path: root/astroid/brain/brain_six.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'astroid/brain/brain_six.py')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/astroid/brain/brain_six.py b/astroid/brain/brain_six.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..074c5e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astroid/brain/brain_six.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2016, 2018, 2020 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <ceridwenv@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Bryce Guinta <bryce.paul.guinta@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 hippo91 <guillaume.peillex@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Ram Rachum <ram@rachum.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Pierre Sassoulas <pierre.sassoulas@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <30130371+cdce8p@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Artsiom Kaval <lezeroq@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Francis Charette Migneault <francis.charette.migneault@gmail.com>
+# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html
+# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE
+"""Astroid hooks for six module."""
+from textwrap import dedent
+from astroid import nodes
+from astroid.brain.helpers import register_module_extender
+from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder
+from astroid.exceptions import (
+ AstroidBuildingError,
+ AttributeInferenceError,
+ InferenceError,
+from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
+SIX_ADD_METACLASS = "six.add_metaclass"
+SIX_WITH_METACLASS = "six.with_metaclass"
+def default_predicate(line):
+ return line.strip()
+def _indent(text, prefix, predicate=default_predicate):
+ """Adds 'prefix' to the beginning of selected lines in 'text'.
+ If 'predicate' is provided, 'prefix' will only be added to the lines
+ where 'predicate(line)' is True. If 'predicate' is not provided,
+ it will default to adding 'prefix' to all non-empty lines that do not
+ consist solely of whitespace characters.
+ """
+ def prefixed_lines():
+ for line in text.splitlines(True):
+ yield prefix + line if predicate(line) else line
+ return "".join(prefixed_lines())
+_IMPORTS = """
+import _io
+cStringIO = _io.StringIO
+filter = filter
+from itertools import filterfalse
+input = input
+from sys import intern
+map = map
+range = range
+from importlib import reload
+reload_module = lambda module: reload(module)
+from functools import reduce
+from shlex import quote as shlex_quote
+from io import StringIO
+from collections import UserDict, UserList, UserString
+xrange = range
+zip = zip
+from itertools import zip_longest
+import builtins
+import configparser
+import copyreg
+import _dummy_thread
+import http.cookiejar as http_cookiejar
+import http.cookies as http_cookies
+import html.entities as html_entities
+import html.parser as html_parser
+import http.client as http_client
+import http.server as http_server
+BaseHTTPServer = CGIHTTPServer = SimpleHTTPServer = http.server
+import pickle as cPickle
+import queue
+import reprlib
+import socketserver
+import _thread
+import winreg
+import xmlrpc.server as xmlrpc_server
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpc_client
+import urllib.robotparser as urllib_robotparser
+import email.mime.multipart as email_mime_multipart
+import email.mime.nonmultipart as email_mime_nonmultipart
+import email.mime.text as email_mime_text
+import email.mime.base as email_mime_base
+import urllib.parse as urllib_parse
+import urllib.error as urllib_error
+import tkinter
+import tkinter.dialog as tkinter_dialog
+import tkinter.filedialog as tkinter_filedialog
+import tkinter.scrolledtext as tkinter_scrolledtext
+import tkinter.simpledialog as tkinder_simpledialog
+import tkinter.tix as tkinter_tix
+import tkinter.ttk as tkinter_ttk
+import tkinter.constants as tkinter_constants
+import tkinter.dnd as tkinter_dnd
+import tkinter.colorchooser as tkinter_colorchooser
+import tkinter.commondialog as tkinter_commondialog
+import tkinter.filedialog as tkinter_tkfiledialog
+import tkinter.font as tkinter_font
+import tkinter.messagebox as tkinter_messagebox
+import urllib
+import urllib.request as urllib_request
+import urllib.robotparser as urllib_robotparser
+import urllib.parse as urllib_parse
+import urllib.error as urllib_error
+def six_moves_transform():
+ code = dedent(
+ """
+ class Moves(object):
+ {}
+ moves = Moves()
+ """
+ ).format(_indent(_IMPORTS, " "))
+ module = AstroidBuilder(AstroidManager()).string_build(code)
+ module.name = "six.moves"
+ return module
+def _six_fail_hook(modname):
+ """Fix six.moves imports due to the dynamic nature of this
+ class.
+ Construct a pseudo-module which contains all the necessary imports
+ for six
+ :param modname: Name of failed module
+ :type modname: str
+ :return: An astroid module
+ :rtype: nodes.Module
+ """
+ attribute_of = modname != "six.moves" and modname.startswith("six.moves")
+ if modname != "six.moves" and not attribute_of:
+ raise AstroidBuildingError(modname=modname)
+ module = AstroidBuilder(AstroidManager()).string_build(_IMPORTS)
+ module.name = "six.moves"
+ if attribute_of:
+ # Facilitate import of submodules in Moves
+ start_index = len(module.name)
+ attribute = modname[start_index:].lstrip(".").replace(".", "_")
+ try:
+ import_attr = module.getattr(attribute)[0]
+ except AttributeInferenceError as exc:
+ raise AstroidBuildingError(modname=modname) from exc
+ if isinstance(import_attr, nodes.Import):
+ submodule = AstroidManager().ast_from_module_name(import_attr.names[0][0])
+ return submodule
+ # Let dummy submodule imports pass through
+ # This will cause an Uninferable result, which is okay
+ return module
+def _looks_like_decorated_with_six_add_metaclass(node):
+ if not node.decorators:
+ return False
+ for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
+ if not isinstance(decorator, nodes.Call):
+ continue
+ if decorator.func.as_string() == SIX_ADD_METACLASS:
+ return True
+ return False
+def transform_six_add_metaclass(node): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
+ """Check if the given class node is decorated with *six.add_metaclass*
+ If so, inject its argument as the metaclass of the underlying class.
+ """
+ if not node.decorators:
+ return
+ for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
+ if not isinstance(decorator, nodes.Call):
+ continue
+ try:
+ func = next(decorator.func.infer())
+ except (InferenceError, StopIteration):
+ continue
+ if func.qname() == SIX_ADD_METACLASS and decorator.args:
+ metaclass = decorator.args[0]
+ node._metaclass = metaclass
+ return node
+ return
+def _looks_like_nested_from_six_with_metaclass(node):
+ if len(node.bases) != 1:
+ return False
+ base = node.bases[0]
+ if not isinstance(base, nodes.Call):
+ return False
+ try:
+ if hasattr(base.func, "expr"):
+ # format when explicit 'six.with_metaclass' is used
+ mod = base.func.expr.name
+ func = base.func.attrname
+ func = f"{mod}.{func}"
+ else:
+ # format when 'with_metaclass' is used directly (local import from six)
+ # check reference module to avoid 'with_metaclass' name clashes
+ mod = base.parent.parent
+ import_from = mod.locals["with_metaclass"][0]
+ func = f"{import_from.modname}.{base.func.name}"
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError):
+ return False
+ return func == SIX_WITH_METACLASS
+def transform_six_with_metaclass(node):
+ """Check if the given class node is defined with *six.with_metaclass*
+ If so, inject its argument as the metaclass of the underlying class.
+ """
+ call = node.bases[0]
+ node._metaclass = call.args[0]
+ return node
+register_module_extender(AstroidManager(), "six", six_moves_transform)
+ AstroidManager(), "requests.packages.urllib3.packages.six", six_moves_transform
+ nodes.ClassDef,
+ transform_six_add_metaclass,
+ _looks_like_decorated_with_six_add_metaclass,
+ nodes.ClassDef,
+ transform_six_with_metaclass,
+ _looks_like_nested_from_six_with_metaclass,