path: root/pw_tokenizer/py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pw_tokenizer/py')
10 files changed, 766 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/BUILD.bazel b/pw_tokenizer/py/BUILD.bazel
index 540495a66..299d29ce4 100644
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/BUILD.bazel
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ py_library(
+ imports = ["."],
deps = [
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ py_binary(
# This test attempts to directly access files in the source tree, which is
# incompatible with sandboxing.
-# TODO(b/241307309): Fix this test.
+# TODO: b/241307309 - Fix this test.
name = "database_test",
srcs = ["database_test.py"],
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ proto_library(
-# TODO(b/241456982): This target can't be built due to limitations of
+# TODO: b/241456982 - This target can't be built due to limitations of
# py_proto_library.
# py_proto_library(
# name = "detokenize_proto_test_pb2",
@@ -101,7 +102,6 @@ py_test(
deps = [
- "@rules_python//python/runfiles",
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ py_test(
deps = [
- "@rules_python//python/runfiles",
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/detokenize_test.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/detokenize_test.py
index df710c7e9..36bb1fa6e 100755
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/detokenize_test.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/detokenize_test.py
@@ -15,12 +15,15 @@
"""Tests for detokenize."""
import base64
+import concurrent
import datetime as dt
+import functools
import io
import os
from pathlib import Path
import struct
import tempfile
+from typing import Any, Callable, NamedTuple, Tuple
import unittest
from unittest import mock
@@ -451,6 +454,35 @@ class DetokenizeWithCollisions(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('#0 -1', repr(unambiguous))
+class ManualPoolExecutor(concurrent.futures.Executor):
+ """A stubbed pool executor that captures the most recent work request
+ and holds it until the public process method is manually called."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._func = None
+ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Submits work to the pool, stashing the partial for later use."""
+ self._func = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
+ def process(self):
+ """Processes the latest func submitted to the pool."""
+ if self._func is not None:
+ self._func()
+ self._func = None
+class InlinePoolExecutor(concurrent.futures.Executor):
+ """A stubbed pool executor that runs work immediately, inline."""
+ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Submits work to the pool, stashing the partial for later use."""
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
class AutoUpdatingDetokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests the AutoUpdatingDetokenizer class."""
@@ -478,18 +510,79 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ pool = ManualPoolExecutor()
detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
- file.name, min_poll_period_s=0
+ file.name, min_poll_period_s=0, pool=pool
with open(file.name, 'wb') as fd:
tokens.write_binary(db, fd)
+ # After the change but before the pool runs in another thread,
+ # the token should not exist.
+ self.assertFalse(detok.detokenize(JELLO_WORLD_TOKEN).ok())
+ # After the pool is allowed to process, it should.
+ pool.process()
+ def test_update_with_directory(self, mock_getmtime):
+ """Tests the update command with a directory format database."""
+ db = database.load_token_database(
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(len(db), TOKENS_IN_ELF)
+ the_time = [100]
+ def move_back_time_if_file_exists(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ the_time[0] -= 1
+ return the_time[0]
+ raise FileNotFoundError
+ mock_getmtime.side_effect = move_back_time_if_file_exists
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dbdir:
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+ 'wb', delete=False, suffix='.pw_tokenizer.csv', dir=dbdir
+ ) as matching_suffix_file, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+ 'wb', delete=False, suffix='.not.right', dir=dbdir
+ ) as mismatched_suffix_file:
+ try:
+ matching_suffix_file.close()
+ mismatched_suffix_file.close()
+ pool = ManualPoolExecutor()
+ detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
+ dbdir, min_poll_period_s=0, pool=pool
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(detok.detokenize(JELLO_WORLD_TOKEN).ok())
+ with open(mismatched_suffix_file.name, 'wb') as fd:
+ tokens.write_csv(db, fd)
+ pool.process()
+ self.assertFalse(detok.detokenize(JELLO_WORLD_TOKEN).ok())
+ with open(matching_suffix_file.name, 'wb') as fd:
+ tokens.write_csv(db, fd)
+ # After the change but before the pool runs in another
+ # thread, the token should not exist.
+ self.assertFalse(detok.detokenize(JELLO_WORLD_TOKEN).ok())
+ pool.process()
+ # After the pool is allowed to process, it should.
+ self.assertTrue(detok.detokenize(JELLO_WORLD_TOKEN).ok())
+ finally:
+ os.unlink(mismatched_suffix_file.name)
+ os.unlink(matching_suffix_file.name)
+ os.rmdir(dbdir)
# The database stays around if the file is deleted.
@@ -507,7 +600,7 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
- file.name, min_poll_period_s=0
+ file.name, min_poll_period_s=0, pool=InlinePoolExecutor()
@@ -527,7 +620,9 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_token_domain_in_str(self, _) -> None:
"""Tests a str containing a domain"""
detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
- f'{ELF_WITH_TOKENIZER_SECTIONS_PATH}#.*', min_poll_period_s=0
+ min_poll_period_s=0,
+ pool=InlinePoolExecutor(),
@@ -536,7 +631,9 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_token_domain_in_path(self, _) -> None:
"""Tests a Path() containing a domain"""
detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
- Path(f'{ELF_WITH_TOKENIZER_SECTIONS_PATH}#.*'), min_poll_period_s=0
+ min_poll_period_s=0,
+ pool=InlinePoolExecutor(),
@@ -545,14 +642,18 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_token_no_domain_in_str(self, _) -> None:
"""Tests a str without a domain"""
detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
- str(ELF_WITH_TOKENIZER_SECTIONS_PATH), min_poll_period_s=0
+ min_poll_period_s=0,
+ pool=InlinePoolExecutor(),
self.assertEqual(len(detok.database), TOKENS_IN_ELF)
def test_token_no_domain_in_path(self, _) -> None:
"""Tests a Path() without a domain"""
detok = detokenize.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(
+ min_poll_period_s=0,
+ pool=InlinePoolExecutor(),
self.assertEqual(len(detok.database), TOKENS_IN_ELF)
@@ -561,39 +662,173 @@ def _next_char(message: bytes) -> bytes:
return bytes(b + 1 for b in message)
-class PrefixedMessageDecoderTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- self.decode = detokenize.PrefixedMessageDecoder('$', 'abcdefg')
+class NestedMessageParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests parsing prefixed messages."""
