path: root/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 2485 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/__init__.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/fileutil_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/fileutil_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d56faad..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/fileutil_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-from mojom import fileutil
-class FileUtilTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testEnsureDirectoryExists(self):
- """Test that EnsureDirectoryExists fuctions correctly."""
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- try:
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(temp_dir))
- # Directory does not exist, yet.
- full = os.path.join(temp_dir, "foo", "bar")
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(full))
- # Create the directory.
- fileutil.EnsureDirectoryExists(full)
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(full))
- # Trying to create it again does not cause an error.
- fileutil.EnsureDirectoryExists(full)
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(full))
- # Bypass check for directory existence to tickle error handling that
- # occurs in response to a race.
- fileutil.EnsureDirectoryExists(full, always_try_to_create=True)
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(full))
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/__init__.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/data_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/data_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c92a3..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/data_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-from mojom.generate import data
-from mojom.generate import module as mojom
-class DataTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testStructDataConversion(self):
- """Tests that a struct can be converted from data."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- struct_data = {
- 'name': 'SomeStruct',
- 'enums': [],
- 'constants': [],
- 'fields': [
- {'name': 'field1', 'kind': 'i32'},
- {'name': 'field2', 'kind': 'i32', 'ordinal': 10},
- {'name': 'field3', 'kind': 'i32', 'default': 15}]}
- struct = data.StructFromData(module, struct_data)
- struct.fields = map(lambda field:
- data.StructFieldFromData(module, field, struct), struct.fields_data)
- self.assertEquals(struct_data, data.StructToData(struct))
- def testUnionDataConversion(self):
- """Tests that a union can be converted from data."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- union_data = {
- 'name': 'SomeUnion',
- 'fields': [
- {'name': 'field1', 'kind': 'i32'},
- {'name': 'field2', 'kind': 'i32', 'ordinal': 10}]}
- union = data.UnionFromData(module, union_data)
- union.fields = map(lambda field:
- data.UnionFieldFromData(module, field, union), union.fields_data)
- self.assertEquals(union_data, data.UnionToData(union))
- def testImportFromDataNoMissingImports(self):
- """Tests that unions, structs, interfaces and enums are imported."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- imported_module = mojom.Module('import_module', 'import_namespace')
- #TODO(azani): Init values in module.py.
- #TODO(azani): Test that values are imported.
- imported_module.values = {}
- imported_data = {'module' : imported_module}
- struct = mojom.Struct('TestStruct', module=module)
- imported_module.kinds[struct.spec] = struct
- union = mojom.Union('TestUnion', module=module)
- imported_module.kinds[union.spec] = union
- interface = mojom.Interface('TestInterface', module=module)
- imported_module.kinds[interface.spec] = interface
- enum = mojom.Enum('TestEnum', module=module)
- imported_module.kinds[enum.spec] = enum
- data.ImportFromData(module, imported_data)
- # Test that the kind was imported.
- self.assertIn(struct.spec, module.kinds)
- self.assertEquals(struct.name, module.kinds[struct.spec].name)
- self.assertIn(union.spec, module.kinds)
- self.assertEquals(union.name, module.kinds[union.spec].name)
- self.assertIn(interface.spec, module.kinds)
- self.assertEquals(interface.name, module.kinds[interface.spec].name)
- self.assertIn(enum.spec, module.kinds)
- self.assertEquals(enum.name, module.kinds[enum.spec].name)
- # Test that the imported kind is a copy and not the original.
- self.assertIsNot(struct, module.kinds[struct.spec])
- self.assertIsNot(union, module.kinds[union.spec])
- self.assertIsNot(interface, module.kinds[interface.spec])
- self.assertIsNot(enum, module.kinds[enum.spec])
- def testImportFromDataNoExtraneousImports(self):
- """Tests that arrays, maps and interface requests are not imported."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- imported_module = mojom.Module('import_module', 'import_namespace')
- #TODO(azani): Init values in module.py.
- imported_module.values = {}
- imported_data = {'module' : imported_module}
- array = mojom.Array(mojom.INT16, length=20)
- imported_module.kinds[array.spec] = array
- map_kind = mojom.Map(mojom.INT16, mojom.INT16)
- imported_module.kinds[map_kind.spec] = map_kind
- interface = mojom.Interface('TestInterface', module=module)
- imported_module.kinds[interface.spec] = interface
- interface_req = mojom.InterfaceRequest(interface)
- imported_module.kinds[interface_req.spec] = interface_req
- data.ImportFromData(module, imported_data)
- self.assertNotIn(array.spec, module.kinds)
- self.assertNotIn(map_kind.spec, module.kinds)
- self.assertNotIn(interface_req.spec, module.kinds)
- def testNonInterfaceAsInterfaceRequest(self):
- """Tests that a non-interface cannot be used for interface requests."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- interface = mojom.Interface('TestInterface', module=module)
- method_dict = {
- 'name': 'Foo',
- 'parameters': [{'name': 'foo', 'kind': 'r:i32'}],
- }
- with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
- data.MethodFromData(module, method_dict, interface)
- self.assertEquals(e.exception.__str__(),
- 'Interface request requires \'i32\' to be an interface.')
- def testNonInterfaceAsAssociatedInterface(self):
- """Tests that a non-interface type cannot be used for associated
- interfaces."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- interface = mojom.Interface('TestInterface', module=module)
- method_dict = {
- 'name': 'Foo',
- 'parameters': [{'name': 'foo', 'kind': 'asso:i32'}],
- }
- with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
- data.MethodFromData(module, method_dict, interface)
- self.assertEquals(
- e.exception.__str__(),
- 'Associated interface requires \'i32\' to be an interface.')
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/generator_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/generator_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a684773..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/generator_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-from mojom.generate import generator
-class StringManipulationTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """generator contains some string utilities, this tests only those."""
- def testUnderToCamel(self):
- """Tests UnderToCamel which converts underscore_separated to CamelCase."""
- self.assertEquals("CamelCase", generator.UnderToCamel("camel_case"))
- self.assertEquals("CamelCase", generator.UnderToCamel("CAMEL_CASE"))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/module_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/module_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b7cd5..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/module_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-from mojom.generate import module as mojom
-class ModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testNonInterfaceAsInterfaceRequest(self):
- """Tests that a non-interface cannot be used for interface requests."""
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- struct = mojom.Struct('TestStruct', module=module)
- with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
- mojom.InterfaceRequest(struct)
- self.assertEquals(
- e.exception.__str__(),
- 'Interface request requires \'x:TestStruct\' to be an interface.')
