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authorDichenZhang1 <140119224+DichenZhang1@users.noreply.github.com>2023-09-11 17:48:18 -0700
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-09-11 17:48:18 -0700
commit65d26a63a09786235e969a182986a0b1d605a79d (patch)
tree6435eaaf7e7226da5a8fba733b396a858ea43e28 /README.md
parent321a2022f071b10cf9a4003a4a36435512428f81 (diff)
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index 2228004..2647a5f 100644
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-# Ultra HDR Image Format v1.0
+### Format Introduction
-## Introduction
+### Getting Started
-This document defines the behavior of a new file format that encodes a
-logarithmic range gain map image in a JPEG image file. Legacy readers that don't
-support the new format read and display the conventional low dynamic
-range image from the image file. Readers that support the format combine
-the primary image with the gain map and render a high dynamic range image on
-compatible displays.
+- x86_32/x86_64 on Linux.
-The remainder of this document describes the methods of the processes needed to
-make use of this format. At a high level, the life cycle of an image conforming
-to this format is:
-1. Encoding
- 1. Gain map generation
- 2. Gain map compression
- 3. Gain map container generation
-2. Decoding
-<img src="/docs/jpegr_format.png" alt="Example
-Ultra HDR image format file layout, with associated metadata and offset
-**Figure 1.** Example file layout and relevant metadata.{:.img-caption}
-## Motivation
-The goal of this file format is to encode additional information in SDR image
-files that can be used in combination with the display technique to produce
-their optimal HDR renditions, in a single file.
-For this to be practical, the file format must:
-- Be backward compatible, so that on naive viewers, the conventional SDR image
- is displayed.
-- Not take up too much extra space.
-Additionally, the display technique must:
-- Not require heavy processing to decode.
-- Be able to adapt to any ratio between a display's HDR and SDR white points,
- which can vary significantly between devices, or even temporally on a single
- device.
-And finally, the technique must be able to do all of the preceding actions
-without ever:
-- Clipping highlights.
-- Crushing shadows.
-- Changing or compressing local contrast.
-- Changing relative tonal relationships (between objects in the scene).
-## Dependencies
-The following are normative references for this specification:
-[xmp-part-3]: https://github.com/adobe/XMP-Toolkit-SDK/blob/main/docs/XMPSpecificationPart3.pdf "Adobe XMP Specification Part 3: Storage in Files"
-[xmp-part-1]: https://www.iso.org/standard/75163.html "ISO 16684-1:2019 XMP Specification Part 1"
-[isobmff]: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:14496:-12:ed-7:v1 "ISO/IEC 14496-12 ISO base media file format"
-[jpeg]: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.81-199209-I/e "T.81 (09/92) Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images"
-[mpf]: https://www.cipa.jp/std/documents/e/DC-X007-KEY_E.pdf "White Paper of CIPA DC-x 007-2009 Multi-Picture Format"
-- [Adobe XMP Specification Part 3: Storage in Files][xmp-part-3]{:.external}
-- [ISO 16684-1:2019 XMP Specification Part 1][xmp-part-1]{:.external}
-- [ISO/IEC 14496-12 ISO base media file format][isobmff]{:.external}
-- [T.81 (09/92) Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still
- images][jpeg]{:.external}
-- [White Paper of CIPA DC-x 007-2009 Multi-Picture Format][mpf]{:.external}
-## Definitions
-- SDR display
- - A conventional display, not designed for displaying HDR content. These
- displays typically produce a nominal peak brightness of about 400
- cd/m<sup>2</sup> or less.
-- HDR display
- - A display designed for HDR content. These displays typically produce a
- nominal peak brightness greater than that of an SDR Display, typically
- 800 cd/m<sup>2</sup> or greater, and typically also have better contrast
- ratios than SDR displays.
-- Primary image
- - The first instance of an image in a GContainer file with secondary media
- files appended to it. The primary image contains GContainer XMP metadata
- defining the order and properties of subsequent secondary media item
- files in the file container.
-- Secondary image
- - Subsequent media item files that are appended to the primary image in a
- GContainer file.
