path: root/ready_se/google/keymint/KM300/Applet/src/com/android/javacard/keymaster/KMKeymintDataStore.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'ready_se/google/keymint/KM300/Applet/src/com/android/javacard/keymaster/KMKeymintDataStore.java')
1 files changed, 1075 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ready_se/google/keymint/KM300/Applet/src/com/android/javacard/keymaster/KMKeymintDataStore.java b/ready_se/google/keymint/KM300/Applet/src/com/android/javacard/keymaster/KMKeymintDataStore.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65117eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ready_se/google/keymint/KM300/Applet/src/com/android/javacard/keymaster/KMKeymintDataStore.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@
+package com.android.javacard.keymaster;
+import com.android.javacard.seprovider.KMDataStoreConstants;
+import com.android.javacard.seprovider.KMException;
+import com.android.javacard.seprovider.KMKey;
+import com.android.javacard.seprovider.KMSEProvider;
+import com.android.javacard.seprovider.KMUpgradable;
+import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
+import javacard.framework.ISOException;
+import javacard.framework.JCSystem;
+import javacard.framework.Util;
+import org.globalplatform.upgrade.Element;
+ * This is a storage class which helps in storing the provisioned data, ROT, OS version, Boot patch
+ * level, Vendor Patchlevel, HMAC nonce, computed shared secret, 8 auth tags, device-locked,
+ * device-locked timestamp and device-locked password only. Only the provisioned data is restored
+ * back during applet upgrades and the remaining data is flushed.
+ */
+public class KMKeymintDataStore implements KMUpgradable {
+ // Data table configuration
+ public static final short KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_1 = 0x0100;
+ public static final short KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_2 = 0x0200;
+ public static final short KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_3 = 0x0300;
+ public static final short KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_4 = 0x0400;
+ public static final byte DATA_INDEX_SIZE = 17;
+ public static final byte DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE = 4;
+ public static final byte DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH = 0;
+ public static final byte DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_OFFSET = 2;
+ public static final short DATA_MEM_SIZE = 300;
+ // Data table offsets
+ public static final byte HMAC_NONCE = 0;
+ public static final byte BOOT_OS_VERSION = 1;
+ public static final byte BOOT_OS_PATCH_LEVEL = 2;
+ public static final byte VENDOR_PATCH_LEVEL = 3;
+ public static final byte DEVICE_LOCKED_TIME = 4;
+ public static final byte DEVICE_LOCKED = 5;
+ public static final byte DEVICE_LOCKED_PASSWORD_ONLY = 6;
+ // Total 8 auth tags, so the next offset is AUTH_TAG_1 + 8
+ public static final byte AUTH_TAG_1 = 7;
+ public static final byte DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG = 15;
+ public static final byte EARLY_BOOT_ENDED_FLAG = 16;
+ // Data Item sizes
+ public static final byte HMAC_SEED_NONCE_SIZE = 32;
+ public static final byte COMPUTED_HMAC_KEY_SIZE = 32;
+ public static final byte OS_VERSION_SIZE = 4;
+ public static final byte OS_PATCH_SIZE = 4;
+ public static final byte VENDOR_PATCH_SIZE = 4;
+ public static final byte DEVICE_LOCK_TS_SIZE = 8;
+ public static final byte MAX_BLOB_STORAGE = 8;
+ public static final byte AUTH_TAG_LENGTH = 16;
+ public static final byte AUTH_TAG_COUNTER_SIZE = 4;
+ public static final byte AUTH_TAG_ENTRY_SIZE = (AUTH_TAG_LENGTH + AUTH_TAG_COUNTER_SIZE + 1);
+ // Device boot states. Applet starts executing the
+ // core commands once all the states are set. The commands
+ // that are allowed irrespective of these states are:
+ // All the provision commands
+ public static final byte SET_BOOT_PARAMS_SUCCESS = 0x01;
+ public static final byte SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_SUCCESS = 0x02;
+ public static final byte NEGOTIATED_SHARED_SECRET_SUCCESS = 0x04;
+ // Old Data table offsets
+ private static final byte OLD_PROVISIONED_STATUS_OFFSET = 18;
+ private static final byte SHARED_SECRET_KEY_SIZE = 32;
+ private static final byte DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG_SIZE = 1;
+ private static final short UDS_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE = 2500; // First 2 bytes for length.
