path: root/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/binding_unittest.cc
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authorHidehiko Abe <hidehiko@google.com>2018-04-24 02:15:00 +0900
committerHidehiko Abe <hidehiko@google.com>2018-04-24 10:13:47 +0900
commit920588a1acdc4721abb713d8162010e4b85ae53e (patch)
tree5d0b02a305d2ce5e91eb915695a338dabff2ed6b /mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/binding_unittest.cc
parentca6c42abc66e142da1036f0061976d671862c457 (diff)
This CL moves following files. - .gitignore - Android.bp is merged into libchrome's Android.bp. - base/android/* - build/* except build_config.h which is exactly same with libchrome's. - ipc/* - mojo/* - soong/* into libchrome_tools/ - third_party/{catapult,jinja2,markupsafe,ply}/* - ui/gfx/{geometry,range}/mojo/* Then removed following files: - Android.bp - CleanSpec.mk - build/build_config.h And added README.md to notify the migration. Bug: 73606903 Test: Built locally. Ran on DUT. Change-Id: I94aa1b43ff0854f48f30fdf03025bd1c8a346038
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/binding_unittest.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 611 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/binding_unittest.cc b/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/binding_unittest.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index e76993b..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/binding_unittest.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Note: This file tests both binding.h (mojo::Binding) and strong_binding.h
-// (mojo::StrongBinding).
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h"
-#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/ping_service.mojom.h"
-#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/sample_interfaces.mojom.h"
-#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/sample_service.mojom.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace {
-class BindingTestBase : public testing::Test {
- public:
- BindingTestBase() {}
- ~BindingTestBase() override {}
- base::MessageLoop& loop() { return loop_; }
- private:
- base::MessageLoop loop_;
-class ServiceImpl : public sample::Service {
- public:
- explicit ServiceImpl(bool* was_deleted = nullptr)
- : was_deleted_(was_deleted) {}
- ~ServiceImpl() override {
- if (was_deleted_)
- *was_deleted_ = true;
- }
- private:
- // sample::Service implementation
- void Frobinate(sample::FooPtr foo,
- BazOptions options,
- sample::PortPtr port,
- const FrobinateCallback& callback) override {
- callback.Run(1);
- }
- void GetPort(InterfaceRequest<sample::Port> port) override {}
- bool* const was_deleted_;
-template <typename... Args>
-void DoSetFlagAndRunClosure(bool* flag,
- const base::Closure& closure,
- Args... args) {
- *flag = true;
- if (!closure.is_null())
- closure.Run();
-template <typename... Args>
-base::Callback<void(Args...)> SetFlagAndRunClosure(
- bool* flag,
- const base::Closure& callback = base::Closure()) {
- return base::Bind(&DoSetFlagAndRunClosure<Args...>, flag, callback);
-// BindingTest -----------------------------------------------------------------
-using BindingTest = BindingTestBase;
-TEST_F(BindingTest, Close) {
- bool called = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- ptr.set_connection_error_handler(
- SetFlagAndRunClosure(&called, run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- ServiceImpl impl;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- binding.Close();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
-// Tests that destroying a mojo::Binding closes the bound message pipe handle.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, DestroyClosesMessagePipe) {
- bool encountered_error = false;
- ServiceImpl impl;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- ptr.set_connection_error_handler(
- SetFlagAndRunClosure(&encountered_error, run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- bool called = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop2;
- {
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called,
- run_loop2.QuitClosure()));
- run_loop2.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- EXPECT_FALSE(encountered_error);
- }
- // Now that the Binding is out of scope we should detect an error on the other
- // end of the pipe.
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(encountered_error);
- // And calls should fail.
- called = false;
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called,
- run_loop2.QuitClosure()));
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
-// Tests that the binding's connection error handler gets called when the other
-// end is closed.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, ConnectionError) {
- bool called = false;
- {
- ServiceImpl impl;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, MakeRequest(&ptr));
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- binding.set_connection_error_handler(
- SetFlagAndRunClosure(&called, run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- ptr.reset();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- // We want to make sure that it isn't called again during destruction.
