path: root/CHANGELOG.rst
diff options
authorBruno Oliveira <>2017-07-30 21:37:18 +0000
committerBruno Oliveira <>2017-07-30 21:37:18 +0000
commit07dd1ca7b88f2e1076376270b5cfc4f528de44b3 (patch)
tree55b28a2f8a26b5f0251ad977f557f9f1c91cfb79 /CHANGELOG.rst
parentf1467f8f0385c17c02524b70e0bac949d4dbd116 (diff)
Preparing release version 3.2.0
Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGELOG.rst')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 1c1185dc0..e51a8f9d8 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,172 @@
.. towncrier release notes start
+Pytest 3.2.0 (2017-07-30)
+Deprecations and Removals
+- ``pytest.approx`` no longer supports ``>``, ``>=``, ``<`` and ``<=``
+ operators to avoid surprising/inconsistent behavior. See `the docs
+ <>`_ for more
+ information. (`#2003 <>`_)
+- All old-style specific behavior in current classes in the pytest's API is
+ considered deprecated at this point and will be removed in a future release.
+ This affects Python 2 users only and in rare situations. (`#2147
+ <>`_)
+- introduce deprecation warnings for legacy marks based parametersets (`#2427
+ <>`_)
+- Add support for numpy arrays (and dicts) to approx. (`#1994
+ <>`_)
+- Now test function objects have a ``pytestmark`` attribute containing a list
+ of marks applied directly to the test function, as opposed to marks inherited
+ from parent classes or modules. (`#2516 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2516>`_)
+- Collection ignores local virtualenvs by default; `--collect-in-virtualenv`
+ overrides this behavior. (`#2518 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2518>`_)
+- Allow class methods decorated as ``@staticmethod`` to be candidates for
+ collection as a test function. (Only for Python 2.7 and above. Python 2.6
+ will still ignore static methods.) (`#2528 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2528>`_)
+- Introduce ``mark.with_args`` in order to allow passing functions/classes as
+ sole argument to marks. (`#2540 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2540>`_)
+- New ``cache_dir`` ini option: sets a directory where stores content of cache
+ plugin. Default directory is ``.cache`` which is created in ``rootdir``.
+ Directory may be relative or absolute path. If setting relative path, then
+ directory is created relative to ``rootdir``. Additionally path may contain
+ environment variables, that will be expanded. (`#2543
+ <>`_)
+- Introduce the ``PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST`` environment variable that is set with
+ the ``nodeid`` and stage (``setup``, ``call`` and ``teardown``) of the test
+ being currently executed. See the `documentation
+ <
+ environment-variable>`_ for more info. (`#2583 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2583>`_)
+- Introduced ``@pytest.mark.filterwarnings`` mark which allows overwriting the
+ warnings filter on a per test, class or module level. See the `docs
+ <
+ filterwarnings>`_ for more information. (`#2598 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2598>`_)
+- ``--last-failed`` now remembers forever when a test has failed and only
+ forgets it if it passes again. This makes it easy to fix a test suite by
+ selectively running files and fixing tests incrementally. (`#2621
+ <>`_)
+- New ``pytest_report_collectionfinish`` hook which allows plugins to add
+ messages to the terminal reporting after collection has been finished
+ successfully. (`#2622 <>`_)
+- Added support for `PEP-415's <>`_
+ ``Exception.__suppress_context__``. Now if a ``raise exception from None`` is
+ caught by pytest, pytest will no longer chain the context in the test report.
+ The behavior now matches Python's traceback behavior. (`#2631
+ <>`_)
+- Exceptions raised by ````, ``pytest.skip`` and ``pytest.xfail``
+ now subclass BaseException, making them harder to be caught unintentionally
+ by normal code. (`#580 <>`_)
+Bug Fixes
+- Set ``stdin`` to a closed ``PIPE`` in ```` for
+ avoid unwanted interactive ``pdb`` (`#2023 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2023>`_)
+- Add missing ``encoding`` attribute to ``sys.std*`` streams when using
+ ``capsys`` capture mode. (`#2375 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2375>`_)
+- Fix terminal color changing to black on Windows if ``colorama`` is imported
+ in a ```` file. (`#2510 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2510>`_)
+- Fix line number when reporting summary of skipped tests. (`#2548
+ <>`_)
+- capture: ensure that is a string. (`#2555
+ <>`_)
+- The options ```--fixtures`` and ```--fixtures-per-test`` will now keep
+ indentation within docstrings. (`#2574 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2574>`_)
+- doctests line numbers are now reported correctly, fixing `pytest-sugar#122
+ <>`_. (`#2610
+ <>`_)
+- Fix non-determinism in order of fixture collection. Adds new dependency
+ (ordereddict) for Python 2.6. (`#920 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/920>`_)
+Improved Documentation
+- Clarify ``pytest_configure`` hook call order. (`#2539
+ <>`_)
+- Extend documentation for testing plugin code with the ``pytester`` plugin.
+ (`#971 <>`_)
+Trivial/Internal Changes
+- Update help message for ``--strict`` to make it clear it only deals with
+ unregistered markers, not warnings. (`#2444 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2444>`_)
+- Internal code move: move code for pytest.approx/pytest.raises to own files in
+ order to cut down the size of (`#2489 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2489>`_)
+- Renamed the utility function ``_pytest.compat._escape_strings`` to
+ ``_ascii_escaped`` to better communicate the function's purpose. (`#2533
+ <>`_)
+- Improve error message for CollectError with skip/skipif. (`#2546
+ <>`_)
+- Emit warning about ``yield`` tests being deprecated only once per generator.
+ (`#2562 <>`_)
+- Ensure final collected line doesn't include artifacts of previous write.
+ (`#2571 <>`_)
+- Fixed all flake8 errors and warnings. (`#2581 <
+ dev/pytest/issues/2581>`_)
+- Added ``fix-lint`` tox environment to run automatic pep8 fixes on the code.
+ (`#2582 <>`_)
+- Turn warnings into errors in pytest's own test suite in order to catch
+ regressions due to deprecations more promptly. (`#2588
+ <>`_)
+- Show multiple issue links in CHANGELOG entries. (`#2620
+ <>`_)
Pytest 3.1.3 (2017-07-03)