-- Range compression
- - In photography, real-world scenes often have more dynamic range than an
- SDR display can represent. Operations such as Range compression, also
- called local tone mapping, are needed to reduce the dynamic range of an
- image. This reduction needs to avoid clipping highlights or crushing
- shadows, while preserving local contrast as much as possible. You try to
- reduce the size of large luminance edges in the image, which contribute
- more to its global contrast, while trying to preserve the size of the
- small luminance edges, which are the details. Although there are many
- different implementations, such an operation is standard on most modern
- digital cameras today.
-- SDR white point
- - The maximum linear luminance of SDR content on a display at a certain
- point in time.
-- HDR white point
- - The maximum linear luminance of HDR content on a display at a certain
- point in time. This value is typically higher than the SDR white point.
-- Boost
- - The HDR white point divided by the SDR white point.
-- Max content boost (`max_content_boost` in equations)
- - This value lets the content creator constrain how much brighter an image
- can get, when shown on an HDR display, relative to the SDR rendition.
- - This value is a constant for a particular image. For example, if the
- value is four, then for any given pixel, the linear luminance of the
- displayed HDR rendition must be, at the most, 4x the linear luminance of
- the SDR rendition. In practice, this means that the brighter parts of
- the scene can be shown up to 4x brighter.
- - In practice, this value is typically greater than 1.0.
- - Always greater than or equal to *Min content boost*.
-- Min content boost (`min_content_boost` in equations)
- - This value lets the content creator constrain how much darker an
- image can get, when shown on an HDR display, relative to the SDR
- rendition. This value is a constant for a particular image.
- - If, for example, the value is 0.5, then for any given pixel, the linear
- luminance of the displayed HDR rendition must be (at the least) 0.5x the
- linear luminance of the SDR rendition.
- - In practice, this value is typically equal to or just less than 1.0.
- - Always less than or equal to *Max content boost*.
-- Max display boost (`max_display_boost` in equations)
- - The maximum available boost supported by a display, at a given point in
- time. This value can change over time based on device settings and other
- factors, such as ambient light conditions, or how many bright pixels are
- on the screen.
- - For example, if this value is 4.0, then the display is capable of
- displaying a pixel that is at most four times brighter than the SDR
- white point. This value is always >= 1.0, since the display can always
- display HDR white at least as bright as SDR white.
-- Display boost
- - Equal to the lesser of max content boost and max display boost. This
- value is always >= 1.0.
- - For example, if max content boost is 4.0 and max display boost is 3.0,
- then display boost is 3.0. Pixels are displayed as much as 3x brighter
- than SDR, since the display capabilities are the limiting factor.
- - For another example, if max content boost is 4.0 and max display boost
- is 5.0, then display boost is 4.0. Pixels are displayed as much as 4x
- brighter than SDR, since the content's intent is the limiting factor.
-- Target HDR rendition
- - The ideal HDR rendition, according to the content creator.
-- Adapted HDR rendition
- - The final HDR rendition that is shown on the display, after
- adapting the Target HDR rendition for the current display boost.
-- Gain map (`recovery(x, y)` in equations)
- - A map indicating how much to brighten each pixel, in the SDR rendition,
- to produce the target HDR rendition. This map can be single-channel or
- multi-channel. A multi-channel map indicates a separate gain for each
- color channel, such as red, green, and blue. This document illustrates
- the case of a single-channel map.
-- `clamp(x, a, b)`
- - Clamp the value x to the range \[a, b].
-- `exp2(x)`
- - Base 2 exponentiation; 2<sup>x</sup>.
-- `floor(x)`
- - Returns the nearest integer equal to or less than x.
-- `log2(x)`
- - Base 2 logarithm; log<sub>2</sub>(x)
-- `pow(b, x)`
- - Exponentiation; b<sup>x</sup>.
-- XMP
- - Extensible Metadata Platform. A standard that defines a method for
- encoding metadata into an image container; defined by [ISO
- 16684-1:2011(E) XMP Specification Part 1][xmp-part-1]{:.external}.
-- Multi-Picture Format
- - Multi-Picture Format is a technique developed by the Camera and Imaging
- Products Association (CIPA) for storing multiple JPEG encoded images in
- a single JPEG file.
- - For more information, see the related dependency, [White Paper of CIPA
- DC-x 007-2009 Multi-Picture Format][mpf]{:.external}.
-- GContainer
- - GContainer is a method for storing multiple images in one image
- container, where one image is considered to be the primary image. Any
- additional images are considered alternative versions or auxiliary.
