path: root/objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-10Revisit how the WKTs are bundled with ObjC.Thomas Van Lenten
2020-01-21Change Objective C class references to using macros.Dave MacLachlan
2020-01-15Use references to Objective C classes instead of looking classes up by name.Dave MacLachlan
2019-08-06Override CocoaPods module to lowercase (#6464)Paul Beusterien
2018-12-13Minimize amount of filepaths being copied into protos.Dave MacLachlan
2016-09-15Update the ObjC version checks to support a min and current version.Thomas Van Lenten
2016-09-09Merge pull request #1970 from thomasvl/objc_any_helpersThomas Van Lenten
2016-09-08Support the -Wassign-enum compiler flag. (#2085)Sergio Campamá
2016-09-08Add ObjC helpers for Any WKT.Thomas Van Lenten
2016-09-01Make Root's +extensionRegistry generation smarter.Thomas Van Lenten
2016-05-24Better support for using the proto library from a framework.Thomas Van Lenten
2016-04-19Regenerate the WKT to pick up current changes to the proto files.Thomas Van Lenten
2016-03-17Shrink ObjC overhead (generated size and some runtime sizes)Thomas Van Lenten
2015-08-26Fix bugs for objectivecTeBoring
2015-06-08Beta quality drop of Objective C Support.Thomas Van Lenten
2015-05-22Objective C Second Alpha DropThomas Van Lenten