_names_.push_back(error->GetErrorName());
+ } else {
+ error_names_.push_back(std::string());
+ }
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Called when the "Test" signal is received, in the main thread.
+ // Copy the string payload to |test_signal_string_|.
+ void OnTestSignal(Signal* signal) {
+ MessageReader reader(signal);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reader.PopString(&test_signal_string_));
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Called when the "Test" signal is received, in the main thread, by
+ // the root object proxy. Copy the string payload to
+ // |root_test_signal_string_|.
+ void OnRootTestSignal(Signal* signal) {
+ MessageReader reader(signal);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reader.PopString(&root_test_signal_string_));
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Called when the "Test2" signal is received, in the main thread.
+ void OnTest2Signal(Signal* signal) {
+ MessageReader reader(signal);
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Called when connected to the signal.
+ void OnConnected(const std::string& interface_name,
+ const std::string& signal_name,
+ bool success) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Wait for the hey signal to be received.
+ void WaitForTestSignal() {
+ // OnTestSignal() will quit the message loop.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ }
+ base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
+ std::vector<std::string> response_strings_;
+ std::vector<std::string> error_names_;
+ std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> dbus_thread_;
+ scoped_refptr<Bus> bus_;
+ ObjectProxy* object_proxy_;
+ ObjectProxy* root_object_proxy_;
+ std::unique_ptr<TestService> test_service_;
+ // Text message from "Test" signal.
+ std::string test_signal_string_;
+ // Text message from "Test" signal delivered to root.
+ std::string root_test_signal_string_;
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, Echo) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ // Check the response.
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kHello, response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, EchoWithErrorCallback) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethodWithErrorCallback(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ // Check the response.
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kHello, response_strings_[0]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_names_.empty());
+// Call Echo method three times.
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, EchoThreeTimes) {
+ const char* kMessages[] = { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kMessages); ++i) {
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kMessages[i]);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ }
+ // Check the responses.
+ WaitForResponses(3);
+ // Sort as the order of the returned messages is not deterministic.
+ std::sort(response_strings_.begin(), response_strings_.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ("bar", response_strings_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("baz", response_strings_[1]);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", response_strings_[2]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, Echo_HugePayload) {
+ const std::string kHugePayload(kHugePayloadSize, 'o');
+ // Create the method call with a huge payload.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHugePayload);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ // This caused a DCHECK failure before. Ensure that the issue is fixed.
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kHugePayload, response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, BrokenBus) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Set up a broken bus.
+ SetUpBrokenBus();
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ // Should fail because of the broken bus.
+ ASSERT_EQ("", response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, BrokenBusWithErrorCallback) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Set up a broken bus.
+ SetUpBrokenBus();
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethodWithErrorCallback(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForErrors(1);
+ // Should fail because of the broken bus.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response_strings_.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_names_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, Timeout) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "SlowEcho");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method with timeout of 0ms.
+ const int timeout_ms = 0;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ // Should fail because of timeout.
+ ASSERT_EQ("", response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, TimeoutWithErrorCallback) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "SlowEcho");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method with timeout of 0ms.
+ const int timeout_ms = 0;
+ CallMethodWithErrorCallback(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForErrors(1);
+ // Should fail because of timeout.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response_strings_.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY, error_names_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, CancelPendingCalls) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ // Remove the object proxy before receiving the result.
+ // This results in cancelling the pending method call.
+ bus_->RemoveObjectProxy(test_service_->service_name(),
+ ObjectPath("/org/chromium/TestObject"),
+ base::DoNothing());
+ // We shouldn't receive any responses. Wait for a while just to make sure.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ message_loop_.task_runner()->PostDelayedTask(
+ FROM_HERE, run_loop_->QuitClosure(), TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout());
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response_strings_.empty());
+// Tests calling a method that sends its reply asynchronously.
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, AsyncEcho) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "AsyncEcho");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ // Check the response.
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kHello, response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, NonexistentMethod) {
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Nonexistent");
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ // Should fail because the method is nonexistent.
+ ASSERT_EQ("", response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, NonexistentMethodWithErrorCallback) {
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Nonexistent");
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethodWithErrorCallback(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForErrors(1);
+ // Should fail because the method is nonexistent.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response_strings_.empty());
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, BrokenMethod) {
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "BrokenMethod");
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForResponses(1);
+ // Should fail because the method is broken.
+ ASSERT_EQ("", response_strings_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, BrokenMethodWithErrorCallback) {
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "BrokenMethod");
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethodWithErrorCallback(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForErrors(1);
+ // Should fail because the method is broken.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response_strings_.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, error_names_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, InvalidServiceName) {
+ // Bus name cannot contain '/'.
