path: root/impl_core/src/test/java/io/opencensus/implcore/stats/ViewManagerImplTest.java
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1 files changed, 924 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/impl_core/src/test/java/io/opencensus/implcore/stats/ViewManagerImplTest.java b/impl_core/src/test/java/io/opencensus/implcore/stats/ViewManagerImplTest.java
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+++ b/impl_core/src/test/java/io/opencensus/implcore/stats/ViewManagerImplTest.java
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+ * Copyright 2017, OpenCensus Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package io.opencensus.implcore.stats;
+import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
+import static io.opencensus.implcore.stats.StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals;
+import static io.opencensus.implcore.stats.StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData;
+import static io.opencensus.implcore.stats.StatsTestUtil.createEmptyViewData;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
+import io.opencensus.common.Duration;
+import io.opencensus.common.Timestamp;
+import io.opencensus.implcore.internal.SimpleEventQueue;
+import io.opencensus.implcore.tags.TagsComponentImplBase;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Aggregation;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Aggregation.Distribution;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Aggregation.Mean;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Aggregation.Sum;
+import io.opencensus.stats.AggregationData;
+import io.opencensus.stats.AggregationData.MeanData;
+import io.opencensus.stats.AggregationData.SumDataDouble;
+import io.opencensus.stats.AggregationData.SumDataLong;
+import io.opencensus.stats.BucketBoundaries;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Measure;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Measure.MeasureDouble;
+import io.opencensus.stats.Measure.MeasureLong;
+import io.opencensus.stats.MeasureMap;
+import io.opencensus.stats.StatsCollectionState;
+import io.opencensus.stats.View;
+import io.opencensus.stats.View.AggregationWindow.Cumulative;
+import io.opencensus.stats.View.AggregationWindow.Interval;
+import io.opencensus.stats.View.Name;
+import io.opencensus.stats.ViewData;
+import io.opencensus.stats.ViewData.AggregationWindowData;
+import io.opencensus.stats.ViewData.AggregationWindowData.CumulativeData;
+import io.opencensus.stats.ViewData.AggregationWindowData.IntervalData;
+import io.opencensus.tags.TagContext;
+import io.opencensus.tags.TagKey;
+import io.opencensus.tags.TagValue;
+import io.opencensus.tags.Tagger;
+import io.opencensus.tags.TagsComponent;
+import io.opencensus.testing.common.TestClock;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+/** Tests for {@link ViewManagerImpl}. */
+public class ViewManagerImplTest {
+ @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
+ private static final TagKey KEY = TagKey.create("KEY");
+ private static final TagValue VALUE = TagValue.create("VALUE");
+ private static final TagValue VALUE_2 = TagValue.create("VALUE_2");
+ private static final String MEASURE_NAME = "my measurement";
+ private static final String MEASURE_NAME_2 = "my measurement 2";
+ private static final String MEASURE_UNIT = "us";
+ private static final String MEASURE_DESCRIPTION = "measure description";
+ private static final MeasureDouble MEASURE_DOUBLE =
+ private static final MeasureLong MEASURE_LONG =
+ private static final Name VIEW_NAME = Name.create("my view");
+ private static final Name VIEW_NAME_2 = Name.create("my view 2");
+ private static final String VIEW_DESCRIPTION = "view description";
+ private static final Cumulative CUMULATIVE = Cumulative.create();
+ private static final double EPSILON = 1e-7;
+ private static final int MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
+ private static final Duration TEN_SECONDS = Duration.create(10, 0);
+ private static final BucketBoundaries BUCKET_BOUNDARIES =
+ BucketBoundaries.create(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ 0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0));
+ private static final Sum SUM = Sum.create();
+ private static final Mean MEAN = Mean.create();
+ private static final Distribution DISTRIBUTION = Distribution.create(BUCKET_BOUNDARIES);
+ private final TestClock clock = TestClock.create();
+ private final StatsComponentImplBase statsComponent =
+ new StatsComponentImplBase(new SimpleEventQueue(), clock);
+ private final TagsComponent tagsComponent = new TagsComponentImplBase();
+ private final Tagger tagger = tagsComponent.getTagger();
+ private final ViewManagerImpl viewManager = statsComponent.getViewManager();
+ private final StatsRecorderImpl statsRecorder = statsComponent.getStatsRecorder();
+ private static View createCumulativeView() {
+ return createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ }
+ private static View createCumulativeView(
+ View.Name name, Measure measure, Aggregation aggregation, List<TagKey> keys) {
+ return View.create(name, VIEW_DESCRIPTION, measure, aggregation, keys, CUMULATIVE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRegisterAndGetCumulativeView() {
+ View view = createCumulativeView();
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getView()).isEqualTo(view);
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getWindowData()).isInstanceOf(CumulativeData.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRegisterAndGetIntervalView() {
+ View intervalView =
+ View.create(
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ Interval.create(Duration.create(60, 0)));
+ viewManager.registerView(intervalView);
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getView()).isEqualTo(intervalView);
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getWindowData()).isInstanceOf(IntervalData.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void allowRegisteringSameViewTwice() {
+ View view = createCumulativeView();
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getView()).isEqualTo(view);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void preventRegisteringDifferentViewWithSameName() {
+ View view1 =
+ View.create(
+ "View description.",
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ View view2 =
+ View.create(
+ "This is a different description.",
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ testFailedToRegisterView(
+ view1, view2, "A different view with the same name is already registered");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void preventRegisteringDifferentMeasureWithSameName() {
+ MeasureDouble measure1 = MeasureDouble.create("measure", "description", "1");
+ MeasureLong measure2 = MeasureLong.create("measure", "description", "1");
+ View view1 =
+ View.create(
+ View view2 =
+ View.create(
+ testFailedToRegisterView(
+ view1, view2, "A different measure with the same name is already registered");
+ }
+ private void testFailedToRegisterView(View view1, View view2, String message) {
+ viewManager.registerView(view1);
+ try {
+ thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+ thrown.expectMessage(message);
+ viewManager.registerView(view2);
+ } finally {
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getView()).isEqualTo(view1);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void returnNullWhenGettingNonexistentViewData() {
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME)).isNull();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordDouble_distribution_cumulative() {
+ testRecordCumulative(MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordLong_distribution_cumulative() {
+ testRecordCumulative(MEASURE_LONG, DISTRIBUTION, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordDouble_sum_cumulative() {
+ testRecordCumulative(MEASURE_DOUBLE, SUM, 11.1, 22.2, 33.3, 44.4);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordLong_sum_cumulative() {
+ testRecordCumulative(MEASURE_LONG, SUM, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000);
+ }
+ private void testRecordCumulative(Measure measure, Aggregation aggregation, double... values) {
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, measure, aggregation, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(1, 2));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ TagContext tags = tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build();
+ for (double val : values) {
+ putToMeasureMap(statsRecorder.newMeasureMap(), measure, val).record(tags);
+ }
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(3, 4));
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertThat(viewData.getView()).isEqualTo(view);
+ assertThat(viewData.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(1, 2), Timestamp.create(3, 4)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(aggregation, measure, values)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordDouble_mean_interval() {
+ testRecordInterval(
+ new double[] {20.0, -1.0, 1.0, -5.0, 5.0},
+ 9.0,
+ 30.0,
+ MeanData.create((19 * 0.6 + 1) / 4, 4),
+ MeanData.create(0.2 * 5 + 9, 1),
+ MeanData.create(30.0, 1));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordLong_mean_interval() {
+ testRecordInterval(
+ new double[] {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000},
+ -5000,
+ 30,
+ MeanData.create((3000 * 0.6 + 12000) / 4, 4),
+ MeanData.create(-4000, 1),
+ MeanData.create(30, 1));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordDouble_sum_interval() {
+ testRecordInterval(
+ SUM,
+ new double[] {20.0, -1.0, 1.0, -5.0, 5.0},
+ 9.0,
+ 30.0,
+ SumDataDouble.create(19 * 0.6 + 1),
+ SumDataDouble.create(0.2 * 5 + 9),
+ SumDataDouble.create(30.0));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordLong_sum_interval() {
+ testRecordInterval(
+ SUM,
+ new double[] {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000},
+ -5000,
+ 30,
+ SumDataLong.create(Math.round(3000 * 0.6 + 12000)),
+ SumDataLong.create(-4000),
+ SumDataLong.create(30));
+ }
+ private void testRecordInterval(
+ Measure measure,
+ Aggregation aggregation,
+ double[] initialValues, /* There are 5 initial values recorded before we call getView(). */
+ double value6,
+ double value7,
+ AggregationData expectedValues1,
+ AggregationData expectedValues2,
+ AggregationData expectedValues3) {
+ // The interval is 10 seconds, i.e. values should expire after 10 seconds.
+ // Each bucket has a duration of 2.5 seconds.
