path: root/testing/cffi1/
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authorThiƩbaud Weksteen <>2024-02-29 15:51:13 +1100
committerThiƩbaud Weksteen <>2024-02-29 15:51:55 +1100
commitde77edbe02d4cc29c5f218144e41d4e708244566 (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /testing/cffi1/
parente4ad7f6c2e347100129583e177d33e02a31afb78 (diff)
Empty external/python/cffi
This module contained prebuilt binaries in its source. With the current Python support, it is not possible to build this module with Soong. Bug: 205265538 Test: presubmit Change-Id: Ib0bcd46f6e91ce37057ac36b9880968ffd72a5ed
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/cffi1/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2359 deletions
diff --git a/testing/cffi1/ b/testing/cffi1/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33244cc..0000000
--- a/testing/cffi1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2359 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys, math, py
-import pytest
-from cffi import FFI, FFIError, VerificationError, VerificationMissing, model
-from cffi import CDefError
-from cffi import recompiler
-from import *
-from import _verify, extra_compile_args
-import _cffi_backend
-lib_m = ['m']
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
- #there is a small chance this fails on Mingw via environ $CC
- import distutils.ccompiler
- if distutils.ccompiler.get_default_compiler() == 'msvc':
- lib_m = ['msvcrt']
-class FFI(FFI):
- error = _cffi_backend.FFI.error
- _extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args
- _verify_counter = 0
- def verify(self, preamble='', *args, **kwds):
- # HACK to reuse the tests from ../cffi0/
- FFI._verify_counter += 1
- module_name = 'verify%d' % FFI._verify_counter
- try:
- del self._assigned_source
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self.set_source(module_name, preamble)
- return _verify(self, module_name, preamble, *args,
- extra_compile_args=self._extra_compile_args, **kwds)
-class FFI_warnings_not_error(FFI):
- _extra_compile_args = []
-def test_missing_function(ffi=None):
- # uses the FFI hacked above with '-Werror'
- if ffi is None:
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("void some_completely_unknown_function();")
- try:
- lib = ffi.verify()
- except (VerificationError, OSError, ImportError):
- pass # expected case: we get a VerificationError
- else:
- # but depending on compiler and loader details, maybe
- # 'lib' could actually be imported but will fail if we
- # actually try to call the unknown function... Hard
- # to test anything more.
- pass
-def test_missing_function_import_error():
- # uses the original FFI that just gives a warning during compilation
- test_missing_function(ffi=FFI_warnings_not_error())
-def test_simple_case():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("double sin(double x);")
- lib = ffi.verify('#include <math.h>', libraries=lib_m)
- assert lib.sin(1.23) == math.sin(1.23)
-def _Wconversion(cdef, source, **kargs):
- if sys.platform in ('win32', 'darwin'):
- py.test.skip("needs GCC")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef(cdef)
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify, source, **kargs)
- extra_compile_args_orig = extra_compile_args[:]
- extra_compile_args.remove('-Wconversion')
- try:
- lib = ffi.verify(source, **kargs)
- finally:
- extra_compile_args[:] = extra_compile_args_orig
- return lib
-def test_Wconversion_unsigned():
- _Wconversion("unsigned foo(void);",
- "int foo(void) { return -1;}")
-def test_Wconversion_integer():
- _Wconversion("short foo(void);",
- "long long foo(void) { return 1<<sizeof(short);}")
-def test_Wconversion_floating():
- lib = _Wconversion("float sin(double);",
- "#include <math.h>", libraries=lib_m)
- res = lib.sin(1.23)
- assert res != math.sin(1.23) # not exact, because of double->float
- assert abs(res - math.sin(1.23)) < 1E-5
-def test_Wconversion_float2int():
- _Wconversion("int sinf(float);",
- "#include <math.h>", libraries=lib_m)
-def test_Wconversion_double2int():
- _Wconversion("int sin(double);",
- "#include <math.h>", libraries=lib_m)
-def test_rounding_1():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("double sinf(float x);")
- lib = ffi.verify('#include <math.h>', libraries=lib_m)
- res = lib.sinf(1.23)
- assert res != math.sin(1.23) # not exact, because of double->float
- assert abs(res - math.sin(1.23)) < 1E-5
-def test_rounding_2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("double sin(float x);")
- lib = ffi.verify('#include <math.h>', libraries=lib_m)
- res = lib.sin(1.23)
- assert res != math.sin(1.23) # not exact, because of double->float
- assert abs(res - math.sin(1.23)) < 1E-5
-def test_strlen_exact():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("size_t strlen(const char *s);")
- lib = ffi.verify("#include <string.h>")
- assert lib.strlen(b"hi there!") == 9
-def test_strlen_approximate():
- lib = _Wconversion("int strlen(char *s);",
- "#include <string.h>")
- assert lib.strlen(b"hi there!") == 9
-def test_return_approximate():
- for typename in ['short', 'int', 'long', 'long long']:
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("%s foo(signed char x);" % typename)
- lib = ffi.verify("signed char foo(signed char x) { return x;}")
- assert == -128
- assert == +127
-def test_strlen_array_of_char():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("size_t strlen(char[]);")
- lib = ffi.verify("#include <string.h>")
- assert lib.strlen(b"hello") == 5
-def test_longdouble():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("long double sinl(long double x);")
- lib = ffi.verify('#include <math.h>', libraries=lib_m)
- for input in [1.23,
- ffi.cast("double", 1.23),
- ffi.cast("long double", 1.23)]:
- x = lib.sinl(input)
- assert repr(x).startswith("<cdata 'long double'")
- assert (float(x) - math.sin(1.23)) < 1E-10
-def test_longdouble_precision():
- # Test that we don't loose any precision of 'long double' when
- # passing through Python and CFFI.
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("long double step1(long double x);")
- SAME_SIZE = ffi.sizeof("long double") == ffi.sizeof("double")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- long double step1(long double x)
- {
- return 4*x-x*x;
- }
- """)
- def do(cast_to_double):
- x = 0.9789
- for i in range(10000):
- x = lib.step1(x)
- if cast_to_double:
- x = float(x)
- return float(x)
- more_precise = do(False)
- less_precise = do(True)
- assert more_precise == less_precise
- else:
- assert abs(more_precise - less_precise) > 0.1
- # Check the particular results on Intel
- import platform
- if (platform.machine().startswith('i386') or
- platform.machine().startswith('i486') or
- platform.machine().startswith('i586') or
- platform.machine().startswith('i686') or
- platform.machine().startswith('x86')):
- assert abs(more_precise - 0.656769) < 0.001
- assert abs(less_precise - 3.99091) < 0.001
- else:
- py.test.skip("don't know the very exact precision of 'long double'")
-all_primitive_types = model.PrimitiveType.ALL_PRIMITIVE_TYPES
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
- all_primitive_types = all_primitive_types.copy()
- del all_primitive_types['ssize_t']
-all_integer_types = sorted(tp for tp in all_primitive_types
- if all_primitive_types[tp] == 'i')
-all_float_types = sorted(tp for tp in all_primitive_types
- if all_primitive_types[tp] == 'f')
-def all_signed_integer_types(ffi):
- return [x for x in all_integer_types if int(ffi.cast(x, -1)) < 0]
-def all_unsigned_integer_types(ffi):
- return [x for x in all_integer_types if int(ffi.cast(x, -1)) > 0]
-def test_primitive_category():
- for typename in all_primitive_types:
- tp = model.PrimitiveType(typename)
- C = tp.is_char_type()
- F = tp.is_float_type()
- X = tp.is_complex_type()
- I = tp.is_integer_type()
- assert C == (typename in ('char', 'wchar_t', 'char16_t', 'char32_t'))
- assert F == (typename in ('float', 'double', 'long double'))
- assert X == (typename in ('float _Complex', 'double _Complex'))
- assert I + F + C + X == 1 # one and only one of them is true
-def test_all_integer_and_float_types():
- typenames = []
- for typename in all_primitive_types:
- if (all_primitive_types[typename] == 'c' or
- all_primitive_types[typename] == 'j' or # complex
- typename == '_Bool' or typename == 'long double'):
- pass
- else:
- typenames.append(typename)
- #
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef('\n'.join(["%s foo_%s(%s);" % (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'), tp)
- for tp in typenames]))
- lib = ffi.verify('\n'.join(["%s foo_%s(%s x) { return (%s)(x+1); }" %
- (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'), tp, tp)
- for tp in typenames]))
- for typename in typenames:
- foo = getattr(lib, 'foo_%s' % typename.replace(' ', '_'))
- assert foo(42) == 43
- if sys.version < '3':
- assert foo(long(44)) == 45
- assert foo(ffi.cast(typename, 46)) == 47
- py.test.raises(TypeError, foo, ffi.NULL)
- #
- # check for overflow cases
- if all_primitive_types[typename] == 'f':
- continue
- for value in [-2**80, -2**40, -2**20, -2**10, -2**5, -1,
- 2**5, 2**10, 2**20, 2**40, 2**80]:
- overflows = int(ffi.cast(typename, value)) != value
- if overflows:
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, foo, value)
- else:
- assert foo(value) == value + 1
-def test_var_signed_integer_types():
- ffi = FFI()
- lst = all_signed_integer_types(ffi)
- csource = "\n".join(["static %s somevar_%s;" % (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'))
- for tp in lst])
- ffi.cdef(csource)
- lib = ffi.verify(csource)
- for tp in lst:
- varname = 'somevar_%s' % tp.replace(' ', '_')
- sz = ffi.sizeof(tp)
- max = (1 << (8*sz-1)) - 1
- min = -(1 << (8*sz-1))
- setattr(lib, varname, max)
- assert getattr(lib, varname) == max
- setattr(lib, varname, min)
- assert getattr(lib, varname) == min
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, setattr, lib, varname, max+1)
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, setattr, lib, varname, min-1)
-def test_var_unsigned_integer_types():
- ffi = FFI()
- lst = all_unsigned_integer_types(ffi)
- csource = "\n".join(["static %s somevar_%s;" % (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'))
- for tp in lst])
- ffi.cdef(csource)
- lib = ffi.verify(csource)
- for tp in lst:
- varname = 'somevar_%s' % tp.replace(' ', '_')
- sz = ffi.sizeof(tp)
- if tp != '_Bool':
- max = (1 << (8*sz)) - 1
- else:
- max = 1
- setattr(lib, varname, max)
- assert getattr(lib, varname) == max