- called = false;
- }
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
-// Tests that calling Close doesn't result in the connection error handler being
-// called.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, CloseDoesntCallConnectionErrorHandler) {
- ServiceImpl impl;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, MakeRequest(&ptr));
- bool called = false;
- binding.set_connection_error_handler(SetFlagAndRunClosure(&called));
- binding.Close();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- // We can also close the other end, and the error handler still won't be
- // called.
- ptr.reset();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
-class ServiceImplWithBinding : public ServiceImpl {
- public:
- ServiceImplWithBinding(bool* was_deleted,
- const base::Closure& closure,
- InterfaceRequest<sample::Service> request)
- : ServiceImpl(was_deleted),
- binding_(this, std::move(request)),
- closure_(closure) {
- binding_.set_connection_error_handler(
- base::Bind(&ServiceImplWithBinding::OnConnectionError,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- private:
- ~ServiceImplWithBinding() override{
- closure_.Run();
- }
- void OnConnectionError() { delete this; }
- Binding<sample::Service> binding_;
- base::Closure closure_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ServiceImplWithBinding);
-// Tests that the binding may be deleted in the connection error handler.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, SelfDeleteOnConnectionError) {
- bool was_deleted = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- // This should delete itself on connection error.
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- new ServiceImplWithBinding(&was_deleted, run_loop.QuitClosure(),
- MakeRequest(&ptr));
- ptr.reset();
- EXPECT_FALSE(was_deleted);
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(was_deleted);
-// Tests that explicitly calling Unbind followed by rebinding works.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, Unbind) {
- ServiceImpl impl;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, MakeRequest(&ptr));
- bool called = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called,
- run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- called = false;
- auto request = binding.Unbind();
- EXPECT_FALSE(binding.is_bound());
- // All calls should fail when not bound...
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called,
- run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- called = false;
- binding.Bind(std::move(request));
- EXPECT_TRUE(binding.is_bound());
- // ...and should succeed again when the rebound.
- base::RunLoop run_loop2;
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called,
- run_loop2.QuitClosure()));
- run_loop2.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
-class IntegerAccessorImpl : public sample::IntegerAccessor {
- public:
- IntegerAccessorImpl() {}
- ~IntegerAccessorImpl() override {}
- private:
- // sample::IntegerAccessor implementation.
- void GetInteger(const GetIntegerCallback& callback) override {
- callback.Run(1, sample::Enum::VALUE);
- }
- void SetInteger(int64_t data, sample::Enum type) override {}
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IntegerAccessorImpl);
-TEST_F(BindingTest, SetInterfacePtrVersion) {
- IntegerAccessorImpl impl;
- sample::IntegerAccessorPtr ptr;
- Binding<sample::IntegerAccessor> binding(&impl, &ptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(3u, ptr.version());
-TEST_F(BindingTest, PauseResume) {
- bool called = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- ServiceImpl impl;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- binding.PauseIncomingMethodCallProcessing();
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called,
- run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- // Frobinate() should not be called as the binding is paused.
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- // Resume the binding, which should trigger processing.
- binding.ResumeIncomingMethodCallProcessing();
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
-// Verifies the connection error handler is not run while a binding is paused.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, ErrorHandleNotRunWhilePaused) {
- bool called = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- ServiceImpl impl;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- binding.set_connection_error_handler(
- SetFlagAndRunClosure(&called, run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- binding.PauseIncomingMethodCallProcessing();
- ptr.reset();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- // The connection error handle should not be called as the binding is paused.
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- // Resume the binding, which should trigger the error handler.