- def testNonInterfaceAsAssociatedInterface(self):
- """Tests that a non-interface type cannot be used for associated interfaces.
- """
- module = mojom.Module('test_module', 'test_namespace')
- struct = mojom.Struct('TestStruct', module=module)
- with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
- mojom.AssociatedInterface(struct)
- self.assertEquals(
- e.exception.__str__(),
- 'Associated interface requires \'x:TestStruct\' to be an interface.')
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/pack_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/pack_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 75f6d51..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/generate/pack_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-from mojom.generate import pack
-from mojom.generate import module as mojom
-# TODO(yzshen): Move tests in pack_tests.py here.
-class PackTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def _CheckPackSequence(self, kinds, fields, offsets):
- """Checks the pack order and offsets of a sequence of mojom.Kinds.
- Args:
- kinds: A sequence of mojom.Kinds that specify the fields that are to be
- created.
- fields: The expected order of the resulting fields, with the integer "1"
- first.
- offsets: The expected order of offsets, with the integer "0" first.
- """
- struct = mojom.Struct('test')
- index = 1
- for kind in kinds:
- struct.AddField('%d' % index, kind)
- index += 1
- ps = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
- num_fields = len(ps.packed_fields)
- self.assertEquals(len(kinds), num_fields)
- for i in xrange(num_fields):
- self.assertEquals('%d' % fields[i], ps.packed_fields[i].field.name)
- self.assertEquals(offsets[i], ps.packed_fields[i].offset)
- def testMinVersion(self):
- """Tests that |min_version| is properly set for packed fields."""
- struct = mojom.Struct('test')
- struct.AddField('field_2', mojom.BOOL, 2)
- struct.AddField('field_0', mojom.INT32, 0)
- struct.AddField('field_1', mojom.INT64, 1)
- ps = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
- self.assertEquals('field_0', ps.packed_fields[0].field.name)
- self.assertEquals('field_2', ps.packed_fields[1].field.name)
- self.assertEquals('field_1', ps.packed_fields[2].field.name)
- self.assertEquals(0, ps.packed_fields[0].min_version)
- self.assertEquals(0, ps.packed_fields[1].min_version)
- self.assertEquals(0, ps.packed_fields[2].min_version)
- struct.fields[0].attributes = {'MinVersion': 1}
- ps = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
- self.assertEquals(0, ps.packed_fields[0].min_version)
- self.assertEquals(1, ps.packed_fields[1].min_version)
- self.assertEquals(0, ps.packed_fields[2].min_version)
- def testGetVersionInfoEmptyStruct(self):
- """Tests that pack.GetVersionInfo() never returns an empty list, even for
- empty structs.
- """
- struct = mojom.Struct('test')
- ps = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
- versions = pack.GetVersionInfo(ps)
- self.assertEquals(1, len(versions))
- self.assertEquals(0, versions[0].version)
- self.assertEquals(0, versions[0].num_fields)
- self.assertEquals(8, versions[0].num_bytes)
- def testGetVersionInfoComplexOrder(self):
- """Tests pack.GetVersionInfo() using a struct whose definition order,
- ordinal order and pack order for fields are all different.
- """
- struct = mojom.Struct('test')
- struct.AddField('field_3', mojom.BOOL, ordinal=3,
- attributes={'MinVersion': 3})
- struct.AddField('field_0', mojom.INT32, ordinal=0)
- struct.AddField('field_1', mojom.INT64, ordinal=1,
- attributes={'MinVersion': 2})
- struct.AddField('field_2', mojom.INT64, ordinal=2,
- attributes={'MinVersion': 3})
- ps = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
- versions = pack.GetVersionInfo(ps)
- self.assertEquals(3, len(versions))
- self.assertEquals(0, versions[0].version)
- self.assertEquals(1, versions[0].num_fields)
- self.assertEquals(16, versions[0].num_bytes)
- self.assertEquals(2, versions[1].version)
- self.assertEquals(2, versions[1].num_fields)
- self.assertEquals(24, versions[1].num_bytes)
- self.assertEquals(3, versions[2].version)
- self.assertEquals(4, versions[2].num_fields)
- self.assertEquals(32, versions[2].num_bytes)
- def testInterfaceAlignment(self):
- """Tests that interfaces are aligned on 4-byte boundaries, although the size
- of an interface is 8 bytes.
- """
- kinds = (mojom.INT32, mojom.Interface('test_interface'))
- fields = (1, 2)
- offsets = (0, 4)
- self._CheckPackSequence(kinds, fields, offsets)
- def testAssociatedInterfaceAlignment(self):
- """Tests that associated interfaces are aligned on 4-byte boundaries,
- although the size of an associated interface is 8 bytes.
- """
- kinds = (mojom.INT32,
- mojom.AssociatedInterface(mojom.Interface('test_interface')))
- fields = (1, 2)
- offsets = (0, 4)
- self._CheckPackSequence(kinds, fields, offsets)
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/__init__.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/ast_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/ast_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd28cdd..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/ast_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-import mojom.parse.ast as ast
-class _TestNode(ast.NodeBase):
- """Node type for tests."""
- def __init__(self, value, **kwargs):
- super(_TestNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.value = value
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return super(_TestNode, self).__eq__(other) and self.value == other.value
-class _TestNodeList(ast.NodeListBase):
- """Node list type for tests."""
- _list_item_type = _TestNode
-class ASTTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests various AST classes."""
- def testNodeBase(self):
- # Test |__eq__()|; this is only used for testing, where we want to do
- # comparison by value and ignore filenames/line numbers (for convenience).
- node1 = ast.NodeBase(filename="hello.mojom", lineno=123)
- node2 = ast.NodeBase()
- self.assertEquals(node1, node2)
- self.assertEquals(node2, node1)
- # Check that |__ne__()| just defers to |__eq__()| properly.
- self.assertFalse(node1 != node2)
- self.assertFalse(node2 != node1)
- # Check that |filename| and |lineno| are set properly (and are None by
- # default).
- self.assertEquals(node1.filename, "hello.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(node1.lineno, 123)
- self.assertIsNone(node2.filename)
- self.assertIsNone(node2.lineno)
- # |NodeBase|'s |__eq__()| should compare types (and a subclass's |__eq__()|
- # should first defer to its superclass's).
- node3 = _TestNode(123)
- self.assertNotEqual(node1, node3)
- self.assertNotEqual(node3, node1)
- # Also test |__eq__()| directly.