+ class _Case(NamedTuple):
+ data: bytes
+ expected: bytes
+ title: str
+ transform: Callable[[bytes], bytes] = _next_char
+ _Case(b'$abcd', b'%bcde', 'single message'),
+ _Case(
+ b'$$WHAT?$abc$WHY? is this $ok $',
+ b'%%WHAT?%bcd%WHY? is this %ok %',
+ 'message and non-message',
+ ),
+ _Case(b'$1$', b'%1%', 'empty message'),
+ _Case(b'$abc$defgh', b'%bcd%efghh', 'sequential message'),
+ _Case(
+ b'w$abcx$defygh$$abz',
+ b'w$ABCx$DEFygh$$ABz',
+ 'interspersed start/end non-message',
+ bytes.upper,
+ ),
+ _Case(
+ b'$abcx$defygh$$ab',
+ b'$ABCx$DEFygh$$AB',
+ 'interspersed start/end message ',
+ bytes.upper,
+ ),
+ )
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.decoder = detokenize.NestedMessageParser('$', 'abcdefg')
+ def test_transform_io(self) -> None:
+ for data, expected, title, transform in self.TRANSFORM_TEST_CASES:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected,
+ b''.join(
+ self.decoder.transform_io(io.BytesIO(data), transform)
+ ),
+ f'{title}: {data!r}',
+ )
+ def test_transform_bytes_with_flush(self) -> None:
+ for data, expected, title, transform in self.TRANSFORM_TEST_CASES:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected,
+ self.decoder.transform(data, transform, flush=True),
+ f'{title}: {data!r}',
+ )
+ def test_transform_bytes_sequential(self) -> None:
+ transform = lambda message: message.upper().replace(b'$', b'*')
- def test_transform_single_message(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b'abc$abcd', transform), b'abc')
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b'$', transform), b'*ABCD')
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b'$b', transform), b'*')
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b'', transform), b'')
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b' ', transform), b'*B ')
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b'hello', transform), b'hello')
+ self.assertEqual(self.decoder.transform(b'?? $ab', transform), b'?? ')
- b'%bcde',
- b''.join(self.decode.transform(io.BytesIO(b'$abcd'), _next_char)),
+ self.decoder.transform(b'123$ab4$56$a', transform), b'*AB123*AB4*56'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.decoder.transform(b'bc', transform, flush=True), b'*ABC'
+ )
+ (b'123$abc456$a', (False, b'123'), (True, b'$abc'), (False, b'456')),
+ (b'7$abcd', (True, b'$a'), (False, b'7')),
+ (b'e',),
+ (b'',),
+ (b'$', (True, b'$abcde')),
+ (b'$', (True, b'$')),
+ (b'$a$b$c', (True, b'$'), (True, b'$a'), (True, b'$b')),
+ (b'1', (True, b'$c'), (False, b'1')),
+ (b'',),
+ (b'?', (False, b'?')),
+ (b'!@', (False, b'!@')),
+ (b'%^&', (False, b'%^&')),
+ )
- def test_transform_message_amidst_other_only_affects_message(self):
+ def test_read_messages(self) -> None:
+ for step in self.MESSAGES_TEST:
+ data: bytes = step[0]
+ pieces: Tuple[Tuple[bool, bytes], ...] = step[1:]
+ self.assertEqual(tuple(self.decoder.read_messages(data)), pieces)
+ def test_read_messages_flush(self) -> None:
- b'%%WHAT?%bcd%WHY? is this %ok %',
- b''.join(
- self.decode.transform(
- io.BytesIO(b'$$WHAT?$abc$WHY? is this $ok $'), _next_char
- )
- ),
+ list(self.decoder.read_messages(b'123$a')), [(False, b'123')]
+ self.assertEqual(list(self.decoder.read_messages(b'b')), [])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ list(self.decoder.read_messages(b'', flush=True)), [(True, b'$ab')]
+ )
+ def test_read_messages_io(self) -> None:
+ # Rework the read_messages test data for stream input.