+ private static final short DICE_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE = 512;
+ private static KMKeymintDataStore kmDataStore;
+ // Secure Boot Mode
+ public byte secureBootMode;
+ // Data - originally was in repository
+ private byte[] attIdBrand;
+ private byte[] attIdDevice;
+ private byte[] attIdProduct;
+ private byte[] attIdSerial;
+ private byte[] attIdImei;
+ private byte[] attIdSecondImei;
+ private byte[] attIdMeId;
+ private byte[] attIdManufacturer;
+ private byte[] attIdModel;
+ // Boot parameters
+ private byte[] verifiedHash;
+ private byte[] bootKey;
+ private byte[] bootPatchLevel;
+ private boolean deviceBootLocked;
+ private short bootState;
+ // Challenge for Root of trust
+ private byte[] challenge;
+ /*
+ * Applets upgrading to KeyMint3.0 may not have the second imei provisioned.
+ * So this flag is used to ignore the SECOND_IMEI tag if the previous Applet's
+ * KeyMint version is less than 3.0.
+ */
+ public boolean ignoreSecondImei;
+ private short dataIndex;
+ private byte[] dataTable;
+ private KMSEProvider seProvider;
+ private KMRepository repository;
+ private byte[] udsCertChain;
+ private byte[] diceCertChain;
+ private KMKey masterKey;
+ private KMKey deviceUniqueKeyPair;
+ private KMKey preSharedKey;
+ private KMKey computedHmacKey;
+ private KMKey rkpMacKey;
+ private byte[] oemRootPublicKey;
+ private short provisionStatus;
+ public KMKeymintDataStore(KMSEProvider provider, KMRepository repo) {
+ seProvider = provider;
+ repository = repo;
+ boolean isUpgrading = provider.isUpgrading();
+ initDataTable();
+ // Initialize the device locked status
+ if (!isUpgrading) {
+ udsCertChain = new byte[UDS_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE];
+ diceCertChain = new byte[DICE_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE];
+ oemRootPublicKey = new byte[65];
+ }
+ setDeviceLockPasswordOnly(false);
+ setDeviceLock(false);
+ kmDataStore = this;
+ }
+ public static KMKeymintDataStore instance() {
+ return kmDataStore;
+ }
+ private void initDataTable() {
+ if (dataTable == null) {
+ dataTable = new byte[DATA_MEM_SIZE];
+ dataIndex = (short) (DATA_INDEX_SIZE * DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ private short dataAlloc(short length) {
+ if (((short) (dataIndex + length)) > dataTable.length) {
+ }
+ dataIndex += length;
+ return (short) (dataIndex - length);
+ }
+ private void clearDataEntry(short id) {
+ id = (short) (id * DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ short dataLen = Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH));
+ if (dataLen != 0) {
+ short dataPtr = Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_OFFSET));
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(dataTable, dataPtr, dataLen, (byte) 0);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeDataEntry(short id, byte[] buf, short offset, short len) {
+ short dataPtr;
+ id = (short) (id * DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ short dataLen = Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH));
+ if (dataLen == 0) {
+ dataPtr = dataAlloc(len);
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ Util.setShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_OFFSET), dataPtr);
+ Util.setShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH), len);
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buf, offset, dataTable, dataPtr, len);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ } else {
+ if (len != dataLen) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ }
+ dataPtr = Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_OFFSET));
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buf, offset, dataTable, dataPtr, len);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ }
+ }
+ private short readDataEntry(short id, byte[] buf, short offset) {
+ id = (short) (id * DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ short len = Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH));
+ if (len != 0) {
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(
+ dataTable,
+ Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_OFFSET)),
+ buf,
+ offset,
+ len);
+ }
+ return len;
+ }
+ private short readDataEntry(byte[] dataTable, short id, byte[] buf, short offset) {
+ id = (short) (id * DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ short len = Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH));
+ if (len != 0) {
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(
+ dataTable,
+ Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_OFFSET)),
+ buf,
+ offset,
+ len);
+ }
+ return len;
+ }
+ private short dataLength(short id) {
+ id = (short) (id * DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ return Util.getShort(dataTable, (short) (id + DATA_INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH));
+ }
+ public short readData(short id) {
+ short len = dataLength(id);
+ if (len != 0) {
+ short blob = KMByteBlob.instance(dataLength(id));
+ readDataEntry(id, KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getBuffer(), KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff());
+ return blob;
+ }
+ return KMType.INVALID_VALUE;
+ }
+ public short getHmacNonce() {
+ return readData(HMAC_NONCE);
+ }
+ public short getOsVersion() {
+ short blob = readData(BOOT_OS_VERSION);
+ if (blob == KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return KMInteger.uint_32(
+ KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getBuffer(), KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff());
+ }
+ public short getVendorPatchLevel() {
+ short blob = readData(VENDOR_PATCH_LEVEL);
+ if (blob == KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return KMInteger.uint_32(
+ KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getBuffer(), KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff());
+ }
+ public short getOsPatch() {
+ short blob = readData(BOOT_OS_PATCH_LEVEL);
+ if (blob == KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return KMInteger.uint_32(
+ KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getBuffer(), KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff());
+ }
+ private boolean readBoolean(short id) {
+ short blob = readData(id);
+ if (blob == KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return (byte) ((repository.getHeap())[KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff()]) == 0x01;
+ }
+ public boolean getDeviceLock() {
+ return readBoolean(DEVICE_LOCKED);
+ }
+ public void setDeviceLock(boolean flag) {
+ writeBoolean(DEVICE_LOCKED, flag);
+ }
+ public boolean getDeviceLockPasswordOnly() {
+ return readBoolean(DEVICE_LOCKED_PASSWORD_ONLY);
+ }
+ public void setDeviceLockPasswordOnly(boolean flag) {
+ writeBoolean(DEVICE_LOCKED_PASSWORD_ONLY, flag);
+ }
+ public boolean getEarlyBootEndedStatus() {
+ return readBoolean(EARLY_BOOT_ENDED_FLAG);
+ }
+ public void setEarlyBootEndedStatus(boolean flag) {
+ writeBoolean(EARLY_BOOT_ENDED_FLAG, flag);
+ }
+ public short getDeviceTimeStamp() {
+ short blob = readData(DEVICE_LOCKED_TIME);
+ if (blob == KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return KMInteger.uint_64(
+ KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getBuffer(), KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff());
+ }
+ public void setOsVersion(byte[] buf, short start, short len) {
+ if (len != OS_VERSION_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ writeDataEntry(BOOT_OS_VERSION, buf, start, len);
+ }
+ public void setVendorPatchLevel(byte[] buf, short start, short len) {
+ if (len != VENDOR_PATCH_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ writeDataEntry(VENDOR_PATCH_LEVEL, buf, start, len);
+ }
+ private void writeBoolean(short id, boolean flag) {
+ short start = repository.alloc((short) 1);
+ if (flag) {
+ (repository.getHeap())[start] = (byte) 0x01;
+ } else {
+ (repository.getHeap())[start] = (byte) 0x00;
+ }
+ writeDataEntry(id, repository.getHeap(), start, (short) 1);
+ }
+ public void setDeviceLockTimestamp(byte[] buf, short start, short len) {
+ if (len != DEVICE_LOCK_TS_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ writeDataEntry(DEVICE_LOCKED_TIME, buf, start, len);
+ }
+ public void clearDeviceBootStatus() {
+ clearDataEntry(DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG);
+ }
+ public void setDeviceBootStatus(byte initStatus) {
+ short offset = repository.allocReclaimableMemory(DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG_SIZE);
+ byte[] buf = repository.getHeap();
+ getDeviceBootStatus(buf, offset);
+ buf[offset] |= initStatus;
+ repository.reclaimMemory(DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG_SIZE);
+ }
+ public boolean isDeviceReady() {
+ boolean result = false;
+ short offset = repository.allocReclaimableMemory(DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG_SIZE);
+ byte[] buf = repository.getHeap();
+ getDeviceBootStatus(buf, offset);
+ byte bootCompleteStatus =
+ if (bootCompleteStatus == (buf[offset] & bootCompleteStatus)) {