- self.assertFalse(node1 == node3)
- self.assertFalse(node3 == node1)
- node4 = _TestNode(123, filename="world.mojom", lineno=123)
- self.assertEquals(node4, node3)
- node5 = _TestNode(456)
- self.assertNotEquals(node5, node4)
- def testNodeListBase(self):
- node1 = _TestNode(1, filename="foo.mojom", lineno=1)
- # Equal to, but not the same as, |node1|:
- node1b = _TestNode(1, filename="foo.mojom", lineno=1)
- node2 = _TestNode(2, filename="foo.mojom", lineno=2)
- nodelist1 = _TestNodeList() # Contains: (empty).
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1, nodelist1)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1.items, [])
- self.assertIsNone(nodelist1.filename)
- self.assertIsNone(nodelist1.lineno)
- nodelist2 = _TestNodeList(node1) # Contains: 1.
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2, nodelist2)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2.items, [node1])
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist2, nodelist1)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2.filename, "foo.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2.lineno, 1)
- nodelist3 = _TestNodeList([node2]) # Contains: 2.
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3.items, [node2])
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist3, nodelist1)
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist3, nodelist2)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3.filename, "foo.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3.lineno, 2)
- nodelist1.Append(node1b) # Contains: 1.
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1.items, [node1])
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1, nodelist2)
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist1, nodelist3)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1.filename, "foo.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1.lineno, 1)
- nodelist1.Append(node2) # Contains: 1, 2.
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1.items, [node1, node2])
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist1, nodelist2)
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist1, nodelist3)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist1.lineno, 1)
- nodelist2.Append(node2) # Contains: 1, 2.
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2.items, [node1, node2])
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2, nodelist1)
- self.assertNotEqual(nodelist2, nodelist3)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist2.lineno, 1)
- nodelist3.Insert(node1) # Contains: 1, 2.
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3.items, [node1, node2])
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3, nodelist1)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3, nodelist2)
- self.assertEquals(nodelist3.lineno, 1)
- # Test iteration:
- i = 1
- for item in nodelist1:
- self.assertEquals(item.value, i)
- i += 1
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/lexer_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/lexer_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6822cbc..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/lexer_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("ply")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("mojo"), "third_party"))
-from ply import lex
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-import mojom.parse.lexer
-# This (monkey-patching LexToken to make comparison value-based) is evil, but
-# we'll do it anyway. (I'm pretty sure ply's lexer never cares about comparing
-# for object identity.)
-def _LexTokenEq(self, other):
- return self.type == other.type and self.value == other.value and \
- self.lineno == other.lineno and self.lexpos == other.lexpos
-setattr(lex.LexToken, '__eq__', _LexTokenEq)
-def _MakeLexToken(token_type, value, lineno=1, lexpos=0):
- """Makes a LexToken with the given parameters. (Note that lineno is 1-based,
- but lexpos is 0-based.)"""
- rv = lex.LexToken()
- rv.type, rv.value, rv.lineno, rv.lexpos = token_type, value, lineno, lexpos
- return rv
-def _MakeLexTokenForKeyword(keyword, **kwargs):
- """Makes a LexToken for the given keyword."""
- return _MakeLexToken(keyword.upper(), keyword.lower(), **kwargs)
-class LexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests |mojom.parse.lexer.Lexer|."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- # Clone all lexer instances from this one, since making a lexer is slow.
- self._zygote_lexer = lex.lex(mojom.parse.lexer.Lexer("my_file.mojom"))
- def testValidKeywords(self):
- """Tests valid keywords."""
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("handle"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("handle"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("import"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("import"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("module"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("module"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("struct"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("struct"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("union"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("union"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("interface"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("interface"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("enum"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("enum"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("const"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("const"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("true"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("true"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("false"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("false"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("default"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("default"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("array"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("array"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("map"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("map"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("associated"),
- _MakeLexTokenForKeyword("associated"))
- def testValidIdentifiers(self):
- """Tests identifiers."""
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("abcd"),
- _MakeLexToken("NAME", "abcd"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("AbC_d012_"),
- _MakeLexToken("NAME", "AbC_d012_"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("_0123"),
- _MakeLexToken("NAME", "_0123"))
- def testInvalidIdentifiers(self):
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- mojom.parse.lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Illegal character '\$'$"):
- self._TokensForInput("$abc")
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- mojom.parse.lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Illegal character '\$'$"):
- self._TokensForInput("a$bc")
- def testDecimalIntegerConstants(self):
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("0"),
- _MakeLexToken("INT_CONST_DEC", "0"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("1"),
- _MakeLexToken("INT_CONST_DEC", "1"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("123"),
- _MakeLexToken("INT_CONST_DEC", "123"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("10"),
- _MakeLexToken("INT_CONST_DEC", "10"))
- def testValidTokens(self):
- """Tests valid tokens (which aren't tested elsewhere)."""
- # Keywords tested in |testValidKeywords|.
- # NAME tested in |testValidIdentifiers|.
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("@123"),
- _MakeLexToken("ORDINAL", "@123"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("456"),
- _MakeLexToken("INT_CONST_DEC", "456"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("0x01aB2eF3"),
- _MakeLexToken("INT_CONST_HEX", "0x01aB2eF3"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("123.456"),
- _MakeLexToken("FLOAT_CONST", "123.456"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("\"hello\""),
- _MakeLexToken("STRING_LITERAL", "\"hello\""))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("+"),
- _MakeLexToken("PLUS", "+"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("-"),
- _MakeLexToken("MINUS", "-"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("&"),
- _MakeLexToken("AMP", "&"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("?"),
- _MakeLexToken("QSTN", "?"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("="),
- _MakeLexToken("EQUALS", "="))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("=>"),
- _MakeLexToken("RESPONSE", "=>"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("("),
- _MakeLexToken("LPAREN", "("))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput(")"),
- _MakeLexToken("RPAREN", ")"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("["),
- _MakeLexToken("LBRACKET", "["))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("]"),
- _MakeLexToken("RBRACKET", "]"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("{"),
- _MakeLexToken("LBRACE", "{"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("}"),
- _MakeLexToken("RBRACE", "}"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("<"),
- _MakeLexToken("LANGLE", "<"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput(">"),
- _MakeLexToken("RANGLE", ">"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput(";"),
- _MakeLexToken("SEMI", ";"))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput(","),
- _MakeLexToken("COMMA", ","))
- self.assertEquals(self._SingleTokenForInput("."),
- _MakeLexToken("DOT", "."))
- def _TokensForInput(self, input_string):
- """Gets a list of tokens for the given input string."""
- lexer = self._zygote_lexer.clone()
- lexer.input(input_string)
- rv = []
- while True:
- tok = lexer.token()
- if not tok:
- return rv
- rv.append(tok)
- def _SingleTokenForInput(self, input_string):
- """Gets the single token for the given input string. (Raises an exception if
- the input string does not result in exactly one token.)"""