+ data = io.BytesIO(b''.join(step[0] for step in self.MESSAGES_TEST))
+ expected_pieces = sum((step[1:] for step in self.MESSAGES_TEST), ())
+ result = self.decoder.read_messages_io(data)
+ for expected_is_message, expected_data in expected_pieces:
+ if expected_is_message:
+ is_message, piece = next(result)
+ self.assertTrue(is_message)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_data, piece)
+ else: # the IO version yields non-messages byte by byte
+ for byte in expected_data:
+ is_message, piece = next(result)
+ self.assertFalse(is_message)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes([byte]), piece)
- def test_transform_empty_message(self):
+class DetokenizeNested(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests detokenizing nested tokens"""
+ def test_nested_hashed_arg(self):
+ detok = detokenize.Detokenizer(
+ tokens.Database(
+ [
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(0xA, 'tokenized argument'),
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(
+ 2,
+ 'This is a ' + '$#%08x',
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
- b'%1%',
- b''.join(self.decode.transform(io.BytesIO(b'$1$'), _next_char)),
+ str(detok.detokenize(b'\x02\0\0\0\x14')),
+ 'This is a tokenized argument',
- def test_transform_sequential_messages(self):
+ def test_nested_base64_arg(self):
+ detok = detokenize.Detokenizer(
+ tokens.Database(
+ [
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(1, 'base64 argument'),
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(2, 'This is a %s'),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
- b'%bcd%efghh',
- b''.join(
- self.decode.transform(io.BytesIO(b'$abc$defgh'), _next_char)
- ),
+ str(detok.detokenize(b'\x02\0\0\0\x09$AQAAAA==')), # token for 1
+ 'This is a base64 argument',
+ )
+ def test_deeply_nested_arg(self):
+ detok = detokenize.Detokenizer(
+ tokens.Database(
+ [
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(1, '$10#0000000005'),
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(2, 'This is a $#%08x'),
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(3, 'deeply nested argument'),
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(4, '$AQAAAA=='),
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(5, '$AwAAAA=='),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(detok.detokenize(b'\x02\0\0\0\x08')), # token for 4
+ 'This is a deeply nested argument',
@@ -627,6 +862,10 @@ class DetokenizeBase64(unittest.TestCase):
(JELLO + b'$a' + JELLO + b'bcd', b'Jello, world!$aJello, world!bcd'),
(b'$3141', b'$3141'),
(JELLO + b'$3141', b'Jello, world!$3141'),
+ (
+ JELLO + b'$a' + JELLO + b'b' + JELLO + b'c',
+ b'Jello, world!$aJello, world!bJello, world!c',
+ ),
(RECURSION, b'The secret message is "Jello, world!"'),
@@ -650,7 +889,7 @@ class DetokenizeBase64(unittest.TestCase):
output = io.BytesIO()
self.detok.detokenize_base64_live(io.BytesIO(data), output, '$')
- self.assertEqual(expected, output.getvalue())
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output.getvalue(), f'Input: {data!r}')
def test_detokenize_base64_to_file(self):
for data, expected in self.TEST_CASES:
@@ -670,6 +909,52 @@ class DetokenizeBase64(unittest.TestCase):
+class DetokenizeInfiniteRecursion(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests that infinite Base64 token recursion resolves."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.detok = detokenize.Detokenizer(
+ tokens.Database(
+ [
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(0, '$AAAAAA=='), # token for 0
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(1, '$AgAAAA=='), # token for 2
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(2, '$#00000003'), # token for 3
+ tokens.TokenizedStringEntry(3, '$AgAAAA=='), # token for 2
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ def test_detokenize_self_recursion(self):
+ for depth in range(5):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.detok.detokenize_text(
+ b'This one is deep: $AAAAAA==', recursion=depth
+ ),
+ b'This one is deep: $AAAAAA==',
+ )
+ def test_detokenize_self_recursion_default(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.detok.detokenize_text(
+ b'This one is deep: $AAAAAA==',
+ ),
+ b'This one is deep: $AAAAAA==',
+ )
+ def test_detokenize_cyclic_recursion_even(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.detok.detokenize_text(b'I said "$AQAAAA=="', recursion=6),
+ b'I said "$AgAAAA=="',
+ )
+ def test_detokenize_cyclic_recursion_odd(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.detok.detokenize_text(b'I said "$AQAAAA=="', recursion=7),
+ b'I said "$#00000003"',
+ )
class DetokenizeBase64InfiniteRecursion(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests that infinite Bas64 token recursion resolves."""
@@ -697,7 +982,7 @@ class DetokenizeBase64InfiniteRecursion(unittest.TestCase):
def test_detokenize_self_recursion_default(self):
- self.detok.detokenize_base64(b'This one is deep: $AAAAAA=='),
+ self.detok.detokenize_base64(b'This one is deep: $64#AAAAAA=='),
b'This one is deep: $AAAAAA==',
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/generate_hash_test_data.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/generate_hash_test_data.py
index b875f188f..b658b1fd2 100755
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/generate_hash_test_data.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/generate_hash_test_data.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from pw_tokenizer import tokens
HASH_LENGTHS = 80, 96, 128
// Copyright {year} The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ FILE_HEADER = """\
// This file was generated by {script}.
// To make changes, update the script and run it to generate new files.
+CPP_HEADER = """\
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ inline constexpr struct {{
}; // kHashTests
// clang-format on
@@ -70,14 +73,31 @@ FILE_FOOTER = """
} // namespace pw::tokenizer
-_TEST_CASE = """{{
- std::string_view("{str}", {string_length}u),
+_CPP_TEST_CASE = """{{
+ std::string_view("{str}", {string_length}u), // NOLINT(bugprone-string-constructor)
{hash_length}u, // fixed hash length
UINT32_C({hash}), // Python-calculated hash
{macro}("{str}"), // macro-calculated hash
+fn test_cases() -> Vec<TestCase> {{
+ vec![
+ ]
+_RUST_TEST_CASE = """ TestCase{{
+ string: b"{str}",
+ hash_length: {hash_length},
+ hash: {hash},
+ }},
def _include_paths(lengths):
return '\n'.join(
@@ -89,7 +109,7 @@ def _include_paths(lengths):
-def _test_case_at_length(data, hash_length):
+def _test_case_at_length(test_case_template, data, hash_length):
"""Generates a test case for a particular hash length."""