+ result = true;
+ }
+ repository.reclaimMemory(DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG_SIZE);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public short getDeviceBootStatus(byte[] scratchpad, short offset) {
+ scratchpad[offset] = 0;
+ return readDataEntry(DEVICE_STATUS_FLAG, scratchpad, offset);
+ }
+ public void clearDeviceLockTimeStamp() {
+ clearDataEntry(DEVICE_LOCKED_TIME);
+ }
+ public void setOsPatch(byte[] buf, short start, short len) {
+ if (len != OS_PATCH_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ writeDataEntry(BOOT_OS_PATCH_LEVEL, buf, start, len);
+ }
+ private boolean isAuthTagSlotAvailable(short tagId, byte[] buf, short offset) {
+ readDataEntry(tagId, buf, offset);
+ return (0 == buf[offset]);
+ }
+ public void initHmacNonce(byte[] nonce, short offset, short len) {
+ if (len != HMAC_SEED_NONCE_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ writeDataEntry(HMAC_NONCE, nonce, offset, len);
+ }
+ public void clearHmacNonce() {
+ clearDataEntry(HMAC_NONCE);
+ }
+ public boolean persistAuthTag(short authTag) {
+ if (KMByteBlob.cast(authTag).length() != AUTH_TAG_LENGTH) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ short authTagEntry = repository.alloc(AUTH_TAG_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ short scratchPadOff = repository.alloc(AUTH_TAG_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ byte[] scratchPad = repository.getHeap();
+ writeAuthTagState(repository.getHeap(), authTagEntry, (byte) 1);
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(
+ KMByteBlob.cast(authTag).getBuffer(),
+ KMByteBlob.cast(authTag).getStartOff(),
+ repository.getHeap(),
+ (short) (authTagEntry + 1),
+ Util.setShort(
+ repository.getHeap(), (short) (authTagEntry + AUTH_TAG_LENGTH + 1 + 2), (short) 1);
+ short index = 0;
+ while (index < MAX_BLOB_STORAGE) {
+ if ((dataLength((short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1)) == 0)
+ || isAuthTagSlotAvailable((short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1), scratchPad, scratchPadOff)) {
+ writeDataEntry(
+ (short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1), repository.getHeap(), authTagEntry, AUTH_TAG_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void removeAllAuthTags() {
+ short index = 0;
+ while (index < MAX_BLOB_STORAGE) {
+ clearDataEntry((short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1));
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean isAuthTagPersisted(short authTag) {
+ return (KMType.INVALID_VALUE != findTag(authTag));
+ }
+ private short findTag(short authTag) {
+ if (KMByteBlob.cast(authTag).length() != AUTH_TAG_LENGTH) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ short index = 0;
+ short found;
+ short offset = repository.alloc(AUTH_TAG_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ while (index < MAX_BLOB_STORAGE) {
+ if (dataLength((short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1)) != 0) {
+ readDataEntry((short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1), repository.getHeap(), offset);
+ found =
+ Util.arrayCompare(
+ repository.getHeap(),
+ (short) (offset + 1),
+ KMByteBlob.cast(authTag).getBuffer(),
+ KMByteBlob.cast(authTag).getStartOff(),
+ if (found == 0) {
+ return (short) (index + AUTH_TAG_1);
+ }
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ return KMType.INVALID_VALUE;
+ }
+ public short getRateLimitedKeyCount(short authTag, byte[] out, short outOff) {
+ short tag = findTag(authTag);
+ short blob;
+ if (tag != KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ blob = readData(tag);
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(
+ KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getBuffer(),
+ (short) (KMByteBlob.cast(blob).getStartOff() + AUTH_TAG_LENGTH + 1),
+ out,
+ outOff,
+ }
+ return (short) 0;
+ }
+ public void setRateLimitedKeyCount(short authTag, byte[] buf, short off, short len) {
+ short tag = findTag(authTag);
+ if (tag != KMType.INVALID_VALUE) {
+ short dataPtr = readData(tag);
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(
+ buf,
+ off,
+ KMByteBlob.cast(dataPtr).getBuffer(),
+ (short) (KMByteBlob.cast(dataPtr).getStartOff() + AUTH_TAG_LENGTH + 1),
+ len);
+ writeDataEntry(
+ tag,
+ KMByteBlob.cast(dataPtr).getBuffer(),
+ KMByteBlob.cast(dataPtr).getStartOff(),
+ KMByteBlob.cast(dataPtr).length());
+ }
+ }
+ public void persistUdsCertChain(byte[] buf, short offset, short len) {
+ // Input buffer contains encoded Uds certificate chain as shown below.
