AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-07-22Changing android makefile to fix if system/etc does not exist.RLCR-16.11RLCR-16.09Amit Daniel Kachhap
2011-07-22Removing unused files.Amit Daniel Kachhap
2011-07-22Adding code to copy terminfo data to /system/etcAmit Daniel Kachhap
2011-07-22Adding Android.mk file for android support.Amit Daniel Kachhap
2011-07-22Adding ncurses.h and terminfo database.Amit Daniel Kachhap
2011-07-22Adding files generated automatic by scripts.Amit Daniel Kachhap
2011-07-22Base version of ncurses-5.7 libraryAmit Daniel Kachhap