AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-17Test on 3.12upstream-masterChris Withers
2024-04-17Newer Circle CI orbChris Withers
2024-04-17Newer RTD configChris Withers
2023-07-11Preparing for 5.1.0 release.Chris Withers
2023-07-11latest sync pointChris Withers
2023-07-11Remove unused branches from mock module (#106617)Chris Withers
2023-07-11GH-61215: threadingmock: Remove unused branch for `timeout` (#106591)Mario Corchero
2023-07-11Python 3.6+ compatChris Withers
2023-07-11gh-106300: Improve `assertRaises(Exception)` usages in tests (GH-106302)Nikita Sobolev
2023-07-11gh-106458: Mark `` with `@requires_working_threading` (GH...Mario Corchero
2023-07-11gh-61215: Rename `wait_until_any_call` to `wait_until_any_call_with` (#106414)Mario Corchero
2023-07-11gh-61215: New mock to wait for multi-threaded events to happen (#16094)Mario Corchero
2023-07-11bpo-44185: Added close() to mock_open __exit__ (#26902)Samet YASLAN
2023-07-11gh-94924: support `inspect.iscoroutinefunction` in `create_autospec(async_def...Thomas Grainger
2023-07-11typoChris Withers
2023-06-15Less ugly plan for code never expected to executeChris Withers
2023-06-15Change test expectation for Python 3.9 and earlierChris Withers
2023-06-15latest sync pointChris Withers
2023-06-15gh-83403: Test `parent` param in `Mock.__init__` (#103630)Nikita Sobolev
2023-06-15gh-85934: Use getattr_static when adding mock spec (#22209)melanie witt
2023-05-03Update orb version for Sphinx 7Chris Withers
2023-04-16Preparing for 5.0.2 release.Chris Withers
2023-04-16latest sync pointChris Withers
2023-04-16gh-102978: Fix mock.patch function signatures for class and staticmethod deco...Tomas R
2023-04-16gh-103329: Add regression test for PropertyMock with side effect (#103358)Russell Keith-Magee
2023-04-16correct lastsync.txt revisionChris Withers
2023-04-16Additionally test on pypy 3.9 / 7.3.11Chris Withers
2023-04-16Actually use pypy to run pypy's CIChris Withers
2023-01-09Preparing for 5.0.1 release.Chris Withers
2023-01-09Backwards compatibility fix for 3.7 and earlier.Chris Withers
2023-01-09latest sync pointChris Withers
2023-01-09fix up mock tests coverageChris Withers
2023-01-09gh-96127: Fix `inspect.signature` call on mocks (#96335)Nikita Sobolev
2023-01-09Backwards compatibility fix for 3.8 and earlier.Chris Withers
2023-01-09gh-100690: [mock] hide `ATTRIB_DENY_LIST` and make it immutable (#100819)Nikita Sobolev
2023-01-09gh-100690: Raise an AttributeError when the assert_ prefix is forgotten when ...Christian Klein
2023-01-09gh-100739: Respect mock spec when checking for unsafe prefixes (#100740)Christian Klein
2023-01-03Update issue templatesChris Withers
2022-12-28sudo no longer neededChris Withers
2022-12-28Add support for gh issues to Withers
2022-12-28Preparing for 5.0.0 release.Chris Withers
2022-12-28Update historical issue references to be bpo- prefixedChris Withers
2022-12-28Fixup reverting backported rev example.Chris Withers
2022-12-28latest sync pointChris Withers
2022-12-28Fix mock code coverage. (#100580)Chris Withers
2022-12-28gh-100287: Fix unittest.mock.seal with AsyncMock (#100496)Shantanu
2022-12-28gh-83076: 3.8x speed improvement in (Async)Mock instantiation (#100252)Carl Meyer
2022-12-28gh-98086: Now ``patch.dict`` can decorate async functions (#98095)Nikita Sobolev
2022-12-28gh-91803: Mock - fix error when using autospec methods with seal (#92213)andrei kulakov
2022-12-28gh-98624 Add mutex to unittest.mock.NonCallableMock (#98688)noah-weingarden