- setattr(lib, varname, 0)
- assert getattr(lib, varname) == 0
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, setattr, lib, varname, max+1)
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, setattr, lib, varname, -1)
-def test_fn_signed_integer_types():
- ffi = FFI()
- lst = all_signed_integer_types(ffi)
- cdefsrc = "\n".join(["%s somefn_%s(%s);" % (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'), tp)
- for tp in lst])
- ffi.cdef(cdefsrc)
- verifysrc = "\n".join(["%s somefn_%s(%s x) { return x; }" %
- (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'), tp) for tp in lst])
- lib = ffi.verify(verifysrc)
- for tp in lst:
- fnname = 'somefn_%s' % tp.replace(' ', '_')
- sz = ffi.sizeof(tp)
- max = (1 << (8*sz-1)) - 1
- min = -(1 << (8*sz-1))
- fn = getattr(lib, fnname)
- assert fn(max) == max
- assert fn(min) == min
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, fn, max + 1)
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, fn, min - 1)
-def test_fn_unsigned_integer_types():
- ffi = FFI()
- lst = all_unsigned_integer_types(ffi)
- cdefsrc = "\n".join(["%s somefn_%s(%s);" % (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'), tp)
- for tp in lst])
- ffi.cdef(cdefsrc)
- verifysrc = "\n".join(["%s somefn_%s(%s x) { return x; }" %
- (tp, tp.replace(' ', '_'), tp) for tp in lst])
- lib = ffi.verify(verifysrc)
- for tp in lst:
- fnname = 'somefn_%s' % tp.replace(' ', '_')
- sz = ffi.sizeof(tp)
- if tp != '_Bool':
- max = (1 << (8*sz)) - 1
- else:
- max = 1
- fn = getattr(lib, fnname)
- assert fn(max) == max
- assert fn(0) == 0
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, fn, max + 1)
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, fn, -1)
-def test_char_type():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("char foo(char);")
- lib = ffi.verify("char foo(char x) { return ++x; }")
- assert"A") == b"B"
- py.test.raises(TypeError,, b"bar")
- py.test.raises(TypeError,, "bar")
-def test_wchar_type():
- ffi = FFI()
- if ffi.sizeof('wchar_t') == 2:
- uniexample1 = u+'\u1234'
- uniexample2 = u+'\u1235'
- else:
- uniexample1 = u+'\U00012345'
- uniexample2 = u+'\U00012346'
- #
- ffi.cdef("wchar_t foo(wchar_t);")
- lib = ffi.verify("wchar_t foo(wchar_t x) { return x+1; }")
- assert == uniexample2
-def test_no_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(void);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int foo(void) { return 42; }")
- assert == 42
-def test_two_arguments():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int, int);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int foo(int a, int b) { return a - b; }")
- assert, -2) == 42
-def test_macro():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int, int);")
- lib = ffi.verify("#define foo(a, b) ((a) * (b))")
- assert, -7) == 42
-def test_ptr():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int *foo(int *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int *foo(int *a) { return a; }")
- assert == ffi.NULL
- p ="int *", 42)
- q ="int *", 42)
- assert == p
- assert != p
-def test_bogus_ptr():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int *foo(int *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int *foo(int *a) { return a; }")
- py.test.raises(TypeError,,"short *", 42))
-def test_verify_typedefs():
- py.test.skip("ignored so far")
- types = ['signed char', 'unsigned char', 'int', 'long']
- for cdefed in types:
- for real in types:
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef %s foo_t;" % cdefed)
- if cdefed == real:
- ffi.verify("typedef %s foo_t;" % real)
- else:
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify,
- "typedef %s foo_t;" % real)
-def test_nondecl_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef struct foo_s foo_t; int bar(foo_t *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("typedef struct foo_s foo_t;\n"
- "int bar(foo_t *f) { (void)f; return 42; }\n")
- assert == 42
-def test_ffi_full_struct():
- def check(verified_code):
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { char x; int y; long *z; };")
- ffi.verify(verified_code)
-"struct foo_s *", {})
- check("struct foo_s { char x; int y; long *z; };")
- #
- if sys.platform != 'win32': # XXX fixme: only gives warnings
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, check,
- "struct foo_s { char x; int y; int *z; };")
- #
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, check,
- "struct foo_s { int y; long *z; };") # cdef'ed field x is missing
- #
- e = py.test.raises(FFI.error, check,
- "struct foo_s { int y; char x; long *z; };")
- assert str(e.value).startswith(
- "struct foo_s: wrong offset for field 'x'"
- " (cdef says 0, but C compiler says 4)")
- #
- e = py.test.raises(FFI.error, check,
- "struct foo_s { char x; int y; long *z; char extra; };")
- assert str(e.value).startswith(
- "struct foo_s: wrong total size"
- " (cdef says %d, but C compiler says %d)" % (
- 8 + FFI().sizeof('long *'),
- 8 + FFI().sizeof('long *') * 2))
- #
- # a corner case that we cannot really detect, but where it has no
- # bad consequences: the size is the same, but there is an extra field
- # that replaces what is just padding in our declaration above
- check("struct foo_s { char x, extra; int y; long *z; };")
- #
- e = py.test.raises(FFI.error, check,
- "struct foo_s { char x; short pad; short y; long *z; };")
- assert str(e.value).startswith(
- "struct foo_s: wrong size for field 'y'"
- " (cdef says 4, but C compiler says 2)")
-def test_ffi_nonfull_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct foo_s {
- int x;
- ...;
- };
- """)
- py.test.raises(VerificationMissing, ffi.sizeof, 'struct foo_s')
- py.test.raises(VerificationMissing, ffi.offsetof, 'struct foo_s', 'x')
- py.test.raises(VerificationMissing,, 'struct foo_s *')
- ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s {
- int a, b, x, c, d, e;
- };
- """)
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 6 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- assert ffi.offsetof('struct foo_s', 'x') == 2 * ffi.sizeof('int')
-def test_ffi_nonfull_alignment():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { char x; ...; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int a, b; char x; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 3 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- assert ffi.alignof('struct foo_s') == ffi.sizeof('int')
-def _check_field_match(typename, real, expect_mismatch):
- ffi = FFI()
- testing_by_size = (expect_mismatch == 'by_size')
- if testing_by_size:
- expect_mismatch = ffi.sizeof(typename) != ffi.sizeof(real)
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { %s x; ...; };" % typename)
- try:
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { %s x; };" % real)
-"struct foo_s *", []) # because some mismatches show up lazily
- except (VerificationError, ffi.error):
- if not expect_mismatch:
- if testing_by_size and typename != real:
- print("ignoring mismatch between %s* and %s* even though "
- "they have the same size" % (typename, real))
- return
- raise AssertionError("unexpected mismatch: %s should be accepted "
- "as equal to %s" % (typename, real))
- else:
- if expect_mismatch:
- raise AssertionError("mismatch not detected: "
- "%s != %s" % (typename, real))
-def test_struct_bad_sized_integer():
- for typename in ['int8_t', 'int16_t', 'int32_t', 'int64_t']:
- for real in ['int8_t', 'int16_t', 'int32_t', 'int64_t']:
- _check_field_match(typename, real, "by_size")
-def test_struct_bad_sized_float():
- for typename in all_float_types:
- for real in all_float_types:
- _check_field_match(typename, real, "by_size")
-def test_struct_signedness_ignored():
- _check_field_match("int", "unsigned int", expect_mismatch=False)
- _check_field_match("unsigned short", "signed short", expect_mismatch=False)
-def test_struct_float_vs_int():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("XXX fixme: only gives warnings")
- ffi = FFI()
- for typename in all_signed_integer_types(ffi):
- for real in all_float_types:
- _check_field_match(typename, real, expect_mismatch=True)
- for typename in all_float_types:
- for real in all_signed_integer_types(ffi):
- _check_field_match(typename, real, expect_mismatch=True)
-def test_struct_array_field():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[17]; ...; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x; int a[17]; int y; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 19 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.sizeof(s.a) == 17 * ffi.sizeof('int')
-def test_struct_array_no_length():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[]; int y; ...; };\n"
- "int bar(struct foo_s *);\n")
- lib = ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x; int a[17]; int y; };\n"
- "int bar(struct foo_s *f) { return f->a[14]; }\n")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 19 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.typeof(s.a) is ffi.typeof('int[]') # implicit max length
- assert len(s.a) == 18 # max length, computed from the size and start offset
- s.a[14] = 4242
- assert == 4242
- # with no declared length, out-of-bound accesses are not detected
- s.a[17] = -521
- assert s.y == s.a[17] == -521
- #
- s ="struct foo_s *", {'a': list(range(17))})
- assert s.a[16] == 16
- # overflows at construction time not detected either
- s ="struct foo_s *", {'a': list(range(18))})
- assert s.y == s.a[17] == 17
-def test_struct_array_guess_length():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a[...]; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x; int a[17]; int y; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 19 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.sizeof(s.a) == 17 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- with pytest.raises(IndexError):
- s.a[17]
-def test_struct_array_c99_1():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("requires C99")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; int a[]; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x; int a[]; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 1 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *", [424242, 4])
- assert ffi.sizeof(ffi.typeof(s[0])) == 1 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 5 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- # ^^^ explanation: if you write in C: "char x[5];", then
- # "sizeof(x)" will evaluate to 5. The behavior above is
- # a generalization of that to "struct foo_s[len(a)=5] x;"
- # if you could do that in C.