- XMP metadata is used to communicate the presence and meaning of any
- additional images. For more information, see the [GContainer
- details](#GContainer_details) section.
-## Encode
-This section describes how to encode a conforming JPEG file. Refer to [T.81
-(09/92) Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still
-images][jpeg]{:.external}, in the Dependencies section, for more information
-about the JPEG format.
-### Gain map generation
-Camera imaging pipelines commonly perform a range compression operation to
-compress higher dynamic range luminance data to the lower range of conventional
-SDR displays. The gain map provides a mechanism to store data sufficient to
-recover the original, higher dynamic range luminance data.
-The following calculations in this section assume floating point arithmetic.
-Note: To illustrate the following formulas, this document assumes that you are
-using a single-channel gain map. If this isn't the case, then formulas relating
-to these properties can be extrapolated to each color channel. You skip
-converting from `SDR(x, y)` and `HDR(x, y)` to `Ysdr(x, y)` and `Yhdr(x, y)`
-respectively and instead define `pixel_gain(x, y)` as a vector function relative
-to `SDR(x, y)` and `HDR(x, y)`. You also utilize per-channel metadata values, as
-required. Use a single-channel gain map whenever possible.
-The following functions describe the SDR image:
-- `SDR'(x, y)` is the three-channel, non-linear (typically gamma-encoded)
- primary image.
-- `SDR(x, y)` is the linear version of the three-channel primary image,
- obtained by transforming to a linear version of the primary image color
- space. For example, from a color space with a sRGB transfer function to a
- linear color space that preserves sRGB color primaries.
-The `Ysdr(x, y)` function is defined on the range of 0.0 to 1.0 and is the
-standard dynamic range primary image linear luminance:
-Ysdr(x, y) = primary_color_profile_to_luminance(SDR(x, y))
-Similar definitions exist for the HDR image.
-- `HDR'(x, y)` is the three-channel non-linear, that is, a PQ or HLG encoded
-- `HDR(x, y)` is the three-channel linear HDR image.
-`Yhdr(x, y)` is the luminance at a given point of the HDR image:
-Yhdr(x, y) = primary_color_profile_to_luminance(HDR(x, y))
-`Yhdr(x, y)` is defined in the range 0.0 to max content boost.
-The SDR and HDR images must be the same resolution. The color profile of the SDR
-image defines the color space of the HDR image.
-For example, if the SDR primary image has a Display-P3 color profile, then
-the HDR image is defined relative to the primary colors of that profile. This
-means the HDR image also has Display-P3 primaries.
-The gain map is computed from two linear images containing the wanted HDR image
-luminance, `Yhdr(x, y)`, and the standard range luminance image, `Ysdr(x, y)`.
-The `pixel_gain(x, y)` function is defined as the ratio between the `Yhdr(x, y)`
-function and the `Ysdr(x, y)` function:
-pixel_gain(x, y) = (Yhdr(x, y) + offset_hdr) / (Ysdr(x, y) + offset_sdr)
-The `pixel_gain(x, y)` function behavior where `Ysdr(x, y)` and `offset_sdr` are
-both zero is implementation-defined.
-For example, implementations can handle the case where `Ysdr(x, y)` and
-`offset_sdr` are both zero by defining `pixel_gain(x, y)` as 1.0. Alternatively,
-implementations also avoid this scenario by utilizing a non-zero `offset_sdr`.
-The implementation might choose the values of `offset_sdr` and `offset_hdr`.
-Tip: Use a value of 0.015625 (1/64) for `offset_sdr` and
-`offset_hdr`. The purpose of these values is to balance the ability to raise
-near blacks with the ability to precisely encode smaller gain values. Increasing
-these offset values increases the ability to recover near blacks, while
-maintaining a reasonable value for `map_max_log2`. Increasing the
-values too high can reduce precision of the map.
-The gain map is a scalar function that encodes `pixel_gain(x, y)` in a
-logarithmic space, relative to max content boost and min content boost:
-map_min_log2 = log2(min_content_boost)
-map_max_log2 = log2(max_content_boost)
-log_recovery(x, y) = (log2(pixel_gain(x, y)) - map_min_log2)
- / (map_max_log2 - map_min_log2)
-clamped_recovery(x, y) = clamp(log_recovery(x, y), 0.0, 1.0)
-recovery(x, y) = pow(clamped_recovery(x, y), map_gamma)
-The `recovery(x, y)` function behavior where `pixel_gain(x, y)` is zero is
-implementation defined, because `log2(0)` is undefined.