+ const std::string invalid_service_name = ":1/2";
+ // Replace object proxy with new one.
+ object_proxy_ = bus_->GetObjectProxy(invalid_service_name,
+ ObjectPath("/org/chromium/TestObject"));
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ CallMethodWithErrorCallback(&method_call, timeout_ms);
+ WaitForErrors(1);
+ // Should fail because of the invalid bus name.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response_strings_.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_names_[0]);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, EmptyResponseCallback) {
+ const char* kHello = "hello";
+ // Create the method call.
+ MethodCall method_call("org.chromium.TestInterface", "Echo");
+ MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
+ writer.AppendString(kHello);
+ // Call the method with an empty callback.
+ const int timeout_ms = ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
+ object_proxy_->CallMethod(&method_call, timeout_ms, base::DoNothing());
+ // Post a delayed task to quit the message loop.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ message_loop_.task_runner()->PostDelayedTask(
+ FROM_HERE, run_loop_->QuitClosure(), TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout());
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ // We cannot tell if the empty callback is called, but at least we can
+ // check if the test does not crash.
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, TestSignal) {
+ const char kMessage[] = "hello, world";
+ // Send the test signal from the exported object.
+ test_service_->SendTestSignal(kMessage);
+ // Receive the signal with the object proxy. The signal is handled in
+ // EndToEndAsyncTest::OnTestSignal() in the main thread.
+ WaitForTestSignal();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kMessage, test_signal_string_);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, TestSignalFromRoot) {
+ const char kMessage[] = "hello, world";
+ // Object proxies are tied to a particular object path, if a signal
+ // arrives from a different object path like "/" the first object proxy
+ // |object_proxy_| should not handle it, and should leave it for the root
+ // object proxy |root_object_proxy_|.
+ test_service_->SendTestSignalFromRoot(kMessage);
+ WaitForTestSignal();
+ // Verify the signal was not received by the specific proxy.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_signal_string_.empty());
+ // Verify the string WAS received by the root proxy.
+ ASSERT_EQ(kMessage, root_test_signal_string_);
+TEST_F(EndToEndAsyncTest, TestHugeSignal) {
+ const std::string kHugeMessage(kHugePayloadSize, 'o');
+ // Send the huge signal from the exported object.
+ test_service_->SendTestSignal(kHugeMessage);
+ // This caused a DCHECK failure before. Ensure that the issue is fixed.
+ WaitForTestSignal();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kHugeMessage, test_signal_string_);
+class SignalMultipleHandlerTest : public EndToEndAsyncTest {
+ public:
+ SignalMultipleHandlerTest() = default;
+ void SetUp() override {
+ // Set up base class.
+ EndToEndAsyncTest::SetUp();
+ // Connect the root object proxy's signal handler to a new handler
+ // so that we can verify that a second call to ConnectSignal() delivers
+ // to both our new handler and the old.
+ object_proxy_->ConnectToSignal(
+ "org.chromium.TestInterface",
+ "Test",
+ base::Bind(&SignalMultipleHandlerTest::OnAdditionalTestSignal,
+ base::Unretained(this)),
+ base::Bind(&SignalMultipleHandlerTest::OnAdditionalConnected,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ // Wait until the object proxy is connected to the signal.
+ run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop);
+ run_loop_->Run();
+ }
+ protected:
+ // Called when the "Test" signal is received, in the main thread.
+ // Copy the string payload to |additional_test_signal_string_|.
+ void OnAdditionalTestSignal(Signal* signal) {
+ MessageReader reader(signal);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reader.PopString(&additional_test_signal_string_));
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Called when connected to the signal.
+ void OnAdditionalConnected(const std::string& interface_name,
+ const std::string& signal_name,
+ bool success) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(success);
+ run_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ // Text message from "Test" signal delivered to additional handler.
+ std::string additional_test_signal_string_;
+TEST_F(SignalMultipleHandlerTest, TestMultipleHandlers) {
+ const char kMessage[] = "hello, world";
+ // Send the test signal from the exported object.
+ test_service_->SendTestSignal(kMessage);
+ // Receive the signal with the object proxy.
+ WaitForTestSignal();
+ // Verify the string WAS received by the original handler.
+ ASSERT_EQ(kMessage, test_signal_string_);
+ // Verify the signal WAS ALSO received by the additional handler.
+ ASSERT_EQ(kMessage, additional_test_signal_string_);
+} // namespace dbus