- assert s.a[3] == 0
- s ="struct foo_s *", [424242, [-40, -30, -20, -10]])
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 5 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- assert s.a[3] == -10
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 1 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *", [424242])
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 1 * ffi.sizeof('int')
-def test_struct_array_c99_2():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("requires C99")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; int a[]; ...; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x, y; int a[]; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == 2 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *", [424242, 4])
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 6 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- assert s.a[3] == 0
- s ="struct foo_s *", [424242, [-40, -30, -20, -10]])
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 6 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- assert s.a[3] == -10
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 2 * ffi.sizeof('int')
- s ="struct foo_s *", [424242])
- assert ffi.sizeof(s[0]) == 2 * ffi.sizeof('int')
-def test_struct_ptr_to_array_field():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int (*a)[17]; ...; }; struct bar_s { ...; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x; int (*a)[17]; int y; };\n"
- "struct bar_s { int x; int *a; int y; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof('struct foo_s') == ffi.sizeof("struct bar_s")
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.sizeof(s.a) == ffi.sizeof('int(*)[17]') == ffi.sizeof("int *")
-def test_struct_with_bitfield_exact():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a:2, b:3; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int a:2, b:3; };")
- s ="struct foo_s *")
- s.b = 3
- with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
- s.b = 4
- assert s.b == 3
-def test_struct_with_bitfield_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- code = """
- typedef enum { AA, BB, CC } foo_e;
- typedef struct { foo_e f:2; } foo_s;
- """
- ffi.cdef(code)
- ffi.verify(code)
- s ="foo_s *")
- s.f = 1
- assert s.f == 1
- if int(ffi.cast("foo_e", -1)) < 0:
- two = -2
- else:
- two = 2
- s.f = two
- assert s.f == two
-def test_unsupported_struct_with_bitfield_ellipsis():
- ffi = FFI()
- py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, ffi.cdef,
- "struct foo_s { int a:2, b:3; ...; };")
-def test_global_constants():
- ffi = FFI()
- # use 'static const int', as generally documented, although in this
- # case the 'static' is completely ignored.
- ffi.cdef("static const int AA, BB, CC, DD;")
- lib = ffi.verify("#define AA 42\n"
- "#define BB (-43) // blah\n"
- "#define CC (22*2) /* foobar */\n"
- "#define DD ((unsigned int)142) /* foo\nbar */\n")
- assert lib.AA == 42
- assert lib.BB == -43
- assert lib.CC == 44
- assert lib.DD == 142
-def test_global_const_int_size():
- # integer constants: ignore the declared type, always just use the value
- for value in [-2**63, -2**31, -2**15,
- 2**15-1, 2**15, 2**31-1, 2**31, 2**32-1, 2**32,
- 2**63-1, 2**63, 2**64-1]:
- ffi = FFI()
- if value == int(ffi.cast("long long", value)):
- if value < 0:
- vstr = '(-%dLL-1)' % (~value,)
- else:
- vstr = '%dLL' % value
- elif value == int(ffi.cast("unsigned long long", value)):
- vstr = '%dULL' % value
- else:
- raise AssertionError(value)
- ffi.cdef("static const unsigned short AA;")
- lib = ffi.verify("#define AA %s\n" % vstr)
- assert lib.AA == value
- assert type(lib.AA) is type(int(lib.AA))
-def test_global_constants_non_int():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("static char *const PP;")
- lib = ffi.verify('static char *const PP = "testing!";\n')
- assert ffi.typeof(lib.PP) == ffi.typeof("char *")
- assert ffi.string(lib.PP) == b"testing!"
-def test_nonfull_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum ee { EE1, EE2, EE3, ... \n \t };")
- py.test.raises(VerificationMissing, ffi.cast, 'enum ee', 'EE2')
- ffi.verify("enum ee { EE1=10, EE2, EE3=-10, EE4 };")
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee', 11)) == "EE2"
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee', -10)) == "EE3"
- #
- assert ffi.typeof("enum ee").relements == {'EE1': 10, 'EE2': 11, 'EE3': -10}
- assert ffi.typeof("enum ee").elements == {10: 'EE1', 11: 'EE2', -10: 'EE3'}
-def test_full_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum ee { EE1, EE2, EE3 };")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum ee { EE1, EE2, EE3 };")
- assert [lib.EE1, lib.EE2, lib.EE3] == [0, 1, 2]
-def test_enum_usage():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum ee { EE1,EE2 }; typedef struct { enum ee x; } *sp;")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum ee { EE1,EE2 }; typedef struct { enum ee x; } *sp;")
- assert lib.EE2 == 1
- s ="sp", [lib.EE2])
- assert s.x == 1
- s.x = 17
- assert s.x == 17
-def test_anonymous_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum { EE1 }; enum { EE2, EE3 };")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum { EE1 }; enum { EE2, EE3 };")
- assert lib.EE1 == 0
- assert lib.EE2 == 0
- assert lib.EE3 == 1
-def test_nonfull_anonymous_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum { EE1, ... }; enum { EE3, ... };")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum { EE2, EE1 }; enum { EE3 };")
- assert lib.EE1 == 1
- assert lib.EE3 == 0
-def test_nonfull_enum_syntax2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum ee { EE1, EE2=\t..., EE3 };")
- py.test.raises(VerificationMissing, ffi.cast, 'enum ee', 'EE1')
- ffi.verify("enum ee { EE1=10, EE2, EE3=-10, EE4 };")
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee', 11)) == 'EE2'
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee', -10)) == 'EE3'
- #
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum ee { EE1, EE2=\t... };")
- py.test.raises(VerificationMissing, ffi.cast, 'enum ee', 'EE1')
- ffi.verify("enum ee { EE1=10, EE2, EE3=-10, EE4 };")
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee', 11)) == 'EE2'
- #
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum ee2 { EE4=..., EE5=..., ... };")
- ffi.verify("enum ee2 { EE4=-1234-5, EE5 }; ")
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee2', -1239)) == 'EE4'
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast('enum ee2', -1238)) == 'EE5'
-def test_get_set_errno():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- static int foo(int x)
- {
- errno += 1;
- return x * 7;
- }
- """)
- ffi.errno = 15
- assert == 42
- assert ffi.errno == 16
-def test_define_int():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("#define FOO ...\n"
- "\t#\tdefine\tBAR\t...\t\n"
- "#define BAZ ...\n")
- lib = ffi.verify("#define FOO 42\n"
- "#define BAR (-44)\n"
- "#define BAZ 0xffffffffffffffffULL\n")
- assert lib.FOO == 42
- assert lib.BAR == -44
- assert lib.BAZ == 0xffffffffffffffff
-def test_access_variable():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("static int foo(void);\n"
- "static int somenumber;")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- static int somenumber = 2;
- static int foo(void) {
- return somenumber * 7;
- }
- """)
- assert lib.somenumber == 2
- assert == 14
- lib.somenumber = -6
- assert == -42
- assert lib.somenumber == -6
- lib.somenumber = 2 # reset for the next run, if any
-def test_access_address_of_variable():
- # access the address of 'somenumber': need a trick
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("static int somenumber; static int *const somenumberptr;")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- static int somenumber = 2;
- #define somenumberptr (&somenumber)
- """)
- assert lib.somenumber == 2
- lib.somenumberptr[0] = 42
- assert lib.somenumber == 42
- lib.somenumber = 2 # reset for the next run, if any
-def test_access_array_variable(length=5):
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("static int foo(int);\n"
- "static int somenumber[%s];" % (length,))
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- static int somenumber[] = {2, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- static int foo(int i) {
- return somenumber[i] * 7;
- }
- """)
- if length == '':
- # a global variable of an unknown array length is implicitly
- # transformed into a global pointer variable, because we can only
- # work with array instances whose length we know. using a pointer
- # instead of an array gives the correct effects.