-Tip: Define `recovery(x, y)` as 0.0 where `pixel_gain(x, y)` is zero. This is
-because `recovery(x, y)` of 0.0 represents the largest possible attenuation that
-can be stored in the gain map.
-`map_gamma` is a floating point number that must be greater than 0.0 and is
-chosen by the implementation.
-Tip: Use a `map_gamma` of 1.0. You can use a different value if your gain map
-has a very uneven distribution of `log_recovery(x, y)` values. For example, this
-might apply if a gain map has a lot of detail just above SDR range (represented
-as small `log_recovery(x, y)` values), and a very large `map_max_log2` for the
-top end of the HDR rendition's desired brightness (represented by large
-`log_recovery(x, y)` values). In this case, you can use a `map_gamma` higher
-than 1.0 so that `recovery(x, y)` can precisely encode the detail in both the
-low end and high end of `log_recovery(x, y)`.
-The values of max content boost and min content boost are
-implementation-defined, and can be arbitrarily decided by the content creator.
-Max content boost must be greater than or equal to 1.0. Min content boost must
-be in the range (0.0, 1.0].
-Note: For example, say the image comes from a camera, and the camera's
-image-processing pipeline generates the SDR image by performing range
-compression on a higher dynamic range input. Then, max content boost and min
-content boost might be a function of the amount of range compression performed
-and what regions of luminance it affected.<br><br>
-Such pipelines might choose a min content boost of 1.0 if they don't want to
-encode any attenuation of the HDR image relative to the SDR image.
-Alternatively, if generating the gain map based on the SDR and HDR renditions
-themselves, max content boost and min content boost can be determined based on
-the maximum and minimum gain needed to convert between the two renditions.<br>
-Content creators or editors can also adjust max content boost to control the
-maximum allowable difference between SDR and HDR luminance when the image is
-Values in `recovery(x, y)` are limited to the range \[0.0, 1.0].
-Note: The brightest areas of the image typically have `recovery(x, y)` values
-close to 1.0, while darker areas of the image have values around 0.0.
-The gain map is stored in a secondary image JPEG, and therefore must be encoded
-using 8-bit, unsigned integer values, thus in the range \[0, 255]. Each value
-represents a `recovery(x, y)` value and is stored in one pixel of the secondary
-For 8-bit unsigned integer storage, the encoded value is defined as the
-encoded_recovery(x, y) = floor(recovery(x, y) * 255.0 + 0.5)
-Calculation of the encode function is done in floating point and converted at
-the end to the 8-bit unsigned integer result by rounding as indicated.
-This encoding results in an 8-bit unsigned integer representation of
-`recovery(x, y)` values, from 0.0 to 1.0. The encoded gain map must be stored in
-a secondary image item as a JPEG. The implementation chooses the amount of
-compression to use during JPEG encoding.
-Tip: Start with an implementation defined JPEG algorithm quality parameter of
-85 to 90 out of 100, or similar, for most JPEG encoding implementations.
-After the gain map is stored in a secondary image, it is appended to a primary
-image with MPF and GContainer XMP metadata. The primary image GContainer
-directory must contain an item for the gain map image.
-The resolution of the stored gain map is implementation-defined and can be
-different from the resolution from the primary image. In the case that the Gain
-Map is scaled to a different resolution from the primary image for storage, the
-sampling method must be bilinear or better, and is implementation defined.
-Tip: Have the gain map downsampled to ¹⁄₁₆ of the size (¼ on each dimension)
-of the primary image before storage, such as a 480x270 gain map for a 1920x1080
-primary image. The gain map needs a similar aspect ratio to the primary image.
-The orientation of the gain map must match that of the primary image. If
-present, any orientation metadata in the stored gain map image, as in EXIF,
-isn't used.
-If present, the gain map's color profile isn't used.
-### Gain map container
-#### Color profile
-The color profile of the image must be indicated via an ICC Profile for the
-primary image.
-Tip: Use a Display-P3 color profile.
-#### XMP attributes
-The primary image contains XMP metadata to define at least two images with extra
-semantic information for the HDR gain map format.
-The following subsections contain details specific to this format. Additional
-information regarding general conformance to GContainer is specified in the
-[GContainer details](#GContainer_details) section.