- toks = self._TokensForInput(input_string)
- assert len(toks) == 1
- return toks[0]
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/parser_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/parser_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4ca87..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/parser_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1497 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-import mojom.parse.ast as ast
-import mojom.parse.lexer as lexer
-import mojom.parse.parser as parser
-class ParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests |parser.Parse()|."""
- def testTrivialValidSource(self):
- """Tests a trivial, but valid, .mojom source."""
- source = """\
- // This is a comment.
- module my_module;
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testSourceWithCrLfs(self):
- """Tests a .mojom source with CR-LFs instead of LFs."""
- source = "// This is a comment.\r\n\r\nmodule my_module;\r\n"
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testUnexpectedEOF(self):
- """Tests a "truncated" .mojom source."""
- source = """\
- // This is a comment.
- module my_module
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom: Error: Unexpected end of file$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testCommentLineNumbers(self):
- """Tests that line numbers are correctly tracked when comments are
- present."""
- source1 = """\
- // Isolated C++-style comments.
- // Foo.
- asdf1
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected 'asdf1':\n *asdf1$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- // Consecutive C++-style comments.
- // Foo.
- // Bar.
- struct Yada { // Baz.
- // Quux.
- int32 x;
- };
- asdf2
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:10: Error: Unexpected 'asdf2':\n *asdf2$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- /* Single-line C-style comments. */
- /* Foobar. */
- /* Baz. */
- asdf3
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:5: Error: Unexpected 'asdf3':\n *asdf3$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- source4 = """\
- /* Multi-line C-style comments.
- */
- /*
- Foo.
- Bar.
- */
- /* Baz
- Quux. */
- asdf4
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:10: Error: Unexpected 'asdf4':\n *asdf4$"):
- parser.Parse(source4, "my_file.mojom")
- def testSimpleStruct(self):
- """Tests a simple .mojom source that just defines a struct."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- double b;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a', None, None, 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('b', None, None, 'double', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testSimpleStructWithoutModule(self):
- """Tests a simple struct without an explict module statement."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- double b;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a', None, None, 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('b', None, None, 'double', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testValidStructDefinitions(self):
- """Tests all types of definitions that can occur in a struct."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- enum MyEnum { VALUE };
- const double kMyConst = 1.23;
- int32 a;
- SomeOtherStruct b; // Invalidity detected at another stage.
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.Enum('MyEnum',
- None,
- ast.EnumValueList(
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE', None, None))),
- ast.Const('kMyConst', 'double', '1.23'),
- ast.StructField('a', None, None, 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('b', None, None, 'SomeOtherStruct', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidStructDefinitions(self):
- """Tests that definitions that aren't allowed in a struct are correctly
- detected."""
- source1 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- MyMethod(int32 a);
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '\(':\n"
- r" *MyMethod\(int32 a\);$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- struct MyInnerStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'struct':\n"
- r" *struct MyInnerStruct {$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod(int32 a);
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'interface':\n"
- r" *interface MyInterface {$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- def testMissingModuleName(self):
- """Tests an (invalid) .mojom with a missing module name."""
- source1 = """\
- // Missing module name.
- module ;
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected ';':\n *module ;$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- # Another similar case, but make sure that line-number tracking/reporting
- # is correct.
- source2 = """\
- module
- // This line intentionally left unblank.
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected 'struct':\n"
- r" *struct MyStruct {$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- def testMultipleModuleStatements(self):
- """Tests an (invalid) .mojom with multiple module statements."""
- source = """\
- module foo;
- module bar;
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Multiple \"module\" statements not "
- r"allowed:\n *module bar;$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testModuleStatementAfterImport(self):
- """Tests an (invalid) .mojom with a module statement after an import."""
- source = """\
- import "foo.mojom";
- module foo;
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: \"module\" statements must precede imports "
- r"and definitions:\n *module foo;$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testModuleStatementAfterDefinition(self):
- """Tests an (invalid) .mojom with a module statement after a definition."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- module foo;
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: \"module\" statements must precede imports "
- r"and definitions:\n *module foo;$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testImportStatementAfterDefinition(self):
- """Tests an (invalid) .mojom with an import statement after a definition."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- import "foo.mojom";
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: \"import\" statements must precede "
- r"definitions:\n *import \"foo.mojom\";$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testEnums(self):
- """Tests that enum statements are correctly parsed."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- enum MyEnum1 { VALUE1, VALUE2 }; // No trailing comma.
- enum MyEnum2 {
- VALUE1 = -1,
- VALUE2 = 0,
- VALUE3 = + 987, // Check that space is allowed.
- VALUE4 = 0xAF12,
- VALUE5 = -0x09bcd,
- VALUE7, // Leave trailing comma.
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Enum(
- 'MyEnum1',
- None,
- ast.EnumValueList([ast.EnumValue('VALUE1', None, None),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE2', None, None)])),
- ast.Enum(
- 'MyEnum2',
- None,
- ast.EnumValueList([ast.EnumValue('VALUE1', None, '-1'),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE2', None, '0'),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE3', None, '+987'),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE4', None, '0xAF12'),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE5', None, '-0x09bcd'),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE6', None, ('IDENTIFIER',
- 'VALUE5')),
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE7', None, None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidEnumInitializers(self):
- """Tests that invalid enum initializers are correctly detected."""
- # No values.
- source1 = """\
- enum MyEnum {
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '}':\n"
- r" *};$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- # Floating point value.
- source2 = "enum MyEnum { VALUE = 0.123 };"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Unexpected '0\.123':\n"
- r"enum MyEnum { VALUE = 0\.123 };$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- # Boolean value.
- source2 = "enum MyEnum { VALUE = true };"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Unexpected 'true':\n"
- r"enum MyEnum { VALUE = true };$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- def testConsts(self):
- """Tests some constants and struct members initialized with them."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- struct MyStruct {
- const int8 kNumber = -1;
- int8 number@0 = kNumber;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct', None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.Const('kNumber', 'int8', '-1'),
- ast.StructField('number', None, ast.Ordinal(0), 'int8',
- ('IDENTIFIER', 'kNumber'))]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testNoConditionals(self):
- """Tests that ?: is not allowed."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- enum MyEnum {
- MY_ENUM_1 = 1 ? 2 : 3
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected '\?':\n"
- r" *MY_ENUM_1 = 1 \? 2 : 3$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testSimpleOrdinals(self):
- """Tests that (valid) ordinal values are scanned correctly."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- // This isn't actually valid .mojom, but the problem (missing ordinals)
- // should be handled at a different level.