- binding.ResumeIncomingMethodCallProcessing();
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
-class PingServiceImpl : public test::PingService {
- public:
- PingServiceImpl() {}
- ~PingServiceImpl() override {}
- // test::PingService:
- void Ping(const PingCallback& callback) override {
- if (!ping_handler_.is_null())
- ping_handler_.Run();
- callback.Run();
- }
- void set_ping_handler(const base::Closure& handler) {
- ping_handler_ = handler;
- }
- private:
- base::Closure ping_handler_;
-class CallbackFilter : public MessageReceiver {
- public:
- explicit CallbackFilter(const base::Closure& callback)
- : callback_(callback) {}
- ~CallbackFilter() override {}
- static std::unique_ptr<CallbackFilter> Wrap(const base::Closure& callback) {
- return base::MakeUnique<CallbackFilter>(callback);
- }
- // MessageReceiver:
- bool Accept(Message* message) override {
- callback_.Run();
- return true;
- }
- private:
- const base::Closure callback_;
-// Verifies that message filters are notified in the order they were added and
-// are always notified before a message is dispatched.
-TEST_F(BindingTest, MessageFilter) {
- test::PingServicePtr ptr;
- PingServiceImpl impl;
- mojo::Binding<test::PingService> binding(&impl, MakeRequest(&ptr));
- int status = 0;
- auto handler_helper = [] (int* status, int expected_status, int new_status) {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_status, *status);
- *status = new_status;
- };
- auto create_handler = [&] (int expected_status, int new_status) {
- return base::Bind(handler_helper, &status, expected_status, new_status);
- };
- binding.AddFilter(CallbackFilter::Wrap(create_handler(0, 1)));
- binding.AddFilter(CallbackFilter::Wrap(create_handler(1, 2)));
- impl.set_ping_handler(create_handler(2, 3));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- status = 0;
- base::RunLoop loop;
- ptr->Ping(loop.QuitClosure());
- loop.Run();
- EXPECT_EQ(3, status);
- }
-void Fail() {
- FAIL() << "Unexpected connection error";
-TEST_F(BindingTest, FlushForTesting) {
- bool called = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- ServiceImpl impl;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- binding.set_connection_error_handler(base::Bind(&Fail));
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called));
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- // Because the flush is sent from the binding, it only guarantees that the
- // request has been received, not the response. The second flush waits for the
- // response to be received.
- binding.FlushForTesting();
- binding.FlushForTesting();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
-TEST_F(BindingTest, FlushForTestingWithClosedPeer) {
- bool called = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- ServiceImpl impl;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- binding.set_connection_error_handler(SetFlagAndRunClosure(&called));
- ptr.reset();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- binding.FlushForTesting();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- binding.FlushForTesting();
-TEST_F(BindingTest, ConnectionErrorWithReason) {
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- ServiceImpl impl;
- Binding<sample::Service> binding(&impl, std::move(request));
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- binding.set_connection_error_with_reason_handler(base::Bind(
- [](const base::Closure& quit_closure, uint32_t custom_reason,
- const std::string& description) {
- EXPECT_EQ(1234u, custom_reason);
- EXPECT_EQ("hello", description);
- quit_closure.Run();
- },
- run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- ptr.ResetWithReason(1234u, "hello");
- run_loop.Run();
-template <typename T>
-struct WeakPtrImplRefTraits {
- using PointerType = base::WeakPtr<T>;
- static bool IsNull(const base::WeakPtr<T>& ptr) { return !ptr; }
- static T* GetRawPointer(base::WeakPtr<T>* ptr) { return ptr->get(); }
-template <typename T>
-using WeakBinding = Binding<T, WeakPtrImplRefTraits<T>>;
-TEST_F(BindingTest, CustomImplPointerType) {
- PingServiceImpl impl;
- base::WeakPtrFactory<test::PingService> weak_factory(&impl);
- test::PingServicePtr proxy;
- WeakBinding<test::PingService> binding(weak_factory.GetWeakPtr(),
- MakeRequest(&proxy));
- {
- // Ensure the binding is functioning.
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- proxy->Ping(run_loop.QuitClosure());
- run_loop.Run();
- }
- {
- // Attempt to dispatch another message after the WeakPtr is invalidated.
- base::Closure assert_not_reached = base::Bind([] { NOTREACHED(); });
- impl.set_ping_handler(assert_not_reached);
- proxy->Ping(assert_not_reached);
- // The binding will close its end of the pipe which will trigger a
- // connection error on |proxy|.