-Attribute values described in the following tables are stored as XMP simple
-values of the specified XMP basic value types.
-#### Item semantic values
-The `Item:Semantic` property defines the application-specific meaning
-of each media item in the container directory.
- <tr>
- <th>Value</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Primary</td>
- <td>Indicates that the media item is the primary image, ready for display,
- in the container. The directory must contain one "Primary" item.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>GainMap</td>
- <td>Indicates that the media item is a gain map. The directory might contain
- at most one "GainMap" item. </td>
- </tr>
-#### HDR Gain map metadata
-Gain map metadata encodes information about how to interpret and apply the gain
-map to produce the HDR representation of the primary image.
-The XMP namespace URI for the gain map metadata XMP extension is
-`http://ns.adobe.com/hdr-gain-map/1.0/`. The default namespace prefix is
-This metadata is stored in the gain map image's XMP packet and the following
-properties must appear in the gain map image XMP's `rdf:Description`:
- <tr>
- <th>Name</th>
- <th>Type</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:Version</td>
- <td>Text</td>
- <td>The version of the gain map format in use. This version is "1.0".
- <em>Required</em>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:BaseRenditionIsHDR</td>
- <td>Boolean</td>
- <td>Indicates the dynamic range of the primary image. "False" indicates the
- primary image is SDR and the gain map can be combined with it to produce an
- HDR rendition. "True" indicates the primary image is HDR and the gain map
- might be combined with it to produce the SDR rendition. Must be "False".
- <em>Optional; default value is "False".</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:GainMapMin</td>
- <td>Real or ordered array of Reals</td>
- <td>Stores the value(s) of <code>map_min_log2</code>. This is
- <code>log2</code> of min content boost, which is the minimum allowed ratio
- of the linear luminance for the target HDR rendition relative to (divided
- by) that of the SDR image, at a given pixel. May be a single Real, or an
- ordered array of Reals. When an ordered array of Reals, it may contain one
- item which applies to all channels or three items for the Red, Green, and
- Blue channels respectively. Must be less than or equal to
- <code>hdrgm:GainMapMax</code>. <em>Optional; default value is 0.0.</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:GainMapMax</td>
- <td>Real or ordered array of Reals</td>
- <td>Stores the value(s) of <code>map_max_log2</code>. This is
- <code>log2</code> of max content boost, which is the maximum allowed ratio
- of the linear luminance for the Target HDR rendition relative to (divided
- by) that of the SDR image, at a given pixel. May be a single Real, or an
- ordered array of Reals. When an ordered array of Reals, it may contain one
- item which applies to all channels or three items for the Red, Green, and
- Blue channels respectively. Must be greater than or equal to
- <code>hdrgm:GainMapMin</code>. <em>Required</em>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:Gamma</td>
- <td>Real or ordered array of Reals</td>
- <td>Stores the value(s) of <code>map_gamma</code>. This is the gamma to
- apply to the stored map values. May be a single Real, or an ordered array of
- Reals. When an ordered array of Reals, it may contain one item which applies
- to all channels or three items for the Red, Green, and Blue channels
- respectively. Must be greater than 0.0. <em>Optional; default value is
- 1.0.</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:OffsetSDR</td>
- <td>Real or ordered array of Reals</td>
- <td>Stores the value(s) of <code>offset_sdr</code>. This is the offset to
- apply to the SDR pixel values during gain map generation and application.
- May be a single Real, or an ordered array of Reals. When an ordered array of
- Reals, it may contain one item which applies to all channels or three items
- for the Red, Green, and Blue channels respectively. Must be 0.0 or greater.
- <em>Optional; default value is 0.015625 (1/64).</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:OffsetHDR</td>
- <td>Real or ordered array of Reals</td>
- <td>Stores the value(s) of <code>offset_hdr</code>. This is the offset to
- apply to the HDR pixel values during gain map generation and application.
- May be a single Real, or an ordered array of Reals. When an ordered array of
- Reals, it may contain one item which applies to all channels or three items
- for the Red, Green, and Blue channels respectively. Must be 0.0 or greater.
