path: root/tests/src/test/kotlin/test/MockingTest.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/test/kotlin/test/MockingTest.kt')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/test/kotlin/test/MockingTest.kt b/tests/src/test/kotlin/test/MockingTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43e6413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/test/kotlin/test/MockingTest.kt
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+package test
+import com.nhaarman.expect.expect
+import com.nhaarman.expect.expectErrorWithMessage
+import com.nhaarman.expect.fail
+import org.mockito.kotlin.UseConstructor.Companion.parameterless
+import org.mockito.kotlin.UseConstructor.Companion.withArguments
+import org.mockito.kotlin.doReturn
+import org.mockito.kotlin.mock
+import org.mockito.kotlin.verify
+import org.mockito.kotlin.whenever
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.mockito.Mockito
+import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.WantedButNotInvoked
+import org.mockito.listeners.InvocationListener
+import org.mockito.mock.SerializableMode.BASIC
+import java.io.PrintStream
+import java.io.Serializable
+import java.util.*
+class MockingTest : TestBase() {
+ private lateinit var propertyInterfaceVariable: MyInterface
+ private lateinit var propertyClassVariable: MyClass
+ @Test
+ fun localInterfaceValue() {
+ /* When */
+ val instance: MyInterface = mock()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(instance).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun propertyInterfaceVariable() {
+ /* When */
+ propertyInterfaceVariable = mock()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(propertyInterfaceVariable).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun localClassValue() {
+ /* When */
+ val instance: MyClass = mock()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(instance).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun propertyClassVariable() {
+ /* When */
+ propertyClassVariable = mock()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(propertyClassVariable).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun untypedVariable() {
+ /* When */
+ val instance = mock<MyClass>()
+ expect(instance).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun deepStubs() {
+ val cal: Calendar = mock(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS)
+ whenever(cal.time.time).thenReturn(123L)
+ expect(cal.time.time).toBe(123L)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testMockStubbing_lambda() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Open>() {
+ on { stringResult() } doReturn "A"
+ }
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock.stringResult()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toBe("A")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testMockStubbing_normalOverridesLambda() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Open>() {
+ on { stringResult() }.doReturn("A")
+ }
+ whenever(mock.stringResult()).thenReturn("B")
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock.stringResult()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toBe("B")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withCustomDefaultAnswer_parameterName() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_SELF)
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock.builderMethod()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toBe(mock)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_extraInterfaces() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(
+ extraInterfaces = arrayOf(ExtraInterface::class)
+ )
+ /* Then */
+ expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<ExtraInterface>()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_name() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(name = "myName")
+ /* When */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("myName.stringResult()") on {
+ verify(mock).stringResult()
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_defaultAnswer() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS)
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock.nonDefaultReturnType()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_serializable() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(serializable = true)
+ /* Then */
+ expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_serializableMode() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(serializableMode = BASIC)
+ /* Then */
+ expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_verboseLogging() {
+ /* Given */
+ val out = mock<PrintStream>()
+ System.setOut(out)
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(verboseLogging = true)
+ try {
+ /* When */
+ verify(mock).stringResult()
+ fail("Expected an exception")
+ } catch (e: WantedButNotInvoked) {
+ /* Then */
+ verify(out).println("methods.stringResult();")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_invocationListeners() {
+ /* Given */
+ var bool = false
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(invocationListeners = arrayOf(InvocationListener { bool = true }))
+ /* When */
+ mock.stringResult()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(bool).toHold()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_stubOnly() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(stubOnly = true)
+ /* Expect */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("is a stubOnly() mock") on {
+ /* When */
+ verify(mock).stringResult()
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_useConstructor() {
+ /* Given */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("Unable to create mock instance of type ") on {
+ mock<ThrowingConstructor>(useConstructor = parameterless()) {}
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_useConstructorWithArguments_failing() {
+ /* Given */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("Unable to create mock instance of type ") on {
+ mock<ThrowingConstructorWithArgument>(useConstructor = withArguments("Test")) {}
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mock_withSettingsAPI_useConstructorWithArguments() {
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock<NonThrowingConstructorWithArgument>(useConstructor = withArguments("Test")) {}
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_extraInterfaces() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(extraInterfaces = arrayOf(ExtraInterface::class)) {}
+ /* Then */
+ expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<ExtraInterface>()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_name() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(name = "myName") {}
+ /* When */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("myName.stringResult()") on {
+ verify(mock).stringResult()
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPIAndStubbing_name() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(name = "myName") {
+ on { nullableStringResult() } doReturn "foo"
+ }
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock.nullableStringResult()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toBe("foo")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_defaultAnswer() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS) {}
+ /* When */
+ val result = mock.nonDefaultReturnType()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(result).toNotBeNull()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_serializable() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(serializable = true) {}
+ /* Then */
+ expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_serializableMode() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(serializableMode = BASIC) {}
+ /* Then */
+ expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_verboseLogging() {
+ /* Given */
+ val out = mock<PrintStream>()
+ System.setOut(out)
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(verboseLogging = true) {}
+ try {
+ /* When */
+ verify(mock).stringResult()
+ fail("Expected an exception")
+ } catch (e: WantedButNotInvoked) {
+ /* Then */
+ verify(out).println("methods.stringResult();")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_invocationListeners() {
+ /* Given */
+ var bool = false
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(invocationListeners = arrayOf(InvocationListener { bool = true })) {}
+ /* When */
+ mock.stringResult()
+ /* Then */
+ expect(bool).toHold()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_stubOnly() {
+ /* Given */
+ val mock = mock<Methods>(stubOnly = true) {}
+ /* Expect */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("is a stubOnly() mock") on {
+ /* When */
+ verify(mock).stringResult()
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_useConstructor() {
+ /* Given */
+ expectErrorWithMessage("Unable to create mock instance of type ") on {
+ mock<ThrowingConstructor>(useConstructor = parameterless()) {}
+ }
+ }
+ private interface MyInterface
+ private open class MyClass
+} \ No newline at end of file