+ View view =
+ View.create(
+ measure,
+ aggregation,
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ Interval.create(TEN_SECONDS));
+ long startTimeMillis = 30 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND; // start at 30s
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(startTimeMillis));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ TagContext tags = tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build();
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
+ /*
+ * Add each value in sequence, at 31s, 32s, 33s, etc.
+ * 1st and 2nd values should fall into the first bucket [30.0, 32.5),
+ * 3rd and 4th values should fall into the second bucket [32.5, 35.0),
+ * 5th value should fall into the third bucket [35.0, 37.5).
+ */
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(startTimeMillis + i * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ putToMeasureMap(statsRecorder.newMeasureMap(), measure, initialValues[i - 1]).record(tags);
+ }
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(startTimeMillis + 8 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ // 38s, no values should have expired
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(aggregation, measure, initialValues)),
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(startTimeMillis + 11 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ // 41s, 40% of the values in the first bucket should have expired (1 / 2.5 = 0.4).
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(Arrays.asList(VALUE), expectedValues1),
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(startTimeMillis + 12 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ // 42s, add a new value value1, should fall into bucket [40.0, 42.5)
+ putToMeasureMap(statsRecorder.newMeasureMap(), measure, value6).record(tags);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(startTimeMillis + 17 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ // 47s, values in the first and second bucket should have expired, and 80% of values in the
+ // third bucket should have expired. The new value should persist.
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(Arrays.asList(VALUE), expectedValues2),
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(60 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ // 60s, all previous values should have expired, add another value value2
+ putToMeasureMap(statsRecorder.newMeasureMap(), measure, value7).record(tags);
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(Arrays.asList(VALUE), expectedValues3),
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(100 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ // 100s, all values should have expired
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap()).isEmpty();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getViewDoesNotClearStats() {
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(10, 0));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ TagContext tags = tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build();
+ statsRecorder.newMeasureMap().put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 0.1).record(tags);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(11, 0));
+ ViewData viewData1 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertThat(viewData1.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(10, 0), Timestamp.create(11, 0)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData1.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 0.1)),
+ statsRecorder.newMeasureMap().put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 0.2).record(tags);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(12, 0));
+ ViewData viewData2 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ // The second view should have the same start time as the first view, and it should include both
+ // recorded values:
+ assertThat(viewData2.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(10, 0), Timestamp.create(12, 0)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData2.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 0.1, 0.2)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordCumulativeMultipleTagValues() {
+ viewManager.registerView(
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY)));
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 30.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE_2).build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 50.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE_2).build());
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0),
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE_2),
+ createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 30.0, 50.0)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordIntervalMultipleTagValues() {
+ // The interval is 10 seconds, i.e. values should expire after 10 seconds.
+ View view =
+ View.create(
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ Interval.create(TEN_SECONDS));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(10, 0)); // Start at 10s
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ // record for TagValue1 at 11s
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(11 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ // record for TagValue2 at 15s
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(15 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 30.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE_2).build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 50.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE_2).build());
+ // get ViewData at 19s, no stats should have expired.
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(19 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ ViewData viewData1 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData1.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0),
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE_2),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 30.0, 50.0)),
+ // record for TagValue2 again at 20s
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(20 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 40.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE_2).build());
+ // get ViewData at 25s, stats for TagValue1 should have expired.
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(25 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ ViewData viewData2 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData2.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE_2),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 30.0, 50.0, 40.0)),
+ // get ViewData at 30s, the first two values for TagValue2 should have expired.
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(30 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ ViewData viewData3 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData3.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE_2),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 40.0)),
+ // get ViewData at 40s, all stats should have expired.
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.fromMillis(40 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
+ ViewData viewData4 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertThat(viewData4.getAggregationMap()).isEmpty();
+ }
+ // This test checks that MeasureMaper.record(...) does not throw an exception when no views are
+ // registered.
+ @Test
+ public void allowRecordingWithoutRegisteringMatchingViewData() {
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordWithEmptyStatsContext() {
+ viewManager.registerView(
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY)));
+ // DEFAULT doesn't have tags, but the view has tag key "KEY".
+ statsRecorder.newMeasureMap().put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0).record(tagger.empty());
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ // Tag is missing for associated measureValues, should use default tag value
+ // "unknown/not set".
+ Arrays.asList(MutableViewData.UNKNOWN_TAG_VALUE),
+ // Should record stats with default tag value: "KEY" : "unknown/not set".
+ createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecord_MeasureNameNotMatch() {
+ testRecord_MeasureNotMatch(
+ MeasureDouble.create(MEASURE_NAME, "measure", MEASURE_UNIT),
+ MeasureDouble.create(MEASURE_NAME_2, "measure", MEASURE_UNIT),
+ 10.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecord_MeasureTypeNotMatch() {
+ testRecord_MeasureNotMatch(
+ MeasureLong.create(MEASURE_NAME, "measure", MEASURE_UNIT),
+ MeasureDouble.create(MEASURE_NAME, "measure", MEASURE_UNIT),
+ 10.0);
+ }
+ private void testRecord_MeasureNotMatch(Measure measure1, Measure measure2, double value) {
+ viewManager.registerView(createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, measure1, MEAN, Arrays.asList(KEY)));
+ TagContext tags = tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build();
+ putToMeasureMap(statsRecorder.newMeasureMap(), measure2, value).record(tags);
+ ViewData view = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertThat(view.getAggregationMap()).isEmpty();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRecordWithTagsThatDoNotMatchViewData() {
+ viewManager.registerView(
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY)));
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(TagKey.create("wrong key"), VALUE).build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 50.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(TagKey.create("another wrong key"), VALUE).build());
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ // Won't record the unregistered tag key, for missing registered keys will use default
+ // tag value : "unknown/not set".
+ Arrays.asList(MutableViewData.UNKNOWN_TAG_VALUE),
+ // Should record stats with default tag value: "KEY" : "unknown/not set".
+ createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 10.0, 50.0)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testViewDataWithMultipleTagKeys() {
+ TagKey key1 = TagKey.create("Key-1");
+ TagKey key2 = TagKey.create("Key-2");
+ viewManager.registerView(
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(key1, key2)));
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(
+ tagger
+ .emptyBuilder()
+ .put(key1, TagValue.create("v1"))
+ .put(key2, TagValue.create("v10"))
+ .build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 2.2)
+ .record(
+ tagger
+ .emptyBuilder()
+ .put(key1, TagValue.create("v1"))
+ .put(key2, TagValue.create("v20"))
+ .build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 3.3)
+ .record(
+ tagger
+ .emptyBuilder()
+ .put(key1, TagValue.create("v2"))
+ .put(key2, TagValue.create("v10"))
+ .build());
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 4.4)
+ .record(
+ tagger
+ .emptyBuilder()
+ .put(key1, TagValue.create("v1"))
+ .put(key2, TagValue.create("v10"))
+ .build());
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(TagValue.create("v1"), TagValue.create("v10")),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1, 4.4),
+ Arrays.asList(TagValue.create("v1"), TagValue.create("v20")),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 2.2),
+ Arrays.asList(TagValue.create("v2"), TagValue.create("v10")),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 3.3)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultipleViewSameMeasure() {
+ final View view1 =
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ final View view2 =
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME_2, MEASURE_DOUBLE, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(1, 1));
+ viewManager.registerView(view1);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(2, 2));
+ viewManager.registerView(view2);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 5.0)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(3, 3));
+ ViewData viewData1 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(4, 4));
+ ViewData viewData2 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME_2);
+ assertThat(viewData1.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(1, 1), Timestamp.create(3, 3)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData1.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 5.0)),
+ assertThat(viewData2.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(2, 2), Timestamp.create(4, 4)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData2.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 5.0)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultipleViews_DifferentMeasureNames() {
+ testMultipleViews_DifferentMeasures(
+ 1.1,
+ 2.2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultipleViews_DifferentMeasureTypes() {
+ testMultipleViews_DifferentMeasures(
+ 1.1,
+ 5000);
+ }
+ private void testMultipleViews_DifferentMeasures(
+ Measure measure1, Measure measure2, double value1, double value2) {
+ final View view1 = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, measure1, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ final View view2 =
+ createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME_2, measure2, DISTRIBUTION, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(1, 0));
+ viewManager.registerView(view1);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(2, 0));
+ viewManager.registerView(view2);
+ TagContext tags = tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build();
+ MeasureMap measureMap = statsRecorder.newMeasureMap();
+ putToMeasureMap(measureMap, measure1, value1);
+ putToMeasureMap(measureMap, measure2, value2);
+ measureMap.record(tags);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(3, 0));
+ ViewData viewData1 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(4, 0));
+ ViewData viewData2 = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME_2);
+ assertThat(viewData1.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(1, 0), Timestamp.create(3, 0)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData1.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, measure1, value1)),
+ assertThat(viewData2.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(2, 0), Timestamp.create(4, 0)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData2.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(DISTRIBUTION, measure2, value2)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetCumulativeViewDataWithEmptyBucketBoundaries() {
+ Aggregation noHistogram =
+ Distribution.create(BucketBoundaries.create(Collections.<Double>emptyList()));
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, noHistogram, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(1, 0));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(3, 0));
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertThat(viewData.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(1, 0), Timestamp.create(3, 0)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(noHistogram, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetCumulativeViewDataWithoutBucketBoundaries() {
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, MEAN, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(1, 0));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ clock.setTime(Timestamp.create(3, 0));
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME);
+ assertThat(viewData.getWindowData())
+ .isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(Timestamp.create(1, 0), Timestamp.create(3, 0)));
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewData.getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE), StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(MEAN, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void registerRecordAndGetView_StatsDisabled() {
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.DISABLED);
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, MEAN, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME)).isEqualTo(createEmptyViewData(view));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void registerRecordAndGetView_StatsReenabled() {
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.DISABLED);
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.ENABLED);
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, MEAN, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE), StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(MEAN, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void registerViewWithStatsDisabled_RecordAndGetViewWithStatsEnabled() {
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.DISABLED);
+ View view = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, MEAN, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ viewManager.registerView(view); // view will still be registered.