if isinstance(data, str):
@@ -100,7 +120,7 @@ def _test_case_at_length(data, hash_length):
escaped_str = ''.join(r'\x{:02x}'.format(b) for b in data)
- return _TEST_CASE.format(
+ return test_case_template.format(
@@ -109,22 +129,23 @@ def _test_case_at_length(data, hash_length):
-def test_case(data):
+def test_case(test_case_template, data):
return ''.join(
- _test_case_at_length(data, length) for length in (80, 96, 128)
+ _test_case_at_length(test_case_template, data, length)
+ for length in (80, 96, 128)
-def generate_test_cases():
- yield test_case('')
- yield test_case(b'\xa1')
- yield test_case(b'\xff')
- yield test_case('\0')
- yield test_case('\0\0')
- yield test_case('a')
- yield test_case('A')
- yield test_case('hello, "world"')
- yield test_case('YO' * 100)
+def generate_test_cases(test_case_template):
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, '')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, b'\xa1')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, b'\xff')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, '\0')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, '\0\0')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, 'a')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, 'A')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, 'hello, "world"')
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, 'YO' * 100)
@@ -133,37 +154,60 @@ def generate_test_cases():
for i in range(1, 16):
- yield test_case(random_string(i))
- yield test_case(random_string(i))
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, random_string(i))
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, random_string(i))
for length in HASH_LENGTHS:
- yield test_case(random_string(length - 1))
- yield test_case(random_string(length))
- yield test_case(random_string(length + 1))
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, random_string(length - 1))
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, random_string(length))
+ yield test_case(test_case_template, random_string(length + 1))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def generate_file(
+ path_array, header_template, footer_template, test_case_template
path = os.path.realpath(
- os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__),
- '..',
- 'pw_tokenizer_private',
- 'generated_hash_test_cases.h',
- )
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *path_array)
with open(path, 'w') as output:
- FILE_HEADER.format(
+ )
+ )
+ output.write(
+ header_template.format(
- for case in generate_test_cases():
+ for case in generate_test_cases(test_case_template):
- output.write(FILE_FOOTER)
+ output.write(footer_template)
+ print('Wrote test data to', path)
- print('Wrote test data to', path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ generate_file(
+ [
+ '..',
+ 'pw_tokenizer_private',
+ 'generated_hash_test_cases.h',
+ ],
+ )
+ generate_file(
+ [
+ '..',
+ 'rust',
+ 'pw_tokenizer_core_test_cases.rs',
+ ],
+ )
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/database.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/database.py
index 26a32a7fa..54d142eff 100755
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/database.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/database.py
@@ -297,6 +297,9 @@ def _handle_create(
f'The file {database} already exists! Use --force to overwrite.'
+ if not database.parent.exists():
+ database.parent.mkdir(parents=True)
if output_type == 'directory':
if str(database) == '-':
raise ValueError(
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/detokenize.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/detokenize.py
index 3aa7a3a8b..c777252da 100755
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/detokenize.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/detokenize.py
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ or a file object for an ELF file or CSV. Then, call the detokenize method with
encoded messages, one at a time. The detokenize method returns a
DetokenizedString object with the result.
-For example,
+For example::
from pw_tokenizer import detokenize
- detok = detokenize.Detokenizer('path/to/my/image.elf')
+ detok = detokenize.Detokenizer('path/to/firmware/image.elf')
This module also provides a command line interface for decoding and detokenizing
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ messages from a file or stdin.
import argparse
import base64
import binascii
+from concurrent.futures import Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor
+import enum
import io
import logging
import os
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ import re
import string
import struct
import sys
+import threading
import time
from typing import (
@@ -70,10 +73,48 @@ except ImportError:
_LOG = logging.getLogger('pw_tokenizer')
ENCODED_TOKEN = struct.Struct('<I')
-BASE64_PREFIX = encode.BASE64_PREFIX.encode()
+_BASE64_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '+/-_='
+_BASE8_TOKEN_REGEX = rb'(?P<base8>[0-7]{11})'
+_BASE10_TOKEN_REGEX = rb'(?P<base10>[0-9]{10})'
+_BASE16_TOKEN_REGEX = rb'(?P<base16>[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})'
+ rb'(?P<base64>'
+ # Tokenized Base64 contains 0 or more blocks of four Base64 chars.
+ rb'(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/\-_]{4})*'
+ # The last block of 4 chars may have one or two padding chars (=).
+ rb'(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/\-_]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/\-_]{2}==)?'
+ rb')'
+_RawIo = Union[io.RawIOBase, BinaryIO]
+_RawIoOrBytes = Union[_RawIo, bytes]
-_RawIO = Union[io.RawIOBase, BinaryIO]
+def _token_regex(prefix: bytes) -> Pattern[bytes]:
+ """Returns a regular expression for prefixed tokenized strings."""
+ return re.compile(
+ # Tokenized strings start with the prefix character ($).
+ re.escape(prefix)
+ # Optional; no base specifier defaults to BASE64.
+ # Hash (#) with no number specified defaults to Base-16.
+ + rb'(?P<basespec>(?P<base>[0-9]*)?'
+ + rb')?'
+ # Match one of the following token formats.