- assert repr(lib.somenumber).startswith("<cdata 'int *' 0x")
- py.test.raises(TypeError, len, lib.somenumber)
- else:
- assert repr(lib.somenumber).startswith("<cdata 'int[%s]' 0x" % length)
- assert len(lib.somenumber) == 5
- assert lib.somenumber[3] == 4
- assert == 28
- lib.somenumber[3] = -6
- assert == -42
- assert lib.somenumber[3] == -6
- assert lib.somenumber[4] == 5
- lib.somenumber[3] = 4 # reset for the next run, if any
-def test_access_array_variable_length_hidden():
- test_access_array_variable(length='')
-def test_access_struct_variable():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo { int x; ...; };\n"
- "static int foo(int);\n"
- "static struct foo stuff;")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo { int x, y, z; };
- static struct foo stuff = {2, 5, 8};
- static int foo(int i) {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: return stuff.x * 7;
- case 1: return stuff.y * 7;
- case 2: return stuff.z * 7;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- """)
- assert lib.stuff.x == 2
- assert == 14
- assert == 35
- assert == 56
- lib.stuff.x = -6
- assert == -42
- assert == 35
- lib.stuff.x = 2 # reset for the next run, if any
-def test_access_callback():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("static int (*cb)(int);\n"
- "static int foo(int);\n"
- "static void reset_cb(void);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- static int g(int x) { return x * 7; }
- static int (*cb)(int);
- static int foo(int i) { return cb(i) - 1; }
- static void reset_cb(void) { cb = g; }
- """)
- lib.reset_cb()
- assert == 41
- my_callback = ffi.callback("int(*)(int)", lambda n: n * 222)
- lib.cb = my_callback
- assert == 887
-def test_access_callback_function_typedef():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef int mycallback_t(int);\n"
- "static mycallback_t *cb;\n"
- "static int foo(int);\n"
- "static void reset_cb(void);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- static int g(int x) { return x * 7; }
- static int (*cb)(int);
- static int foo(int i) { return cb(i) - 1; }
- static void reset_cb(void) { cb = g; }
- """)
- lib.reset_cb()
- assert == 41
- my_callback = ffi.callback("int(*)(int)", lambda n: n * 222)
- lib.cb = my_callback
- assert == 887
-def test_call_with_struct_ptr():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int x; ...; } foo_t; int foo(foo_t *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef struct { int y, x; } foo_t;
- static int foo(foo_t *f) { return f->x * 7; }
- """)
- f ="foo_t *")
- f.x = 6
- assert == 42
-def test_unknown_type():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef ... token_t;
- int foo(token_t *);
- #define TOKEN_SIZE ...
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef float token_t;
- static int foo(token_t *tk) {
- if (!tk)
- return -42;
- *tk += 1.601f;
- return (int)*tk;
- }
- #define TOKEN_SIZE sizeof(token_t)
- """)
- # we cannot let"token_t *") work, because we don't know ahead of
- # time if it's ok to ask 'sizeof(token_t)' in the C code or not.
- # See test_unknown_type_2. Workaround.
- tkmem ="char[]", lib.TOKEN_SIZE) # zero-initialized
- tk = ffi.cast("token_t *", tkmem)
- results = [ for i in range(6)]
- assert results == [1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9]
- assert == -42
-def test_unknown_type_2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef ... token_t;")
- lib = ffi.verify("typedef struct token_s token_t;")
- # assert did not crash, even though 'sizeof(token_t)' is not valid in C.
-def test_unknown_type_3():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef ... *token_p;
- token_p foo(token_p);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef struct _token_s *token_p;
- token_p foo(token_p arg) {
- if (arg)
- return (token_p)0x12347;
- else
- return (token_p)0x12345;
- }
- """)
- p =
- assert int(ffi.cast("intptr_t", p)) == 0x12345
- q =
- assert int(ffi.cast("intptr_t", q)) == 0x12347
-def test_varargs():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int x, ...);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- int foo(int x, ...) {
- va_list vargs;
- va_start(vargs, x);
- x -= va_arg(vargs, int);
- x -= va_arg(vargs, int);
- va_end(vargs);
- return x;
- }
- """)
- assert, ffi.cast("int", 5), ffi.cast("int", 3)) == 42
-def test_varargs_exact():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("XXX fixme: only gives warnings")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int x, ...);")
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify, """
- int foo(long long x, ...) {
- return x;
- }
- """)
-def test_varargs_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { char a; int b; }; int foo(int x, ...);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s {
- char a; int b;
- };
- int foo(int x, ...) {
- va_list vargs;
- struct foo_s s;
- va_start(vargs, x);
- s = va_arg(vargs, struct foo_s);
- va_end(vargs);
- return s.a - s.b;
- }
- """)
- s ="struct foo_s *", [b'B', 1])
- assert, s[0]) == ord('A')
-def test_autofilled_struct_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { long a; double b; ...; };\n"
- "int foo(struct foo_s);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s {
- double b;
- long a;
- };
- int foo(struct foo_s s) {
- return (int)s.a - (int)s.b;
- }
- """)
- s ="struct foo_s *", [100, 1])
- assert[0]) == 99
- assert[100, 1]) == 99
-def test_autofilled_struct_as_argument_dynamic():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { long a; ...; };\n"
- "static int (*foo)(struct foo_s);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s {
- double b;
- long a;
- };
- int foo1(struct foo_s s) {
- return (int)s.a - (int)s.b;
- }
- static int (*foo)(struct foo_s s) = &foo1;
- """)
- e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError,, "?")
- msg = ("ctype 'struct foo_s' not supported as argument. It is a struct "
- 'declared with "...;", but the C calling convention may depend on '
- "the missing fields; or, it contains anonymous struct/unions. "
- "Such structs are only supported as argument "
- "if the function is 'API mode' and non-variadic (i.e. declared "
- "inside ffibuilder.cdef()+ffibuilder.set_source() and not taking "
- "a final '...' argument)")
- assert str(e.value) == msg
-def test_func_returns_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct foo_s { int aa, bb; };
- struct foo_s foo(int a, int b);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s { int aa, bb; };
- struct foo_s foo(int a, int b) {
- struct foo_s r;
- r.aa = a*a;
- = b*b;
- return r;
- }
- """)
- s =, 7)
- assert repr(s) == "<cdata 'struct foo_s' owning 8 bytes>"
- assert s.aa == 36
- assert == 49
-def test_func_as_funcptr():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int *(*const fooptr)(void);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- int *foo(void) {
- return (int*)"foobar";
- }
- int *(*fooptr)(void) = foo;
- """)
- foochar = ffi.cast("char *(*)(void)", lib.fooptr)
- s = foochar()
- assert ffi.string(s) == b"foobar"
-def test_funcptr_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- void qsort(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
- int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
- """)
- ffi.verify("#include <stdlib.h>")
-def test_func_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- void qsort(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
- int compar(const void *, const void *));
- """)
- ffi.verify("#include <stdlib.h>")
-def test_array_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- size_t strlen(char string[]);
- """)
- ffi.verify("#include <string.h>")
-def test_enum_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- enum foo_e { AA, BB, ... };
- int foo_func(enum foo_e);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- enum foo_e { AA, CC, BB };
- int foo_func(enum foo_e e) { return (int)e; }
- """)
- assert lib.foo_func(lib.BB) == 2
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo_func, "BB")
-def test_enum_as_function_result():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- enum foo_e { AA, BB, ... };
- enum foo_e foo_func(int x);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- enum foo_e { AA, CC, BB };
- enum foo_e foo_func(int x) { return (enum foo_e)x; }
- """)
- assert lib.foo_func(lib.BB) == lib.BB == 2
-def test_enum_values():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum enum1_e { AA, BB };")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum enum1_e { AA, BB };")
- assert lib.AA == 0
- assert lib.BB == 1
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum enum1_e", 1)) == 'BB'
-def test_typedef_complete_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA, BB } enum1_t;")
- lib = ffi.verify("typedef enum { AA, BB } enum1_t;")
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum1_t", 1)) == 'BB'
- assert lib.AA == 0
- assert lib.BB == 1
-def test_typedef_broken_complete_enum():
- # xxx this is broken in old cffis, but works with
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA, BB } enum1_t;")
- lib = ffi.verify("typedef enum { AA, CC, BB } enum1_t;")
- assert lib.AA == 0
- assert lib.BB == 2
-def test_typedef_incomplete_enum():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef enum { AA, BB, ... } enum1_t;")
- lib = ffi.verify("typedef enum { AA, CC, BB } enum1_t;")
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum1_t", 1)) == '1'
- assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum1_t", 2)) == 'BB'
- assert lib.AA == 0
- assert lib.BB == 2
-def test_typedef_enum_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef enum { AA, BB, ... } foo_t;