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a0@0;
- int32 a1@1;
- int32 a2@2;
- int32 a9@9;
- int32 a10 @10;
- int32 a11 @11;
- int32 a29 @29;
- int32 a1234567890 @1234567890;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a0', None, ast.Ordinal(0), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a1', None, ast.Ordinal(1), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a2', None, ast.Ordinal(2), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a9', None, ast.Ordinal(9), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a10', None, ast.Ordinal(10), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a11', None, ast.Ordinal(11), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a29', None, ast.Ordinal(29), 'int32', None),
- ast.StructField('a1234567890', None, ast.Ordinal(1234567890),
- 'int32', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidOrdinals(self):
- """Tests that (lexically) invalid ordinals are correctly detected."""
- source1 = """\
- module my_module;
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a_missing@;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Missing ordinal value$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- module my_module;
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a_octal@01;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: "
- r"Octal and hexadecimal ordinal values not allowed$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- module my_module; struct MyStruct { int32 a_invalid_octal@08; };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: "
- r"Octal and hexadecimal ordinal values not allowed$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- source4 = "module my_module; struct MyStruct { int32 a_hex@0x1aB9; };"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: "
- r"Octal and hexadecimal ordinal values not allowed$"):
- parser.Parse(source4, "my_file.mojom")
- source5 = "module my_module; struct MyStruct { int32 a_hex@0X0; };"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- lexer.LexError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: "
- r"Octal and hexadecimal ordinal values not allowed$"):
- parser.Parse(source5, "my_file.mojom")
- source6 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a_too_big@999999999999;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: "
- r"Ordinal value 999999999999 too large:\n"
- r" *int32 a_too_big@999999999999;$"):
- parser.Parse(source6, "my_file.mojom")
- def testNestedNamespace(self):
- """Tests that "nested" namespaces work."""
- source = """\
- module my.mod;
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my.mod'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(ast.StructField('a', None, None, 'int32', None)))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testValidHandleTypes(self):
- """Tests (valid) handle types."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- handle a;
- handle<data_pipe_consumer> b;
- handle <data_pipe_producer> c;
- handle < message_pipe > d;
- handle
- < shared_buffer
- > e;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a', None, None, 'handle', None),
- ast.StructField('b', None, None, 'handle<data_pipe_consumer>',
- None),
- ast.StructField('c', None, None, 'handle<data_pipe_producer>',
- None),
- ast.StructField('d', None, None, 'handle<message_pipe>', None),
- ast.StructField('e', None, None, 'handle<shared_buffer>',
- None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidHandleType(self):
- """Tests an invalid (unknown) handle type."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- handle<wtf_is_this> foo;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: "
- r"Invalid handle type 'wtf_is_this':\n"
- r" *handle<wtf_is_this> foo;$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidDefaultValues(self):
- """Tests default values that are valid (to the parser)."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- int16 a0 = 0;
- uint16 a1 = 0x0;
- uint16 a2 = 0x00;
- uint16 a3 = 0x01;
- uint16 a4 = 0xcd;
- int32 a5 = 12345;
- int64 a6 = -12345;
- int64 a7 = +12345;
- uint32 a8 = 0x12cd3;
- uint32 a9 = -0x12cD3;
- uint32 a10 = +0x12CD3;
- bool a11 = true;
- bool a12 = false;
- float a13 = 1.2345;
- float a14 = -1.2345;
- float a15 = +1.2345;
- float a16 = 123.;
- float a17 = .123;
- double a18 = 1.23E10;
- double a19 = 1.E-10;
- double a20 = .5E+10;
- double a21 = -1.23E10;
- double a22 = +.123E10;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a0', None, None, 'int16', '0'),
- ast.StructField('a1', None, None, 'uint16', '0x0'),
- ast.StructField('a2', None, None, 'uint16', '0x00'),
- ast.StructField('a3', None, None, 'uint16', '0x01'),
- ast.StructField('a4', None, None, 'uint16', '0xcd'),
- ast.StructField('a5' , None, None, 'int32', '12345'),
- ast.StructField('a6', None, None, 'int64', '-12345'),
- ast.StructField('a7', None, None, 'int64', '+12345'),
- ast.StructField('a8', None, None, 'uint32', '0x12cd3'),
- ast.StructField('a9', None, None, 'uint32', '-0x12cD3'),
- ast.StructField('a10', None, None, 'uint32', '+0x12CD3'),
- ast.StructField('a11', None, None, 'bool', 'true'),
- ast.StructField('a12', None, None, 'bool', 'false'),
- ast.StructField('a13', None, None, 'float', '1.2345'),
- ast.StructField('a14', None, None, 'float', '-1.2345'),
- ast.StructField('a15', None, None, 'float', '+1.2345'),
- ast.StructField('a16', None, None, 'float', '123.'),
- ast.StructField('a17', None, None, 'float', '.123'),
- ast.StructField('a18', None, None, 'double', '1.23E10'),
- ast.StructField('a19', None, None, 'double', '1.E-10'),
- ast.StructField('a20', None, None, 'double', '.5E+10'),
- ast.StructField('a21', None, None, 'double', '-1.23E10'),
- ast.StructField('a22', None, None, 'double', '+.123E10')]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testValidFixedSizeArray(self):
- """Tests parsing a fixed size array."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- array<int32> normal_array;
- array<int32, 1> fixed_size_array_one_entry;
- array<int32, 10> fixed_size_array_ten_entries;
- array<array<array<int32, 1>>, 2> nested_arrays;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('normal_array', None, None, 'int32[]', None),
- ast.StructField('fixed_size_array_one_entry', None, None,
- 'int32[1]', None),
- ast.StructField('fixed_size_array_ten_entries', None, None,
- 'int32[10]', None),
- ast.StructField('nested_arrays', None, None,
- 'int32[1][][2]', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testValidNestedArray(self):
- """Tests parsing a nested array."""
- source = "struct MyStruct { array<array<int32>> nested_array; };"
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- ast.StructField('nested_array', None, None, 'int32[][]',
- None)))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidFixedArraySize(self):
- """Tests that invalid fixed array bounds are correctly detected."""
- source1 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- array<int32, 0> zero_size_array;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Fixed array size 0 invalid:\n"
- r" *array<int32, 0> zero_size_array;$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- array<int32, 999999999999> too_big_array;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Fixed array size 999999999999 invalid:\n"
- r" *array<int32, 999999999999> too_big_array;$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- array<int32, abcdefg> not_a_number;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'abcdefg':\n"
- r" *array<int32, abcdefg> not_a_number;"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidAssociativeArrays(self):
- """Tests that we can parse valid associative array structures."""