+ + rb'('
+ + rb'|'.join(_NESTED_TOKEN_FORMATS)
+ + rb')'
+ )
class DetokenizedString:
@@ -85,6 +126,7 @@ class DetokenizedString:
format_string_entries: Iterable[tuple],
encoded_message: bytes,
show_errors: bool = False,
+ recursive_detokenize: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
self.token = token
self.encoded_message = encoded_message
@@ -99,6 +141,12 @@ class DetokenizedString:
result = fmt.format(
encoded_message[ENCODED_TOKEN.size :], show_errors
+ if recursive_detokenize:
+ result = decode.FormattedString(
+ recursive_detokenize(result.value),
+ result.args,
+ result.remaining,
+ )
decode_attempts.append((result.score(entry.date_removed), result))
# Sort the attempts by the score so the most likely results are first.
@@ -186,28 +234,39 @@ class Detokenizer:
self.show_errors = show_errors
+ self._database_lock = threading.Lock()
# Cache FormatStrings for faster lookup & formatting.
self._cache: Dict[int, List[_TokenizedFormatString]] = {}
def _initialize_database(self, token_sources: Iterable) -> None:
- self.database = database.load_token_database(*token_sources)
- self._cache.clear()
+ with self._database_lock:
+ self.database = database.load_token_database(*token_sources)
+ self._cache.clear()
def lookup(self, token: int) -> List[_TokenizedFormatString]:
"""Returns (TokenizedStringEntry, FormatString) list for matches."""
- try:
- return self._cache[token]
- except KeyError:
- format_strings = [
- _TokenizedFormatString(entry, decode.FormatString(str(entry)))
- for entry in self.database.token_to_entries[token]
- ]
- self._cache[token] = format_strings
- return format_strings
- def detokenize(self, encoded_message: bytes) -> DetokenizedString:
+ with self._database_lock:
+ try:
+ return self._cache[token]
+ except KeyError:
+ format_strings = [
+ _TokenizedFormatString(
+ entry, decode.FormatString(str(entry))
+ )
+ for entry in self.database.token_to_entries[token]
+ ]
+ self._cache[token] = format_strings
+ return format_strings
+ def detokenize(
+ self,
+ encoded_message: bytes,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
+ recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
+ ) -> DetokenizedString:
"""Decodes and detokenizes a message as a DetokenizedString."""
if not encoded_message:
return DetokenizedString(
@@ -222,14 +281,25 @@ class Detokenizer:
encoded_message += b'\0' * missing_token_bytes
(token,) = ENCODED_TOKEN.unpack_from(encoded_message)
+ recursive_detokenize = None
+ if recursion > 0:
+ recursive_detokenize = self._detokenize_nested_callback(
+ prefix, recursion
+ )
return DetokenizedString(
- token, self.lookup(token), encoded_message, self.show_errors
+ token,
+ self.lookup(token),
+ encoded_message,
+ self.show_errors,
+ recursive_detokenize,
- def detokenize_base64(
+ def detokenize_text(
data: AnyStr,
- prefix: Union[str, bytes] = BASE64_PREFIX,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
) -> AnyStr:
"""Decodes and replaces prefixed Base64 messages in the provided data.
@@ -242,88 +312,174 @@ class Detokenizer:
copy of the data with all recognized tokens decoded
- output = io.BytesIO()
- self.detokenize_base64_to_file(data, output, prefix, recursion)
- result = output.getvalue()
- return result.decode() if isinstance(data, str) else result
+ return self._detokenize_nested_callback(prefix, recursion)(data)
- def detokenize_base64_to_file(
+ # TODO(gschen): remove unnecessary function
+ def detokenize_base64(
+ self,
+ data: AnyStr,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
+ recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
+ ) -> AnyStr:
+ """Alias of detokenize_text for backwards compatibility."""
+ return self.detokenize_text(data, prefix, recursion)
+ def detokenize_text_to_file(
- data: Union[str, bytes],
+ data: AnyStr,
output: BinaryIO,
- prefix: Union[str, bytes] = BASE64_PREFIX,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
) -> None:
"""Decodes prefixed Base64 messages in data; decodes to output file."""
- data = data.encode() if isinstance(data, str) else data
- prefix = prefix.encode() if isinstance(prefix, str) else prefix
+ output.write(self._detokenize_nested(data, prefix, recursion))
- output.write(
- _base64_message_regex(prefix).sub(
- self._detokenize_prefixed_base64(prefix, recursion), data
- )
- )
+ # TODO(gschen): remove unnecessary function
+ def detokenize_base64_to_file(
+ self,
+ data: AnyStr,
+ output: BinaryIO,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
+ recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Alias of detokenize_text_to_file for backwards compatibility."""
+ self.detokenize_text_to_file(data, output, prefix, recursion)
- def detokenize_base64_live(
+ def detokenize_text_live(
- input_file: _RawIO,
+ input_file: _RawIo,
output: BinaryIO,
- prefix: Union[str, bytes] = BASE64_PREFIX,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
) -> None:
"""Reads chars one-at-a-time, decoding messages; SLOW for big files."""
- prefix_bytes = prefix.encode() if isinstance(prefix, str) else prefix
- base64_message = _base64_message_regex(prefix_bytes)
def transform(data: bytes) -> bytes:
- return base64_message.sub(
- self._detokenize_prefixed_base64(prefix_bytes, recursion), data
- )
+ return self._detokenize_nested(data.decode(), prefix, recursion)
- for message in PrefixedMessageDecoder(
- prefix, string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '+/-_='
- ).transform(input_file, transform):
+ for message in NestedMessageParser(prefix, _BASE64_CHARS).transform_io(
+ input_file, transform
+ ):
# Flush each line to prevent delays when piping between processes.
if b'\n' in message:
- def _detokenize_prefixed_base64(
- self, prefix: bytes, recursion: int
- ) -> Callable[[Match[bytes]], bytes]:
- """Returns a function that decodes prefixed Base64."""