- <em>Optional; default value is 0.015625 (1/64).</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin</td>
- <td>Real</td>
- <td>Stores the value of <code>hdr_capacity_min</code>. This is
- <code>log2</code> of the minimum display boost value for which the map is
- applied at all. This value also affects how much to apply the gain map based
- on the display boost. Must be 0.0 or greater. <em>Optional; default
- value is 0.0.</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Hdrgm:HDRCapacityMax</td>
- <td>Real</td>
- <td>Stores the value of <code>hdr_capacity_max</code>. This is
- <code>log2</code> of the maximum display boost value for which the map is
- applied completely. This value also affects how much to apply the gain map
- based on the display boost. Must be greater than
- <code>hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin</code>. <em>Required</em>.</td>
- </tr>
-Tip: Whenever possible, use only a single Real value for each preceding property
-that permits one value or an array of values, with one for each color channel.
-Set `HDRCapacityMax` equal to `GainMapMax` and `HDRCapacityMin` to the greater
-of `GainMapMin` or 0.0. The rest of this document assumes that you are using a
-single Real value for all properties which may have an array of Real values.
-Formulas about these properties can be extrapolated to each color channel when
-this isn't the case in practice.
-#### Example gain map XMP
-The following example of a valid gain map XMP packet contains metadata taken
-from the example file illustrated in the [Introduction](#introduction) section.
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-xml">
-&lt;x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/x:xmptk="XMP Core 5.5.0">
- &lt;rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http&#x3A;//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
- &lt;rdf:Description rdf:about=""
- xmlns:hdrgm="http&#x3A;//ns.adobe.com/hdr-gain-map/1.0/"
-     hdrgm:Version="1.0"
- hdrgm:GainMapMin="-0.57609993"
- hdrgm:GainMapMax="4.7090998"
-     hdrgm:Gamma="1"
- hdrgm:OffsetSDR="0.015625"
- hdrgm:OffsetHDR="0.015625"
-     hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin="0"
- hdrgm:HDRCapacityMax="4.7090998"
- hdrgm:BaseRenditionIsHDR="False"/>
-  &lt;/rdf:RDF>
-#### MPF storage of the gain map
-The gain map image must be stored as an additional image as defined in [CIPA
-DC-x 007-2009 Multi-Picture Format][mpf]{:.external}, as referenced in the
-[Dependencies](#dependencies) section.
-## Decode
-This section describes how to decode the gain map from a conforming JPEG file.
-### Signal of the format
-A JPEG file conforming to this format may be identified by the presence of
-`hdrgm:Version="1.0"` in the primary image's XMP packet, where `hdrgm` is the
-namespace URI `http://ns.adobe.com/hdr-gain-map/1.0/`.
-### Locate the gain map image
-For details on parsing and decoding the image, see the following [GContainer
-details](#GContainer_details) section. A "GainMap" semantic item within the XMP
-`rdf:Directory` is used to signal the location of a gain map image.
-Alternatively, the MPF Index IFD and scanning images' XMP is used to determine
-the location of a gain map.
-### Handle invalid metadata
-Metadata is considered invalid if a required field is not present, or if any
-field is present with an invalid value. A value may be invalid because it is not
-parseable to the specified type or because it is outside of its expected range.
-If invalid metadata is encountered, the gain map should be ignored and the SDR
-image should be displayed.
-## Display
-Files encoded in the HDR gain map format might be rendered on either
-conventional SDR displays, or on HDR displays capable of higher-luminance
-### Use the gain map to create the adapted HDR rendition
-The following calculations in this section assume floating-point arithmetic.
-`encoded_recovery(x, y)` is the single-channel, 8-bit, unsigned integer value
-from the gain map image.
-If the gain map is a different resolution than the primary image, then
-`encoded_recovery(x, y)` is instead determined by a filtered sampling of the
-gain map image for x and y over the range of the primary image width and height,
-respectively. The filtering method must be bilinear or better and is
-implementation defined.
-`map_gamma` is determined by the `hdrgm:Gamma` metadata field.
-`log_recovery(x, y)` is the normalized floating point pixel gain in a
-logarithmic space:
-recovery(x, y) = encoded_recovery(x, y) / 255.0
-log_recovery(x, y) = pow(recovery(x, y), 1.0 / map_gamma)
-Max display boost is a scalar floating point value defined as the ratio between
-the current HDR white point and divided by the current SDR white point. This
-value is provided by the display system and can change over time.
-`hdr_capacity_max` is determined by the `hdrgm:HDRCapacityMax` metadata field.