- source1 = "struct MyStruct { map<string, uint8> data; };"
- expected1 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('data', None, None, 'uint8{string}', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom"), expected1)
- source2 = "interface MyInterface { MyMethod(map<string, uint8> a); };"
- expected2 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- None,
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod',
- None,
- None,
- ast.ParameterList(
- ast.Parameter('a', None, None, 'uint8{string}')),
- None)))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom"), expected2)
- source3 = "struct MyStruct { map<string, array<uint8>> data; };"
- expected3 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('data', None, None, 'uint8[]{string}',
- None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom"), expected3)
- def testValidMethod(self):
- """Tests parsing method declarations."""
- source1 = "interface MyInterface { MyMethod(int32 a); };"
- expected1 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- None,
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod',
- None,
- None,
- ast.ParameterList(ast.Parameter('a', None, None, 'int32')),
- None)))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom"), expected1)
- source2 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod1@0(int32 a@0, int64 b@1);
- MyMethod2@1() => ();
- };
- """
- expected2 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- None,
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- [ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod1',
- None,
- ast.Ordinal(0),
- ast.ParameterList([ast.Parameter('a', None, ast.Ordinal(0),
- 'int32'),
- ast.Parameter('b', None, ast.Ordinal(1),
- 'int64')]),
- None),
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod2',
- None,
- ast.Ordinal(1),
- ast.ParameterList(),
- ast.ParameterList())]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom"), expected2)
- source3 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod(string a) => (int32 a, bool b);
- };
- """
- expected3 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- None,
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod',
- None,
- None,
- ast.ParameterList(ast.Parameter('a', None, None, 'string')),
- ast.ParameterList([ast.Parameter('a', None, None, 'int32'),
- ast.Parameter('b', None, None,
- 'bool')]))))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom"), expected3)
- def testInvalidMethods(self):
- """Tests that invalid method declarations are correctly detected."""
- # No trailing commas.
- source1 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod(string a,);
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '\)':\n"
- r" *MyMethod\(string a,\);$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- # No leading commas.
- source2 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod(, string a);
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected ',':\n"
- r" *MyMethod\(, string a\);$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidInterfaceDefinitions(self):
- """Tests all types of definitions that can occur in an interface."""
- source = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- enum MyEnum { VALUE };
- const int32 kMyConst = 123;
- MyMethod(int32 x) => (MyEnum y);
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- None,
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- [ast.Enum('MyEnum',
- None,
- ast.EnumValueList(
- ast.EnumValue('VALUE', None, None))),
- ast.Const('kMyConst', 'int32', '123'),
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod',
- None,
- None,
- ast.ParameterList(ast.Parameter('x', None, None, 'int32')),
- ast.ParameterList(ast.Parameter('y', None, None,
- 'MyEnum')))]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidInterfaceDefinitions(self):
- """Tests that definitions that aren't allowed in an interface are correctly
- detected."""
- source1 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'struct':\n"
- r" *struct MyStruct {$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- interface MyInnerInterface {
- MyMethod(int32 x);
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'interface':\n"
- r" *interface MyInnerInterface {$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- int32 my_field;
- };
- """
- # The parser thinks that "int32" is a plausible name for a method, so it's
- # "my_field" that gives it away.
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'my_field':\n"
- r" *int32 my_field;$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidAttributes(self):
- """Tests parsing attributes (and attribute lists)."""
- # Note: We use structs because they have (optional) attribute lists.
- # Empty attribute list.
- source1 = "[] struct MyStruct {};"
- expected1 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct('MyStruct', ast.AttributeList(), ast.StructBody())])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom"), expected1)
- # One-element attribute list, with name value.
- source2 = "[MyAttribute=MyName] struct MyStruct {};"
- expected2 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- ast.AttributeList(ast.Attribute("MyAttribute", "MyName")),
- ast.StructBody())])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom"), expected2)
- # Two-element attribute list, with one string value and one integer value.
- source3 = "[MyAttribute1 = \"hello\", MyAttribute2 = 5] struct MyStruct {};"
- expected3 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("MyAttribute1", "hello"),
- ast.Attribute("MyAttribute2", 5)]),
- ast.StructBody())])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom"), expected3)
- # Various places that attribute list is allowed.
- source4 = """\
- [Attr0=0] module my_module;
- [Attr1=1] struct MyStruct {
- [Attr2=2] int32 a;
- };
- [Attr3=3] union MyUnion {
- [Attr4=4] int32 a;
- };
- [Attr5=5] enum MyEnum {
- [Attr6=6] a
- };
- [Attr7=7] interface MyInterface {
- [Attr8=8] MyMethod([Attr9=9] int32 a) => ([Attr10=10] bool b);
- };
- """
- expected4 = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'),
- ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("Attr0", 0)])),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- ast.AttributeList(ast.Attribute("Attr1", 1)),
- ast.StructBody(
- ast.StructField(
- 'a', ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("Attr2", 2)]),
- None, 'int32', None))),
- ast.Union(
- 'MyUnion',
- ast.AttributeList(ast.Attribute("Attr3", 3)),
- ast.UnionBody(
- ast.UnionField(
- 'a', ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("Attr4", 4)]), None,
- 'int32'))),
- ast.Enum(
- 'MyEnum',
- ast.AttributeList(ast.Attribute("Attr5", 5)),
- ast.EnumValueList(
- ast.EnumValue(
- 'VALUE', ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("Attr6", 6)]),
- None))),
- ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- ast.AttributeList(ast.Attribute("Attr7", 7)),
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod',
- ast.AttributeList(ast.Attribute("Attr8", 8)),
- None,
- ast.ParameterList(
- ast.Parameter(
- 'a', ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("Attr9", 9)]),
- None, 'int32')),
- ast.ParameterList(
- ast.Parameter(
- 'b',
- ast.AttributeList([ast.Attribute("Attr10", 10)]),
- None, 'bool')))))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source4, "my_file.mojom"), expected4)
- # TODO(vtl): Boolean attributes don't work yet. (In fact, we just |eval()|
- # literal (non-name) values, which is extremely dubious.)
- def testInvalidAttributes(self):
- """Tests that invalid attributes and attribute lists are correctly
- detected."""
- # Trailing commas not allowed.
- source1 = "[MyAttribute=MyName,] struct MyStruct {};"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Unexpected '\]':\n"
- r"\[MyAttribute=MyName,\] struct MyStruct {};$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- # Missing value.