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.ENABLED);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(VIEW_NAME).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE), StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(MEAN, MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)),
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void registerDifferentViewWithSameNameWithStatsDisabled() {
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.DISABLED);
+ View view1 =
+ View.create(
+ "View description.",
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ View view2 =
+ View.create(
+ "This is a different description.",
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ testFailedToRegisterView(
+ view1, view2, "A different view with the same name is already registered");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void settingStateToDisabledWillClearStats_Cumulative() {
+ View cumulativeView = createCumulativeView(VIEW_NAME, MEASURE_DOUBLE, MEAN, Arrays.asList(KEY));
+ settingStateToDisabledWillClearStats(cumulativeView);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void settingStateToDisabledWillClearStats_Interval() {
+ View intervalView =
+ View.create(
+ Arrays.asList(KEY),
+ Interval.create(Duration.create(60, 0)));
+ settingStateToDisabledWillClearStats(intervalView);
+ }
+ private void settingStateToDisabledWillClearStats(View view) {
+ Timestamp timestamp1 = Timestamp.create(1, 0);
+ clock.setTime(timestamp1);
+ viewManager.registerView(view);
+ statsRecorder
+ .newMeasureMap()
+ .put(MEASURE_DOUBLE, 1.1)
+ .record(tagger.emptyBuilder().put(KEY, VALUE).build());
+ StatsTestUtil.assertAggregationMapEquals(
+ viewManager.getView(view.getName()).getAggregationMap(),
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ Arrays.asList(VALUE),
+ StatsTestUtil.createAggregationData(view.getAggregation(), view.getMeasure(), 1.1)),
+ Timestamp timestamp2 = Timestamp.create(2, 0);
+ clock.setTime(timestamp2);
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.DISABLED); // This will clear stats.
+ assertThat(viewManager.getView(view.getName())).isEqualTo(createEmptyViewData(view));
+ Timestamp timestamp3 = Timestamp.create(3, 0);
+ clock.setTime(timestamp3);
+ statsComponent.setState(StatsCollectionState.ENABLED);
+ Timestamp timestamp4 = Timestamp.create(4, 0);
+ clock.setTime(timestamp4);
+ // This ViewData does not have any stats, but it should not be an empty ViewData, since it has
+ // non-zero TimeStamps.
+ ViewData viewData = viewManager.getView(view.getName());
+ assertThat(viewData.getAggregationMap()).isEmpty();
+ AggregationWindowData windowData = viewData.getWindowData();
+ if (windowData instanceof CumulativeData) {
+ assertThat(windowData).isEqualTo(CumulativeData.create(timestamp3, timestamp4));
+ } else {
+ assertThat(windowData).isEqualTo(IntervalData.create(timestamp4));
+ }
+ }
+ private static MeasureMap putToMeasureMap(MeasureMap measureMap, Measure measure, double value) {
+ if (measure instanceof MeasureDouble) {
+ return measureMap.put((MeasureDouble) measure, value);
+ } else if (measure instanceof MeasureLong) {
+ return measureMap.put((MeasureLong) measure, Math.round(value));
+ } else {
+ // Future measures.
+ throw new AssertionError();
+ }
+ }