path: root/docs/userguide/extension.rst
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+.. _Creating ``distutils`` Extensions:
+Creating ``distutils`` Extensions
+It can be hard to add new commands or setup arguments to the distutils. But
+the ``setuptools`` package makes it a bit easier, by allowing you to distribute
+a distutils extension as a separate project, and then have projects that need
+the extension just refer to it in their ``setup_requires`` argument.
+With ``setuptools``, your distutils extension projects can hook in new
+commands and ``setup()`` arguments just by defining "entry points". These
+are mappings from command or argument names to a specification of where to
+import a handler from. (See the section on :ref:`Dynamic Discovery of
+Services and Plugins` above for some more background on entry points.)
+Adding Commands
+You can add new ``setup`` commands by defining entry points in the
+``distutils.commands`` group. For example, if you wanted to add a ``foo``
+command, you might add something like this to your distutils extension
+project's setup script::
+ setup(
+ # ...
+ entry_points={
+ "distutils.commands": [
+ "foo = mypackage.some_module:foo",
+ ],
+ },
+ )
+(Assuming, of course, that the ``foo`` class in ``mypackage.some_module`` is
+a ``setuptools.Command`` subclass.)
+Once a project containing such entry points has been activated on ``sys.path``,
+(e.g. by running "install" or "develop" with a site-packages installation
+directory) the command(s) will be available to any ``setuptools``-based setup
+scripts. It is not necessary to use the ``--command-packages`` option or
+to monkeypatch the ``distutils.command`` package to install your commands;
+``setuptools`` automatically adds a wrapper to the distutils to search for
+entry points in the active distributions on ``sys.path``. In fact, this is
+how setuptools' own commands are installed: the setuptools project's setup
+script defines entry points for them!
+.. note::
+ When creating commands, and specially when defining custom ways of building
+ compiled extensions (for example via ``build_ext``), consider
+ handling exceptions such as ``CompileError``, ``LinkError``, ``LibError``,
+ among others. These exceptions are available in the ``setuptools.errors``
+ module.
+Adding ``setup()`` Arguments
+.. warning:: Adding arguments to setup is discouraged as such arguments
+ are only supported through imperative execution and not supported through
+ declarative config.
+Sometimes, your commands may need additional arguments to the ``setup()``
+call. You can enable this by defining entry points in the
+``distutils.setup_keywords`` group. For example, if you wanted a ``setup()``
+argument called ``bar_baz``, you might add something like this to your
+distutils extension project's setup script::
+ setup(
+ # ...
+ entry_points={
+ "distutils.commands": [
+ "foo = mypackage.some_module:foo",
+ ],
+ "distutils.setup_keywords": [
+ "bar_baz = mypackage.some_module:validate_bar_baz",
+ ],
+ },
+ )
+The idea here is that the entry point defines a function that will be called
+to validate the ``setup()`` argument, if it's supplied. The ``Distribution``
+object will have the initial value of the attribute set to ``None``, and the
+validation function will only be called if the ``setup()`` call sets it to
+a non-None value. Here's an example validation function::
+ def assert_bool(dist, attr, value):
+ """Verify that value is True, False, 0, or 1"""
+ if bool(value) != value:
+ raise DistutilsSetupError(
+ "%r must be a boolean value (got %r)" % (attr,value)
+ )
+Your function should accept three arguments: the ``Distribution`` object,
+the attribute name, and the attribute value. It should raise a
+``DistutilsSetupError`` (from the ``distutils.errors`` module) if the argument
+is invalid. Remember, your function will only be called with non-None values,
+and the default value of arguments defined this way is always None. So, your
+commands should always be prepared for the possibility that the attribute will
+be ``None`` when they access it later.
+If more than one active distribution defines an entry point for the same
+``setup()`` argument, *all* of them will be called. This allows multiple
+distutils extensions to define a common argument, as long as they agree on
+what values of that argument are valid.
+Also note that as with commands, it is not necessary to subclass or monkeypatch
+the distutils ``Distribution`` class in order to add your arguments; it is
+sufficient to define the entry points in your extension, as long as any setup
+script using your extension lists your project in its ``setup_requires``
+Customizing Distribution Options
+Plugins may wish to extend or alter the options on a Distribution object to
+suit the purposes of that project. For example, a tool that infers the
+``Distribution.version`` from SCM-metadata may need to hook into the
+option finalization. To enable this feature, Setuptools offers an entry
+point "setuptools.finalize_distribution_options". That entry point must
+be a callable taking one argument (the Distribution instance).
+If the callable has an ``.order`` property, that value will be used to
+determine the order in which the hook is called. Lower numbers are called
+first and the default is zero (0).