- source2 = "[MyAttribute=] struct MyStruct {};"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Unexpected '\]':\n"
- r"\[MyAttribute=\] struct MyStruct {};$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- # Missing key.
- source3 = "[=MyName] struct MyStruct {};"
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:1: Error: Unexpected '=':\n"
- r"\[=MyName\] struct MyStruct {};$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidImports(self):
- """Tests parsing import statements."""
- # One import (no module statement).
- source1 = "import \"somedir/my.mojom\";"
- expected1 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(ast.Import("somedir/my.mojom")),
- [])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom"), expected1)
- # Two imports (no module statement).
- source2 = """\
- import "somedir/my1.mojom";
- import "somedir/my2.mojom";
- """
- expected2 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList([ast.Import("somedir/my1.mojom"),
- ast.Import("somedir/my2.mojom")]),
- [])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom"), expected2)
- # Imports with module statement.
- source3 = """\
- module my_module;
- import "somedir/my1.mojom";
- import "somedir/my2.mojom";
- """
- expected3 = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList([ast.Import("somedir/my1.mojom"),
- ast.Import("somedir/my2.mojom")]),
- [])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom"), expected3)
- def testInvalidImports(self):
- """Tests that invalid import statements are correctly detected."""
- source1 = """\
- // Make the error occur on line 2.
- import invalid
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'invalid':\n"
- r" *import invalid$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- import // Missing string.
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'struct':\n"
- r" *struct MyStruct {$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- import "foo.mojom" // Missing semicolon.
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'struct':\n"
- r" *struct MyStruct {$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidNullableTypes(self):
- """Tests parsing nullable types."""
- source = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- int32? a; // This is actually invalid, but handled at a different
- // level.
- string? b;
- array<int32> ? c;
- array<string ? > ? d;
- array<array<int32>?>? e;
- array<int32, 1>? f;
- array<string?, 1>? g;
- some_struct? h;
- handle? i;
- handle<data_pipe_consumer>? j;
- handle<data_pipe_producer>? k;
- handle<message_pipe>? l;
- handle<shared_buffer>? m;
- some_interface&? n;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a', None, None,'int32?', None),
- ast.StructField('b', None, None,'string?', None),
- ast.StructField('c', None, None,'int32[]?', None),
- ast.StructField('d', None, None,'string?[]?', None),
- ast.StructField('e', None, None,'int32[]?[]?', None),
- ast.StructField('f', None, None,'int32[1]?', None),
- ast.StructField('g', None, None,'string?[1]?', None),
- ast.StructField('h', None, None,'some_struct?', None),
- ast.StructField('i', None, None,'handle?', None),
- ast.StructField('j', None, None,'handle<data_pipe_consumer>?',
- None),
- ast.StructField('k', None, None,'handle<data_pipe_producer>?',
- None),
- ast.StructField('l', None, None,'handle<message_pipe>?', None),
- ast.StructField('m', None, None,'handle<shared_buffer>?',
- None),
- ast.StructField('n', None, None,'some_interface&?', None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom"), expected)
- def testInvalidNullableTypes(self):
- """Tests that invalid nullable types are correctly detected."""
- source1 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- string?? a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '\?':\n"
- r" *string\?\? a;$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- handle?<data_pipe_consumer> a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '<':\n"
- r" *handle\?<data_pipe_consumer> a;$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- some_interface?& a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '&':\n"
- r" *some_interface\?& a;$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
- def testSimpleUnion(self):
- """Tests a simple .mojom source that just defines a union."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- int32 a;
- double b;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Union(
- 'MyUnion',
- None,
- ast.UnionBody([
- ast.UnionField('a', None, None, 'int32'),
- ast.UnionField('b', None, None, 'double')
- ]))])
- actual = parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
- def testUnionWithOrdinals(self):
- """Test that ordinals are assigned to fields."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- int32 a @10;
- double b @30;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Union(
- 'MyUnion',
- None,
- ast.UnionBody([
- ast.UnionField('a', None, ast.Ordinal(10), 'int32'),
- ast.UnionField('b', None, ast.Ordinal(30), 'double')
- ]))])
- actual = parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
- def testUnionWithStructMembers(self):
- """Test that struct members are accepted."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- SomeStruct s;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Union(
- 'MyUnion',
- None,
- ast.UnionBody([
- ast.UnionField('s', None, None, 'SomeStruct')
- ]))])
- actual = parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
- def testUnionWithArrayMember(self):
- """Test that array members are accepted."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- array<int32> a;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Union(
- 'MyUnion',
- None,
- ast.UnionBody([
- ast.UnionField('a', None, None, 'int32[]')
- ]))])
- actual = parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
- def testUnionWithMapMember(self):
- """Test that map members are accepted."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- map<int32, string> m;
- };
- """
- expected = ast.Mojom(
- ast.Module(('IDENTIFIER', 'my_module'), None),
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Union(
- 'MyUnion',
- None,
- ast.UnionBody([
- ast.UnionField('m', None, None, 'string{int32}')
- ]))])
- actual = parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
- def testUnionDisallowNestedStruct(self):
- """Tests that structs cannot be nested in unions."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- struct MyStruct {
- int32 a;
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected 'struct':\n"
- r" *struct MyStruct {$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testUnionDisallowNestedInterfaces(self):
- """Tests that interfaces cannot be nested in unions."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod(int32 a);
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected 'interface':\n"
- r" *interface MyInterface {$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testUnionDisallowNestedUnion(self):
- """Tests that unions cannot be nested in unions."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- union MyOtherUnion {
- int32 a;
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected 'union':\n"
- r" *union MyOtherUnion {$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testUnionDisallowNestedEnum(self):
- """Tests that enums cannot be nested in unions."""
- source = """\
- module my_module;
- union MyUnion {
- enum MyEnum {
- A,
- };
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:4: Error: Unexpected 'enum':\n"
- r" *enum MyEnum {$"):
- parser.Parse(source, "my_file.mojom")
- def testValidAssociatedKinds(self):
- """Tests parsing associated interfaces and requests."""
- source1 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- associated MyInterface a;
- associated MyInterface& b;
- associated MyInterface? c;
- associated MyInterface&? d;
- };
- """
- expected1 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Struct(
- 'MyStruct',
- None,
- ast.StructBody(
- [ast.StructField('a', None, None,'asso<MyInterface>', None),
- ast.StructField('b', None, None,'asso<MyInterface&>', None),
- ast.StructField('c', None, None,'asso<MyInterface>?', None),
- ast.StructField('d', None, None,'asso<MyInterface&>?',
- None)]))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom"), expected1)
- source2 = """\
- interface MyInterface {
- MyMethod(associated A a) =>(associated B& b);
- };"""
- expected2 = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Interface(
- 'MyInterface',
- None,
- ast.InterfaceBody(
- ast.Method(
- 'MyMethod',
- None,
- None,
- ast.ParameterList(
- ast.Parameter('a', None, None, 'asso<A>')),
- ast.ParameterList(
- ast.Parameter('b', None, None, 'asso<B&>')))))])
- self.assertEquals(parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom"), expected2)
- def testInvalidAssociatedKinds(self):
- """Tests that invalid associated interfaces and requests are correctly
- detected."""
