AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-06Update list of AMR-NB files.for-aosp-master-after-20150818Daniel Díaz
2015-08-20Some file under mp3dec Could not be deleted, need revertZhizhou Tian
2015-08-20Fix build errorZhizhou Tian
2015-08-19Fix build error caused by redefine LOCAL_MODULE in linaro-android-userspace-testZhizhou Tian changed to use md5sum command instead of md5Yongqin Liu
2015-02-04amrnbdec_test: fix AOSP master build errorAmit Pundir
2014-12-08Test script: Update the md5sum for Android LParamanand SINGH
2014-12-04Test script: Update the md5sum for Android LParamanand SINGH
2014-11-03Makefiles: fix LOCAL_PATH in Android.mkParamanand SINGH fix problem of shell function nameYongqin Liu
2014-10-15speech-codec: amrnb: rename amrnb enc and dec testsAmit Pundir
2014-08-05Video Codec: add tests for H.263, and H.264 codecsEdmund Szeto
2014-07-18Speech Codec: add tests for AMR NB, and AMR WB codecsEdmund Szeto
2014-07-11Audio Codec: add tests for AAC, FLAC, MP3, and Tremolo codecsEdmund Szeto