+Plugins may read, alter, and set properties on the distribution, but each
+plugin is encouraged to load the configuration/settings for their behavior
+.. _Adding new EGG-INFO Files:
+Adding new EGG-INFO Files
+Some extensible applications or frameworks may want to allow third parties to
+develop plugins with application or framework-specific metadata included in
+the plugins' EGG-INFO directory, for easy access via the ``pkg_resources``
+metadata API. The easiest way to allow this is to create a distutils extension
+to be used from the plugin projects' setup scripts (via ``setup_requires``)
+that defines a new setup keyword, and then uses that data to write an EGG-INFO
+file when the ``egg_info`` command is run.
+The ``egg_info`` command looks for extension points in an ``egg_info.writers``
+group, and calls them to write the files. Here's a simple example of a
+distutils extension defining a setup argument ``foo_bar``, which is a list of
+lines that will be written to ``foo_bar.txt`` in the EGG-INFO directory of any
+project that uses the argument::
+ setup(
+ # ...
+ entry_points={
+ "distutils.setup_keywords": [
+ "foo_bar = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list",
+ ],
+ "egg_info.writers": [
+ "foo_bar.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_arg",
+ ],
+ },
+ )
+This simple example makes use of two utility functions defined by setuptools
+for its own use: a routine to validate that a setup keyword is a sequence of
+strings, and another one that looks up a setup argument and writes it to
+a file. Here's what the writer utility looks like::
+ def write_arg(cmd, basename, filename):
+ argname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
+ value = getattr(cmd.distribution, argname, None)
+ if value is not None:
+ value = "\n".join(value) + "\n"
+ cmd.write_or_delete_file(argname, filename, value)
+As you can see, ``egg_info.writers`` entry points must be a function taking
+three arguments: a ``egg_info`` command instance, the basename of the file to
+write (e.g. ``foo_bar.txt``), and the actual full filename that should be
+written to.
+In general, writer functions should honor the command object's ``dry_run``
+setting when writing files, and use the ``distutils.log`` object to do any
+console output. The easiest way to conform to this requirement is to use
+the ``cmd`` object's ``write_file()``, ``delete_file()``, and
+``write_or_delete_file()`` methods exclusively for your file operations. See
+those methods' docstrings for more details.
+.. _Adding Support for Revision Control Systems:
+Adding Support for Revision Control Systems
+If the files you want to include in the source distribution are tracked using
+Git, Mercurial or SVN, you can use the following packages to achieve that:
+- Git and Mercurial: :pypi:`setuptools_scm`
+- SVN: :pypi:`setuptools_svn`
+If you would like to create a plugin for ``setuptools`` to find files tracked
+by another revision control system, you can do so by adding an entry point to
+the ``setuptools.file_finders`` group. The entry point should be a function
+accepting a single directory name, and should yield all the filenames within
+that directory (and any subdirectories thereof) that are under revision
+For example, if you were going to create a plugin for a revision control system
+called "foobar", you would write a function something like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def find_files_for_foobar(dirname):
+ ... # loop to yield paths that start with `dirname`
+And you would register it in a setup script using something like this::
+ entry_points={
+ "setuptools.file_finders": [
+ "foobar = my_foobar_module:find_files_for_foobar",
+ ]
+ }
+Then, anyone who wants to use your plugin can simply install it, and their
+local setuptools installation will be able to find the necessary files.
+It is not necessary to distribute source control plugins with projects that
+simply use the other source control system, or to specify the plugins in
+``setup_requires``. When you create a source distribution with the ``sdist``
+command, setuptools automatically records what files were found in the
+``SOURCES.txt`` file. That way, recipients of source distributions don't need
+to have revision control at all. However, if someone is working on a package
+by checking out with that system, they will need the same plugin(s) that the
+original author is using.
+A few important points for writing revision control file finders:
+* Your finder function MUST return relative paths, created by appending to the
+ passed-in directory name. Absolute paths are NOT allowed, nor are relative
+ paths that reference a parent directory of the passed-in directory.
+* Your finder function MUST accept an empty string as the directory name,
+ meaning the current directory. You MUST NOT convert this to a dot; just
+ yield relative paths. So, yielding a subdirectory named ``some/dir`` under
+ the current directory should NOT be rendered as ``./some/dir`` or
+ ``/somewhere/some/dir``, but *always* as simply ``some/dir``
+* Your finder function SHOULD NOT raise any errors, and SHOULD deal gracefully
+ with the absence of needed programs (i.e., ones belonging to the revision
+ control system itself. It *may*, however, use ``distutils.log.warn()`` to
+ inform the user of the missing program(s).