+ // UdsDKSignatures = {
+ // + SignerName => DKCertChain
+ // }
+ // SignerName = tstr
+ // DKCertChain = [
+ // 2* Certificate // Root -> Leaf. Root is the vendo r
+ // // self-signed cert, leaf contains DK_pu b
+ // ]
+ // Certificate = COSE_Sign1 of a public key
+ if ((short) (len + 2) > UDS_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ Util.setShort(udsCertChain, (short) 0, (short) len);
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buf, offset, udsCertChain, (short) 2, len);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ }
+ public short getUdsCertChainLength() {
+ return Util.getShort(udsCertChain, (short) 0);
+ }
+ public byte[] getUdsCertChain() {
+ return udsCertChain;
+ }
+ public byte[] getDiceCertificateChain() {
+ return diceCertChain;
+ }
+ public void persistBootCertificateChain(byte[] buf, short offset, short len) {
+ if ((short) (len + 2) > DICE_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ Util.setShort(diceCertChain, (short) 0, (short) len);
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buf, offset, diceCertChain, (short) 2, len);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ }
+ private void writeAuthTagState(byte[] buf, short offset, byte state) {
+ buf[offset] = state;
+ }
+ // The master key should only be generated during applet installation and
+ // during a device factory reset event.
+ public KMKey createMasterKey(short keySizeBits) {
+ if (masterKey == null) {
+ masterKey = seProvider.createMasterKey(masterKey, keySizeBits);
+ }
+ return (KMKey) masterKey;
+ }
+ public KMKey regenerateMasterKey() {
+ return seProvider.createMasterKey(masterKey, KMKeymasterApplet.MASTER_KEY_SIZE);
+ }
+ public KMKey getMasterKey() {
+ return masterKey;
+ }
+ public void createPresharedKey(byte[] keyData, short offset, short length) {
+ if (length != SHARED_SECRET_KEY_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (preSharedKey == null) {
+ preSharedKey = seProvider.createPreSharedKey(preSharedKey, keyData, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ public KMKey getPresharedKey() {
+ if (preSharedKey == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return preSharedKey;
+ }
+ public void createComputedHmacKey(byte[] keyData, short offset, short length) {
+ if (length != COMPUTED_HMAC_KEY_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (computedHmacKey == null) {
+ computedHmacKey = seProvider.createComputedHmacKey(computedHmacKey, keyData, offset, length);
+ } else {
+ seProvider.createComputedHmacKey(computedHmacKey, keyData, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ public KMKey getComputedHmacKey() {
+ if (computedHmacKey == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return computedHmacKey;
+ }
+ public KMKey createRkpDeviceUniqueKeyPair(
+ byte[] pubKey,
+ short pubKeyOff,
+ short pubKeyLen,
+ byte[] privKey,
+ short privKeyOff,
+ short privKeyLen) {
+ if (deviceUniqueKeyPair == null) {
+ deviceUniqueKeyPair =
+ seProvider.createRkpDeviceUniqueKeyPair(
+ deviceUniqueKeyPair, pubKey, pubKeyOff, pubKeyLen, privKey, privKeyOff, privKeyLen);
+ } else {
+ seProvider.createRkpDeviceUniqueKeyPair(
+ deviceUniqueKeyPair, pubKey, pubKeyOff, pubKeyLen, privKey, privKeyOff, privKeyLen);
+ }
+ return deviceUniqueKeyPair;
+ }
+ public KMKey getRkpDeviceUniqueKeyPair() {
+ return ((KMKey) deviceUniqueKeyPair);
+ }
+ public void createRkpMacKey(byte[] keydata, short offset, short length) {
+ if (rkpMacKey == null) {
+ rkpMacKey = seProvider.createRkpMacKey(rkpMacKey, keydata, offset, length);
+ } else {
+ seProvider.createRkpMacKey(rkpMacKey, keydata, offset, length);
+ }
+ }
+ public KMKey getRkpMacKey() {
+ if (rkpMacKey == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return rkpMacKey;
+ }
+ public short getAttestationId(short tag, byte[] buffer, short start) {
+ byte[] attestId = null;
+ switch (tag) {
+ // Attestation Id Brand
+ attestId = attIdBrand;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Device
+ attestId = attIdDevice;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Product
+ attestId = attIdProduct;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Serial
+ attestId = attIdSerial;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id IMEI
+ attestId = attIdImei;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id SECOND IMEI
+ attestId = attIdSecondImei;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id MEID
+ attestId = attIdMeId;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Manufacturer
+ attestId = attIdManufacturer;
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Model
+ attestId = attIdModel;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (attestId == null) {
+ /* Ignore the SECOND_IMEI tag if the previous Applet's KeyMint version is less than 3.0 and
+ * no SECOND_IMEI is provisioned.