- int foo_func(foo_t);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef enum { AA, CC, BB } foo_t;
- int foo_func(foo_t e) { return (int)e; }
- """)
- assert lib.foo_func(lib.BB) == lib.BB == 2
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo_func, "BB")
-def test_typedef_enum_as_function_result():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef enum { AA, BB, ... } foo_t;
- foo_t foo_func(int x);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef enum { AA, CC, BB } foo_t;
- foo_t foo_func(int x) { return (foo_t)x; }
- """)
- assert lib.foo_func(lib.BB) == lib.BB == 2
-def test_function_typedef():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef double func_t(double);
- func_t sin;
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify('#include <math.h>', libraries=lib_m)
- assert lib.sin(1.23) == math.sin(1.23)
-def test_opaque_integer_as_function_result():
- #import platform
- #if platform.machine().startswith('sparc'):
- # py.test.skip('Breaks horribly on sparc (SIGILL + corrupted stack)')
- #elif platform.machine() == 'mips64' and sys.maxsize > 2**32:
- # py.test.skip('Segfaults on mips64el')
- # XXX bad abuse of "struct { ...; }". It only works a bit by chance
- # anyway. XXX think about something better :-(
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef struct { ...; } myhandle_t;
- myhandle_t foo(void);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef short myhandle_t;
- myhandle_t foo(void) { return 42; }
- """)
- h =
- assert ffi.sizeof(h) == ffi.sizeof("short")
-def test_return_partial_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef struct { int x; ...; } foo_t;
- foo_t foo(void);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef struct { int y, x; } foo_t;
- foo_t foo(void) { foo_t r = { 45, 81 }; return r; }
- """)
- h =
- assert ffi.sizeof(h) == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
- assert h.x == 81
-def test_take_and_return_partial_structs():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef struct { int x; ...; } foo_t;
- foo_t foo(foo_t, foo_t);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- typedef struct { int y, x; } foo_t;
- foo_t foo(foo_t a, foo_t b) {
- foo_t r = { 100, a.x * 5 + b.x * 7 };
- return r;
- }
- """)
- args ="foo_t[3]")
- args[0].x = 1000
- args[2].x = -498
- h =[0], args[2])
- assert ffi.sizeof(h) == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
- assert h.x == 1000 * 5 - 498 * 7
-def test_cannot_name_struct_type():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } **sp; void foo(sp);")
- e = py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify,
- "typedef struct { int x; } **sp; void foo(sp x) { }")
- assert 'in argument of foo: unknown type name' in str(e.value)
-def test_dont_check_unnamable_fields():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { struct { int x; } someone; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { struct { int x; } someone; };")
- # assert did not crash
-def test_nested_anonymous_struct_exact():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("nested anonymous struct/union")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct foo_s { struct { int a; char b; }; union { char c, d; }; };
- """)
- assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "c") == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
- assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 3 * ffi.sizeof("int")
- ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s { struct { int a; char b; }; union { char c, d; }; };
- """)
- p ="struct foo_s *")
- assert ffi.sizeof(p[0]) == 3 * ffi.sizeof("int") # with alignment
- p.a = 1234567
- p.b = b'X'
- p.c = b'Y'
- assert p.a == 1234567
- assert p.b == b'X'
- assert p.c == b'Y'
- assert p.d == b'Y'
-def test_nested_anonymous_struct_exact_error():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("nested anonymous struct/union")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct foo_s { struct { int a; char b; }; union { char c, d; }; };
- """)
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify, """
- struct foo_s { struct { int a; short b; }; union { char c, d; }; };
- """)
- # works fine now
- #py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify, """
- # struct foo_s { struct { int a; char e, b; }; union { char c, d; }; };
- #""")
-def test_nested_anonymous_struct_inexact_1():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct foo_s { struct { char b; ...; }; union { char c, d; }; };
- """)
- ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s { int a, padding; char c, d, b; };
- """)
- assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 3 * ffi.sizeof("int")
-def test_nested_anonymous_struct_inexact_2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct foo_s { union { char c, d; }; struct { int a; char b; }; ...; };
- """)
- ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s { int a, padding; char c, d, b; };
- """)
- assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 3 * ffi.sizeof("int")
-def test_ffi_union():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("union foo_u { char x; long *z; };")
- ffi.verify("union foo_u { char x; int y; long *z; };")
-def test_ffi_union_partial():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("union foo_u { char x; ...; };")
- ffi.verify("union foo_u { char x; int y; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof("union foo_u") == 4
-def test_ffi_union_with_partial_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x; ...; }; union foo_u { struct foo_s s; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int a; int x; }; "
- "union foo_u { char b[32]; struct foo_s s; };")
- assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 8
- assert ffi.sizeof("union foo_u") == 32
-def test_ffi_union_partial_2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef union { char x; ...; } u1;")
- ffi.verify("typedef union { char x; int y; } u1;")
- assert ffi.sizeof("u1") == 4
-def test_ffi_union_with_partial_struct_2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int x; ...; } s1;"
- "typedef union { s1 s; } u1;")
- ffi.verify("typedef struct { int a; int x; } s1; "
- "typedef union { char b[32]; s1 s; } u1;")
- assert ffi.sizeof("s1") == 8
- assert ffi.sizeof("u1") == 32
- assert ffi.offsetof("u1", "s") == 0
-def test_ffi_struct_packed():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("needs a GCC extension")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int b; ...; };")
- ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s {
- char a;
- int b;
- } __attribute__((packed));
- """)
-def test_tmpdir():
- import tempfile, os
- from testing.udir import udir
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=str(udir))
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int foo(int a) { return a + 42; }", tmpdir=tmpdir)
- assert os.listdir(tmpdir)
- assert == 142
-def test_relative_to():
- py.test.skip("not available")
- import tempfile, os
- from testing.udir import udir
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=str(udir))
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int);")
- f = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'foo.h'), 'w')
- f.write("int foo(int a) { return a + 42; }\n")
- f.close()
- lib = ffi.verify('#include "foo.h"',
- include_dirs=['.'],
- relative_to=os.path.join(tmpdir, 'x'))
- assert == 142
-def test_bug1():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef struct tdlhandle_s { ...; } *tdl_handle_t;
- typedef struct my_error_code_ {
- tdl_handle_t *rh;
- } my_error_code_t;
- """)
- ffi.verify("""
- typedef struct tdlhandle_s { int foo; } *tdl_handle_t;
- typedef struct my_error_code_ {
- tdl_handle_t *rh;
- } my_error_code_t;
- """)
-def test_bool():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("_Bool not in MSVC")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { _Bool x; };"
- "_Bool foo(_Bool); static _Bool (*foop)(_Bool);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s { _Bool x; };
- int foo(int arg) {
- return !arg;
- }
- _Bool _foofunc(_Bool x) {
- return !x;
- }
- static _Bool (*foop)(_Bool) = _foofunc;
- """)
- p ="struct foo_s *")
- p.x = 1
- assert p.x is True
- with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
- p.x = -1
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- p.x = 0.0
- assert lib.foop(1) is False
- assert lib.foop(True) is False
- assert lib.foop(0) is True
- py.test.raises(OverflowError, lib.foop, 42)
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foop, 0.0)
- assert is False
- assert is False
- assert is True
- py.test.raises(OverflowError,, 42)
- py.test.raises(TypeError,, 0.0)
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", long(1))) == 1
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", long(0))) == 0
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", long(-1))) == 1
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", 10**200)) == 1
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", 10**40000)) == 1
- #
- class Foo(object):
- def __int__(self):
- self.seen = 1
- return result
- f = Foo()
- f.seen = 0
- result = 42
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", f)) == 1
- assert f.seen
- f.seen = 0
- result = 0
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", f)) == 0
- assert f.seen
- #
- py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.cast, "_Bool", [])
-def test_bool_on_long_double():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("_Bool not in MSVC")
- f = 1E-250
- if f == 0.0 or f*f != 0.0:
- py.test.skip("unexpected precision")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("long double square(long double f); _Bool opposite(_Bool);")