-`hdr_capacity_min` is determined by the `hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin` metadata field.
-`weight_factor` is determined as follows when `hdrgm:BaseRenditionIsHDR` is
-unclamped_weight_factor = (log2(max_display_boost) - hdr_capacity_min)
- / (hdr_capacity_max - hdr_capacity_min)
-weight_factor = clamp(unclamped_weight_factor, 0.0, 1.0)
-When `hdrgm:BaseRenditionIsHDR` is "True", the second equation is instead:
-weight_factor = 1.0 - clamp(unclamped_weight_factor, 0.0, 1.0)
-`gain_map_max` is determined by the `hdrgm:GainMapMax` metadata field.
-`gain_map_min` is determined by the `hdrgm:GainMapMin` metadata field.
-`offset_sdr` is determined by the `hdrgm:OffsetSDR` metadata field. `offset_hdr`
-is determined by the `hdrgm:OffsetHDR` metadata field.
-The linear adapted HDR rendition can be computed as follows:
-log_boost(x, y) = gain_map_min * (1.0f - log_recovery(x, y))
- + gain_map_max * log_recovery(x, y)
-HDR(x, y) = (SDR(x, y) + offset_sdr) * exp2(log_boost(x, y) * weight_factor)
- - offset_hdr
-If needed, the implementation might apply a transform to `HDR(x, y)`, to put the
-data in the space expected by the display. Any such transformations must be
-colorimetrically correct.
-Note: The gain map must be applied as shown earlier (using exponentiation) to
-properly produce the needed relative tonal relationships (between areas of
-different brightness in the image) at any wanted display boost. If the Gain
-Map is applied any other way, such as via simple linear interpolation, then
-the relative tonal relationships within the image are correct only at max
-content boost, and are compromised at other boost factors.<br><br>
-The described method for recovering the adapted HDR rendition means that
-display results transition seamlessly as max display boost changes. This
-method always produces a display result that matches the content creator's
-intention as closely as possible, and that meets all of the image quality
-requirements enumerated in the [Motivation](#motivation) section.<br><br>
-The amount of attenuation applied in cases where min content boost is less
-than 1.0 also scales based on the relationship between max display boost and
-max content boost. For example, if max content boost is 4.0, min content boost
-is 0.5, and Max display boost is 2.0, then the maximum attenuation of the
-displayed image is 0.7071, rather than 0.5 if max display boost is 4.0 or
-## GContainer details
-This section specifies additional requirements such that this format conforms
-with GContainer XML metadata. The metadata is serialized following [ISO
-166841:2011(E) XMP Specification Part 1][xmp-part-1]{:.external} and embedded
-inside the primary image file as described in [Adobe XMP Specification Part 3
-Storage in Files][xmp-part-3]{:.external}. The primary image file contains the
-following items, formatted as RDF/XML.
-### XMP packet requirements
-The XMP packet shall include the gain map metadata XMP extension via the
-namespace URI `http://ns.adobe.com/hdr-gain-map/1.0/`. The default namespace
-prefix is `hdrgm`.
-The XMP packet shall define `hdrgm:Version="1.0"`.
-### Container element
-The XMP namespace for the GContainer XMP extension is
-`http://ns.google.com/photos/1.0/container/`. The default namespace prefix is
-The primary image contains a `Container:Directory` element in XMP metadata
-defining the order and properties of the subsequent media file in the file
-container. Each file in the container has a corresponding media item in the
-`Container:Directory`. The media item describes the location in the file
-container and the basic properties of each concatenated file.
-The container element is encoded into the XMP metadata of the primary image and
-defines a directory of media items in the container. Media items must be located
-in the container file in the same order as the media item elements in the
-directory and must be tightly packed.
-The directory can contain only one "Primary" image item and it must be the first
-item in the directory.
- <tr>
- <th>Element name</th>
- <th>Type</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Container:Directory</td>
- <td>Ordered Array of Structures</td>
- <td>Ordered array of structs each containing a <code>Container:Item</code>
- struct defining the layout and contents of the container.</td>
- </tr>
-### Item element
-Item elements describe how each media item is used by the application.
-The XMP namespace URI for the GContainer Item XMP extension is
-`http://ns.google.com/photos/1.0/container/item/`. The default namespace prefix
-is `Item`.