+ # TODO(gschen): remove unnecessary function
+ def detokenize_base64_live(
+ self,
+ input_file: _RawIo,
+ output: BinaryIO,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
+ recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Alias of detokenize_text_live for backwards compatibility."""
+ self.detokenize_text_live(input_file, output, prefix, recursion)
- def decode_and_detokenize(match: Match[bytes]) -> bytes:
- """Decodes prefixed base64 with this detokenizer."""
- original = match.group(0)
+ def _detokenize_nested_callback(
+ self,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes],
+ recursion: int,
+ ) -> Callable[[AnyStr], AnyStr]:
+ """Returns a function that replaces all tokens for a given string."""
- try:
- detokenized_string = self.detokenize(
- base64.b64decode(original[1:], validate=True)
- )
- if detokenized_string.matches():
- result = str(detokenized_string).encode()
+ def detokenize(message: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
+ result = self._detokenize_nested(message, prefix, recursion)
+ return result.decode() if isinstance(message, str) else result
+ return detokenize
+ def _detokenize_nested(
+ self,
+ message: Union[str, bytes],
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes],
+ recursion: int,
+ ) -> bytes:
+ """Returns the message with recognized tokens replaced.
+ Message data is internally handled as bytes regardless of input message
+ type and returns the result as bytes.
+ """
+ # A unified format across the token types is required for regex
+ # consistency.
+ message = message.encode() if isinstance(message, str) else message
+ prefix = prefix.encode() if isinstance(prefix, str) else prefix
+ if not self.database:
+ return message
+ result = message
+ for _ in range(recursion - 1):
+ result = _token_regex(prefix).sub(self._detokenize_scan, result)
+ if result == message:
+ return result
+ return result
- if recursion > 0 and original != result:
- result = self.detokenize_base64(
- result, prefix, recursion - 1
- )
+ def _detokenize_scan(self, match: Match[bytes]) -> bytes:
+ """Decodes prefixed tokens for one of multiple formats."""
+ basespec = match.group('basespec')
+ base = match.group('base')
- return result
- except binascii.Error:
- pass
+ if not basespec or (base == b'64'):
+ return self._detokenize_once_base64(match)
+ if not base:
+ base = b'16'
+ return self._detokenize_once(match, base)
+ def _detokenize_once(
+ self,
+ match: Match[bytes],
+ base: bytes,
+ ) -> bytes:
+ """Performs lookup on a plain token"""
+ original = match.group(0)
+ token = match.group('base' + base.decode())
+ if not token:
return original
- return decode_and_detokenize
+ token = int(token, int(base))
+ entries = self.database.token_to_entries[token]
+ if len(entries) == 1:
+ return str(entries[0]).encode()
+ # TODO(gschen): improve token collision reporting
+ return original
+ def _detokenize_once_base64(
+ self,
+ match: Match[bytes],
+ ) -> bytes:
+ """Performs lookup on a Base64 token"""
+ original = match.group(0)
+ try:
+ encoded_token = match.group('base64')
+ if not encoded_token:
+ return original
+ detokenized_string = self.detokenize(
+ base64.b64decode(encoded_token, validate=True), recursion=0
+ )
+ if detokenized_string.matches():
+ return str(detokenized_string).encode()
+ except binascii.Error:
+ pass
+ return original
_PathOrStr = Union[Path, str]
-# TODO(b/265334753): Reuse this function in database.py:LoadTokenDatabases
+# TODO: b/265334753 - Reuse this function in database.py:LoadTokenDatabases
def _parse_domain(path: _PathOrStr) -> Tuple[Path, Optional[Pattern[str]]]:
"""Extracts an optional domain regex pattern suffix from a path"""
@@ -364,6 +520,12 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(Detokenizer):
return True
def _last_modified_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
+ if self.path.is_dir():
+ mtime = -1.0
+ for child in self.path.glob(tokens.DIR_DB_GLOB):
+ mtime = max(mtime, os.path.getmtime(child))
+ return mtime if mtime >= 0 else None
return os.path.getmtime(self.path)
except FileNotFoundError:
@@ -380,119 +542,181 @@ class AutoUpdatingDetokenizer(Detokenizer):
return database.load_token_database()
def __init__(
- self, *paths_or_files: _PathOrStr, min_poll_period_s: float = 1.0
+ self,
+ *paths_or_files: _PathOrStr,
+ min_poll_period_s: float = 1.0,
+ pool: Executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1),
) -> None:
self.paths = tuple(self._DatabasePath(path) for path in paths_or_files)
self.min_poll_period_s = min_poll_period_s
self._last_checked_time: float = time.time()
+ # Thread pool to use for loading the databases. Limit to a single
+ # worker since this is low volume and not time critical.
+ self._pool = pool
super().__init__(*(path.load() for path in self.paths))
+ def __del__(self) -> None:
+ self._pool.shutdown(wait=False)
+ def _reload_paths(self) -> None:
+ self._initialize_database([path.load() for path in self.paths])
def _reload_if_changed(self) -> None:
if time.time() - self._last_checked_time >= self.min_poll_period_s:
self._last_checked_time = time.time()
if any(path.updated() for path in self.paths):
_LOG.info('Changes detected; reloading token database')
- self._initialize_database(path.load() for path in self.paths)
+ self._pool.submit(self._reload_paths)
def lookup(self, token: int) -> List[_TokenizedFormatString]:
return super().lookup(token)
-class PrefixedMessageDecoder:
- """Parses messages that start with a prefix character from a byte stream."""