+ */
+ if (kmDataStore.ignoreSecondImei && tag == KMType.ATTESTATION_ID_SECOND_IMEI) {
+ return (short) 0;
+ }
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.CANNOT_ATTEST_IDS);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(attestId, (short) 0, buffer, start, (short) attestId.length);
+ return (short) attestId.length;
+ }
+ public void setAttestationId(short tag, byte[] buffer, short start, short length) {
+ switch (tag) {
+ // Attestation Id Brand
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdBrand = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdBrand, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Device
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdDevice = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdDevice, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Product
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdProduct = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdProduct, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Serial
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdSerial = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdSerial, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id IMEI
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdImei = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdImei, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id SECOND IMEI
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdSecondImei = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdSecondImei, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id MEID
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdMeId = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdMeId, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Manufacturer
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdManufacturer = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdManufacturer, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ // Attestation Id Model
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ attIdModel = new byte[length];
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(buffer, (short) start, attIdModel, (short) 0, length);
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public void deleteAttestationIds() {
+ attIdBrand = null;
+ attIdDevice = null;
+ attIdProduct = null;
+ attIdSerial = null;
+ attIdImei = null;
+ attIdSecondImei = null;
+ attIdMeId = null;
+ attIdManufacturer = null;
+ attIdModel = null;
+ // Trigger garbage collection.
+ JCSystem.requestObjectDeletion();
+ }
+ public short getVerifiedBootHash(byte[] buffer, short start) {
+ if (verifiedHash == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(verifiedHash, (short) 0, buffer, start, (short) verifiedHash.length);
+ return (short) verifiedHash.length;
+ }
+ public short getBootKey(byte[] buffer, short start) {
+ if (bootKey == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(bootKey, (short) 0, buffer, start, (short) bootKey.length);
+ return (short) bootKey.length;
+ }
+ public short getBootState() {
+ return bootState;
+ }
+ public void setBootState(short state) {
+ bootState = state;
+ }
+ public boolean isDeviceBootLocked() {
+ return deviceBootLocked;
+ }
+ public short getBootPatchLevel() {
+ if (bootPatchLevel == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return KMInteger.uint_32(bootPatchLevel, (short) 0);
+ }
+ public void setVerifiedBootHash(byte[] buffer, short start, short length) {
+ if (verifiedHash == null) {
+ verifiedHash = new byte[32];
+ }
+ if (length != KMKeymasterApplet.VERIFIED_BOOT_HASH_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopy(buffer, start, verifiedHash, (short) 0, (short) 32);
+ }
+ public void setBootKey(byte[] buffer, short start, short length) {
+ if (bootKey == null) {
+ bootKey = new byte[32];
+ }
+ if (length != KMKeymasterApplet.VERIFIED_BOOT_KEY_SIZE) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopy(buffer, start, bootKey, (short) 0, (short) 32);
+ }
+ public void setDeviceLocked(boolean state) {
+ deviceBootLocked = state;
+ }
+ public void setBootPatchLevel(byte[] buffer, short start, short length) {
+ if (bootPatchLevel == null) {
+ bootPatchLevel = new byte[4];