- source1 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- associated associated SomeInterface a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'associated':\n"
- r" *associated associated SomeInterface a;$"):
- parser.Parse(source1, "my_file.mojom")
- source2 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- associated handle a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected 'handle':\n"
- r" *associated handle a;$"):
- parser.Parse(source2, "my_file.mojom")
- source3 = """\
- struct MyStruct {
- associated? MyInterface& a;
- };
- """
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- parser.ParseError,
- r"^my_file\.mojom:2: Error: Unexpected '\?':\n"
- r" *associated\? MyInterface& a;$"):
- parser.Parse(source3, "my_file.mojom")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/run_parser.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/run_parser.py
deleted file mode 100755
index b160de6..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/run_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Simple testing utility to just run the mojom parser."""
-import os.path
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
- os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir))
-from mojom.parse.parser import Parse, ParseError
-def main(argv):
- if len(argv) < 2:
- print "usage: %s filename" % argv[0]
- return 0
- for filename in argv[1:]:
- with open(filename) as f:
- print "%s:" % filename
- try:
- print Parse(f.read(), filename)
- except ParseError, e:
- print e
- return 1
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/run_translate.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/run_translate.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 899d40e..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/run_translate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Simple testing utility to just run the mojom translate stage."""
-import os.path
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
- os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir))
-from mojom.parse.parser import Parse
-from mojom.parse.translate import Translate
-def main(argv):
- if len(argv) < 2:
- print "usage: %s filename" % sys.argv[0]
- return 1
- for filename in argv[1:]:
- with open(filename) as f:
- print "%s:" % filename
- print Translate(Parse(f.read(), filename),
- os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0])
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/translate_unittest.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/translate_unittest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2520332..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/parse/translate_unittest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import imp
-import os.path
-import sys
-import unittest
-def _GetDirAbove(dirname):
- """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must
- also be "above" this file)."""
- path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
- while True:
- path, tail = os.path.split(path)
- assert tail
- if tail == dirname:
- return path
- imp.find_module("mojom")
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("pylib"), "pylib"))
-from mojom.parse import ast
-from mojom.parse import translate
-class TranslateTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests |parser.Parse()|."""
- def testSimpleArray(self):
- """Tests a simple int32[]."""
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- self.assertEquals(translate._MapKind("int32[]"), "a:i32")
- def testAssociativeArray(self):
- """Tests a simple uint8{string}."""
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- self.assertEquals(translate._MapKind("uint8{string}"), "m[s][u8]")
- def testLeftToRightAssociativeArray(self):
- """Makes sure that parsing is done from right to left on the internal kinds
- in the presence of an associative array."""
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- self.assertEquals(translate._MapKind("uint8[]{string}"), "m[s][a:u8]")
- def testTranslateSimpleUnions(self):
- """Makes sure that a simple union is translated correctly."""
- tree = ast.Mojom(
- None,
- ast.ImportList(),
- [ast.Union("SomeUnion", None, ast.UnionBody(
- [ast.UnionField("a", None, None, "int32"),
- ast.UnionField("b", None, None, "string")]))])
- expected = [{
- "name": "SomeUnion",
- "fields": [{"kind": "i32", "name": "a"},
- {"kind": "s", "name": "b"}]}]
- actual = translate.Translate(tree, "mojom_tree")
- self.assertEquals(actual["unions"], expected)
- def testMapTreeForTypeRaisesWithDuplicate(self):
- """Verifies _MapTreeForType() raises when passed two values with the same
- name."""
- methods = [ast.Method('dup', None, None, ast.ParameterList(), None),
- ast.Method('dup', None, None, ast.ParameterList(), None)]
- self.assertRaises(Exception, translate._MapTreeForType,
- (lambda x: x, methods, '', 'scope'))
- def testAssociatedKinds(self):
- """Tests type spec translation of associated interfaces and requests."""
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- self.assertEquals(translate._MapKind("asso<SomeInterface>?"),
- "?asso:x:SomeInterface")
- self.assertEquals(translate._MapKind("asso<SomeInterface&>?"),
- "?asso:r:x:SomeInterface")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/__init__.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/find_files.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/find_files.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4b17b..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/find_files.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import fnmatch
-from os import walk
-from os.path import join
-import sys
-def FindFiles(top, pattern, **kwargs):
- """Finds files under |top| matching the glob pattern |pattern|, returning a
- list of paths."""
- matches = []
- for dirpath, _, filenames in walk(top, **kwargs):
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
- matches.append(join(dirpath, filename))
- return matches
-def main(argv):
- if len(argv) != 3:
- print "usage: %s path pattern" % argv[0]
- return 1
- for filename in FindFiles(argv[1], argv[2]):
- print filename
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/run_bindings_generator.py b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/run_bindings_generator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 20ef461..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support/run_bindings_generator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os.path
-from subprocess import check_call
-import sys
-def RunBindingsGenerator(out_dir, root_dir, mojom_file, extra_flags=None):
- out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir)
- root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir)
- mojom_file = os.path.abspath(mojom_file)
- # The mojom file should be under the root directory somewhere.
- assert mojom_file.startswith(root_dir)
- mojom_reldir = os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(mojom_file, root_dir))
- # TODO(vtl): Abstract out the "main" functions, so that we can just import
- # the bindings generator (which would be more portable and easier to use in
- # tests).
- this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- # We're in src/mojo/public/tools/bindings/pylib/mojom_tests/support;
- # mojom_bindings_generator.py is in .../bindings.
- bindings_generator = os.path.join(this_dir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir,
- "mojom_bindings_generator.py")
- args = ["python", bindings_generator,
- "-o", os.path.join(out_dir, mojom_reldir)]
- if extra_flags:
- args.extend(extra_flags)
- args.append(mojom_file)
- check_call(args)
-def main(argv):
- if len(argv) < 4:
- print "usage: %s out_dir root_dir mojom_file [extra_flags]" % argv[0]
- return 1
- RunBindingsGenerator(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], extra_flags=argv[4:])
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))