- lib = ffi.verify("long double square(long double f) { return f*f; }\n"
- "_Bool opposite(_Bool x) { return !x; }")
- f0 = lib.square(0.0)
- f2 = lib.square(f)
- f3 = lib.square(f * 2.0)
- if repr(f2) == repr(f3):
- py.test.skip("long double doesn't have enough precision")
- assert float(f0) == float(f2) == float(f3) == 0.0 # too tiny for 'double'
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", f2)) == 1
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", f3)) == 1
- assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", f0)) == 0
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.opposite, f2)
-def test_cannot_pass_float():
- for basetype in ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long']:
- for sign in ['signed', 'unsigned']:
- type = '%s %s' % (sign, basetype)
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { %s x; };\n"
- "int foo(%s);" % (type, type))
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct foo_s { %s x; };
- int foo(%s arg) {
- return !arg;
- }
- """ % (type, type))
- p ="struct foo_s *")
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- p.x = 0.0
- assert == 0
- assert == 1
- py.test.raises(TypeError,, 0.0)
-def test_addressof():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- struct point_s { int x, y; };
- struct foo_s { int z; struct point_s point; };
- struct point_s sum_coord(struct point_s *);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- struct point_s { int x, y; };
- struct foo_s { int z; struct point_s point; };
- struct point_s sum_coord(struct point_s *point) {
- struct point_s r;
- r.x = point->x + point->y;
- r.y = point->x - point->y;
- return r;
- }
- """)
- p ="struct foo_s *")
- p.point.x = 16
- p.point.y = 9
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.sum_coord, p.point)
- res = lib.sum_coord(ffi.addressof(p.point))
- assert res.x == 25
- assert res.y == 7
- res2 = lib.sum_coord(ffi.addressof(res))
- assert res2.x == 32
- assert res2.y == 18
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.sum_coord, res2)
-def test_callback_in_thread():
- py.test.xfail("adapt or remove")
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- py.test.skip("pthread only")
- import os, subprocess, imp
- arg = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
- g = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arg,
- os.path.dirname(imp.find_module('cffi')[1])])
- result = g.wait()
- assert result == 0
-def test_keepalive_lib():
- py.test.xfail("adapt or remove")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foobar(void);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int foobar(void) { return 42; }")
- func = lib.foobar
- ffi_r = weakref.ref(ffi)
- lib_r = weakref.ref(lib)
- del ffi
- import gc; gc.collect() # lib stays alive
- assert lib_r() is not None
- assert ffi_r() is not None
- assert func() == 42
-def test_keepalive_ffi():
- py.test.xfail("adapt or remove")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foobar(void);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int foobar(void) { return 42; }")
- func = lib.foobar
- ffi_r = weakref.ref(ffi)
- lib_r = weakref.ref(lib)
- del lib
- import gc; gc.collect() # ffi stays alive
- assert ffi_r() is not None
- assert lib_r() is not None
- assert func() == 42
-def test_FILE_stored_in_stdout():
- if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- py.test.skip("likely, we cannot assign to stdout")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int printf(const char *, ...); FILE *setstdout(FILE *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #include <stdio.h>
- FILE *setstdout(FILE *f) {
- FILE *result = stdout;
- stdout = f;
- return result;
- }
- """)
- import os
- fdr, fdw = os.pipe()
- fw1 = os.fdopen(fdw, 'wb', 256)
- old_stdout = lib.setstdout(fw1)
- try:
- #
- fw1.write(b"X")
- r = lib.printf(b"hello, %d!\n", ffi.cast("int", 42))
- fw1.close()
- assert r == len("hello, 42!\n")
- #
- finally:
- lib.setstdout(old_stdout)
- #
- result =, 256)
- os.close(fdr)
- # the 'X' might remain in the user-level buffer of 'fw1' and
- # end up showing up after the 'hello, 42!\n'
- assert result == b"Xhello, 42!\n" or result == b"hello, 42!\nX"
-def test_FILE_stored_explicitly():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int myprintf11(const char *, int); extern FILE *myfile;")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #include <stdio.h>
- FILE *myfile;
- int myprintf11(const char *out, int value) {
- return fprintf(myfile, out, value);
- }
- """)
- import os
- fdr, fdw = os.pipe()
- fw1 = os.fdopen(fdw, 'wb', 256)
- lib.myfile = ffi.cast("FILE *", fw1)
- #
- fw1.write(b"X")
- r = lib.myprintf11(b"hello, %d!\n", ffi.cast("int", 42))
- fw1.close()
- assert r == len("hello, 42!\n")
- #
- result =, 256)
- os.close(fdr)
- # the 'X' might remain in the user-level buffer of 'fw1' and
- # end up showing up after the 'hello, 42!\n'
- assert result == b"Xhello, 42!\n" or result == b"hello, 42!\nX"
-def test_global_array_with_missing_length():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("extern int fooarray[];")
- lib = ffi.verify("int fooarray[50];")
- assert repr(lib.fooarray).startswith("<cdata 'int *'")
-def test_global_array_with_dotdotdot_length():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("extern int fooarray[...];")
- lib = ffi.verify("int fooarray[50];")
- assert repr(lib.fooarray).startswith("<cdata 'int[50]'")
-def test_bad_global_array_with_dotdotdot_length():
- py.test.xfail("was detected only because 23 bytes cannot be divided by 4; "
- "redo more generally")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("extern int fooarray[...];")
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify, "char fooarray[23];")
-def test_struct_containing_struct():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { ...; }; struct bar_s { struct foo_s f; ...; };")
- ffi.verify("struct foo_s { int x; }; struct bar_s { struct foo_s f; };")
- #
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { struct bar_s f; ...; }; struct bar_s { ...; };")
- ffi.verify("struct bar_s { int x; }; struct foo_s { struct bar_s f; };")
-def test_struct_returned_by_func():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef ... foo_t; foo_t myfunc(void);")
- e = py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.verify,
- "typedef struct { int x; } foo_t; "
- "foo_t myfunc(void) { foo_t x = { 42 }; return x; }")
- assert str(e.value) == (
- "function myfunc: 'foo_t' is used as result type, but is opaque")
-def test_include():
- ffi1 = FFI()
- ffi1.cdef("typedef struct { int x; ...; } foo_t;")
- ffi1.verify("typedef struct { int y, x; } foo_t;")
- ffi2 = FFI()
- ffi2.include(ffi1)
- ffi2.cdef("int myfunc(foo_t *);")
- lib = ffi2.verify("typedef struct { int y, x; } foo_t;"
- "int myfunc(foo_t *p) { return 42 * p->x; }")
- res = lib.myfunc("foo_t *", {'x': 10}))
- assert res == 420
- res = lib.myfunc("foo_t *", {'x': -10}))
- assert res == -420
-def test_include_enum():
- ffi1 = FFI()
- ffi1.cdef("enum foo_e { AA, ... };")
- lib1 = ffi1.verify("enum foo_e { CC, BB, AA };")
- ffi2 = FFI()
- ffi2.include(ffi1)
- ffi2.cdef("int myfunc(enum foo_e);")
- lib2 = ffi2.verify("enum foo_e { CC, BB, AA };"
- "int myfunc(enum foo_e x) { return (int)x; }")
- res = lib2.myfunc(lib2.AA)
- assert res == 2
-def test_named_pointer_as_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } *mystruct_p;\n"
- "mystruct_p ff5a(mystruct_p);")
- lib = ffi.verify("typedef struct { int x; } *mystruct_p;\n"
- "mystruct_p ff5a(mystruct_p p) { p->x += 40; return p; }")
- p ="mystruct_p", [-2])
- q = lib.ff5a(p)
- assert q == p
- assert p.x == 38
-def test_enum_size():
- cases = [('123', 4, 4294967295),
- ('4294967295U', 4, 4294967295),
- ('-123', 4, -1),
- ('-2147483647-1', 4, -1),
- ]
- if FFI().sizeof("long") == 8:
- cases += [('4294967296L', 8, 2**64-1),
- ('%dUL' % (2**64-1), 8, 2**64-1),
- ('-2147483649L', 8, -1),
- ('%dL-1L' % (1-2**63), 8, -1)]
- for hidden_value, expected_size, expected_minus1 in cases:
- if sys.platform == 'win32' and 'U' in hidden_value:
- continue # skipped on Windows
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum foo_e { AA, BB, ... };")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum foo_e { AA, BB=%s };" % hidden_value)
- assert lib.AA == 0
- assert lib.BB == eval(hidden_value.replace('U', '').replace('L', ''))
- assert ffi.sizeof("enum foo_e") == expected_size
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- assert int(ffi.cast("enum foo_e", -1)) == expected_minus1
- # test with the large value hidden:
- # disabled so far, doesn't work
-## for hidden_value, expected_size, expected_minus1 in cases:
-## ffi = FFI()
-## ffi.cdef("enum foo_e { AA, BB, ... };")
-## lib = ffi.verify("enum foo_e { AA, BB=%s };" % hidden_value)
-## assert lib.AA == 0
-## assert ffi.sizeof("enum foo_e") == expected_size
-## assert int(ffi.cast("enum foo_e", -1)) == expected_minus1
-def test_enum_bug118():
- maxulong = 256 ** FFI().sizeof("unsigned long") - 1
- for c2, c2c in [(-1, ''),
- (-1, ''),
- (0xffffffff, 'U'),
- (maxulong, 'UL'),
- (-int(maxulong / 3), 'L')]:
- if c2c and sys.platform == 'win32':
- continue # enums may always be signed with MSVC
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("enum foo_e { AA };")
- lib = ffi.verify("enum foo_e { AA=%s%s };" % (c2, c2c))
- assert lib.AA == c2
-def test_string_to_voidp_arg():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int myfunc(void *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int myfunc(void *p) { return ((signed char *)p)[0]; }")
- res = lib.myfunc(b"hi!")