+ }
+ if (length > 4 || length < 0) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopy(buffer, start, bootPatchLevel, (short) 0, (short) length);
+ }
+ public void setChallenge(byte[] buf, short start, short length) {
+ if (challenge == null) {
+ challenge = new byte[16];
+ }
+ if (length != 16) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopy(buf, start, challenge, (short) 0, (short) length);
+ }
+ public short getChallenge(byte[] buffer, short start) {
+ if (challenge == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(challenge, (short) 0, buffer, start, (short) challenge.length);
+ return (short) challenge.length;
+ }
+ public boolean isProvisionLocked() {
+ if (0 != (provisionStatus & KMKeymasterApplet.PROVISION_STATUS_PROVISIONING_LOCKED)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public short getProvisionStatus() {
+ return provisionStatus;
+ }
+ public void setProvisionStatus(short pStatus) {
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ provisionStatus |= pStatus;
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ }
+ public void unlockProvision() {
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ provisionStatus &= ~KMKeymasterApplet.PROVISION_STATUS_PROVISIONING_LOCKED;
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ }
+ public void persistOEMRootPublicKey(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength) {
+ if (inLength != 65) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (oemRootPublicKey == null) {
+ oemRootPublicKey = new byte[65];
+ }
+ Util.arrayCopy(inBuff, inOffset, oemRootPublicKey, (short) 0, inLength);
+ }
+ public byte[] getOEMRootPublicKey() {
+ if (oemRootPublicKey == null) {
+ KMException.throwIt(KMError.INVALID_DATA);
+ }
+ return oemRootPublicKey;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onSave(Element element) {
+ // Prmitives
+ element.write(provisionStatus);
+ element.write(secureBootMode);
+ element.write(ignoreSecondImei);
+ // Objects
+ element.write(attIdBrand);
+ element.write(attIdDevice);
+ element.write(attIdProduct);
+ element.write(attIdSerial);
+ element.write(attIdImei);
+ element.write(attIdSecondImei);
+ element.write(attIdMeId);
+ element.write(attIdManufacturer);
+ element.write(attIdModel);
+ element.write(udsCertChain);
+ element.write(diceCertChain);
+ element.write(oemRootPublicKey);
+ // Key Objects
+ seProvider.onSave(element, KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_MASTER_KEY, masterKey);
+ seProvider.onSave(element, KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_PRE_SHARED_KEY, preSharedKey);
+ seProvider.onSave(
+ element, KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEVICE_UNIQUE_KEY_PAIR, deviceUniqueKeyPair);
+ seProvider.onSave(element, KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_RKP_MAC_KEY, rkpMacKey);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onRestore(Element element, short oldVersion, short currentVersion) {
+ if (oldVersion <= KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_1) {
+ // 1.0 to 4.0 Upgrade happens here.
+ handlePreviousVersionUpgrade(element);
+ return;
+ } else if (oldVersion == KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_2) {
+ handleUpgrade(element, oldVersion);
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ // While upgrading Secure Boot Mode flag from 2.0 to 4.0, implementations
+ // have to update the secureBootMode with the correct input.
+ secureBootMode = 0;
+ provisionStatus |= KMKeymasterApplet.PROVISION_STATUS_SECURE_BOOT_MODE;
+ // Applet package Versions till 2 had CoseSign1 for additionalCertificateChain.
+ // From package version 3, the additionalCertificateChain is in X.509 format.
+ // So Unreference the old address and allocate new persistent memory.
+ udsCertChain = new byte[UDS_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE];
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ // Request for ObjectDeletion for unreferenced address of additionalCertChain.
+ JCSystem.requestObjectDeletion();
+ return;
+ }
+ handleUpgrade(element, oldVersion);
+ }
+ private void handlePreviousVersionUpgrade(Element element) {
+ // set ignore Imei flag to true.
