AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-01docs/index.rst: small enhancementupstream-masterAlexander Kurakin
2024-04-01Bump actions/setup-python from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0dependabot[bot]
2024-04-01Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2dependabot[bot]
2024-04-01Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.4 to 4.1.1dependabot[bot]
2024-02-26Bump copyright year and version.Thomas Kemmer
2024-02-26Bump copyright year.Thomas Kemmer
2024-02-26LICENSE: update the yearAlexander Kurakin
2024-02-26Merge branch 'kuraga-get-rid-of-operator-usage'Thomas Kemmer
2024-02-26Merge branch 'get-rid-of-operator-usage' of https://github.com/kuraga/cacheto...Thomas Kemmer
2024-02-26Bump actions/setup-python from 4.7.1 to 5.0.0dependabot[bot]
2024-02-26Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1dependabot[bot]
2024-02-26Get rid of `operator` usageAlexander Kurakin
2023-10-30Add cacheing reference.Thomas Kemmer
2023-10-24Release v5.3.2.Thomas Kemmer
2023-10-24Add ReadTheDocs .readthedocs.yaml configuration file.Kurt McKee
2023-10-24Improve docs index.Thomas Kemmer
2023-10-24Align ReadTheDocs and doc builds in the test suiteKurt McKee
2023-10-24Merge pull request #289 from kurtmckee/use-sha-for-github-action-versions-iss...Thomas Kemmer
2023-10-03Use SHAs, not mutable version tags, to ID GitHub Action versionsKurt McKee
2023-09-22Merge pull request #285 from kurtmckee/de-duplicate-versionsThomas Kemmer
2023-09-19De-duplicate the version numbers in the projectKurt McKee
2023-09-19Fix release info.Thomas Kemmer
2023-09-19Merge pull request #284 from tkem/dependabot/github_actions/actions/checkout-4Thomas Kemmer
2023-09-19Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4dependabot[bot]
2023-09-19Merge pull request #282 from kurtmckee/add-dependabot-config-for-github-actionsThomas Kemmer
2023-09-18Merge pull request #283 from kurtmckee/typo-fixesThomas Kemmer
2023-09-18Fix minor typosKurt McKee
2023-09-18Add a Dependabot config to keep GitHub action versions updatedKurt McKee
2023-08-30Merge pull request #280 from hugovk/add-3.12Thomas Kemmer
2023-08-29Test the supported PyPy3 versions: https://www.pypy.org/posts/2023/06/pypy-v7...Hugo van Kemenade
2023-08-29Add support for Python 3.12Hugo van Kemenade
2023-05-27Release v5.3.1.Thomas Kemmer
2023-05-16Merge pull request #270 from woutervh/avoid-range-pinning-depsThomas Kemmer
2023-05-16Merge pull request #266 from gabibguti/masterThomas Kemmer
2023-04-30remove range-pin, and specify only lower-bound, fix for https://github.com/tk...Wouter Vanden Hove
2023-04-11Create SECURITY.mdGabriela Gutierrez
2023-03-17Merge pull request #263 from gabibguti/masterThomas Kemmer
2023-03-17Set minimum permissions for ci.ymlGabriela Gutierrez
2023-03-17Pin black version.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-22Release v5.3.0.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-22Prepare v5.3.0.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-22Fix #131: Add cache_info() docs.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-22Fix #131: Add cache_info() function to @cached decorator.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-09Merge pull request #253 from mgorny/license_filesThomas Kemmer
2023-01-09Replace deprecated license_file in setup.cfgMichał Górny
2023-01-08Release v5.2.1.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-08Prepare v5.2.1.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-08Fix #252: badges/shields: Change to GitHub workflow badge routes.Thomas Kemmer
2023-01-08Fix #251: Correct version information in RTD documentation.Thomas Kemmer
2022-10-31Add support for Python 3.11Hugo van Kemenade