+class NestedMessageParser:
+ """Parses nested tokenized messages from a byte stream or string."""
- def __init__(self, prefix: Union[str, bytes], chars: Union[str, bytes]):
- """Parses prefixed messages.
+ class _State(enum.Enum):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
+ chars: Union[str, bytes] = _BASE64_CHARS,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Initializes a parser.
- prefix: one character that signifies the start of a message
- chars: characters allowed in a message
+ prefix: one character that signifies the start of a message (``$``).
+ chars: characters allowed in a message
- self._prefix = prefix.encode() if isinstance(prefix, str) else prefix
+ self._prefix = ord(prefix)
if isinstance(chars, str):
chars = chars.encode()
- # Store the valid message bytes as a set of binary strings.
- self._message_bytes = frozenset(
- chars[i : i + 1] for i in range(len(chars))
- )
+ # Store the valid message bytes as a set of byte values.
+ self._message_bytes = frozenset(chars)
- if len(self._prefix) != 1 or self._prefix in self._message_bytes:
+ if len(prefix) != 1 or self._prefix in self._message_bytes:
raise ValueError(
- 'Invalid prefix {!r}: the prefix must be a single '
- 'character that is not a valid message character.'.format(
- prefix
- )
+ f'Invalid prefix {prefix!r}: the prefix must be a single '
+ 'character that is not a valid message character.'
- self.data = bytearray()
+ self._buffer = bytearray()
+ self._state: NestedMessageParser._State = self._State.NON_MESSAGE
- def _read_next(self, fd: _RawIO) -> Tuple[bytes, int]:
- """Returns the next character and its index."""
- char = fd.read(1) or b''
- index = len(self.data)
- self.data += char
- return char, index
+ def read_messages_io(
+ self, binary_io: _RawIo
+ ) -> Iterator[Tuple[bool, bytes]]:
+ """Reads prefixed messages from a byte stream (BinaryIO object).
- def read_messages(self, binary_fd: _RawIO) -> Iterator[Tuple[bool, bytes]]:
- """Parses prefixed messages; yields (is_message, contents) chunks."""
- message_start = None
+ Reads until EOF. If the stream is nonblocking (``read(1)`` returns
+ ``None``), then this function returns and may be called again with the
+ same IO object to continue parsing. Partial messages are preserved
+ between calls.
- while True:
- # This reads the file character-by-character. Non-message characters
- # are yielded right away; message characters are grouped.
- char, index = self._read_next(binary_fd)
+ Yields:
+ ``(is_message, contents)`` chunks.
+ """
+ # The read may block indefinitely, depending on the IO object.
+ while (read_byte := binary_io.read(1)) != b'':
+ # Handle non-blocking IO by returning when no bytes are available.
+ if read_byte is None:
+ return
- # If in a message, keep reading until the message completes.
- if message_start is not None:
- if char in self._message_bytes:
- continue
+ for byte in read_byte:
+ yield from self._handle_byte(byte)
- yield True, self.data[message_start:index]
- message_start = None
+ if self._state is self._State.NON_MESSAGE: # yield non-message byte
+ yield from self._flush()
- # Handle a non-message character.
- if not char:
- return
+ yield from self._flush() # Always flush after EOF
+ self._state = self._State.NON_MESSAGE
- if char == self._prefix:
- message_start = index
- else:
- yield False, char
+ def read_messages(
+ self, chunk: bytes, *, flush: bool = False
+ ) -> Iterator[Tuple[bool, bytes]]:
+ """Reads prefixed messages from a byte string.
- def transform(
- self, binary_fd: _RawIO, transform: Callable[[bytes], bytes]
+ This function may be called repeatedly with chunks of a stream. Partial
+ messages are preserved between calls, unless ``flush=True``.
+ Args:
+ chunk: byte string that may contain nested messagses
+ flush: whether to flush any incomplete messages after processing
+ this chunk
+ Yields:
+ ``(is_message, contents)`` chunks.
+ """
+ for byte in chunk:
+ yield from self._handle_byte(byte)
+ if flush or self._state is self._State.NON_MESSAGE:
+ yield from self._flush()
+ def _handle_byte(self, byte: int) -> Iterator[Tuple[bool, bytes]]:
+ if self._state is self._State.MESSAGE:
+ if byte not in self._message_bytes:
+ yield from self._flush()
+ if byte != self._prefix:
+ self._state = self._State.NON_MESSAGE
+ elif self._state is self._State.NON_MESSAGE:
+ if byte == self._prefix:
+ yield from self._flush()
+ self._state = self._State.MESSAGE
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported state: {self._state}')
+ self._buffer.append(byte)
+ def _flush(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[bool, bytes]]:
+ data = bytes(self._buffer)
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ if data:
+ yield self._state is self._State.MESSAGE, data
+ def transform_io(
+ self,
+ binary_io: _RawIo,
+ transform: Callable[[bytes], bytes],
) -> Iterator[bytes]:
"""Yields the file with a transformation applied to the messages."""
- for is_message, chunk in self.read_messages(binary_fd):
+ for is_message, chunk in self.read_messages_io(binary_io):
yield transform(chunk) if is_message else chunk
-def _base64_message_regex(prefix: bytes) -> Pattern[bytes]:
- """Returns a regular expression for prefixed base64 tokenized strings."""
- return re.compile(
- # Base64 tokenized strings start with the prefix character ($)
- re.escape(prefix)
- + (
- # Tokenized strings contain 0 or more blocks of four Base64 chars.