+ ignoreSecondImei = true;
+ // Read Primitives
+ // restore old data table index
+ short oldDataIndex = element.readShort();
+ element.readBoolean(); // pop deviceBootLocked
+ element.readShort(); // pop bootState
+ // Read Objects
+ // restore old data table
+ byte[] oldDataTable = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdBrand = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdDevice = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdProduct = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdSerial = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdImei = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdMeId = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdManufacturer = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdModel = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ element.readObject(); // pop verifiedHash
+ element.readObject(); // pop bootKey
+ element.readObject(); // pop bootPatchLevel
+ udsCertChain = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ diceCertChain = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ // Read Key Objects
+ masterKey = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ seProvider.onRestore(element); // pop computedHmacKey
+ preSharedKey = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ deviceUniqueKeyPair = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ rkpMacKey = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ handleProvisionStatusUpgrade(oldDataTable, oldDataIndex);
+ }
+ private void handleUpgrade(Element element, short oldVersion) {
+ // Read Primitives
+ provisionStatus = element.readShort();
+ if (oldVersion >= KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_3) {
+ secureBootMode = element.readByte();
+ }
+ /* check if KeyMint is upgrading from older HAL version to KM300
+ * and set the ignore second Imei flag
+ */
+ if (oldVersion < KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_4) {
+ ignoreSecondImei = true;
+ } else {
+ ignoreSecondImei = element.readBoolean();
+ }
+ // Read Objects
+ attIdBrand = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdDevice = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdProduct = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdSerial = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdImei = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ if (oldVersion >= KM_APPLET_PACKAGE_VERSION_4) {
+ attIdSecondImei = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ }
+ attIdMeId = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdManufacturer = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ attIdModel = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ udsCertChain = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ diceCertChain = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ oemRootPublicKey = (byte[]) element.readObject();
+ // Read Key Objects
+ masterKey = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ preSharedKey = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ deviceUniqueKeyPair = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ rkpMacKey = (KMKey) seProvider.onRestore(element);
+ }
+ public void getProvisionStatus(byte[] dataTable, byte[] scratchpad, short offset) {
+ Util.setShort(scratchpad, offset, (short) 0);
+ readDataEntry(dataTable, OLD_PROVISIONED_STATUS_OFFSET, scratchpad, offset);
+ }
+ void handleProvisionStatusUpgrade(byte[] dataTable, short dataTableIndex) {
+ short dInex = repository.allocReclaimableMemory((short) 2);
+ byte data[] = repository.getHeap();
+ getProvisionStatus(dataTable, data, dInex);
+ short pStatus = (short) (data[dInex] & 0x00ff);
+ pStatus |=
+ }
+ JCSystem.beginTransaction();
+ // While upgrading Secure Boot Mode flag from 1.0 to 4.0, implementations
+ // have to update the secureBootMode with the correct input.
+ secureBootMode = 0;
+ provisionStatus = pStatus;
+ // Applet package Versions till 2 had CoseSign1 for additionalCertificateChain.
+ // From package version 3, the additionalCertificateChain is in X.509 format.
+ // So Unreference the old address and allocate new persistent memory.
+ udsCertChain = new byte[UDS_CERT_CHAIN_MAX_SIZE];
+ JCSystem.commitTransaction();
+ repository.reclaimMemory((short) 2);
+ // Request object deletion for unreferenced address for additionalCertChain
+ JCSystem.requestObjectDeletion();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public short getBackupPrimitiveByteCount() {
+ // provisionStatus - 2 bytes
+ // secureBootMode - 1 byte
+ // Flag for ignore second Imei- 1 byte
+ return (short)
+ (4
+ + seProvider.getBackupPrimitiveByteCount(KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_MASTER_KEY)
+ + seProvider.getBackupPrimitiveByteCount(
+ + seProvider.getBackupPrimitiveByteCount(
+ + seProvider.getBackupPrimitiveByteCount(
+ }
+ @Override
+ public short getBackupObjectCount() {
+ // AttestationIds - 9
+ // UdsCertificateChain - 1
+ // diceCertificateChain - 1
+ // oemRootPublicKey - 1
+ return (short)
+ (12
+ + seProvider.getBackupObjectCount(KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_MASTER_KEY)
+ + seProvider.getBackupObjectCount(KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_PRE_SHARED_KEY)
+ + seProvider.getBackupObjectCount(
+ + seProvider.getBackupObjectCount(KMDataStoreConstants.INTERFACE_TYPE_RKP_MAC_KEY));
+ }