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- proxy.set_connection_error_handler(run_loop.QuitClosure());
- weak_factory.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
- run_loop.Run();
- }
-// StrongBindingTest -----------------------------------------------------------
-using StrongBindingTest = BindingTestBase;
-// Tests that destroying a mojo::StrongBinding closes the bound message pipe
-// handle but does *not* destroy the implementation object.
-TEST_F(StrongBindingTest, DestroyClosesMessagePipe) {
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- bool encountered_error = false;
- bool was_deleted = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- ptr.set_connection_error_handler(
- SetFlagAndRunClosure(&encountered_error, run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- bool called = false;
- base::RunLoop run_loop2;
- auto binding = MakeStrongBinding(base::MakeUnique<ServiceImpl>(&was_deleted),
- std::move(request));
- ptr->Frobinate(
- nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called, run_loop2.QuitClosure()));
- run_loop2.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- EXPECT_FALSE(encountered_error);
- binding->Close();
- // Now that the StrongBinding is closed we should detect an error on the other
- // end of the pipe.
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(encountered_error);
- // Destroying the StrongBinding also destroys the impl.
- ASSERT_TRUE(was_deleted);
-// Tests the typical case, where the implementation object owns the
-// StrongBinding (and should be destroyed on connection error).
-TEST_F(StrongBindingTest, ConnectionErrorDestroysImpl) {
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- bool was_deleted = false;
- // Will delete itself.
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- new ServiceImplWithBinding(&was_deleted, run_loop.QuitClosure(),
- MakeRequest(&ptr));
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_FALSE(was_deleted);
- ptr.reset();
- EXPECT_FALSE(was_deleted);
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(was_deleted);
-TEST_F(StrongBindingTest, FlushForTesting) {
- bool called = false;
- bool was_deleted = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- auto binding = MakeStrongBinding(base::MakeUnique<ServiceImpl>(&was_deleted),
- std::move(request));
- binding->set_connection_error_handler(base::Bind(&Fail));
- ptr->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BazOptions::REGULAR, nullptr,
- SetFlagAndRunClosure<int32_t>(&called));
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- // Because the flush is sent from the binding, it only guarantees that the
- // request has been received, not the response. The second flush waits for the
- // response to be received.
- ASSERT_TRUE(binding);
- binding->FlushForTesting();
- ASSERT_TRUE(binding);
- binding->FlushForTesting();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- EXPECT_FALSE(was_deleted);
- ptr.reset();
- ASSERT_TRUE(binding);
- binding->set_connection_error_handler(base::Closure());
- binding->FlushForTesting();
- EXPECT_TRUE(was_deleted);
-TEST_F(StrongBindingTest, FlushForTestingWithClosedPeer) {
- bool called = false;
- bool was_deleted = false;
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- auto binding = MakeStrongBinding(base::MakeUnique<ServiceImpl>(&was_deleted),
- std::move(request));
- binding->set_connection_error_handler(SetFlagAndRunClosure(&called));
- ptr.reset();
- EXPECT_FALSE(called);
- EXPECT_FALSE(was_deleted);
- ASSERT_TRUE(binding);
- binding->FlushForTesting();
- EXPECT_TRUE(called);
- EXPECT_TRUE(was_deleted);
- ASSERT_FALSE(binding);
-TEST_F(StrongBindingTest, ConnectionErrorWithReason) {
- sample::ServicePtr ptr;
- auto request = MakeRequest(&ptr);
- auto binding =
- MakeStrongBinding(base::MakeUnique<ServiceImpl>(), std::move(request));
- base::RunLoop run_loop;
- binding->set_connection_error_with_reason_handler(base::Bind(
- [](const base::Closure& quit_closure, uint32_t custom_reason,
- const std::string& description) {
- EXPECT_EQ(5678u, custom_reason);
- EXPECT_EQ("hello", description);
- quit_closure.Run();
- },
- run_loop.QuitClosure()));
- ptr.ResetWithReason(5678u, "hello");
- run_loop.Run();
-} // namespace
-} // mojo