- br'(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/\-_]{4})*'
- # The last block of 4 chars may have one or two padding chars (=).
- br'(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/\-_]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/\-_]{2}==)?'
+ def transform(
+ self,
+ chunk: bytes,
+ transform: Callable[[bytes], bytes],
+ *,
+ flush: bool = False,
+ ) -> bytes:
+ """Yields the chunk with a transformation applied to the messages.
+ Partial messages are preserved between calls unless ``flush=True``.
+ """
+ return b''.join(
+ transform(data) if is_message else data
+ for is_message, data in self.read_messages(chunk, flush=flush)
- )
# TODO(hepler): Remove this unnecessary function.
def detokenize_base64(
detokenizer: Detokenizer,
data: bytes,
- prefix: Union[str, bytes] = BASE64_PREFIX,
+ prefix: Union[str, bytes] = NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
recursion: int = DEFAULT_RECURSION,
) -> bytes:
- """Alias for detokenizer.detokenize_base64 for backwards compatibility."""
+ """Alias for detokenizer.detokenize_base64 for backwards compatibility.
+ This function is deprecated; do not call it.
+ """
return detokenizer.detokenize_base64(data, prefix, recursion)
@@ -596,10 +820,10 @@ def _parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
- default=BASE64_PREFIX,
'The one-character prefix that signals the start of a '
- 'Base64-encoded message. (default: $)'
+ 'nested tokenized message. (default: $)'
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/encode.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/encode.py
index 5b8583256..f47e0ec27 100644
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/encode.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/encode.py
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ from pw_tokenizer import tokens
_INT32_MAX = 2**31 - 1
_UINT32_MAX = 2**32 - 1
-BASE64_PREFIX = '$'
def _zig_zag_encode(value: int) -> int:
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/proto/__init__.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/proto/__init__.py
index da11d5e5e..7e54835d2 100644
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/proto/__init__.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/proto/__init__.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def _tokenized_fields(proto: Message) -> Iterator[FieldDescriptor]:
def decode_optionally_tokenized(
detokenizer: detokenize.Detokenizer,
data: bytes,
- prefix: str = encode.BASE64_PREFIX,
+ prefix: str = encode.NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
) -> str:
"""Decodes data that may be plain text or binary / Base64 tokenized text."""
# Try detokenizing as binary.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def decode_optionally_tokenized(
def detokenize_fields(
detokenizer: detokenize.Detokenizer,
proto: Message,
- prefix: str = encode.BASE64_PREFIX,
+ prefix: str = encode.NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
) -> None:
"""Detokenizes fields annotated as tokenized in the given proto.
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/serial_detokenizer.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/serial_detokenizer.py
index ab673a55e..79dda3a5e 100644
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/serial_detokenizer.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/serial_detokenizer.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def _parse_args():
- default=detokenize.BASE64_PREFIX,
+ default=detokenize.NESTED_TOKEN_PREFIX,
'The one-character prefix that signals the start of a '
'Base64-encoded message. (default: $)'
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/tokens.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/tokens.py
index b7ebac87c..fa9339cdf 100644
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/tokens.py
+++ b/pw_tokenizer/py/pw_tokenizer/tokens.py
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ class _BinaryDatabase(DatabaseFile):
def add_and_discard_temporary(
self, entries: Iterable[TokenizedStringEntry], commit: str
) -> None:
- # TODO(b/241471465): Implement adding new tokens and removing
+ # TODO: b/241471465 - Implement adding new tokens and removing
# temporary entries for binary databases.
raise NotImplementedError(
'--discard-temporary is currently only '
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ class _CSVDatabase(DatabaseFile):
def add_and_discard_temporary(
self, entries: Iterable[TokenizedStringEntry], commit: str
) -> None:
- # TODO(b/241471465): Implement adding new tokens and removing
+ # TODO: b/241471465 - Implement adding new tokens and removing
# temporary entries for CSV databases.
raise NotImplementedError(
'--discard-temporary is currently only '
@@ -607,12 +607,12 @@ class _CSVDatabase(DatabaseFile):
# The suffix used for CSV files in a directory database.
DIR_DB_SUFFIX = '.pw_tokenizer.csv'
def _parse_directory(directory: Path) -> Iterable[TokenizedStringEntry]:
"""Parses TokenizedStringEntries tokenizer CSV files in the directory."""
- for path in directory.glob(_DIR_DB_GLOB):
+ for path in directory.glob(DIR_DB_GLOB):
yield from _CSVDatabase(path).entries()
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ class _DirectoryDatabase(DatabaseFile):
write_csv(self, fd)
# Delete all CSV files except for the new CSV with everything.
- for csv_file in self.path.glob(_DIR_DB_GLOB):
+ for csv_file in self.path.glob(DIR_DB_GLOB):
if csv_file != new_file:
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ class _DirectoryDatabase(DatabaseFile):
"""Returns a list of files from a Git command, filtered to matc."""
output = subprocess.run(
- ['git', *commands, _DIR_DB_GLOB],
+ ['git', *commands, DIR_DB_GLOB],
diff --git a/pw_tokenizer/py/setup.py b/pw_tokenizer/py/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fd5c1e6f7..000000000
--- a/pw_tokenizer/py/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at
-# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-# the License.
-"""The pw_tokenizer package.
-Installing pw_tokenizer with this setup.py does not include the
-pw_tokenizer.proto package, since it contains a generated protobuf module. To
-access pw_tokenizer.proto, install pw_tokenizer from GN."""
-import setuptools # type: ignore
-setuptools.setup() # Package definition in setup.cfg