-The first media item must be the primary image.  It must specify `Item:Semantic
-= "Primary"` and an `Item:Mime` listed in
-[Item MIME type values](#item_mime_type_values).
-The length of the primary image item is determined by parsing the primary
-image based on its MIME type starting at the beginning of the file container.
-Media items can contain an `Item:Padding` attribute specifying additional
-padding between the end of the media item and the beginning of the next media
-item. When present on the last media item in the `Container:Directory`,
-`Item:Padding` indicates padding between the end of the item and the end of the
-Each media item must contain `Item:Mime` type and `Item:Semantic` attributes.
-The secondary image media items must contain `Item:Length` attributes.
-Sequential media items can share resource data within the file container. The
-first media item determines the location of the resource in the file container,
-and subsequent shared media items have `Item:Length` set to 0. In the case that
-the resource data is itself a container, `Item:URI` might be used to determine
-the location of the media item data within the resource.
-The location of media item resources in the container is determined by summing
-the length of the primary image encoding, the `Item:Length` values of the
-preceding secondary media item resources, and all preceding `Item:Padding`
-values. `Item:Padding` is considered to be 0 on media item resources that don't
-specify its value.
- <tr>
- <th>Attribute name</th>
- <th>Type</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Item:Mime</td>
- <td>Text</td>
- <td>Simple string indicating the MIME type of the media item in the
- container. For a definition, see the Item MIME type values section.
- <em>Required</em>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Item:Semantic</td>
- <td>Text</td>
- <td>Simple string indicating the application specific meaning of the media
- item. For a definition, see the Item semantic values section.
- <em>Required</em>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Item:Length</td>
- <td>Integer</td>
- <td>Simple string containing a positive integer length in bytes of the item.
- Length 0 indicates that the media item resource is shared with the previous
- media item. <em>Required for secondary media items. Optional for the primary
- image media item.</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Item:Label</td>
- <td>Text</td>
- <td>Implementation defined string used to disambiguate multiple item
- elements with the same <code>Item:Semantic</code>. <em>Optional</em>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Item:Padding</td>
- <td>Integer</td>
- <td>A string containing a positive integer length in bytes of additional
- padding between the end of the media item and the beginning of the next
- media item, or end of the file when used on the last media item in the
- <code>Container:Directory</code>. A value of 0 is assumed when not present.
- <em>Optional.</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Item:URI</td>
- <td>Text</td>
- <td>A URI string conforming to <a
- href=https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:14496:-12:ed-7:v1
- class="external">ISO/IEC 14496-12</a> section 8.11.9, containing the
- relative URI of the media data inside the media item resource. Default is
- the primary image resource. <em>Optional for <a
- href=https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:14496:-12:ed-7:v1
- class="external">ISO base media file format ISO/IEC 14496-12</a> MIME types.
- May not be used otherwise.</em></td>
- </tr>
-### Item MIME type values
-The `Item:Mime` attribute defines the MIME type of each media item
- <tr>
- <th>Value</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>image/jpeg</td>
- <td>JPEG image.</td>
- </tr>
-### Example GContainer XMP
-The following example of a valid GContainer XMP packet has metadata taken from
-the example file illustrated in the [Introduction](#introduction) section.
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-xml">
-&lt;x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.1.2">
- &lt;rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http&#x3A;//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
-   &lt;rdf:Description
- xmlns:Container="http&#x3A;//ns.google.com/photos/1.0/container/"
- xmlns:Item="http&#x3A;//ns.google.com/photos/1.0/container/item/"
- xmlns:hdrgm="http://ns.adobe.com/hdr-gain-map/1.0/"
- hdrgm:Version="1.0">
- &lt;Container:Directory>
- &lt;rdf:Seq>
- &lt;rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
- &lt;Container:Item
- Item:Semantic="Primary"
- Item:Mime="image/jpeg"/>
- &lt;/rdf:li>
- &lt;rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
- &lt;Container:Item
- Item:Semantic="GainMap"
- Item:Mime="image/jpeg"
- Item:Length="66171"/>
- &lt;/rdf:li>
- &lt;/rdf:Seq>
- &lt;/Container:Directory>
- &lt;/rdf:Description>
- &lt;/rdf:RDF>
+Preferred Compiler: Clang
+Tested with:
+- C compiler: Clang 15.0.7
+- CXX compiler: Clang 15.0.7