- assert res == ord(b"h")
- p ="char[]", b"gah")
- res = lib.myfunc(p)
- assert res == ord(b"g")
- res = lib.myfunc(ffi.cast("void *", p))
- assert res == ord(b"g")
- res = lib.myfunc(ffi.cast("int *", p))
- assert res == ord(b"g")
-def test_callback_indirection():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- static int (*python_callback)(int how_many, int *values);
- int (*const c_callback)(int,...); /* pass this ptr to C routines */
- int some_c_function(int(*cb)(int,...));
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #include <malloc.h>
- #define alloca _alloca
- #else
- # ifdef __FreeBSD__
- # include <stdlib.h>
- # else
- # include <alloca.h>
- # endif
- #endif
- static int (*python_callback)(int how_many, int *values);
- static int c_callback(int how_many, ...) {
- va_list ap;
- /* collect the "..." arguments into the values[] array */
- int i, *values = alloca((size_t)how_many * sizeof(int));
- va_start(ap, how_many);
- for (i=0; i<how_many; i++)
- values[i] = va_arg(ap, int);
- va_end(ap);
- return python_callback(how_many, values);
- }
- int some_c_function(int(*cb)(int,...)) {
- int result = cb(2, 10, 20);
- result += cb(3, 30, 40, 50);
- return result;
- }
- """)
- seen = []
- @ffi.callback("int(int, int*)")
- def python_callback(how_many, values):
- seen.append([values[i] for i in range(how_many)])
- return 42
- lib.python_callback = python_callback
- res = lib.some_c_function(lib.c_callback)
- assert res == 84
- assert seen == [[10, 20], [30, 40, 50]]
-def test_floatstar_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("float sum3floats(float *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- float sum3floats(float *f) {
- return f[0] + f[1] + f[2];
- }
- """)
- assert lib.sum3floats((1.5, 2.5, 3.5)) == 7.5
- p ="float[]", (1.5, 2.5, 3.5))
- assert lib.sum3floats(p) == 7.5
-def test_charstar_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("char sum3chars(char *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- char sum3chars(char *f) {
- return (char)(f[0] + f[1] + f[2]);
- }
- """)
- assert lib.sum3chars((b'\x10', b'\x20', b'\x30')) == b'\x60'
- p ="char[]", b'\x10\x20\x30')
- assert lib.sum3chars(p) == b'\x60'
-def test_passing_string_or_NULL():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int seeme1(char *); int seeme2(int *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- int seeme1(char *x) {
- return (x == NULL);
- }
- int seeme2(int *x) {
- return (x == NULL);
- }
- """)
- assert lib.seeme1(b"foo") == 0
- assert lib.seeme1(ffi.NULL) == 1
- assert lib.seeme2([42, 43]) == 0
- assert lib.seeme2(ffi.NULL) == 1
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme1, None)
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme2, None)
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme1, 0.0)
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme2, 0.0)
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme1, 0)
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme2, 0)
- zeroL = 99999999999999999999
- zeroL -= 99999999999999999999
- py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.seeme2, zeroL)
-def test_typeof_function():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int foo(int, char);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int foo(int x, char y) { (void)x; (void)y; return 42; }")
- ctype = ffi.typeof(
- assert len(ctype.args) == 2
- assert ctype.result == ffi.typeof("int")
-def test_call_with_voidstar_arg():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int f(void *);")
- lib = ffi.verify("int f(void *x) { return ((char*)x)[0]; }")
- assert lib.f(b"foobar") == ord(b"f")
-def test_dir():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""void somefunc(void);
- extern int somevar, somearray[2];
- static char *const sv2;
- enum my_e { AA, BB, ... };
- #define FOO ...""")
- lib = ffi.verify("""void somefunc(void) { }
- int somevar, somearray[2];
- #define sv2 "text"
- enum my_e { AA, BB };
- #define FOO 42""")
- assert dir(lib) == ['AA', 'BB', 'FOO', 'somearray',
- 'somefunc', 'somevar', 'sv2']
-def test_typeof_func_with_struct_argument():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""struct s { int a; }; int foo(struct s);""")
- lib = ffi.verify("""struct s { int a; };
- int foo(struct s x) { return x.a; }""")
- s ="struct s *", [-1234])
- m =[0])
- assert m == -1234
- assert repr(ffi.typeof( == "<ctype 'int(*)(struct s)'>"
-def test_bug_const_char_ptr_array_1():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""extern const char *a[...];""")
- lib = ffi.verify("""const char *a[5];""")
- assert repr(ffi.typeof(lib.a)) == "<ctype 'char *[5]'>"
-def test_bug_const_char_ptr_array_2():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""extern const int a[];""")
- lib = ffi.verify("""const int a[5];""")
- assert repr(ffi.typeof(lib.a)) == "<ctype 'int *'>"
-def _test_various_calls(force_libffi):
- cdef_source = """
- extern int xvalue;
- extern long long ivalue, rvalue;
- extern float fvalue;
- extern double dvalue;
- extern long double Dvalue;
- signed char tf_bb(signed char x, signed char c);
- unsigned char tf_bB(signed char x, unsigned char c);
- short tf_bh(signed char x, short c);
- unsigned short tf_bH(signed char x, unsigned short c);
- int tf_bi(signed char x, int c);
- unsigned int tf_bI(signed char x, unsigned int c);
- long tf_bl(signed char x, long c);
- unsigned long tf_bL(signed char x, unsigned long c);
- long long tf_bq(signed char x, long long c);
- unsigned long long tf_bQ(signed char x, unsigned long long c);
- float tf_bf(signed char x, float c);
- double tf_bd(signed char x, double c);
- long double tf_bD(signed char x, long double c);
- """
- if force_libffi:
- cdef_source = (cdef_source
- .replace('tf_', '(*const tf_')
- .replace('(signed char x', ')(signed char x'))
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef(cdef_source)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- int xvalue;
- long long ivalue, rvalue;
- float fvalue;
- double dvalue;
- long double Dvalue;
- typedef signed char b_t;
- typedef unsigned char B_t;
- typedef short h_t;
- typedef unsigned short H_t;
- typedef int i_t;
- typedef unsigned int I_t;
- typedef long l_t;
- typedef unsigned long L_t;
- typedef long long q_t;
- typedef unsigned long long Q_t;
- typedef float f_t;
- typedef double d_t;
- typedef long double D_t;
- #define S(letter) xvalue = (int)x; letter##value = (letter##_t)c;
- #define R(letter) return (letter##_t)rvalue;
- signed char tf_bb(signed char x, signed char c) { S(i) R(b) }
- unsigned char tf_bB(signed char x, unsigned char c) { S(i) R(B) }
- short tf_bh(signed char x, short c) { S(i) R(h) }
- unsigned short tf_bH(signed char x, unsigned short c) { S(i) R(H) }
- int tf_bi(signed char x, int c) { S(i) R(i) }
- unsigned int tf_bI(signed char x, unsigned int c) { S(i) R(I) }
- long tf_bl(signed char x, long c) { S(i) R(l) }
- unsigned long tf_bL(signed char x, unsigned long c) { S(i) R(L) }
- long long tf_bq(signed char x, long long c) { S(i) R(q) }
- unsigned long long tf_bQ(signed char x, unsigned long long c) { S(i) R(Q) }
- float tf_bf(signed char x, float c) { S(f) R(f) }
- double tf_bd(signed char x, double c) { S(d) R(d) }
- long double tf_bD(signed char x, long double c) { S(D) R(D) }
- """)
- lib.rvalue = 0x7182838485868788
- for kind, cname in [('b', 'signed char'),
- ('B', 'unsigned char'),
- ('h', 'short'),
- ('H', 'unsigned short'),
- ('i', 'int'),
- ('I', 'unsigned int'),
- ('l', 'long'),
- ('L', 'unsigned long'),
- ('q', 'long long'),
- ('Q', 'unsigned long long'),
- ('f', 'float'),
- ('d', 'double'),
- ('D', 'long double')]:
- sign = +1 if 'unsigned' in cname else -1
- lib.xvalue = 0
- lib.ivalue = 0
- lib.fvalue = 0
- lib.dvalue = 0
- lib.Dvalue = 0
- fun = getattr(lib, 'tf_b' + kind)
- res = fun(-42, sign * 99)
- if kind == 'D':
- res = float(res)
- assert res == int(ffi.cast(cname, 0x7182838485868788))
- assert lib.xvalue == -42
- if kind in 'fdD':
- assert float(getattr(lib, kind + 'value')) == -99.0
- else:
- assert lib.ivalue == sign * 99
-def test_various_calls_direct():
- _test_various_calls(force_libffi=False)
-def test_various_calls_libffi():
- _test_various_calls(force_libffi=True)
-def test_ptr_to_opaque():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef ... foo_t; int f1(foo_t*); foo_t *f2(int);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #include <stdlib.h>
- typedef struct { int x; } foo_t;
- int f1(foo_t* p) {
- int x = p->x;
- free(p);
- return x;
- }
- foo_t *f2(int x) {
- foo_t *p = malloc(sizeof(foo_t));
- p->x = x;
- return p;
- }
- """)
- p = lib.f2(42)
- x = lib.f1(p)
- assert x == 42
-def _run_in_multiple_threads(test1):
- test1()
- import sys
- try:
- import thread
- except ImportError:
- import _thread as thread
- errors = []
- def wrapper(lock):
- try:
- test1()
- except:
- errors.append(sys.exc_info())
- lock.release()
- locks = []
- for i in range(10):
- _lock = thread.allocate_lock()
- _lock.acquire()
- thread.start_new_thread(wrapper, (_lock,))
- locks.append(_lock)
- for _lock in locks:
- _lock.acquire()
- if errors:
- raise errors[0][1]
-def test_errno_working_even_with_pypys_jit():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int f(int);")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #include <errno.h>
- int f(int x) { return (errno = errno + x); }
- """)
- @_run_in_multiple_threads
- def test1():
- ffi.errno = 0
- for i in range(10000):
- e = lib.f(1)
- assert e == i + 1
- assert ffi.errno == e
- for i in range(10000):
- ffi.errno = i
- e = lib.f(42)
- assert e == i + 42
-def test_getlasterror_working_even_with_pypys_jit():
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- py.test.skip("win32-only test")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("void SetLastError(DWORD);")
- lib = ffi.dlopen("Kernel32.dll")
- @_run_in_multiple_threads
- def test1():
- for i in range(10000):
- n = (1 << 29) + i
- lib.SetLastError(n)
- assert ffi.getwinerror()[0] == n
-def test_verify_dlopen_flags():
- if not hasattr(sys, 'setdlopenflags'):
- py.test.skip("requires sys.setdlopenflags()")
- # Careful with RTLD_GLOBAL. If by chance the FFI is not deleted
- # promptly, like on PyPy, then other tests may see the same
- # exported symbols as well. So we must not export a simple name
- # like 'foo'!
- old = sys.getdlopenflags()
- try:
- ffi1 = FFI()
- ffi1.cdef("extern int foo_verify_dlopen_flags_1;")
- sys.setdlopenflags(ffi1.RTLD_GLOBAL | ffi1.RTLD_NOW)
- lib1 = ffi1.verify("int foo_verify_dlopen_flags_1;")
- finally:
- sys.setdlopenflags(old)
- ffi2 = FFI()
- ffi2.cdef("int *getptr(void);")
- lib2 = ffi2.verify("""
- extern int foo_verify_dlopen_flags_1;
- static int *getptr(void) { return &foo_verify_dlopen_flags_1; }
- """)
- p = lib2.getptr()
- assert ffi1.addressof(lib1, 'foo_verify_dlopen_flags_1') == p
-def test_consider_not_implemented_function_type():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("typedef union { int a; float b; } Data;"
- "typedef struct { int a:2; } MyStr;"
- "typedef void (*foofunc_t)(Data);"
- "typedef Data (*bazfunc_t)(void);"
- "typedef MyStr (*barfunc_t)(void);")
- fooptr = ffi.cast("foofunc_t", 123)
- bazptr = ffi.cast("bazfunc_t", 123)
- barptr = ffi.cast("barfunc_t", 123)
- # assert did not crash so far
- e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, fooptr,"Data *"))
- assert str(e.value) == (
- "ctype 'Data' not supported as argument by libffi. Unions are only "
- "supported as argument if the function is 'API mode' and "
- "non-variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()+"
- "ffibuilder.set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
- e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, bazptr)
- assert str(e.value) == (
- "ctype 'Data' not supported as return value by libffi. Unions are "
- "only supported as return value if the function is 'API mode' and "
- "non-variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()+"
- "ffibuilder.set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
- e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, barptr)
- assert str(e.value) == (
- "ctype 'MyStr' not supported as return value. It is a struct with "
- "bit fields, which libffi does not support. Such structs are only "
- "supported as return value if the function is 'API mode' and non-"
- "variadic (i.e. declared inside ffibuilder.cdef()+ffibuilder."
- "set_source() and not taking a final '...' argument)")
-def test_verify_extra_arguments():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("#define ABA ...")
- lib = ffi.verify("", define_macros=[('ABA', '42')])
- assert lib.ABA == 42
-def test_implicit_unicode_on_windows():
- from cffi import FFIError
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- py.test.skip("win32-only test")
- ffi = FFI()
- e = py.test.raises(FFIError, ffi.cdef, "int foo(LPTSTR);")
- assert str(e.value) == ("The Windows type 'LPTSTR' is only available after"
- " you call ffi.set_unicode()")
- for with_unicode in [True, False]:
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.set_unicode(with_unicode)
- ffi.cdef("""
- DWORD GetModuleFileName(HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR lpFilename,
- DWORD nSize);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #include <windows.h>
- """, libraries=['Kernel32'])
- outbuf ="TCHAR[]", 200)
- n = lib.GetModuleFileName(ffi.NULL, outbuf, 500)
- assert 0 < n < 500
- for i in range(n):
- #print repr(outbuf[i])
- assert ord(outbuf[i]) != 0
- assert ord(outbuf[n]) == 0
- assert ord(outbuf[0]) < 128 # should be a letter, or '\'
-def test_define_known_value():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("#define FOO 0x123")
- lib = ffi.verify("#define FOO 0x123")
- assert lib.FOO == 0x123
-def test_define_wrong_value():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("#define FOO 123")
- lib = ffi.verify("#define FOO 124") # used to complain
- with pytest.raises(ffi.error) as e:
- lib.FOO
- assert str(e.value) == ("the C compiler says 'FOO' is equal to 124 (0x7c),"
- " but the cdef disagrees")
-def test_some_integer_type_for_issue73():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("""
- typedef int... AnIntegerWith32Bits;
- typedef AnIntegerWith32Bits (*AFunctionReturningInteger) (void);
- AnIntegerWith32Bits InvokeFunction(AFunctionReturningInteger);
- """)
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- #ifdef __LP64__
- typedef int AnIntegerWith32Bits;
- #else
- typedef long AnIntegerWith32Bits;
- #endif
- typedef AnIntegerWith32Bits (*AFunctionReturningInteger) (void);
- AnIntegerWith32Bits InvokeFunction(AFunctionReturningInteger f) {
- return f();
- }
- """)
- @ffi.callback("AFunctionReturningInteger")
- def add():
- return 3 + 4
- x = lib.InvokeFunction(add)
- assert x == 7
-def test_unsupported_some_primitive_types():
- ffi = FFI()
- py.test.raises((FFIError, # with pycparser <= 2.17
- CDefError), # with pycparser >= 2.18
- ffi.cdef, """typedef void... foo_t;""")
- #
- ffi.cdef("typedef int... foo_t;")
- py.test.raises(VerificationError, ffi.verify, "typedef float foo_t;")
-def test_windows_dllimport_data():
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- py.test.skip("Windows only")
- from testing.udir import udir
- tmpfile = udir.join('dllimport_data.c')
- tmpfile.write('int my_value = 42;\n')
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("int my_value;")
- lib = ffi.verify("extern __declspec(dllimport) int my_value;",
- sources = [str(tmpfile)])
- assert lib.my_value == 42
-def test_macro_var():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("extern int myarray[50], my_value;")
- lib = ffi.verify("""
- int myarray[50];
- int *get_my_value(void) {
- static int index = 0;
- return &myarray[index++];
- }
- #define my_value (*get_my_value())
- """)
- assert lib.my_value == 0 # [0]
- lib.my_value = 42 # [1]
- assert lib.myarray[1] == 42
- assert lib.my_value == 0 # [2]
- lib.myarray[3] = 63
- assert lib.my_value == 63 # [3]
- p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'my_value') # [4]
- assert p[-1] == 63
- assert p[0] == 0
- assert p == lib.myarray + 4
- p[1] = 82
- assert lib.my_value == 82 # [5]
-def test_const_pointer_to_pointer():
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("struct s { char *const *a; };")
- ffi.verify("struct s { char *const *a; };")
-def test_share_FILE():
- ffi1 = FFI()
- ffi1.cdef("void do_stuff(FILE *);")
- lib1 = ffi1.verify("void do_stuff(FILE *f) { (void)f; }")
- ffi2 = FFI()
- ffi2.cdef("FILE *barize(void);")
- lib2 = ffi2.verify("FILE *barize(void) { return NULL; }")
- lib1.do_stuff(lib2.barize())
-def test_win_common_types():
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- py.test.skip("Windows only")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.set_unicode(True)
- ffi.verify("")
- assert ffi.typeof("PBYTE") is ffi.typeof("unsigned char *")
- if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
- expected = "unsigned long long"
- else:
- expected = "unsigned int"
- assert ffi.typeof("UINT_PTR") is ffi.typeof(expected)
- assert ffi.typeof("PTSTR") is ffi.typeof("wchar_t *")
-def _only_test_on_linux_intel():
- if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- py.test.skip('only running the memory-intensive test on Linux')
- import platform
- machine = platform.machine()
- if 'x86' not in machine and 'x64' not in machine:
- py.test.skip('only running the memory-intensive test on x86/x64')
-def test_ffi_gc_size_arg():
- _only_test_on_linux_intel()
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("void *malloc(size_t); void free(void *);")
- lib = ffi.verify(r"""
- #include <stdlib.h>
- """)
- for i in range(2000):
- p = lib.malloc(20*1024*1024) # 20 MB
- p1 = ffi.cast("char *", p)
- for j in range(0, 20*1024*1024, 4096):
- p1[j] = b'!'
- p = ffi.gc(p,, 20*1024*1024)
- del p
- # with PyPy's GC, the above would rapidly consume 40 GB of RAM
- # without the third argument to ffi.gc()
-def test_ffi_gc_size_arg_2():
- # a variant of the above: this "attack" works on cpython's cyclic gc too
- # and I found no obvious way to prevent that. So for now, this test
- # is skipped on CPython, where it eats all the memory.
- if '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names:
- py.test.skip("find a way to tweak the cyclic GC of CPython")
- _only_test_on_linux_intel()
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("void *malloc(size_t); void free(void *);")
- lib = ffi.verify(r"""
- #include <stdlib.h>
- """)
- class X(object):
- pass
- for i in range(2000):
- p = lib.malloc(50*1024*1024) # 50 MB
- p1 = ffi.cast("char *", p)
- for j in range(0, 50*1024*1024, 4096):
- p1[j] = b'!'
- p = ffi.gc(p,, 50*1024*1024)
- x = X()
- x.p = p
- x.cyclic = x
- del p, x
-def test_ffi_new_with_cycles():
- # still another variant, with
- if '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names:
- py.test.skip("find a way to tweak the cyclic GC of CPython")
- ffi = FFI()
- ffi.cdef("")
- lib = ffi.verify("")
- class X(object):
- pass
- for i in range(2000):
- p ="char[]", 50*1024*1024) # 50 MB
- for j in range(0, 50*1024*1024, 4096):
- p[j] = b'!'
- x = X()
- x.p = p
- x.cyclic = x
- del p, x